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New Brunswick

New Brunswick to Great Britain
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
2121 c ImageClearly struck St. John two-line datestamp on folded cover to London

(St. John, New Brunswick to London, Nov. 22, 1803). Clearly struck St. John, N*B*/Nov,r. 22, 1803” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 13b) on bottom flap of folded cover to London, rated 1N10”, Jan. 29, 1804 arrival backstamp, light file fold thru handstamp, still Very Fine (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $325.00
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2122 c ImageScarce Paid” handstamp with St. John two-line datestamp to London

(St. John, New Brunswick to London, Mar. 15, 1804). Bold strike of St. John, N*B*/Marh 15, 1804” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 13b) on bottom flap and red Paid” handstamp (Jephcott 343) on folded cover to London, rated Inland N8 (+) 1N10 (=) 2N6” indicating 8p to Halifax and 1sh10d to London, London Paid May 11 tombstone arrival, Very Fine, fully paid transatlantic covers are quite scarce, this Paid” marking was in use 1799-1804, ex Smith (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $800.00
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2123 c ImageRare FREDERICTON N;B.” two-line datestamp with PAID” marking

(Fredericton, New Brunswick to Durham, Sep. 27, 1809). Partly clear strike of FREDERICTON N;B/SEPT*R 27: 1809” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 22) on bottom flap and red PAID” handstamp (unrecorded by Jephcott) on folded letter from Sir Martin Hunter to Durham, rated 1N10-1/2” for inland postage and charged 4/6” collect, light Halifax transit and London arrival datestamps, some minor reinforcement along folds, still Fine, a scarce Fredericton datestamp, recorded used in just one year (1809), written by Sir Martin Hunter (1757-1846), an army officer who saw action throughout the Revolutionary War and returned to New Brunswick in 1803 to organize an infantry regiment, ex Steinhart and Smith (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $225.00
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2124 c ImageShortened Fredericton two-line datestamp with PAID” marking

(Fredericton, New Brunswick to Alnwick, Jun. 13, 1810). Clear strike of FRED, N; N;B/13 JUNE 1810” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 23) on bottom flap and red PAID” handstamp (unrecorded by Jephcott) on folded letter datelined Nov. 6, 1809 to Alnwick, England, rated 2N11-1/2” for postage via Halifax to England, red Paid 13JY13 1810” arrival datestamp, Very Fine, a scarce shortened version of the Fredericton two-line datestamp, which Jephcott only records in use from 1812-16, although this is used two years earlier (Image)

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E. $ 750-1,000

SOLD for $450.00
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2125 c ImageRare and distinctive large circular datestamp of Fredericton

(Fredericton, New Brunswick to London, Jun. 6, 1815). Clearly struck Fredericton N.B., 6 June 15” large circular datestamp (Jephcott 28) on top flap of folded letter to London, Halifax JU 16, 1815” circular datestamp with fleuron and PAID” in circle handstamp struck in transit, rated 2/2” collect, red arrival backstamp, overall toning, still Fine strike of this rare marking only recorded in 1815 (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

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2126 c ImageThe very rare ST. JOHNS N.B.” straightline

(St. John, New Brunswick to London, 1827). Well-struck ST. JOHNS N.B.” straightline (Jephcott 16) on 1827 folded cover to London, manuscript 2/2” rate and red Apr. 4, 1827 arrival backstamp, Very Fine, a rare straightline marking with an s” at the end of St. John”, known used only in 1821-27 (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $550.00
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2127 c ImageOne of three recorded British soldiers’ letters from the Aroostook War

(St. John, New Brunswick to Haddenham, England, Aug. 9, 1839). Folded letter datelined in St. John on Aug. 9, 1839 with light St. John circular datestamp, addressed to Haddenham, England, red manuscript 1” soldier’s concessionary rate, endorsed from Benjamin Howlett No. 1124 Pt. Soldier 69th Reg.” along top and signed by Major Booker at bottom left


The Aroostook War (1838-39), otherwise known as the Pork and Beans War, was a territorial border dispute between the United States and Great Britain. The 1783 Treaty of Paris did not set clear lines between New Brunswick and Maine, an area rich in timber. Local militias and British soldiers were called to the engagement, but before any blood was shed, a peaceful compromise was found and the 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty was signed.

This letter provides fascinating details of the dispute. The letter discusses the writer’s travels from Cork to Halifax and Woodstock, and having travelled on sleighs on the ice on a large river...snow 20 to 30 feet deep...our regiment is 600 strong.” He mentions when we got to Woodstock we expected to go into action every day but the rebels was too great...to make an attack...we fired the guns into the woods.” He also mentions an agreement between Sir John Harvey and the Yankee General” settling the affair.

Ex Richardson and Steinhart (Image)

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E. $ 2,000-3,000

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2128 c ImageOne of the three recorded British soldiers’ letters from the Aroostook War

(Fredericton, New Brunswick to Huddersfield, England, Dec. 7, 1839). Clearly struck Fredericton N.B., DE 7, 1839” circular datestamp on top flap with matching PAID” in circle on folded cover to Huddersfield, England, red manuscript 1” soldier’s concessionary rate with from Wm Kershaw Pte 43d Lt Infty Soldiers Letter”, signed at bottom left, paid one penny” notation at top, Very Fine, the Aroostook War (1838-39), otherwise known as the Pork and Beans War, was a territorial border dispute between the United States and Great Britain, only three soldiers’ covers are recorded from from this historical conflict, ex Steinhart and Smith (Image)

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E. $ 1,500-2,000

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2129 c ImageCover carried on the eastbound maiden voyage of the Cunarder Britannia

(St. John, New Brunswick to London, England, Jul. 29, 1840). Neat St. John N.B., JY 29 1840” circular datestamp on bottom flap of folded cover to London, red manuscript Paid 9” at top for inland delivery (crossed out), Halifax Aug. 3 transit and London Aug. 15 arrival backstamp, rated 1/” collect, Very Fine, very few eastbound maiden voyage covers of the Cunard RMS Britannia are recorded, ex Smith (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $275.00
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