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(St. John, New Brunswick to Boston Mass., Jun. 7, 1844). Folded letter datelined St. John Jun. 7, 1844 and addressed to Boston Mass., manuscript Gunnisons Express” at bottom left and rated 12-1/2”, Very Fine, a rare express company cover, Joseph G. Gunnison's express operated between Boston, Calais and Eastport Me., and St. John N.B., this particular marking shown in The Postal History of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, 1754-1867 by Jephcott, Greene and Young (p. 213), ex Maritimus” (Image)
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(Mouth Big B River, New Brunswick to Houlton Me., Oct. 14, 1845). Attractive folded letter datelined Mouth Big B. River, Oct. 14th 45” and addressed to Houlton Me., manuscript Paid, Way Office, Little Falls, 15 Oct. 1845” in circle, entered mails with red Madawaska, New Brunswick” circular handstamp and 15 Oct. 45” date, matching Madawaska Paid” handstamp with 9” rate, letter states we have a weekly mail to Fish River by way of Woodstock...”, file fold thru one strike, Very Fine, ex Maritimus” (Image)
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(St. John, New Brunswick to Boston Mass., Jul. 23, 1849). Folded letter datelined Saint John, July 23, 1849” and addressed to Boston Mass., Forwarded by Favor’s Express, St. Johns, Eastport and Boston” black on orange label affixed at top left and rated 12-1/2”, two file folds, one which crosses label, still Fine and scarce, used during the first year of Hiram Favor’s service, ex Carr and Maritimus” (Image)
(St. John, New Brunswick to New York, Jan. 13, 1851). Folded letter datelined St. John N.B., 13th Jan. 1851” and addressed to New York, with Forwarded by Favor’s Express, St. Johns, Eastport & Boston” black on green label and Forwarded by Gay, Kinsley & Co’s Boston, New York, Philadelphia & Eastern Express” black on blue label at bottom left, manuscript Paid Gay”, horizontal file fold thru Favor’s label
Illustrated in The Postal History of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, 1754-1867 by Jephcott, Greene and Young (p. 219). Ex Carr and Maritimus” (Image)
(Boston Mass. to St. John, Nova Scotia, Jun. 27, 1799). Folded letter datelined Boston 27th June 1799” and addressed to Ward Chipman in St. John, Nova Scotia, clearly struck HALIFAX/SHIP LRE” two-line handstamp (Jephcott 136, MacDonald 235), HALIFAX/JUL 5 99” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 8, MacDonald 9, with portion of outer rim), rated 10d”, file fold thru datestamp, Very Fine and scarce combination of markings, the HALIFAX/SHIP LRE” was used in 1792-99 while the datestamp was first used in 1799, the addressee Ward Chipman (1754-1824) was a proponent of the Nova Scotia partition for the creation of New Brunswick in 1784, ex de Volpi and Clark (Image)
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(New York City to Sackville, New Brunswick, Nov. 21, 1853). Folded letter datelined New York 21st Nov. 1853” and addressed to Sackville, New Brunswick, perfect strike of red Favor’s Express” negative handstamp (Jephcott 182) on top flap, Express Mail Boston Nov. 22” circular datestamp and United States” circular cross-border handstamp, 10” paid and 6” collect handstamps, St. John transit datestamp on top flap, couple file folds and minor staining at age spots at bottom, otherwise Very Fine and scarce Favor’s marking, particularly with a strike as clear as this, ex Maritimus” (Image)
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