Postal History continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
641 |
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Foreign Postage Dues selection all but one with the Dues affixed on the face including 1915 (circa) unfranked 'Blue Mountains'
postcard to Sweden with 'LOSEN' black/green label and 5o Lion & 20o King postage stamps, 1958 & 1962 advertising envelopes to Switzerland with postage stamps collecting postage due plus similar 1958 QEII 4d purple stationery envelope, 1959 airmail
with 2/- Flower solo and Great Britain Due 5d brown, 1960 & 1961 airmails to Vienna "Postlagernd" [Poste Restante] each with a single Austria 30g Due for the fee, then a batch with US Dues noted 1925 with KGV 1½d solo, 1935 with Victorian Centenary
3d blue solo and 'LETTER PACKAGE/Customs Clearance .10' cachet, three 1940-44 censored items, 1950 airmail with 'EXCEEDS ["½"] OZS/T ["108"] CENTIMES' handstamp, various other Australian domestic & international tax markings, condition generally fine
to very fine.
(38) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
642 |
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Postage Dues onincoming foreign mail selection comprising Victorian Postage Dues 1d on 1903 postcards from France & from England
(with 2d Due also; treated as letter), 1905 postcards from Cuba (!) & Italy, 1906 postcard from Japan and 1907 postcard from USA, then Australian Postage Dues 1918 from USA with 3c Washington solo and 2d Due, 1921 Germany postcard with stamp fallen
off & Sydney '3D' large cachet applied in its place with 1d Dues x3 affixed, 1920s group of British postcards to Sydney underpaid with 'TAX/1D/No2' boxed handstamp & 1d Due, to Queensland x2 one with very fine 'T 1½D' cachet and ½d & 1d Dues, to
Victoria x2 and to Western Australia x2, 1926 US 1c printed matter rate envelope with 'CUSTOMS DUTY/½D/TO PAY' marking and ½d Due tied Sydney 'DELIVERY ROOM' cds, and 1934 New Zealand 'Faith in Australia' flight cover unfranked with 'INSUFFFICENTLY
PREPAID FOR/TRANSMISSION BY AIR MAIL' cachet and 2d Due, condition generally fine to very fine.
(13) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
643 |
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International tax markings 1930s-60s group with a wide variety of 'CENTIMES' handstamps including 1934 to China with 2d Victorian
Centenary only and Melbourne 'T/16 2/3c' octagonal, 1938 postcard to Italy with KGVI 2d red only and scarce Perth 'T 0.25' cachet, 1950 Adelaide 'T/6/CTS' double-ring in violet (ERD), some with manuscript value inserted noted Sydney 'T/"48"/CENTIMES'
shield cachet on unpaid cover to Japan, etc, also instructional markings including 1938 with Melbourne 'INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID LETTER ...', 1945 with 'RETURNED FOR ADDITIONAL POSTAGE ...' and Melbourne censor label plus another later in the same year
with typeset version of the handstamp, 1950s Sydney 'POSTAGE INSUFFICIENT FOR AIR MAIL ...' x2 plus Brisbane 'Insufficient Postage For Airmail' handstamps, condition generally fine to very fine.
(60+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
644 |
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Australian stamps used in lieu of Postage Dues 1963-80s group (after the withdrawal of Postage Dues) including QEII 10d blue on
unfranked mail x7 for double 5d letter rate (a couple on Australian Railways Union envelopes), 1965 oversized envelope with 5d solo only taxed with Birds 6d Thornbill affixed (very scarce; pen-cancelled & small surface fault), 1967-70 unfranked
envelopes with 8c Coral Fish solo (scarce) & with 10c Anemone Fish solos x3, 1975 unfranked with 10c Sapphire pair, 1976 unfranked with 6c Chrysoprase & 20c Possum and 1978 with 18c Flower solo underpaying increased 20c rate with 4c Stinger all tied
by cds cancels, also a batch of 1967-70s Dunlopillo business reply postcards with Decimals Definitives values to 30c Birds & $1 Navigators, condition generally fine to very fine.
(30) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
645 |
Australian WWII Prisoner of War Mail selection comprising 1944 envelope to "Corporal Litchfield ... Meijo Chosen Japan" (Korea) and
Japanese POW postcard to "Kidston via Cairns" (Qld) from Signalman Jacobsen RR with censor chop in red, 1942 'Kriegsgefangenenpost' formular postcard airmail to Victoria from Corporal GV Cooper held in "Oflag IIIC" (Lubben, Germany) endorsed
"Surcharge Paid via Nord Amerika" censored at the camp and on arrival plus another postcard & three folded lettersheets with 'Stalag XVIIID' or 'M.-Stammlager 306 (XVIIID)' imprints (Marburg/Maribor, Yugoslavia) from Douglas Roper endorsed "Luftpost
nach Bagdad" two with 'Taxe percue/["40"] Rpf' cachets, also 1942 Malayan Record Office envelope to 1943-44 Australian Red Cross Society parcel notification postcards x2, condition a little variable as usual.
(10) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
646 |
Australian WWII Prisoner of War Camps selection comprising 1943 inwards airmails from Italy with 'POW CAMP/MYRTLEFORD, VIC'
handstamps in violet on the face (the stamps removed by the censor), 1944 usage of 'SERVICES OF PRISONERS OF WAR' 1/- 'Notelope' Airmail Letter Sheet to Germany with 'No.13 POW Group Murchison' (Vic) cachet plus plain envelope from Tatura Camp (Vic)
to Melbourne, 1946 (Sept) usage of 6d Postal Card to Germany with 'PW Group Murchison' (Vic) cachet and 1946 (Nov) KGVI 7d Aerogramme with similar cachet to Italy, 1946 KGVI 7d Aerogrammes x2 to Italy with 'No.5 PW Camp Myrtleford' cachets one with
'MYRTLEFORD/VIC' cds the other with 'BENALLA/VIC' cds (where prisoners worked on day-release), 1946 airmail to Germany with 1/- Lyrebird solo with Tatura (Vic) 'Approved for Transmission' cachet, plus three items with 'LOVEDAY
GROUP/POSTED/BARMERA/INTERNMENT CAMP' (SA) cachets, condition generally fine to very fine.
(12) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
647 |
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Permit Mail (sealed envelopes at otherwise unsealed rates) franked with KGVI 1½d purple-brown x3 (two for Shell with different
permit numbers, and an illustrated advertising cover for Martin Wilson Bros in Brisbane), 2d scarlet Die II, 2d mauve x2, 1942 2d mauve x2 (one probably No Wmk), 5½d Emu airmail, and 1951 2½d brown (Cat $500 for a solo franking), a few blemishes.
Very scarce group.
(10) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
648 |
Instructional markings 1930s-60s group including 1935 KGV Registration Envelope 5d with 'LETTER' amended to "PACKET" and
'COMPENSATION' handstamp, 1957 with 'DAMAGED IN TRANSIT' boxed cachet on repaired cover, 1959 'INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS NOT ADDRESSED TO A POST OFFICE' on QEII 4d purple envelope, underpaid registered items with 1956 'INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE DOCKET ISSUED
AT ADELAIDE' and 1963 'DEBIT DOCKET ISSUED G.P.O. MELBOURNE' cachets in violet, underpaid airmail items with Sydney 'NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AERIAL MAIL ...' and similar from Brisbane x2, also San Francisco 'Received in bad condition ...' on 1947 airmail,
Los Angeles 'REFUSED' on 1952 taxed mail, also Missent, Late Fee, Contains Valuable Enclosure, etc, plus a batch of mostly 1930s KGV Heads franking covers with Victorian 'NOT KNOWN BY ...' and 'UNCLAIMED AT ...' markings including quite a number
registered with 'A.R.' cachets, Dead Letter Office cancels and one with 'NO POST TOWN' handstamp, all on standard-size envelopes, condition generally fine to very fine.
(60+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
649 |
1911-13 Commonwealth/WA combination frankingsalia/CofA combination frankings comprising two different Coronation 1d Postal Cards to
Germany or Austria each uprated with ½d, 1d Letter Card 'SETTLER'S HOME...' to Germany uprated with ½d & 1d, and cover to Germany with ½d + Kangaroo 1d pair tied by 'ARGYLE' cds (recorded 1910-16 only), minor blemishes; plus a page of tragic pieces
from the same period with Kangaroos to 4d including 3d punctured Large 'OS' and WA to 10d x2 & punctured 'OS' 2/-. Weep!
(4 + 14 pieces) (Image1)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
650 |
1913 (Jan 20) usage of NSW 3d Registration Envelope uprated with Kangaroo First Wmk 2d grey tied by 'REGISTERED/SYDNEY NSW' cds &
vermilion & black/white R label, to the eminent philatelist FC Krischauff in Adelaide, very minor blemishes. A scarce Commonwealth/State combination franking item, and a very early usage of the 2d Kangaroo, that was issued 15.1.1913. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
651 |
1913 (Jan 28) cover to Sweden with scarce albeit philatelic Commonwealth/States combination franking of Kangaroos ½d (very early
usage; ERD is 14JA13) & 1d plus stamps of NSW (three on reverse) Tasmania Victoria & Western Australia tied by Adelaide cds, red/white R label, 'MALMO/1.3.13' arrival backstamp & 'Vbb.' (= ?) handstamp in rosine, minor blemishes & a small piece of
the flap missing. Attractive. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
652 |
1913 (March 6) envelope with Outtrim Howitt & British Consolidated Coal Company advertising label at upper-left, to England with
Commonwealth/State combination franking of Kangaroos 1d red and Victoria 4d olive tied by Melbourne 'STOCK EXCHANGE' cds with red/white R label alongside, London 'REGISTERED/6 AP 13' oval arrival backstamp, a couple of very minor minor blemishes. The
Empire letter rate was 1½d x2 + 3d registration fee. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
653 |
1913 (Mar 10) cover to Hungary with scarce Commonwealth/State combination franking of Kangaroo 1d red pair and Queensland ½d tied
by Townsville machine cancel, similar Brisbane transit backstamp. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
654 |
1913 (June 30) OHMS cover with Clerk of the Local Court Perth imprint at lower-left, to Queensland with Commonwealth/State
combination franking of Western Australia 3d punctured 'OS + Kangaroos 1d punctured Large 'OS' tied by Perth cds, red/white R label, the reverse with two different Queensland TPO cds & superb 'PENTLAND' arrival and endorsed "...[refused ?] as we are
not bound to send [he means 'receive'] notices out of the State. I will pass" ! and returned, multiple endorsements, a bit knocked-about & opened-out for display still a remarkable item. Sold at our auction of 27-28.2.2017 for $960 (Sale 218 Lot
200). (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
655 |
1913 (July 15) Adelaide PPC to Germany with Commonwealth/States combination franking of Kangaroo 1d red + South Australia ½d Post
Office tied by 'OUTER HARBOUR' cds. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
656 |
1913 (July 20) long cover (folded to 265x125mm) with rare solo franking of Kangaroos First Wmk 6d blue (under-catalogued at $900
on-cover) tied by 'REGISTERED/SYDNEY NSW' cds, red & black/white R label, to Victoria, the over-folded section with any backstamps removed, minor blemishes but not folded. NB: the notion that any denominations above the 5d are worth less than a 5d
franking is ludicrous. We estimate the ratio of First Wmk 5d to 6d frankings is about 100:1. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
657 |
1913 (Oct 22) PMG's Department OHMS cover to "Bohemia/Austria" with rare solo franking of Kangaroos First Wmk 9d violet (small
piece missing at lower-right; under-catalogued at $900 on-cover with other stamps; not priced as a solo franking) tied by 'REGISTERED/SYDNEY NSW' cds, red & black/white R label, 'RADONITZ/29/11/13' arrival backstamp, minor blemishes. The notion any
denominations above the 5d (Cat $1000-$1200 on-cover) are worth less than a 5d franking is nonsensical. We estimate the ratio of First Wmk 5d to 9d frankings is about 250:1. [Radonitz is today Radonice, in Czechia] (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
658 |
1913 (Apr 11) OHMS cover with GPO Melbourne imprint at lower-left, to London with rare franking of Kangaroos First Wmk 4d & 1/-
(under-catalogued at $1250 on-cover with other stamps) tied by 'REGISTERED/ 2 /MELBOURNE' cds, no transit or arrival markings indicating it was carried in a closed bag, minor blemishes. We estimate the ratio of relatively common 5d frankings (Cat
$1000-$1200) to First Wmk 1/- frankings is about 250:1. The rate was Empire letter 1d per ½oz x13 + 3d registration. The 13x rate might appear implausible but the addressee was a postal stationery collector & the envelope may have contained a bundle
of such items. (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
659 |
1913 (Nov 12) overweight self-addressed envelope to Maine (vertical folds from having first been sent to Australia under cover)
with Commonwealth/States combination franking of South Australia GPO ½d + Kangaroos 1d red x2 (one damaged before being affixed) tied by Adelaide machine cancel or indelible pencil, superb 'T/50 CTS' & very fine 'US CHARGE/TO COLLECT - 10 CENTS'
handstamps. (Image1)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
660 |
1913 (Dec 17) advertising cover for a Melbourne merchant to Sweden with Kangaroos First Wmk 5d chestnut (short perf at lower-right
corner; Cat $1000 on-cover) tied by the scarcer 'ENGLISH MAIL TPO/OUT/ VICTORIA' cds. The rate was 2½d + late fee of 2½d for being posted on the train. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |