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(Quebec to London, England, Jan. 4 and Feb. 9, 1826). Two lengthy folded letters written by Sheriff of Quebec William Smith Sewell to his brother Rev. Henry Doyle Sewell in London via New York, first double rate, second single rate, each with Quebec with large fleuron datestamps on back and two Quebec Paid handstamps on front, earlier cover forwarded to Trinity College, Oxford with Postage Not Paid to London” boxed handstamp, arrival markings on back, Very Fine pair, earlier cover ex Glassco, both ex Montgomery (Photo Ex) (Image)
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(Montreal to Reigate, England, May 27, 1827). Bold red strikes of rimless Ship Lre Montreal” crown oval and SHIP” straightline handstamps on folded letter datelined Montreal 27 May 1827” and addressed to Reigate, England, Montreal May 30 circular datestamp, manuscript Only double letter” and via New York” directive, London arrival and SHIP LETTER/LIVERPOOL” handstamps on back
According to Steinhart, this is the discovery example of the rimless Ship Lre Montreal” crown oval handstamp and one of approximately six recorded of the SHIP” handstamp. This double-rate letter was routed via New York and rated 3/2” upon arrival for delivery to Reigate.
Ex Steinhart (Image)
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(Stanstead to London, England, Nov. 6, 1828). Bold strike of STANSTEAD” straightline with manuscript Nov. 6th, 1828” below, matching PAID” handstamp and 11” on folded letter to London, boxed Ship Letter” and arrival datestamp on back, Extremely Fine, paid via New York at 18-3/4c (11p) plus 1/7” collect upon arrival, ex Steinhart (Image)
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(Thornhill, Upper Canada to Somerset, England, May 9-20, 1829). Bold Thornhill U.C.” double-circle with manuscript May 20th, 1829” on lengthy folded letter to Somerset, eventually forwarded three times, crossing U.S. border with clear Niagara, U. Canada, Paid to New York” oval belt buckle” handstamp and light Niagara datestamp, red manuscript A(merican) P(ostage) 1N1 (+) 11 (=) 2N0, Paid” applied in Thornhill (British postage to Niagara and U.S. internal postage) plus various other rates and markings for forwarding within England, cover with minor file fold at left thru marking, still Very Fine, a rare cross-border marking, ex Montgomery (Image)
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(Thornhill, Upper Canada to Somerset, England, Apr. 8-14, 1830). Bold blue Thornhill U.C.” double-circle with manuscript 14 April 1830” on lengthy folded letter to Somerset, privately forwarded, crossing U.S. border with red Niagara, U. Canada, Paid to New York” oval belt buckle” handstamp and light Niagara datestamp, red manuscript 11 + 1/3 (=) 25” applied in Thornhill (British postage to Niagara and U.S. internal postage) plus rated 1/7” covering ship letter fee and inland postage, SHIP LETTER/LIVERPOOL” boxed handstamp on back, Very Fine, a rare cross-border marking, ex Montgomery (Image)
(Hallowell to Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 23, 1832). Lightly struck red BRIT’H POSTAGE PAID/U. STATES Do. PAID” with matching Hallowell” handstamp on folded letter (missing half the sheet) to Dublin, Ireland, docketing inside Hallowell 23rd of 1st Month 1832”, red Kingston Up. Can. Jan. 23” circular datestamp struck at exchange point, rated 7-1/2 (+) 18-3/4” for Canadian postage including 3p ferriage and U.S. inland postage to New York, small part of Liverpool marking on back and rated 1/4” and arrival backstamp, Very Fine, this Hallowell marking is very rare with a half-dozen or fewer examples reported, ex Dr. Robertson (Image)
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(Franktown to London, England, Dec. 31, 1833). Well-struck Franktown U.C.” double-circle with manuscript 31 Dec. 33” date on folded cover to London, red manuscript Ferry 2, Postage 7, 9d Paid” and U.S.P. 18-3/4 Cts Pd.” indicating Canadian postage, ferriage fee and U.S. inland fee to New York, LIVERPOOL/SHIP LETTER” boxed handstamp on back and arrival datestamp, manuscript 1/7” for 8p ship letter and 11p inland postage to London, Very Fine, a beautiful ferriage-rate cross-border and transatlantic cover exchanged via Brockville (which is approximately 60 miles from Franktown) and Morristown N.Y., if this had been exchanged at Kingston (74 miles away) the ferriage rate would have been 3p, ex Dr. Robertson (Image)
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(Montreal to London, England, May 17, 1834). Clearly struck large red Steam-Packet Franklin, Lake Champlain, Capt. R.W. Sherman” circular handstamp on folded cover to London, docketing on flap indicates departure from Montreal on May 17, 1834, neat boxed LIVERPOOL/SHIP LETTER” on back and arrival datestamp, no other postal markings but rated 1/7” collect on arrival, Very Fine, the Steam Packet Franklin traveled Lake Champlain between St. John, Canada and Whitehall N.Y., this handstamp was in use 1831-35 and is very rare on mail going overseas, ex Montgomery (Image)
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(Quebec to Papa Stour, Scotland, Mar. 24, 1843). Well-struck red Paid at Quebec” Crowned Circle handstamp with matching Quebec MR 24, 1843” datestamp on folded letter to Papa Stour, Shetland Islands, Scotland, clear strike of SANDNESS” straightline applied in transit (Shetland Islands) and rated 1/2 1/4” (1/2 sterling, 1/4 local currency), cover with slightly worn folds and minor overall toning, still Fine and exceptionally rare destination, ex Montgomery (Image)
Get Market Data for [Canada Quebec to Papa Stour, Sco]
(Kirkwall to Dumfries, Scotland, May 9, 1858). Red Kirkwall U.C.” circular handstamp with manuscript May 9/58” date added on registered cover to Dumfries, Scotland, well struck red curved Registered” with crown and straightline, manuscript Paid 7-1/2 Cy” but further rated 6p upon arrival, Liverpool transit and Dumfries arrival backstamps, cover with minor edge tear at top left, otherwise Very Fine and attractive cover (Image)
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(Niagara to Stamford, England, May 17, 1858). Bold strike of Niagara U.C. MY 17, 1858” circular datestamp with Paid 8d Stg. 10d. Cy.” handstamp on cover to Stamford, England, includes original mourning letter enclosure datelined in Peterborough, BY-CANADIAN/PACKET” handstamp applied in Niagara despite paying for British Packet, Liverpool tombstone transit and Stamford arrival datestamps, Very Fine, an interestingly routed cover to ensure fastest delivery (Image)
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