Postal History continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1461 |
1900 (Sept 10) commercial cover to Ireland with Queensland Four Figures 1d orange x3 tied by two very fine strikes of the rare
10-Bar 'B.N.G' cancel (Lee #49; rated F) with a light but obvious strike of the rare 'TAMATA/SP 10/99/BNG' unframed cds (Lee #48; rated F; year error) alongside on the face and another very fine strike on the reverse all in violet, a further two
stamps added in transit tied by largely very fine 'B.N.G' 9-Bar cancel of Samarai (Lee #25) with a light but clear 'SAMARAI/14SEP[ ]0/B.N.G.' backstamp (Lee #24), also Cooktown & Brisbane transits and 'ARMAGH/NO1/00' arrival backstamp, a few mostly
minor blemishes. Ex Roger Lee: sold at our auction of 9.11.2002 for $23,520 more than 20 years ago. BPA Certificate (1971). Tamata PO -.12.1899; closed mid-1905. [Gold Mining]
Queensland stamps were in use in Papua from 1885 onwards. In this period, Post Offices were opened at Granville (1885; renamed Port Moresby 1890), Samarai (1888), Daru (1894), Kulumadau on Woodlark Island (1899), Nivani (1899), Sudest (1899) and
Tamata (1899). Queensland stamps were replaced by those of British New Guinea in 1901. This is the only cover known with the Tamata 'B.N.G.' canceller used in the Queensland stamps period. Illustrated and described by Roger Lee at p15 & p25 as "one
of the most interesting of all Papuan covers ... which must have weighed over ½oz was therefore underpaid 2d and at Samarai the two 1d stamps on the left were added ...". (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$10,000
Currently Opening at...AU$7,500.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1462 |
1901 commercial cover with printed address of a Sydney bookseller, BNG 2d cancelled with poor strike of the 10-bars 'BNG' cancel
(Lee #60; rated E) of Kulumadau (1) and almost fine strike of the rare unframed 'WOODLARK/SP8/----/BNG' cds (Lee 59 with inscription error (no 'S'); rated F; year slugs omitted) alongside, poor Samarai transit backstamp & very fine Sydney arrival of
SP27/01, horizontal & vertical folds and all-over aging. Kulumadau was on the north coast of Woodlark Island. PO late-1899; replaced by Bonagai 1.7.1905. Ex Roger Lee: sold at our auction of 9.11.2002 for $840. This is probably the earliest recorded
cover from Kulumadau with a BNG franking. Sir Robert Bear ran a legitimate bookshop but was also Sydney's most prominent purveyor of pornography.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$800
Currently Opening at...AU$600.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1463 |
1902 (Feb 26) cover to England with British New Guinea 1d black & carmine & 2d black & violet, the former tied by a largely very
fine strike of the rare 'B.N.G' 10-bar cancel (Lee #49; rated F) and the latter by a light strike of the rare 'TAMATA/2.P/FE 26/ 2 /B.N.G' unframed cds (Lee #48; rated F) with another very fine strike alongside on the face, light but clear
'SAMARAI/MR 12/1902/BRITISH NEW GUINEA' backstamp (Lee #27), also Sydney transit and Oxford 'AP26/02' arrivals, a few mostly minor blemishes. Tamata PO -.12.1899; closed mid-1905 (Lee states that postal facilities were transferred to Ioma in
"mid-1905"). [Gold Mining] (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1464 |
1902 commercial linen-lined cover-front to Perth (WA) with rare franking of BNG 1/- pair (exceptional centring, a little faded but
not oxidised, Cat £150+ x15+ on cover) tied by 8-bar 'B.N.G' cancel, fine 'PORT MORESBY/ 20MY02/BRITISH NEW GUINEA' cds at lower-left, red registration lines but not obviously registered, crease at lower-right and minor blemishes. Very rare: one of
the highest BNG Lakatois frankings known.
In February 1902, Robert Bunning established a stamp business called Hamilton Macrae, in Perth, specialising in granting loans secured against stamp collections, at exorbitant rates of interest. In 1910, one of his victims sued. The local 'Sunday
Times' commented on "the smellful & highly malodorous affairs of Hamilton Macrae..." We have not previously encountered this 'dealer'. The huge hardware retailer Bunnings, now owned by Wesfarmers, was founded in Perth in 1907 by brothers Arthur and
Robert Bunning. This seems like too much of a coincidence. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1465 |
1902 (Aug 12) usage of British New Guinea Postal Card 1d red from with message headed "Samarai" & signed "Lionel PB Armit" to his
sister (?) in Sydney with a superb complete strike of 'SAMARAI/BRITISH NEW GUINEA' unframed cds (Lee #27) and 'COOKTOWN/AU 15/02/QUEENSLAND' transit on the face, a couple of very minor marks. The message states "I have given Mr Bayldon the box of
shells and the envelope of seeds ... [he] is the chief officer of the Moresby" Lionel Armit - son of police commander William Edington Armit, infamous for his massacres of Australian & New Guinea indigenes - was a government administrator. Francis
Joseph Bayldon was an Australian master mariner and served on the Burns Philp 'Moresby' 1901-02. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1466 |
1902 usage to England of London Missionary Society PPC ("Trading Canoe") with printed 'Vatorata/B New Guinea' & message signed "WG
& FL", the stamps unusually uncancelled, Port Moresby, Cooktown & Brisbane cds all on the face and Queensland S&W TPO b/s. Ex Roger Lee: sold at our auction of 12.10.2012 for $345. Rev William George Lawes was a missionary in Papua between 1874 &
1906. In 1894, he & his wife Fanny established a LMS training college at Vatorata, near Kapa Kapa. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1467 |
1902 (Dec 3) envelope with '[Bishop Mitre]/G.C.' on the flap to "Rev Copland King/Mamba/B. New Guinea" with Queensland Four Figures
2d blue tied by very fine Rays '148' & 'THURSDAY ISLAND' unframed cds alongside, the reverse with Cooktown, Samarai & 'TAMATA/DE 16/3/B.N.G.' (Lee #48; rated F; year error) transit backstamps, a little moth-eaten with faults clear of the markings. Ex
Roger Lee: sold at our auction of 7.12.2023 for $276, making this a very inexpensive Tamata cover. The "Mamba" address refers to the Duvira Mission at the mouth of the Mamba River at Manau, some 50kms north-east of Tamata, the nearest Post Office.
Tamata PO -.12.1899; replaced by Ioma mid-1905. [Gold Mining] (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1468 |
1903 (Jan 23) double-rate cover to "Walter A Hull/Stamp Dealer/.../Sydney" with BNG ½d pair & 2d x3 (one folded-over at right) tied
by very fine 9-bar 'BNG' cancels, very fine 24mm 'SAMARAI/BRITISH NEW GUINEA' cds alongside & largely very fine 'REGISTERED/SAMARAI BNG' (Lee #26; rated D) on the reverse, Cooktown (FE13) transit & Sydney (FE20) arrival backstamps, a few faults but
attractive. Sold at a Sydney auction in 2005 for $310. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1469 |
1904 (Sept 27) usage of British New Guinea Postal Card 1½d blue with short personal message, to Germany with largely very fine
'B.N.G' 9-bar canceller and a superb complete strike of 'SAMARAI/B.N.G' unframed cds (Lee #27) below, Halle 'ANKUNFT/15.11.04' receiver where re-directed and '30.11.04' arrival both on the face, a couple of very minor marks. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Papua New Guinea 27) below] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1470 |
1905 real photo PPC ('Native Constabulary at Cape Nelson') to NSW with BNG 1d tied by 10-bars 'BNG' of Tamata (Lee #49; rated F),
two strikes of the 'TAMATA/2P/JY22/5/BNG' cds (#48; rated F) plus transit cds of Samarai & Port Moresby, minor aging. Sold at our auction of 14.8.2010 for $775. (Sale 157 Lot 803). Roger Lee states that postal facilities were transferred to Ioma in
"mid-1905". This is the latest item we have recorded from Tamata. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Papua New Guinea 49; rated F)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1471 |
1905-06 four Dana Gibson social commentary postcards to NSW each with BNG 1d tied by 'BNG' cancel with 'SAMARAI/BNG' cds of
OC2/1905 or DE16/1905 (LRD) or 'SAMARAI/BRITISH NEW GUINEA' cds of 16JA06 (ERD; a gap between types of only one month) or 22FE06, social messages two headed "Mukawa", some minor soiling/toning. Mukawa is on the mainland in Milne Bay Province.
(4) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1472 |
1906 (Apr 17) unusually long cover (355x127mm) endorsed "OHMS" at top & at lower-left "The Post Office/Port Moresby/Brit New
Guinea", to the GPO in Switzerland with unique franking of very well centred BNG 2/6d (believed to be the only recorded usage on commercial cover; Cat £5500 minimum on cover) & 6d tied by two of three strikes of the unframed 'PORT MORESBY/BRITISH NEW
GUINEA' cds, 'REGISTERED/PORT MORESBY BNG' handstamp at upper-left, the reverse with Italian squared circles of Naples & MILANO-FERROVIA' and Swiss 'BERN/25.VI.06/BRF DISTR' arrival cds, unobtrusive central vertical fold & some creasing/wrinkling
impacting the 6d but the 2/6d is remarkably fine. The contents may have been documents relating to the upcoming Postal Union Congress held in Rome in May 1906. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$15,000
Currently Opening at...AU$11,500.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1473 |
1906 (Apr 20) London Missionary Society cover (embossing on the flap) to Scotland with BNG 2½d only tied by very fine Moresby cds &
equally fine strike of the extremely rare boxed 'DEFICIENT POSTAGE/FINE ("5d")' handstamp (Lee #103A; rated G) but obliterated - probably at Brisbane (backstamp) - because it was intended for use on internal/Australian mail only, light but fine
strike of the '15/CTMS/T' h/s applied & overstruck at London with '3D/I.S./M.' handstamp, Glasgow arrival cds & redirected with 'KILMA[COLM]' (Renfrewshire) arrival backstamp, vertical fold at left & some minor soiling. A rare cover. Ex Ray Kelly and
Tim Rybak: sold at our auction of 26.4.2008 for $920 (Sale 135 Lot 376). (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1474 |
1906 social cover to Somerset but endorsed "Kindly re-address" with BNG ½d & 1d x2 tied by three of four fine to very fine strikes
of 'PORT MORESBY/14JU06/BRITISH NEW GUINEA' cds, the reverse with transits of Cairns Brisbane & superb 'TAUNTON/AU7/06', redirected to "Co Donegal/Ireland" with 'WIVELESCOMBE RS/SOMERSET' cds of the next day, light vertical fold between the stamps &
minor blemishes. Very attractive. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1475 |
1907 (May 13) social cover from "Dr Irmer, Imp. German Consul General, Sydney" (return address) to his son Leutnant Wolfgang Irmer
in Germany with scarce mixed issue three-colour franking of BNG ½d plus Large 'Papua.' Overprints 1d & 4d tied by two very fine strikes of the two-line 'REGISTERED/SAMARAI B.N.G' handstamp (Lee #26; rated D) with another strike and 'SAMARAI
E.D/PAPUA' cds below, Sydney transit and Mulhausen '23.6.07' arrival backstamps, a couple of minor blemishes. The rate was 2½d foreign letter plus 3d registration fee. The consul sent this en route to Sydney (presumably via German New Guinea), where
he took up his position on 21.5.1907. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1476 |
O |
1907 (June 22) vice-regal cover - 200x130mm - with embossed '[crown]/BNG' in black on the flap, to Norfolk GB with very scarce
franking of Large 'Papua' Overprints 1d x2 2d x5 & 6d (Cat £100 x6+ on cover) tied by Port Moresby cds, the reverse with transits of 'CAIRNS', 'REGISTERED/BRISBANE' & oval 'REGISTERED/ 25 /LONDON' in red & oval 'REGISTERED/AU 12 07/IPSWICH' arrival
backstamp, part of the flap missing & minor repairs. Ex Fred Pearson: sold at our auction of 18.11.2006 for $483 (Sale 124 Lot 1160), before the upper corners were repaired. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1477 |
1907 long cover with printed 'O.H.M.S.' and rare commercial franking of Small 'Papua' Overprint 1/- tied by 'SAMARAI
E.D/30DEC07/PAPUA' cds & a superior strike alongside, largely fine strike of the 'REGISTERED/ SAMARAI BNG' handstamp & mss "R487" in red at upper-left, endorsed "Postmaster/Samarai" at lower-left, Cooktown Brisbane & London transit backstamps, some
minor soiling & small peripheral tears. Ex Ray Kelly and Tim Rybak: sold at our auction of 26.4.2008 for $485 (Sale 135 Lot 378).
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1478 |
1908 commercial cover to Kent with Small 'Papua' Opts 2d single & block of 4 (a rare franking) tied by 'SAMARAI ED/15DEC08/PAPUA'
cds, two strikes of 'REGISTERED/SAMARAI BNG' handstamp, Sydney & London transit backstamps, a few edge tears - one into the registration handstamp at lower-left - & repaired at lower-left (by the post office?) with a piece of stamp selvedge. The
faults, that are indicative of the overweight & perhaps bulky nature of the contents, hardly detract from the fine overall appearance. The sender was Montagu John Stone-Wigg, raised a Catholic, but appointed in 1898 as the first Anglican Bishop in
Papua. Sold at our auction of 13.9.2008 for $605 (Sale 139 Lot 895). (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1479 |
1909 (Jan 14) registered cover from England with KEVII 3d tied by 'CROYDON' cds, to a missionary at "Kokoda/Papua" via Brisbane
(19.2) & Port Moresby (8.3) with 'KOKODA ND/20MAR09/...' arrival backstamps, held for five months then returned as unclaimed with Two Issue franking of Small 'Papua' ½d x2 & Small 'PAPUA' 4d overlapping & tied by 'KOKODA ND/18JUN09/...' with further
backstamps of Samarai (5.7) & Sydney (12.7) and London arrival of 16AU09, opened-out for display. A remarkable & colourful cover.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1480 |
= |
1909 (May 22) parcel piece (155x108mm) almost certainly to England with Small 'PAPUA' 2d x3 (one damaged) 4d & 6d tied by 'SAMARAI
ED' cds, part-'INLAND PARCEL POST/QUEENSLAND' endorsed "4" (pounds weight) with another strike of the cds, minor defects. A rare parcel item that proves use in Papua of Queensland Parcel Post labels. The sender was Rev Arthur Keith Chignell, from the
New Guinea Mission. (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |