Postal History continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
681 |
1915 (Nov 19) greetings card-size envelope with rare franking of Kangaroos Second Wmk 9d violet (Cat $2000 on-cover with other
values; not priced as a solo franking), to Kentucky with very fine 'PASSED' handstamp in violet, the flap sealed with five Santa Claus labels, a few blemishes. The foreign letter rate was 2½d x3 with a 1½d convenience overpayment. [The Third Wmk 9d
was not issued until 29.7.1916] (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
682 |
1916 (Mar 2) OHMS cover with Department of Trade & Customs imprint at lower-left, to Massachusetts with Small 'OS' Punctures on
Kangaroos ½d green (Cat $300 on-cover with other stamps) & KGV 1d red pair tied by Melbourne machine, minor repaired tear at upper-left.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
683 |
1916 (June 29) complete 'OHMS/DECEASED OTHER RANKS KITS' parcel tag with rare franking of Kangaroos Second Wmk 1/- bright
blue-green (a couple of short perfs; Cat $2500 on-cover with other stamps) & Third Wmk 2d tied by 'REGISTERED/ 1 /MELBOURNE' cds, red/white GPO R label on the reverse, 'BALMAIN/NSW' arrival cds on the face, minor bends. A cracking item! Sold at a
Sydney auction in 2014 for $954. [The Third Wmk 1/- was issued in June 1916. When this tag is inclined to a light source, the Second Wmk is obvious]
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
684 |
1916 (Oct 27) bank cover to New York with Third Wmk 3d Kangaroo (exceptional centring) tied by very fine Sydney machine, minor
crease at upper-left & opened-out. Unusually paying the Foreign Commercial Papers rate of 3d up to 2oz. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
685 |
1917 (circa April) usage of 'SERVICES DES PRISONNIERS DE GUERRE' envelope with Lt Col Holman signature cachet at lower-left and
"Garbrecht B22, Trial Bay, NSW" return address, to the captain of the Dutch ship "Argenfels" at Batavia with Sydney 'PASSED BY/CENSOR SD' handstamp in violet, 'BATAVIA/29.5.17' backstamp and 'De Scheepsagentur, Soerabaia-Oedjong' re-direction cachet
on the face, a couple of very minor blemishes. A most unusual destination from Trial Bay Camp, presumably from a German crew member interned in Australia as an enemy alien. (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
686 |
1917 (Aug 13) Bunyip Soap Co cover to Java with KGV 1d red only tied by Adelaide machine cancel & triple-oval 'PASSED BY/4TH
M.D./CENSOR' handstamp, not taxed but detected on arrival with Postage Due 15c orange affixed on the face tied by largely very fine 'BATAVIA/8.9.17' cds, a couple of very minor blemishes. The foreign letter rate was 2½d per ½oz. (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
687 |
1917 (Sep 5) commercial cover to Massachusetts with KGV Heads ½d green 1d red & 4d yellow-orange tied by 'THURSDAY
ISLAND/QUEENSLAND' cds, red & black/white R label, small-part censor cachet at right, the reverse with transits of Brisbane & San Francisco plus Boston arrival cds. Very attractive. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
688 |
1917 (Sept 18) usage of KGV Stars 1d red envelope to Lieut D'Arcy Jackard in London with 'CROWS NEST/ NSW' cds, re-directed to him
as a Prisoner of War at Stroehen Officers' Camp near Hannover, Germany with British 'OPENED BY CENSOR/PW635' label affixed at base, plus 1918 Australian Red Cross parcel receipt card returned to the Society's London office by Pte Terrence Riley being
held in Germany, each with a couple of minor blemishes.
(2) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
689 |
1918 (mid) stampless OAS cover to NSW with very fine strike of the rare double-boxed 'PASSED BY/SHIPS CENSOR/HMAS.....' cachet
(49x22mm) with illegible notation in the space for the ship's name, superb 'A.I.FORCES POSTAGE FREE/5AU18/VIC' arrival backstamp, very minor blemishes. The only example we have seen of this cachet, and possibly the only recorded example. The only
reference we could find was in Bob Emery's Supplement at p172 where it is illustrated ("exact size unknown") & stated used in conjunction with the backstamp of 5AU18, presumably a reference to this cover. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
690 |
1918 (Oct 22) stampless Australian YMCA with the AIF illustrated envelope to Egypt with largely very fine strike of '1ST AUST L.H.
BDE. FIELD P.O' cds cancel used at Amman, Transjordan (Proud "Not Seen"), triangular Field Censor handstamp and 'EXAMINED BY BASE CENSOR' resealing label tied by 'PASSED BY BASE CENSOR E.E.F' chamfered-box cachet in red, a couple of very minor
blemishes. (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
691 |
1920 Sydney PPC to GB headed "HMS Renown/Sydney/18.8.20" with message "...we are sailing tomorrow at noon. Your mail is being
brought from Adelaide by aeroplane to Sydney...Prince is giving a big farewell dinner", reinforced corner at lower-left; plus a Mexican PPC headed "HMS Renown/Acapulco to Panama/ 9-12.9.20", fine. Edward, Prince of Wales (later KEVIII), made a Royal
Visit to Australia in 1920. The significance of the first item is the reference to the little-known airmail from Adelaide that involved six planes & is unrecorded in the AAMC.
(2) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
692 |
1921 (May 9) cover to a travelling salesman at Bunbury with rare franking of Kangaroo 1d red coil pair with characteristic long
perfs at left & imperf at right tied by Perth machine cancel, endorsed "Try Prince of Wales Hotel", minor blemishes & repaired flap fault.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,500
Currently Opening at...AU$1,150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
693 |
1922 (May 13) real photo PPC ('Mt Victoria Pass, Jenolan Rd') to Hawaii with very late usage of Kangaroos First Wmk ½d green strip
of 3 and US Postage Dues 2c strip of 3 tied by oval 'HONOLULU' cancels. On 1.10.1920, the foreign postcard rate was increased to 2d.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
694 |
1922 (July 24) Stamp Section General Post Office OHMS oversized envelope (350x240mm) registered to England with 'STAMP OFFICE/GPO'
wax seal with woven string still attached, 'GPO Melbourne' red/white R label and remarkable franking of KGV ½d green Single Wmk complete marginal horizontal cross-gutter strip of 12 from the top of sheet with two additional units below at right on
the face plus marginal cross-gutter block of 24 (12x2) from the base of the sheet with Electro 7 TS Harrison 'COMMQMWEALTH' Single-Line Imprint (two pieces of the lower margin missing not affecting the imprint) and KGV 1d violet complete marginal
horizontal cross-gutter block of 48 (12x4) one unit in the lower row with Dot Before One, all tied by multiple fine to very fine strikes of 'TELEGRAPH OFFICE/G.P.O-MELB' cds, some edge faults & transmission marks including minor creases mostly
affecting the margins only. The Empire letter rate was 2d per ½oz x32 + 3d registration fee. A remarkable survivor, and almost certainly a unique usage of the imprint - Cat $1250 for mint; unpriced used - on-cover. (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
695 |
1930 (Jan 24) Buhmeyer & Aucher envelope to France endorsed "Per SS Ormonde" with Trans-Australian Air Mail label and KGV 1½d red
pair & 3d blue tied by Sydney machine cancel, taxed "T 50" in red crayon and France Postage Dues 50c claret (corner fault) & 2fr violet affixed on arrival tied by Montreuil sur Bois cds, a few minor blemishes. Presumably over ½oz and taxed for the
unpaid second 3d per ½oz airmail surcharge. (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
696 |
1930 (Feb 5) cover to "Taihoku, Formosa, Japan" with KGV 3d Die II solo franking tied by Ipswich (Qld) 'USE THE/[plane]/AIR MAIL'
illustrated machine cancel, address endorsed in Chinese characters in red ink for local delivery. A most unusual destination in this period.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
697 |
/ |
1930s airmail covers comprising 26.4.1931 Darwin-GB at 1/11d; 1936 all-up Sydney-Holland at 1/9d; 1937 Australia-Hong Kong-USA at
3/9d plus 3d registration; 1939 Sydney-Sweden at 1/7d; 1939 all-up Sydney-France at 1/9d; and 1939 Greece-Victoria; plus Papua 22.5.1937 Daru-Melbourne per H Davis.
(7) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
698 |
/ |
1930s-40s airmail covers with 1/6d Hermes or 2/- Kangaroo frankings comprising pre-WWII to GB & Switzerland both with Late Fee,
wartime to Switzerland x4 including POW 3/- rate x2, Palestine or USA, and post-war to USA x2, Palestine or China at the scarce 3/6d rate (to the Jewish Ghetto in Shanghai).
(12) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
699 |
1931 (Apr 28) apparently commercial usage of First Official Air Mail flight cover to Scotland correctly rated 1/11d, damaged at
left & a little charred at lower-left with very fine 'DAMAGED IN/TRAIN FIRE' handstamp in violet. Not recorded in 'Railway Disaster Mail' by Gwynn & Hoggarth. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
700 |
1933 (Mar 25) large parcel-piece (rebacked on a slightly larger piece of 253x178mm) endorsed at upper-left "accepted/weight/32lbs/J
Hart/Inquiry Office/GPO/Sydney/£17.1.4", by airmail to "Donald Harkness/Newcastle Waters/Nthn Territory" with outrageous franking of Kangaroos Third Wmk £1 grey x11 (including two pairs & a strip of 3) and SMult Wmk 1/- & £2 x3 (including a pair) +
KGV 4d olive tied by generally poor Sydney cds (consistent with the bulky nature of the contents), minor stains, professionally restored with numerous creases ironed-out. Ex Martin Greive, Martin Walker, Rodney Perry (once advertised by Rod for sale
for $140,000), and Andrew Tan.
Because the weight exceeded the maximum parcel limit of 11 pounds (lb), the article had to be paid at the prevailing letter rate of 2d per oz x512 plus airmail supplement of 3d per ½oz x1024 = £17/1/4d, making this the highest-franked item of
pre-WWII Australian postal history recorded. Only ten covers bearing the Third Wmk £1 grey are known, this being the record franking. Only three items - the others are parcel tags - are recorded bearing the Small Multiple Wmk £2, again this being the
record franking.
Donald James Harkness was an Australian aviation & motoring enthusiast. In 1925, he broke the Australian land speed record over one mile with a run of 108mph, increasing that in 1929 to 128mph. In 1932, over a distance of 10 miles, he set a world
record of 164mph. In 1930, he developed the 'Harkness Hornet' aero-engine, the first built locally to pass the government's airworthiness testing. We were unable to locate information about the incident in the Northern Territory but we expect his
vehicle suffered a mechanical breakdown and required parts to be rushed to him by air. (Image1)
Estimate AU$20,000
Currently Opening at...AU$15,000.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |