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The Dubois Collection of Important Prestamp Covers and Postal Markings of British North America, 169 continued...

Canada to Great Britain continued...
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
2021 c ImagePerfect strike of the Ship Letter Quebec” crown oval handstamp

(Quebec to Guernsey, Oct. 9, 1806). Folded cover docketed in Quebec on Oct. 9, 1806 and addressed to Guernsey, perfectly struck Ship Letter Quebec” crown oval handstamp and red Ship Lre Greenock” crown oval handstamp in transit, arrival backstamp, manuscript rated 4/3” and 5/3” for triple rate, couple light ironed out file folds, Extremely Fine and exceptional strike, arguably the finest example of this scarce marking, ex Alan Robertson and Montgomery (Image)

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E. $ 750-1,000

SOLD for $1,400.00
Will close during Public Auction
2022 c ImageEarly cross-border mail in Niagara addressed to Joseph-Genevieve de Puisaye

(Niagara River to London, England, Mar. 26, 1809). Folded letter datelined in Niagara River and carried privately over the border with NIAG./A P. 6” two-line datestamp with matching PAID” handstamp and manuscript 25” U.S. rate, addressed to Count Joseph de Puisaye” in London, Paid” eventually crossed out and rated 2/-” for packet rate to London, arrival backstamp, Very Fine, the addressee led two expeditions from England in 1795 in an attempt to restore the French monarchy and eventually led French aristocratic royalists to emigrate to Upper Canada in 1798, but ultimately returned to London in 1802, ex Montgomery (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $225.00
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2023 c ImageA scarce transatlantic folded cover sent during the War of 1812

(York to London, England, Apr. 16, 1813). Large part of folded letter (missing one flap) with two strikes of YORK/APR 6 1813” two-line datestamp addressed to London, HALIFAX, JUN 9” two-line transit datestamp, manuscript Paid 8N3”, 8/8” (crossed out) and 6/6”, red London arrival marking, cover with small piece missing at top left and other minor flaws, Fine, this cover did not go by Falmouth Packet, probably carried on a military vessel to avoid capture, the writer is William Baldwin (1775-1844), a doctor, businessman and politician in Upper Canada and father of Robert Baldwin, a well-known political reformer, ex Stulberg, Rosenthal and Steinhart (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada York to London, England]

E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $3,750.00
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2024 c ImageLetter from Canada to England, in care of T. W. Moore, New York packet forwarding agent

(Quebec via New York to London, England, May 8, 1817). Quebec MY 8, 1817” with large fleuron datestamp clearly struck on back of large part of folded letter to London, Quebec Paid” handstamp and manuscript paid 18-1/2 cents” in red, manuscript To the care of T.W. Moore Esq., Agent to H.B.M. Packet, New York” directive at bottom left, Canadian postage markings crossed out and re-rated 2/2” upon arrival in London with datestamp on back, Very Fine and scarce packet forwarding mail from Canada thru New York, ex Montgomery (Image)

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E. $ 200-300

SOLD for $110.00
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2025 c ImageRare Grimsby datestamp on winter-delayed Halifax Packet mail

(Grimsby, Upper Canada to London, England, Nov. 24, 1818). Clear strike of red Grimsby, U. Canada Nov. 24, 1818” double-oval datestamp on folded letter to London, Halifax Jan. 19, 1819 transit datestamp and London arrival backstamp, manuscript 2/2” rate, docketing indicates receipt on May 10, Very Fine, the Grimsby marking is only known used between 1818-1819 and is very scarce, between 1815-1823 Falmouth Packets did not call at Halifax during the winter months, letters not directed via New York were subjected to months-long delays, ex Montgomery (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $1,400.00
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2026 c ImagePaid to New-York” straightline applied by U.S. Agent in Niagara

(Niagara to London, England, Jan. 28, 1819). Paid to New-York” straightline handstamp with red manuscript 25” rate on folded cover to London, Niagara, U. Canada, Jan. 28, 1819” oval datestamp, straightline later crossed out and sent via Falmouth Packet with 2/2” rate, London arrival backstamp, Very Fine and the earliest cross-border handstamp (used only in Niagara), no Canadian postage shown as postmaster in Niagara was an agent for the U.S. Post Office, ex Steinhart (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Niagara to London, Englan]

E. $ 750-1,000

SOLD for $500.00
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2027 c ImageMontreal to Scotland via New York with John Wilkes forwarding agent’s notation

(Montreal to Aberdeen, Scotland, Mar. 10, 1819). Folded letter datelined in Montreal on Mar. 10, 1819 and addressed to Aberdeen, Scotland, forwarded (likely privately) to Banchory, with manuscript New York 24th March 1819, Recd. & forwarded by your ob servant John Wilkes”, clear GREENOCK/SHIP LETTER” boxed handstamp and arrival marking, manuscript 1/7-1/2” rate (8p ship fee, 11p inland postage and -1/2p Scottish transit), Very Fine and attractive forwarding agent notation cover, ex Montgomery (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $160.00
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2028 c ImageArguably the finest strike of the scarce Ship Letter Montreal” crown oval handstamp

(Montreal to Edinburgh, Scotland, May 7, 1819). Boldly struck Ship Letter Montreal” crown oval handstamp on folded letter to Edinburgh, manuscript 1/2” crossed out and 1/7”, GRAVESEND/SHIP LETTER” and 1/2” boxed handstamps, red Jul. 29, 1819 arrival datestamp, cover with few mended folds and toning, Extremely Fine strike of this scarce marking and the finest we have encountered, ex Steinhart (Image)

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E. $ 750-1,000

SOLD for $750.00
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2029 c ImageRare Paid to New-York” straightline applied by U.S. Agent in Niagara

(Niagara to London, England, Apr. 24, 1820). Two strikes of Paid to New-York” straightline handstamp, one with red manuscript 25”, Niagara, U.C., April 24, 1820” double-circle datestamp on folded cover to London, manuscript Youngstown N.Y. Ap. 25” exchange office marking, straightline later crossed out and sent via Falmouth Packet with 2/2” rating, London arrival backstamp, Very Fine and the earliest cross-border handstamp (used only in Niagara), no Canadian postage shown as postmaster in Niagara was an agent for the U.S. Post Office, ex Montgomery (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Niagara to London, Englan]

E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $500.00
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2030 c ImageThe earliest recorded example of the rare SHIPTON” straightline

(Shipton to London, England, Sep. 22, 1820). Bold strike of SHIPTON” straightline with manuscript 22nd Sept. 1820” below on bottom flap of folded letter to London, England, rated Paid 1N6”, PORTSMOUTH/SHIP LETTER” handstamp, London arrival backstamp, Very Fine strike of this exceptionally rare straightline, this is the earliest of the less than half a dozen examples thought to exist, used between 1820 and 1829, ex Young and Steinhart (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $600.00
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2031 c ImageCross-border letter from Stanstead to London via Derby Vt. and New York

(Stanstead to London, England, via Derby Vt. and New York, Apr. 17?, 1823). Perfectly struck STANSTEAD” straightline handstamp with PAID” and manuscript 18-1/2” (U.S. postage to New York) on folded letter to London, entered U.S. mail with manuscript Derby Vt. 18 April” exchange office postmark, bold LIVERPOOL/SHIP LETTER” boxed handstamp and arrival datestamp on back, rated 1/7” which included the ship fee and inland postage to London, Very Fine and attractive cover, ex Montgomery (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Stanstead to London, Engl]

E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $950.00
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