Postal History continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
701 |
1933 (Oct 6) OHMS cover to Carlton with scarce franking of KGV 5d overprints 'OS' ACSC 127(OS) (Cat $1000 for a solo franking) tied
by 'ALTONA/VIC' cds, blue & black/white R label, minor blemishes & part of the flap removed. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
702 |
1934 (Dec 5) cover carried on the first Australia-GB regular airmail flight with scarce franking of Large Lyrebird 1/- overprinted
'OS' + Vic Centenary 2d & Airmail 6d tied by Sydney cds, 'WEMBLEY/27DE/34/MIDDX' cds on the face & forwarded to Manchester. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
703 |
1935 (June 26) Leopold Barnett & Co airmail cover to Brisbane endorsed "Express" with KGV 1d & Jubilee 2d x2 (one with corner
fault) tied by Sydney cds, Brisbane machine backstamp where inexplicably 'TAX ½D' oval handstamp applied & Postage Dues ½d affixed tied by manuscript pen cancel of "27/6/35", a few minor blemishes. 5d paid only the letter rate + 3d airmail surcharge,
so it should have been taxed double the 6d express fee. ½d Postage Dues are extremely scarce on-cover, mostly paying Customs Duty on inwards advertising material. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
704 |
1936 (circa) large parcel piece (174x177mm) to Victoria with complete illustrated addressing label for Crown Radio Products
(Sydney) & complete red/pink 'CASH ON DELIVERY/C.O.D./...' label (printing date '6/1935'), Kangaroo 2/- maroon tied by poor cancels, minor wrinkling/creasing. Stunning! (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
705 |
1937 (April 9) to China with KGV 1d green & 2d red tied by Broken Hill (NSW) machine cancel, re-directed to India but unclaimed,
marked 'RETURN TO SENDER' with Sydney DLO cds in magenta on the face, still with the original contents sealed inside, very minor blemishes.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
706 |
1937 (Aug 3) Fuhrmann & Co large-part front to Germany with Three Issue franking of Kangaroos 5/-, KGV 1d green & Small Lyrebird
1/- strip of 3 tied by Melbourne cds, Greek currency control cachet. The all-up rate was 2/1d for the first ½oz + 2/- for each successive ½oz x3 = 8/1d. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
707 |
1937 (Aug 3) commercial express cover to Melbourne with Small Kookaburra 6d tied by 'BIRCHIP/VIC-AUST' cds, entire black/green
'URGENT LETTERS/FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY/BY/TELEGRAPH MESSENGER' label affixed at the left, minor faults. [From 1901, the express fee inclusive of postage was 6d. Richard Breckon states that in 1935 a more complex fee structure was introduced, under
which this cover should have been rated 9d. Sold at our auctions of 15.5.2004 & 30.11.2019 for $362 & $378 respectively] (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
708 |
1937-40 commemorative frankings mostly NSW Sesquicentenary with a few registered including to USA with 3d pair tied by scarce
'CORBIE HILL/NSW' cds (LRD; closed 13.4.1940) & red/white provisional R label, etc, many 3d or 9d on airmail covers including to Java (with NSW Sesqui poster stamp tied by machine cancel), Hong Kong, France, South Africa etc, several uprated for
Late Fees including with a 1913 Penny Kangaroo!, a couple with Greek Currency Control handstamps, also a few with AIF 6d including local registered with 'COMPENSATION' handstamp in rosine, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. A very
unusual lot that could be developed into a fine One Frame exhibit.
(46) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
709 |
/ |
1937-48 KGVI & Zoological frankings across the three issues and all denominations to 1/4d including 3d blue Dies, with a wide
variety of airmail rates including jusqu'a & OAT items, lots of postmark & censorship interest, 1941 to GB at 12/- (1/6d x8) with 1/4d magenta x12, three POW lettersheets to Italy, other destinations include Fiji, Java, Hong Kong, Thailand, India,
Ceylon, Ireland, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Yugoslavia, South Africa, and registered to India, Egypt x2, France & Switzerland, condition variable but mostly fine to very fine.
(100+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
710 |
1937-48 KGVI & Zoological frankings across the three issues and all denominations with a wide variety of surface rates and many
better items including 2d scarlet Die II to GB with '.../THE SAFE ARRIVAL/OF THIS LETTER/ IS DUE TO/THE BRITISH NAVY' label, 6d Kookaburra registered with 'COMPENSATION' handstamp, 1/- Lyrebird on OHMS parcel label, '2½d' on 2d to Singapore 16.1.1942
with 'POSTAL SERVICE SUSPENDED/...' cachet, 3d purple-brown x3 with white/red '.../EXPRESS/DELIVERY' label, Die II 1d & 2d cancelled on arrival at Melbourne with superb 'PAQUEBOT' handstamp alongside, ½d Kangaroo miscut in a coil machine,
destinations include Japan (2d-rate PPC), Tahiti (WWII censor), Holland (5.4.1940 with roneo'd label advising it was detained until after WWII), Aden & Jamaica, plus registered to Bermuda, Turkey & Peru all censored, Argentina, Lebanon & Cyprus, etc,
condition variable but most are fine to very fine.
(80 approx) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
711 |
1939 (Jan 24) usage of NSW PPC airmail to GB with KGV 1½d brown pair tied by largely very fine '[MT] KOSCIUSKO/NSW' cds, a couple
of minor blemishes, lengthy social message including "We motored to the summit (7,328 ft) this afternoon and didn't see a trace of [snow]". The Empire Air Mail Scheme (EAMS) letter rate was 5d. EAMS postcards at 3d are elusive. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
712 |
1939 (Sept 20) airmail to Norway with KGVI 3d blue & 1/4d magenta tied by Bowen (Qld) cds, unusally censored only in England,
'TEIE/17.10.39' arrival backstamp, a couple of very minor blemishes. The rate was 1/7d for air to London and onwards by surface mail (rather than the all-up rate of 2/2d). (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
713 |
1939-41 airmail trio to the United States each with scarce solo franking of Robes Thick Paper 5/- comprising 1) 17.7.1939 via Hong
Kong (transit backstamp) at 4/8d rate, opened a bit roughly with repaired tear at the top; 2) 19.2.1940 via England at 2/2d x2 + 3d registration, very fine; and 3) -.-.1941 trans-Pacific at 4/-, toning on the censor labels; convenience overpayments
of 4d 5d or 1/- respectively; plus 3.4.1947 at short-lived 2/6d rate x2, central fold.
(4) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
714 |
/ |
1939-45 World War II Forces in New South Wales apparently all-different group of Field Post Office & Unit Postal Station postmarks
on entires including a few 'Not Seen' by Proud plus Military & RAAF POs noted 1943 Honour Envelope inwards from 'A.F.P.O./202' at Port Moresby with 'R.A.A.F. TEMORA' arrival, Security numbers, Unit cachets, etc, quite a lot are registered with a
variety of different 'R' handstamps & labels including some manuscript markings, also plenty of Official Mail, Comfort Fund envelopes, some meter cancels, usages on Postal Stationery, civilian censors, etc, selected for clarity of dates & quality of
strikes which is well above-average, condition a little variable but most are fine to very fine.
(175 approx) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
715 |
/ |
1939-45 World War II Forces in Western Australia apparently all-different group of Field Post Office & Unit Postal Station
postmarks on entires including 'W ...' numbers x22 noted 'W [ ]' (no number) boxed & circular rubbers, 'W15' in black on parcel tag, in violet registered & in magenta, and 'W49' at Naval Base (recorded for one month only), also '336' and registered
from 'AIR FORCE P.O./52' both at Corunna Downs, 'S' numbers 33 57 76 & 80 plus 34 & 102 tied to WA usage by AMF censor numbers, 'E 107' and 'E 113' & '376' also presumably in WA, also Military & RAAF POs noted 'PAID AT R.A.A.F. GERALTON' (error:
missing 'D'), Official Mail, Unit cachets, a few posted through civilian POs noted 'No.9 Elementary Flying Training School' OHMS with 'CUNDERDIN' cds, Comfort Fund envelopes, etc, selected for clarity of dates & quality of strikes which is well
above-average, condition a little variable but most are fine to very fine.
(100+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
716 |
/D |
1939-45 World War II box of envelopes (many with the contents), airgraphs & formular aerogrammes from a Queensland airman at
domestic camps, in England, North Africa & elsewhere, condition very mixed with some water-damage but most are presentable and many are fine to very fine with plenty of postmark & censor cachet interest & aerogramme with printed 'POSTAGE/ 1d /PAID'
in Red from Darwin. An unusually extensive social archive.
(few 100 + letters) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
717 |
/ |
1939-45 WWII censorship group including airmails to NZ at 5d & 5½d (wartax required on airmail to NZ), 9d postcard rate to GB + 1d
late fee, 3/11d & double-rate 7/10d x3 all to Canada, labels including Darwin provisional with 'OPENED BY CENSOR/.......' handstamp in rosine; Brisbane cachets including 1940 group with boxed numbers 3 5 & 6 plus 3 6 & 11 on inwards covers from
Malaya, Norway or Samoa, and 1941 ' 1 / NOT/OPENED BY/CENSOR/ 2 ' & '.../ 17 '; Townsville ' 1/2 /PASSED/BY/CENSOR/ 13 ' & rare ' 1/2 /NOT OPENED BY/CENSOR/ 1 ' (inwards from GB) and Cairns ' 1/3 /PASSED/BY/CENSOR/ 1 '; Melbourne with Inserted by
Hand Reversed 'E' in 'PASSED'; etc, generally fine to very fine. A really good lot, mostly from early in the war.
(32) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
718 |
1940 (April 13) airmail to Holland from Dutch sailor "P Gideonse c/o KPM Line" return address and QE 1d green & 1/6d Hermes tied by
Sydney cds, 'NO SERVICE/RETURN TO SENDER' boxed handstamp in violet on the face & Sydney arrival backstamp of 17JUL/1940 from where readdressed by the original sender to Netherlands Indies with 'TJIWIDEJ/29.7.40' arrival cds on the face, a few minor
blemishes. (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
719 |
1940 (June 28) ES&A Bank airmail cover to Indiana endorsed "Australia - Hong Kong - USA" with 4d Koala pair & Kangaroos 2/- maroon
pair tied by Melbourne cds, censored locally and at Hong Kong (backstamp of 10JY/40), a few minor blemishes. From mid-1940, this service operated concurrently with the less expensive PanAm FAM-19 San Francisco-Auckland at 4/- per ½oz. (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
720 |
1940 (Aug 6) Austral Canning Co envelope to Bandjermassin Borneo with KGVI 3d blue solo tied by Melbourne cds cancel, unusually not
censored locally but with Netherlands Indies 'GECENSUREERD' single-line handstamp in rosine on the face, a couple of very minor blemishes.
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |