VICTORIA continued...
Datestamps & Other Town Markings continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
921 |
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'PAID AT' 1930s-90s on cover accumulation comprising both machine cancels and CDS from early types in black with values to modern
rubbers many scarce to rare, official & municipal mail, also advertising covers a few illustrated, good range with some duplication with quite a few from country towns including Bendigo, Broadford, Dimboola, Drouin, Kyneton, Mansfield, Mooroopna,
Mornington, Nhill, Sale, etc, noted a few errors/inverted dateheads, thematic interest amongst the slogans, etc, strikes are mostly above average, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Weighs 20kg. Ex Woodchip-Free Zone (Rod Perry).
(3000+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
922 |
Priority Paid accumulation of 1970s-90s material with a wide variety of standard, 'time-clock' & rubber postmarks from all over the
State including Reliefs as well as instructional markings, advertising covers, Business Reply Post, Certified Mail, etc, lots of commercial usages of PSEs with some rarely-seen commemorative issues, also counter-printed labels, meters, etc, condition
a little variable but most are fine to very fine. Weighs 10kg. Ex Woodchip-Free Zone (Rod Perry).
(2000+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
923 |
S= |
Travelling Post Offices untidy collection with strength in the Commonwealth period & mostly on KGV Heads including scarce 'DOWN'
types 'TPO 3' (two different), 6 9 11 14 & 19 (two different) and scarce 'TPO E' on 1d Kangaroo pair, also covers with 'UP' types 'TPO 3' 4 6 9 17 & 19, superb 'TPO 3/DOWN 10JA13/...' on Fullface 1d Letter Card, and very fine 1930 'TPO 13/VIC', lots
of duplication in the lesser material.
(200+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
924 |
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Beechworth Junction: 'BEECHWORTH JUNCTION/29MR21/VIC.' cds very fine virtually complete strike on KGV 2d orange on small piece.
Rated RRRR. RO only. Renamed from Beechworth Railway Station 28.6.1920; renamed Bowser 1.3.1922. 'JUNCTION' was excised & the cds continued in use at Beechworth. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
925 |
Bittern Military PO: 'RELIEF/15MR39/No 10.' cds three very fine complete strikes on philatelic cover with 'BITTERN Military Camp'
manuscript on provisional R label, 'BITTERN/16MR39/VIC' transit backstamps. PO 28.2.1939; closed 27.3.1939 - one month only. [Mornington Peninsula]. A similar example but with a handstamp on the provisional R label sold at our auction of 1.9.2018 for
$248 (Sale 229 Lot 685). (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
926 |
Boggy Creek (1): 'BOGGY CK/MY 2/68/VICTORIA' cds largely very fine arrival on cover front Sale to Grant and re-directed, a couple
of minor blemishes. Replaced Merrijig (1) PO 10.7.1867; renamed Bulumwaal 1.1.1871 [Victorian Alps]. Recorded used only in 1868. (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
927 |
Buchan: 'BUCHAN/OC10/82/VICTORIA' cds fine strike alongside Laureate 6d blue tied by largely very fine complete strike of 'M/72'
Barred Numeral (First Type; rated RRRR) on cover to England with Melbourne transit & London arrival backstamps. PO -.10.1878. [Gippsland; 33km NW of Orbost] Recorded used -.8.1881 to -.2.1883 only. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
928 |
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Cope Cope: 'T.O. COPE COPE/30SE14/VIC' cds (WWW110; recorded February 1914 to December 1916 only; rated RRR) magnificent strike on
Kangaroos 1d red on-piece. PO 15.9.1873; closed 31.10.1975 [Central Goldfields; 25km NW of St. Arnaud]. Oh that all postmarks looked like this.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
929 |
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Eildon Weir: 'EILDON WEIR/8 NO/21/VIC' double-circle skeleton relief cds largely very fine large-part strike on KGV 2d orange
on-piece. PO 23.8.1915; renamed Eildon circa 1950. [18km ESE of Alexandra]. Unrecorded by WWW. With a very fine strike of the regular 'EILDON WEIR/21NO21/VIC' cds, showing it was back in service two weeks later.
(2) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
930 |
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Hawthorn West: 'HAWTHORN W/SE 5/22/VIC' double-circle skeleton relief cds ('SE' slug inverted) largely very fine complete strike on
Kangaroos 3d olive on-piece. A new discovery & the only example recorded. Virtually all the skeleton reliefs are notoriously elusive even as part-strikes. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
931 |
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Monegatta: 'MONEGATTA19SE16/VIC' cds (25mm; unrecorded by WWW) very fine complete strike alongside KGV 1d red tied by light but
largely fine Barred Numeral '583' on-piece. Renamed from Duck Holes PO 21.4.1875; renamed North Monegeeta 10.9.1917, the same day South Monegeeta PO was renamed Monegeeta [Grampians; 5km S of Romsey]. WWW records a 23½mm unframed cds only, with dates
from 1889 to late-1915, so this new discovery was used for only a very short period of time. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
932 |
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Torrumbarry Weir: 'TORRUMBARRY WEIR/-5AP21/VIC' cds (LRD) light but largely very fine strike on KGV 2d orange on-piece. RO only
7.8.1919; closed 29.2.1924 [Murray River; 34 km NW of Echuca]. WWW records this cds from October 1920 to March 1921 only. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
933 |
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Wonyip: 'R.O. WONYIP/-5JY23/VIC' cds (RO period) two very fine complete strikes on KGV 1d violet & 2d red x2 on-piece. RO
5.11.1905; PO 1.7.1927; TO 16.2.1968; closed 30.6.1970 [Gippsland; 25km E of Yarram]. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
Postal History
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
934 |
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Consignment remainders comprising 1) 1854 double-rate entire to London "via Marseilles" with fine oval 'PAID/[crown]/MELBOURNE'
datestamp in red & rated "4/1" on arrival; 2) 1854 stampless from GB "Per John Perry" via Singapore then P&O 'Madras' (record voyage of 61 days); 3) similar per General Screw 'Lady Jocelyn' with 'T.P/East Sheen' backstamp in blue, this & previous
both pre-paid "1/-" in red & with light 'SHIP LETTER/FREE/GPO VICTORIA' arrival b/s in red; 4) 1859 to Norfolk "per Emeu" via Mauritius with crowned-oval 'CARISBROOK' backstamp, the ship had mechanical problems mid-ocean; 5) 1866 mourning cover from
GB with 1d x6, scarce 22mm 'GEELONG' (unusually in red) & 'WICKLIFFE' transits & poor Warrnambool arrival, unusually overland from Geelong; and 6) 1883 OHMS cover with 'PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEUM/AND/NATIONAL GALLERY OF VICTORIA' imprint at lower-left,
Chief Secretary Frank in rosine but no postage paid as required for overseas mailing.
(6) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
935 |
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Frank Stamps including 1874 'COMMR OF RAILWAYS & ROADS' handstamp in red (Stieg & Watson rated RR) on OHMS envelope (faults), 1890
'COMMR OF TRADE & CUSTOMS' handstamp in red (R; LRD) on OHMS envelope from Wodonga, 1891 '...WATER SUPPLY' on wrapper (closed tear), 1892 'GOVERNOR...' handstamp in violet on long envelope to "Admiral Lord Charles Scott" on the HMS Orlando at Sydney,
1895 Chief Secretary on Government Botanist OHMS label on parcel to Edinburgh endorsed "Samples Only", 1897 Agriculture on OHMS parcel tag (corner clipped clear of Frank) to Horsham re-directed to Jeparit, 1902 Treasurer on OHMS label on wrapper to
Scotland with 'VICTORIA/[crown]/OFFICIAL PAID' handstamp alongside, condition a little variable but many are fine to very fine.
(14) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
936 |
Crowned Oval datestamps on covers comprising 'SANDHURST/VICTORIA' very fine on the face of 1855 envelope to South Australia with
1/- Octagonal, 'ST KILDA/VICTORIA' largely fine arrival on-cover from Melbourne, 'BACCHUS MARSH/VICTORIA' largely very fine with 6d Beaded Oval tied by fine Barred Numeral '15' on-cover to GB, 'GRANGE/VICTORIA' almost fine on 1852 envelope with 2d
Half-Length cancelled by poor Barred Oval, 'BALLAN/VICTORIA' largely fine on 1855 envelope to GB with 6d Woodblock tied by light Barred Numeral '16', 'PORTLAND/VICTORIA' largely very fine on 1856 envelope to GB "per Royal Charter" with 6d Woodblock
tied by superb Barred Numeral '8', 'GEELONG/PORT PHILLIP' 1850 largely very fine arrival, 'GEELONG/VICTORIA' light strike in red on 1854 cover from GB and smaller type in black on 1857 entire from Melbourne with 6d 'TOO LATE' (another stamp removed),
also 'MELBOURNE/PORT PHILLIP' 1846 fine arrival on entire with poor 'PAID AT/KILMORE' on the face, 'SHIP LETTER/MELBOURNE' in red on 1843 part-entire to GB, 'PAID/MELBOURNE' in red alongside 'TOO LATE' boxed cachet both very fine on 1852 entire to
Tasmania, and another fine strike on 1854 envelope to GB, condition presentable to fine.
(13) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
937 |
Group including better items noted 1857 to Sydney with Woodblock 6d orange for double ship letter rate, 1863 to New Zealand with
Adapted Design 6d black tied BN '25' and 'HEPBURN' backstamp, 1866 with 2d Laureate tied 'WOODS POINT - VICTORIA' duplex, 1872 to Melbourne with BN '754' and largely very fine 'DARGALONG' backstamp, 1875 long envelope to London with 1/- Octagonal for
double-rate, 1884 STO Wrapper 1d green to London, 1889 social usages of Postal Cards 2d violet & 3d red/green 'Via Italy' both to GB, 1889 registered to Canada, 1895 Beer n Baccy Postal Card commercially used from Pyramid Hill, 1895 registered to
Paris, 1898 Registration Envelope 3d to Ballarat, 1900 to Belgium with 4d red & 1/- brown tied by 'ENGLISH MAIL T.P.O.' duplex, 1901 Federation Postal Card 1d orange to GB with ½d & Melbourne cds of '1.1.01' (Federation Day), etc, also PPCs,
unclaimed & redirected mail with instructional markings, other postmark interest, condition a little variable but many are fine to very fine.
(60+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
938 |
Taxed covers including 1872 to USA with 6d only & boxed 'DETAINED FOR ("2D")/ADDITIONAL POSTAGE' but with the 2d stamp lost &
replaced by some dill with a 9d, 1886 unstamped local cover with superb '2D/MORE TO PAY'-in-oval & Astley 1d pair added, 1890 to Queensland with 1d only & very fine 'DEFICIENT POSTAGE 1/FINE 2 - 3D', 1891 'RETURNED MORE TO PAY LETTER' envelope with
Postage Due 2d affixed, etc, also 1868 to Wales with 'VIA/MARSEILLES' "ribbon" & Laureates 10d, 1875 from GB with 6d & 1/- paying double-9d rate, and 1852 stampless entire from London with transcript of the lengthy social letter, condition variable
but most are fine to very fine; also 1861 'MAIL CONTRACTS' & 'postal contracts' Blue Papers, and an album of Colonies/States stamps with some postmark interest.
(12 covers + stamps etc) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
939 |
Ship Letters mostly to Great Britain including 1843 entire with light Melbourne 'SHIP LETTER' crowned oval in red, 1856 "per Red
Jacket" with Woodblock 6d & very fine '1d' handstamp & 'AUSTRALIAN/PAID/ LIVERPOOL/PACKET' cds both in red on the face, 1857 with 1/- Octagonal (margins clear to just touching at base), 1860 with Queen-on-Throne 6d rouletted tied Numeral '288' (rated
RRR) with 'INGLEWOOD' oval backstamp, 1866 "via Marseilles" with Laureates 4d & 6d, 1867 & 1870 unfranked outers to France with 'GB/1F 62 4/10c' diamond accountancy marking in red & French 'POS. AN. V. SUEZ/P. AN. A. MARS.' transit cds in red on the
face, 1870 to Switzerland with Laureates 10d brown/pink pair, 1873 with 1/- marginal single, 1877 to Ireland with Laureates 3d orange & 6d blue and very fine 'BALLYTORE' backstamp, 1878 mourning cover with Laureates 8d brown, etc, lots of interest
amongst the ship endorsements, other markings & transit times, condition quite variable but those noted are generally fine to very fine.
(38) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
940 |
1854 (Aug 17) stampless entire to New York endorsed within "p Lightning" but on the face "D[uplicate] pr Crystal Palace/via
Callao/Adams Express" and carried outside the mail, minor soiling & light horizontal fold. Very scarce trans-Pacific Express Company mail. [The sender states gold is at "80/6d" (£4/6/-) per ounce] (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
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