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(Beverley, England to Fredericton, New Brunswick, Aug. 6, 1799). Clearly struck Beverly” circular handstamp and red London circular datestamp on folded cover to Fredericton, New Brunswick, manuscript 6d” and 1/8” for postage to Halifax and 11 (+) 7 (=) 1N6” for inland rate, neat HALIFAX/SEP 24 99” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 8, MacDonald 9) in transit and FREDERICTON NB:/OCTOBER, 10 1799” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 21) on arrival, Very Fine--carried on the same transatlantic trip as the cover in lot 2140, and the Halifax and Fredericton markings are identical, but St. John did not apply its datestamp on this cover (Image)
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(London to Fredericton, New Brunswick, Mar. 6, 1806). Folded letter datelined New England Coffee House, 6th March 1806” from James Chalmers to John Saunders in Fredericton, New Brunswick, red Paid Mar 6” circular datestamp and rated For(warded) 9/N11”, clear FREDERICTON NB*” straightline handstamp (unlisted in Jephcott) struck on arrival, Very Fine, both individuals were loyalists during the Revolutionary War, the addressee, John Saunders (1754-1834), went on to marry the daughter of Chalmers and become Chief Justice of New Brunswick (Image)
Get Market Data for [Great Britain London to Fredericton, Ne]
(Chelsea, England to Fredericton, New Brunswick, Nov. 22, 1806). Folded letter datelined Chelsea Nov. 22” and written on printed Mrs. Kelly’s School for Young Ladies” price list to Fredericton, New Brunswick, carried privately to New York with manuscript New York 19 March 1807, Received and forwarded by for your moste humble servt Daniel McCormick”, clearly struck St. John. N*B*/March 24, 1807” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 13b) struck in transit, minor splitting along folds, otherwise Fine, the forwarder, Daniel McCormick (ca. 1739-1834), was an Irish-born businessman, founding director of Bank of New York and partner in the Macomb’s Purchase, which consisted of about one-tenth of the land of New York state (Image)
Get Market Data for [Great Britain Chelsea, England to Frede]
(Camberwell Grove [London], England to Fredericton, New Brunswick, Jun. 5, 1811). Red Paid 5 JU 5” circular datestamp on folded letter to Fredericton, New Brunswick, rated 2/-” for packet charge, clear HALIFAX/JUL 27” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 9, MacDonald 10) struck across fold in transit and FRED,N; N;B,/6 AUGUST 1811” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 23) struck on arrival, Very Fine and scarce Fredericton marking (Image)
Get Market Data for [Great Britain Camberwell Grove (London)]
(Bristol, England to St. John, New Brunswick, Dec. 8, 1814). Bath 9 DE 1814” datestamp with additional strike on back of folded letter to St. John, New Brunswick, manuscript By Deceb Packet” directive at bottom left, rated p 2/1” as fully paid packet to Halifax and 10p inland rate, Halifax MR 13 1815” circular datestamp with holes (Jephcott 24, MacDonald 11) in transit, Very Fine, sent by packet Osborne, which was attacked by privateers on its crossing of the Atlantic despite the Treaty of Ghent having been signed on Dec. 24, 1814, ex Skywalk” (Image)
Get Market Data for [Great Britain Bristol, England to St. J]
(London, England to Fredericton, New Brunswick, Feb. 11, 1820). Folded letter datelined in London on Feb. 11, 1820 and addressed to Fredericton, New Brunswick, carried privately to Boston with manuscript Rec’d & forwarded by your obt. servant Homes & Bass” (date partially missing from seal removal), faint but clear St. John AP 7 20” circular datestamp with fleuron (Jephcott 26) struck in transit with manuscript Ship” and rated 8” for 2p ship and 6p inland fee, Very Fine, the manuscript Ship” marking was necessary because the Ship-letter” handstamp became worn (Jephcott 140), reported to be unique, ex Smith (Image)
Get Market Data for [Great Britain London, England to Freder]
(Aberdeen, Scotland to Fredericton, New Brunswick, Jul. 10, 1849). Clearly struck Aberdeen JY 10 1849” circular datestamp on cover to Fredericton, New Brunswick with Britain! From thee the World Expects an Ocean Penny Postage” illustrated propaganda design, State 3 of James Valentine’s design, rated 1/2” and crossed out with 1/-” charged, Liverpool transit and Fredericton Jul. 26 arrival backstamp, Fine and rare use to British North America, interestingly re-rated due to rate change effective Apr. 15, 1849, ex Steinhart (Image)
Get Market Data for [Great Britain Aberdeen, Scotland to Fre]