Postal History continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1481 |
1909 commercial shipboard cover to NSW with Small 'PAPUA' 1d x4 (two vertical pairs) cancelled with three strikes of the Queensland
BN '178' of 'COOKTOWN' (cds at left), Sydney transit & 'BATHURST' arrival backstamp, a little truncated at left & corner fault at lower-left, some soiling mostly on the reverse. Ex Roger Lee: sold at our auction of 14.11.2014 for $660. Addressed to a
teacher (?) at Pixie Ladies College, established in 1882. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1482 |
1909 commercial cover to Victoria with Monocolours 1d x2 & 2d paying the correct rate of 1d + 3d registration tied by 'KULUMADAU
SED/3APR15/PAPUA' cds, red/white 'BONAGAI' registration label, flap faults from careless opening & a repaired tear at upper-left. Very attractive. Sold at our auction of 14.8.2010 for $460 (Sale 157 Lot 807). Kulumadau (2) replaced Bonagai late-1907
but Bonagai registration labels were used until 1921: see Lee at page 31. This type appeared in 1915 so it was inscribed in error. [Goldmining]
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1483 |
1909 (Sept 25) commercial cover to USA with Large 'PAPUA' ½d black & yellow-green and Small 'PAPUA' 2d black & violet tied by two
typically under-inked strikes of the scarce 'KANOSIA/PAPUA' cds (Lee #79; rated D) but with a very fine complete strike alongside, Port Moresby & Brisbane transit backstamps, a couple of minor aging marks. PO 17.10.1908; closed 2.6.1917 servicing the
Sacred Heart Mission at Kaikuru. Lee states "Although open for nearly nine years covers are very scarce". (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1484 |
1910 large-part internal cover (reduced at left) to merchants at Buna Bay with rare franking of Small 'PAPUA' 1d pair & 6d x2 tied
by 'SAMARAI ED/26JAN10/PAPUA' cds, vertical fold clear of the stamps & minor blemishes. Roger Lee states at page 14 that until 31.10.1912, the internal letter rate was 2d per half-ounce, meaning this article weighed between 3 & 3½oz. This is one of
the highest-rated pre-WWI domestic commercial covers. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1485 |
1912 (circa) OHMS cover from the Government Entomologist to the US Department of Entomology in Washington DC with Monocolours 2½d
tied by poor Moresby cds, overweight with superb 'TAX ("5d")' (Lee #102A; rated D) & American 'T COLLECT/("10") CENTS' handstamps, light staining. Most covers with the 'TAX' markings are much later &/or overtly philatelic. The sender was George
Moffatt Carson & the recipient was Leland Ossian Howard, who is credited as the driving force behind establishing the Bureau of Entomology. Sold at our auction of 2.9.2006 for $345 (Sale 123 Lot 1235). (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1486 |
1912 commercial double-rate cover with printed address to New York with Monocolours 1d & 2d pair tied by worn 'BRISBANE/TC' cds &
very fine 'LOOSE/SHIP/LETTER'-in-oval handstamp alongside, superb Seattle machine backstamp of APR5/1912. Google is silent about Bird & Co but we expect it was a mail-order operation. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1487 |
1912 cover to Switzerland with Small 'PAPUA' 2½d x2 tied by two of three largely fine strikes of the scarce 'KANOSIA/20SEP12/PAPUA'
cds and fine strike of the rare straight-line 'REGISTERED' handstamp (Lee #100F; rated G) alongside, the reverse with very fine 'REGISTERED/30C12/BRISBANE' cds in blue & 'BERN/8.XI.12/BRIEFTRAGER' arrival cds, minor blemishes. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1488 |
1912 cover to New York via Sydney & San Francisco (b/s) with Small 'PAPUA' 2½d & 4d cancelled 'KULUMADAU SED' (Lee #64) &
double-strike of the 'REGISTERED/WOODLARKS BNG' h/s (#61; rated D) alongside. Ex Peter Gold: sold at our auction of 17.10.2008 for $265 (Sale 140 Lot 989). (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1489 |
1912 internal commercial large-part cover to Samarai with Monocolours 1d x4 (one folded-over at left) paying the correct rate of 1d
+ 3d registration tied by 'KULUMADAU SED/18DEC12/PAPUA' cds, very fine 'REGISTERED/WOODLARKS BNG' handstamp (& a lesser strike on the reverse, opened-out & part of the back panel removed. Kulumadau (2) replaced Bonagai late-1907 & continued using the
original registration handstamp from Kulumadau (1) - on Woodlarks Island - into the 1920s. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$350
Currently Opening at...AU$270.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1490 |
1914 commercial cover to 'GOULBURN/NSW' (b/s) with 3-colour franking of Monocolours ½d pair 1d & 2½d (½d inadvertent overpayment),
'SAMARAI ED/2OCT14/PAPUA' cds, superb straight-line 'REGISTERED' handstamp (Lee #100B; rated E) & very fine strike of the rare straight-line 'SAMARAI.' handstamp (Lee #33; rated E but recorded on only two covers). Most attractive. Ex Ray Kelly and
Tim Rybak: sold at our auction of 26.4.2008 for $1090 (Sale 135 Lot 387). (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1491 |
1915 commercial cover to Ceylon very fine strike of 27mm 'DARU/7AP15/PAPUA' cds (Lee 45; rated D) in violet, 'PASSED
CENSOR/26AP15/BRISBANE' censor cds in red, the reverse with Ceylon cds of 'MATALE' & 'KAIKAWELA' and Colombo after being redirected to "Colpetty". A very scarce destination. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1492 |
1916 Burns Philp (Samarai) cover endorsed "Via Port Moresby" to Japan with Monocolours 2½d tied by Moresby cds, complete example of
the rare red/white 'PAPUA/G. [coat-of-arms] R./Passed by Censor' label (Lee C1, 66x35mm; imperf at top) at left, very fine 'NAGASAKI/10.4.16/JAPAN' backstamp, minor blemishes. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1493 |
/D |
1918 (Nov 28) OHMS cover with Treasury imprint at lower-left to Connecticut with Litho 2½d tied by Moresby cds, light blemishes.
With the typed enclosure re availability of stamps to 5/- (revenue?) & postal stationery at face value, etc, signed by the Chief Postmaster "RWT Kendrick".
(2 items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1494 |
O |
1920 (Sep 11) commercial cover (195x126mm) to Washington State with remarkable Three-Issue franking of Monocolours 6d, 'ONE PENNY'
on ½d and Bicolours ½d & 3d tied by 'SAMARAI ED' cds, red/white R label (faults), the reverse with transits of Sydney & Seattle and Spokane arrival, redirected to Seattle with "fickle finger" 'RETURNED/TO/WRITER/UNCLAIMED' cachet in purple with
Seattle & 'DEAD LETTER OFFICE/ 15JA21/SYDNEY NSW' backstamps, opened-out for display & affixed to backing paper, some creasing. (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1495 |
1926 commercial cover with 'J COWLING/MIBUE ESTATE/THURSDAY ISLAND/QUEENSLAND' imprint at upper-left, to Montgomery Ward in Chicago
with Bicolours 3d tied by one of two very fine strikes of 27mm 'DARU/28OC26/PAPUA' cds (Lee 45; rated D) in violet. Presumably carried per favor by a northbound ship & placed into the mails at Daru. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1496 |
1928 mission cover to "Kikiri/Gona Bay Via Samarai" with Bicolours 1½d x2 (both obviously aged) & 2d tied by Moresby cds, red/white
R label, horizontal fold & light toning on the reverse. Internal registered covers are very scarce. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1497 |
1928 underpaid cover to the Assistant Resident Magistrate at "Rigo/Via Port Moresby" with Bicolours 1d only tied by Moresby cds,
very fine 'TAX' handstamp (variant with No Crossbar on the 'A') & manuscript "1d". The domestic letter rate was 1½d. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1498 |
1929 internal social cover to the Assistant Resident Magistrate at "Rigo CD" & endorsed "If not at Rigo please forward" with
Bicolours 1½d tied by one of two fine strikes of the 'KOKODA ND/14OCT29/PAPUA' cds. The ARM, Sydney ('Hangman Syd') Chance was a longterm government employee who filled many roles in Papua, including as executioner of two native murderers. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1499 |
1929 cover with vice-regal '[crown]/PAPUA' embossed in black on the flap & endorsed "Card only", to England at the 1d Printed
Matter rate with inspection slits at both sides. A very scarce concessional rate item from Papua. Sold at our auction of 15.8.2014 for $253.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1500 |
1930 (circa) internal cover to "Rev HJE Short/London Mission/Hula" with Bicolours 2d x2 pairs & two very fine strikes of the rare
straight-line 'POST OFFICE' handstamp attributed to Port Moresby (Lee #17; rated E but this may be the only recorded usage on cover), vertical fold between the stamps & repaired opening-tear on the reverse, light soiling/toning. Hula is a coastal
village about 125km SE of Moresby. Harold James Edward Short was an Evangelical missionary in Papua. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |