Postal History continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
661 |
1914 (Mar 23) OHMS cover with PMG's Department Adelaide imprint at lower-left, to France with rare Commonwealth/States combination
franking of South Australia 2½d indigo punctured 'OS + Kangaroos 3d punctured Large 'OS' (Cat $1200 on-cover with other values) tied by Adelaide cds, red/white R label, Paris arrival backstamp of 25-4/14, minor blemishes. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$800
Currently Opening at...AU$600.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
662 |
1914 (May 11) illustrated advertising cover (pocket-watch) for a Perth jeweller to a cigar manufacturer in Holland with attractive
franking of Kangaroos First Wmk ½d 1d & 4d tied by oval 'REGISTERED/PERTH WA' datestamp, red/white R label (damaged), Rotterdam arrival backstamp of 5.6.14, the address faded & minor blemishes. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
663 |
1914 (June) Standard Box Factory cover from Melbourne to Launceston with 1d Kangaroo cancelled on arrival, Tasmanian double-oval
'LOOSE SHIP LETTER/("1")D/TO PAY' handstamp (LRD) alongside and Postage Due 1d with pencil cancel, minor faults. Ex Bill Purves, Randall Askeland & Patrick Reid. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
664 |
1914 cover with bold 'MENZIES HOTEL/MELBOURNE' on the flap to Germany with scarce Commonwealth/State combination franking of
Kangaroos ½d & 1d pair plus Tasmania Pictorials ½d & 2d all tied by double-circle 'ENGLISH MAIL TPO/ OUT /3JE14/VICTORIA' cds. (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
665 |
1914 (July 3) OHMS postcard for State Rivers & Water Supply Commission, to Metcalfe & redirected to Taradale with rare solo
franking of Kangaroos Fist Wmk ½d punctured Large 'OS' (Cat $350 for a solo franking) tied by untidy Melbourne machine. A rare Printed Matter usage. Ex Max Watson and Kevin Nelson. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
666 |
1914 (July 22) cover to Germany with Kangaroos First Wmk ½d & 1d pair tied by Sydney machine, apparently held at Sydney with
double-boxed 'UNDELIVERABLE/MAY 19 1915/II MD' cachet in blue, 'RETURN TO SENDER' in violet & Sydney DLO backstamp of JUN/3/1915 in rosine, light vertical bend clear of the stamps. Very attractive (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
667 |
= |
1914 (Sep 16) large-part Queensland black/red parcel label with rare franking of Kangaroos 4d punctured Small 'OS' pair & 9d
punctured Large 'OS' horizontal strip of 4 all tied by 'PARCEL POST/BRANCH/ BRISBANE' cds, small black/white 'BRISBANE' parcel post label, very minor blemishes, Cat $1000 for a single 4d on-cover or $1500 with other stamps; the 9d Cat $600+ for three
singles but not priced on-cover. Ex Arthur Gray: sold as Lot 248 at our auction #129 of 7.7.2007 (Sale 129 Lot 248) for $1035 & at another Melbourne auction in 2015 for $1200. Extremely rare: in the 18 years since the Gray sale in the USA, we have
not seen any other item franked with the 9d perf Large or Small 'OS'. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
668 |
1914 (Oct 27) local usage of OHMS cover for Office of Titles Melbourne with rare franking of Kangaroos First Wmk 6d blue punctured
Small 'OS' (Cat $2000 for solo franking on-cover) tied by 'REGISTERED/ 1 / MELBOURNE' cds, red/white GPO R label, repaired opening tear at upper-left. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
669 |
1914 (Dec 31) advertising envelope for P Bird Timber Merchant with ½d Kangaroo only tied by Melbourne machine cancel, minor
blemishes. [½d was the unsealed printed-matter rate. The flap was sealed so the cover should have been taxed double the ½d deficiency]
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
670 |
/D |
1914-18 World War I collection remainders with some useful Military Camp postmarks including a few on-cover, other covers for
various Comforts Funds some with the matching illustrated letterheads, four folios of letters from one soldier many with the original envelopes, 1916 stampless registered cover from 'ALBANY/WA' with lengthy soldier's letter, real photo PPCs of camps
at Seymour & Warrnambool (rare), etc, also a few WWII items, condition is rather mixed but this is still a very interesting lot offering plenty of research potential.
(200+ items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
671 |
1914-18 World War I group comprising mail from servicemen in Egypt to UK with 'FRANKED/FOR C.O. 21ST BN' handstamp on PPC, with
'HOSPITAL SHIP/PC/8/R.A.M.C.' cachet on PPC, and with 'A.I.F./FRANKED' handstamp, plus British Forces Registration Envelope KGV 2d black to Tel-el-Kebir with '1ST L.H. BDE/ DETAILS P.O.' [Light Horse] cds and 'Australian Imperial Force' black/pink R
label, 1914 Allied Flags patriotic envelope to UK with KGV 1d red, 1915 'Adelaide YMCA Army Dept Tents' illustrated envelope to Perth with ½d pair, covers to USA with Kangaroo frankings censored x3 and another with KGV 1d red only with Adelaide
'PASSED BY/4TH MD/CENSOR' cachet and 'T/30CTS' circular tax handstamp, plus 1917 usage of KGV Stars 1d red envelope to Prisoner of War "c/o Australian Red Cross Commissioners" London with British censor label (partly removed), a few with minor
blemishes but generally fine to very fine.
(11) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
672 |
S= |
1914-18 World War I Military Camps good range of datestamps mostly on KGV 1d reds including NSW Armidale, Casula, Cootamundra,
Dubbo, superb Duntroon, Menangle & superb rubber '[MOORE P]ARK/MILTY CAMP NSW' in violet (not previously seen by us); SA 'MILITARY CAMP', Exhibition & Mitcham; Tasmania Western Junction & complete rubber 'MILITARY CAMP' in violet on 1d Kangaroo;
Victoria 'MILITARY ENCAMPMENT', Shield No 2 on Kangaroo 1d, Altona (Bay), Flemington, McLeod, Royal Park & the rare 'MILITARY HOSPITAL/ST KIL[DA ROAD]'; etc, quality of the strikes is rather variable but all are legible & many are fine to superb. A
difficult group to assemble.
(37 items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
673 |
1914-18 World War I Military Camps datestamps on KGV 1d reds from NSW Cootamunda (very fine, front only), Holdsworthy, Liverpool,
Menangle & Moore Park; Queensland Enoggera; SA Exhibition & 'MILITARY CAMP' (both on Shierlaw fronts); Tasmania Western Junction; and Victoria 'MILITARY ENCAMPMENT', Bendigo & Geelong; and WA Blackboy Hill; condition very mixed but the strikes are
mostly obvious to very fine & all are legible.
(13) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
674 |
1915 (Jan 18) cover to Sweden with Kangaroos ½d green x3 & KGV 1d red tied by Fremantle machine, light but fine strike of the
scarce 'C.M.F./RELEASED/BY CENSOR' handstamp, superb 'LINKOPING/12/3/15/2 UR' arrival backstamp & redirected to Stockholm. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
675 |
1915 (Feb 24) usage of Sideface 1d Letter Card ('RIVER DERWENT') in red-brown with rare franking of First Wmk 3d Die II (Cat $1500
on-cover) tied by 'REGISTERED/SYDNEY NSW' cds, red & black/white R label, 'MOSS VALE' arrival backstamp, adhesion on the viewside. [Registered letter cards are very scarce: the letter states "Enclosed please find Money Order £3-7-0..." NB: the Third
Wmk 3d was not issued until about October 1915] (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
676 |
1915 local usage of Gibraltar PPC with message headed "Quarantine Station/April 7th 15" that states "Was landed here yesterday
afternoon for four days...", KGV 1d red tied by 'THE EXCHANGE' cds of the next day. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
677 |
1915 (Apr 13) plain OHMS postcard for the Central Weather Bureau Melbourne to Denmark with punctured Small 'OS' Kangaroo ½d & KGV
1d red. (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
678 |
1915 (Apr 21) cover to Italy with Kangaroos 2½d & 3d (damaged before being affixed) tied by very fine 'REGISTERED/ 1 /MELBOURNE'
cds, red/white GPO R label, Italian 'DEPROVA-OLTREMARE/...' & Roma backstamps, opened a bit roughly at left. [Not censored, possibly because Italy was Britain's ally in WWI] (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
679 |
1915 (April 21) stampless plain envelope with 'PRISONERS OF WAR/FREE' & 'CENSORED/____ MAJOR/ GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMP/LIVERPOOL
CAMP' handstamps both in pale green signed "DO Griffiths Captn", to the Red Cross in Switzerland unusually with 'LIVERPOOL/NSW' cds cancel, 'GENEVE/8.VI/1915' arrival backstamp, very fine, plus the same handstamp with 'SERVICES DES PRISONNIERS DE
GUERRE' and 'R Sands LIEUT. COL./GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS/ LIVERPOOL NSW' cachets all in violet to Vienna with Sydney censor marking overstruck by Austrian censor, minor edge faults, and 1919 'Notelope' with printed 'PRISONERS OF WAR/FREE' indicium
to USA with very late use of Sydney 'PASSED BY/CENSOR SD' cachet in violet, minor blemishes.
(3) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
680 |
1915 double-weight cover with Royal coat-of-arms in gold on the flap, to Switzerland with Second Watermark 2d pair (+ KGV 1d)
cancelled on arrival with 'BASEL 2/11XI15/BRIEF EXPEDITION' cds, minor blemishes. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |