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(Montreal to Fredericton, New Brunswick, ca. 1820s). Light strike of Montreal Jan. two-line datestamp on back of folded cover to Fredricton, New Brunswick, endorsed Soldiers Letter, N. Leonard, Major 114 Rgt” along top, red manuscript 1d” one-penny soldier’s concessionary rate (valid from 1800-28), Very Fine (Image)
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(Toronto to Hamilton, Sep. 25, 1839). Folded letter datelined in Toronto Sep. 25, 1839 and addressed to Hamilton, manuscript Way” and 4-1/2” rate at top, tiny STEAMBOAT” straightline handstamp, Hamilton Sept. 25 arrival datestamp, vertical file fold thru Way” marking and small internal reinforcement along fold, still Very Fine, the combination of Way” and Steamboat” markings is unusual, ex Sanderson (Image)
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(Toronto to Drummondville, Apr. 5, 1840). Bold strike of red Steam-Boat” in circle with crown and matching Niagara U.C. APR 6, 1840” circular datestamp and FORWARDED” straightline on folded cover to Drummondville, docketing indicates Toronto origin and part letter inside states
I write hurriedly in order to send this over by the boat”, Very Fine, only four examples of this marking are recorded, this is perhaps the finest, ex Sanderson (Image)
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(Morrisburg to Vienna, C.W., Sep. 3, 1854). Bold strike of Steam-Boat Letter Kingston, SP 3 1854” circular datestamp with 3” handstamp applied in transit on cover to Vienna, Canada West, original enclosure datelined Morrisburg Sep. 3, Ingersole transit and Vienna arrival backstamps, Very Fine strike of this scarce marking (Image)
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(Quebec to Berthier, Apr. 30, 1855). Red Paid, Quebec L.C. AP 30 1855” circular datestamp and Paid 3” handstamp on blue cover to Berthier, manuscript Money Letter” and red MONEY LETTER” straightline handstamp, blue Legislative Assembly, Canada” oval handstamp signed N. Deviche, M.P.P.”, Three Rivers May 1, 1855 transit and red REGISTERED” straightline handstamp used on the first day of the new registration system, Berthier arrival backstamp
This is the only example we have encountered with a Registered” handstamp applied on the first day of the new registry system. Illustrated in Canada’s Registered Mail, 1802-1909 by Harrison, Arfken and Lussey (p. 28). Ex Harrison (Image)
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(Quebec to Barrie, Apr. 31, 1860). Red Legislative Council Canada, April 31, 1860” with crown double-circle datestamp (Davis LC-3) and matching FREE” with crown handstamp on cover to Barrie, signed at bottom left, Montreal transit and Barrie arrival backstamps, cover reduced at top and small repaired tear at top affecting datestamp, otherwise Fine strike, this is the earliest known use of the less than a dozen examples thought to exist, erroneously dated Apr. 31 (Barrie arrival Apr. 28), ex Sanderson and Libra”, with 2013 Greene certificate (Image)
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