General & Miscellaneous Lots continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
781 |
Range on leaves including South Australia Thick 'POSTAGE' to £1, Tasmania Tablets 2/6d 5/- & Perf 11 10/-, Victoria 'POSTAGE' to
2/-, etc, condition variable but those mentioned are generally very fine.
(107) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
782 |
O |
Carton containing albums, stockbooks, and loose in packets with duplicates, New South Wales includes 1850 2d Sydney View, 2d
Laureate x2, 5/- Coin x6; Queensland Chalons to 1/-; South Australia QV imperfs to 1/- ; Tasmania 4d Courier (cut to shape), Pictorials; Victoria Queen-on-Throne 2d, Half-Length 3d; 'REGISTERED' & 'TOO LATE', 5/- blueyellow, etc, mostly used
including some blocks, some postmark interest, condition variable. Weighs 7kg.
(many 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
783 |
O |
Odd lot with early Railway Stamps including NSW 3/-, Queensland 5/-, SA 'VR' to 9d and 'GR' 1d & 2d and Victoria Large Format 1d
x4, also range of Revenues with pickings & three pages of Recorded Music Royalties stamps including unusual denominations & surcharges, condition variable.
(230+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
784 |
S= |
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Commonwealth Period mostly on KGV Heads plus a few Kangaroos, principally from Queensland, South Australia
& Tasmania with several rare markings noted, Tasmania including 'TPO WESTERN LINE/TAS', WA with superb 'GOLDFIELDS/TPO' on Swan 2d yellow, some duplication, and a few covers in mixed condition.
(200 approx) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
785 |
O/ TO |
Selection on Scott leaves with Centennial 5/- & 20/- used, 'O S' Overprints including 5/- Coin postally used (rare thus), 5/- Map
postally used (short perfs), 5/- Map with Red Overprint CTO & QV 10/- CTO, mint values to 2/6d Lyrebird x2, etc,
(48) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
786 |
P |
Perkins Bacon imperf plate proofs selection comprising Small Diadems 1d in black x2, in pale red & in vermilion/blue x2, 2d in
black x2 & 3d in deep blue-green plus 1d & 2d in issued colours with 'SPECIMEN' Overprint & two different posthumous undenominated reprints; and Large Diadems 5d in deep blue-green (slight thinning in the upper margin), a huge 6d in fawn (light
tonespots) & 1/- in rose-red with Pre-Printing Paper Fold plus die proof for the vignette only in deep green, generally very fine.
(16) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,200
Currently Opening at...AU$900.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
787 |
O |
Perforated Diadems multiples stated to be Perf 12 1d pairs x6, 2d pairs x5 & strips of 3 x2, 3d pairs x2 and 6d pairs x3, Perf 13
1d pairs x4 & strip of 4, 3d pairs x2, 6d pairs x2 & block of 4; Perf 13 1d pairs x4 & strip of 4, 3d pairs x3, 6d pairs x2 & strip of 3 and 1/- pairs x3 & strip of 3; 5/- Coin pairs x7 (one on 1885 piece), strip of 3 & block of 4; plus Crown/NSW 5d
pairs x3, strips of 3 x2 (one marginal) block of 4, block of 5 and 8d strip of 3; generally very fine. Very scarce and highly desirable lot.
(50 items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,200
Currently Opening at...AU$900.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
788 |
H |
1850-51 Sydney Views Plate I (Vertically Lined Background) Worn Impressions 2d greyish blue SG 17, enormous corner example from the
upper-right of the sheet with margins good to huge & outer framelines except at the base, untidy bars cancel of Sydney, Cat £225. Superb. Ex 'Dubois' (Part IV): sold for SFr415. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 17] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
789 |
G |
1850-51 Sydney Views Plate II (Horizontally Lined Background) Early Impressions 2d indigo SG 26, margins good to large & outer
framelines at top & right, untidy numeral cancel, Cat £400. Superb. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 26] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$350
Currently Opening at...AU$270.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
790 |
F |
1850-51 Sydney Views Plate II (Horizontally Lined Background) Worn Impressions 2d ultramarine with 'CREVIT' Omitted SG 26b late
state with most of the inscription in the circle missing, huge example with margins good to huge & outer framelines except at right, very fine BN '88' cancel of Port Macquarie, Cat £750. Superb. Ex 'Dubois' (Part IV): sold for SFr488. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 26b] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
791 |
V |
1854-59 Large Diadems 5d deep green SG 88, margins good to large, very lightly cancelled, European guarantee handstamp on the
reverse, Cat £700. Superb. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 88] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
792 |
P |
1854-59 Large Diadems 6d imperforate plate proof block of 4 in black on unwatermarked wove paper, good even margins. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
793 |
F |
1854-59 Large Diadems 6d greyish brown SG 96 corner block of 4 from the upper-right of the sheet, margins good to enormous except
for the lower-left unit which is defective, light soiling, tied to slightly larger piece by 'NSW'-in-concentric-ovals cancels, Cat £150+. A very scarce multiple. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 96] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
794 |
O |
1854-59 Large Diadems 1/- rosy vermilion x15 including two pairs & three with Error of Watermark '8', pale red two strips of 3, and
brownish red x20 including five pairs (two with the Watermark Inverted & Reversed) and a block of 4, all large examples with full margins, Cat £4600+, for singles. A remarkable lot. Wouldn't it be great if all Classic stamps had margins like this?
(43) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,500
Currently Opening at...AU$1,150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
795 |
1885-86 in Black £1 lilac & claret Perf 12 SG 240a with slight doubling of the overprint, from the top of the sheet so imperf at
the top, lightly mounted, Cat £12,000. Ex Guy Hutson - sold as Lot 215 at our auction of 20.4.2015 for $8900 - and 'Dubois' (Part I): sold for SFr5565. RPSL Certificate (1956) as the then SG 246a. Possibly the finest mint example of this very rare
stamp. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 240a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$7,500
Currently Opening at...AU$5,750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
796 |
1894-1904 Overprinted 'POSTAGE' in Blue Wmk '59' 10/- violet & rosine Perf 12x11 SG 277b marginal block of 4 from the right of the
sheet, excellent centring, very lightly mounted, Cat £1600+ for singles. Gorgeous & superb. Ex 'Dubois' (Part IV): sold for SFr610.
(Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 277b] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$850
Currently Opening at...AU$650.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
797 |
P |
1897 Diamond Jubilee triptych proof with the 1d 2d & 2½d (sideways, as usual) in deep myrtle-green on thick surfaced paper
(143x94mm). Superb. (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
798 |
1897-99 Coin Re-Issue 5/- reddish purple Perf 11 horizontal pair Imperforate Between SG 297cca, well-centred, a few short perfs &
natural horizontal paper-crease, lightly mounted, Cat £9500. Ex Guy Hutson - sold for £5400 - and 'Dubois' (Part IV): sold for SFr4270.
(Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 297cca] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$5,500
Currently Opening at...AU$4,200.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
799 |
/ |
1899 Chalk-Surfaced Paper 2d ultramarine Imperforate Block of 8 (4x2) SG 302a from the right of the left-hand pane, margins close
to good, the upper units very lightly mounted, the lower units are superb unmounted, Cat £1200+ for mounted pairs. Ex 'Dubois' (Part IV): sold for SFr610. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 302a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$850
Currently Opening at...AU$650.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
800 |
1899 Chalk-Surfaced Paper 4d red-brown Imperforate Block of 4 SG 303bc, margins close to large, the upper units with a hinge
remainder, Cat £1200+ for pairs. Ex 'Dubois' (Part IV): sold for SFr366. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) 303bc] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
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