AUSTRALIA continued...
Postal History continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
621 |
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Illustrated advertising envelopes with QEII Pre-Decimal frankings apparently all-different selection the majority on standard-sized
covers including multi-coloured Tourism covers for Geelong Festival & Echuca MVC 'Coonawarra' paddle steamer (Vic), Goulburn Lilac Time & Wellington Caves (NSW), Gayndah Orange Festival, Mackay, Tweed Banana Festival & Surfers Paradise (Qld), Perth
Empire Games x4 different two used with pictorial postmarks one to the NZ team, some postal history interest noted Allan Hughes Watchmaker & Jeweller (diamond ring) airmail from Wallsend (NSW) to Solomon Islands at 1/- rate, James Kirby Manufacturing
(micrometer) to USA with 3½d Swan solo taxed for underpaying the 7½d rate, and many printed matter rates, plenty of thematic interest including Robilt Model Trains, Bush Pilots Airways (plane), Interstate Haulage (truck), Yellow Cars (taxi), Hayles
Cruises (ship), Bargara Golf Club (player), Wurlitzer (organ), etc, lots of country firms & many, many more, condition generally fine to very fine.
(400+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
622 |
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Commercial Internal Pre-WWII Airmails including 1926 with 'FORWARDED/BY AIR MAIL' cachet and KGV 1½d red & 3d blue tied by
'HAY/NSW' cds, 1929 to London via domestic airmail with KGV 1½d & 3d Airmail and WA Airlines label tied by Melbourne machine cancel, 1932 Cluncurry to Brisbane with KGV 5d brown solo and 'See/Western Queensland' black/red label, 1934 from Brisbane to
Sydney with KGV 2d red & 3d blue and Dunlop-Perdriau long-format label affixed at base with the advertising portion cut away (presumably intentionally), 1934 to India at 2d Empire letter rate plus 3d internal airmail surcharge, 1934 with KGV 3d blue
x2 & 5d brown (trimmed perfs) x2 tied by 'MUNDABULLANGANA' (WA) cds for double 2d per 1oz letter rate plus quadruple 3d per ½oz air fee, 1937 to New Zealand endorsed "per Awatea/Air Mail to Sydney" with KGV 5d brown solo tied Melbourne cds, 1938
Adelaide to Perth with KGV 2d red & 3d blue over ½oz with 'T 6D' cachet and Postage Dues 2d & 4d affixed, etc, plus 1940 (May) to New Zealand with 5d Ram solo tied Mitcham (Vic) cds by air to Sydney and then ship just prior to introduction of
trans-Tasman airmail, condition generally fine to very fine.
(14) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
623 |
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Jusqu'a & OAT ('Onwards Air Transmission') comprising 1934 to Denmark at 1/9d rate with London 2-bar marking in red, 1937 to
Switzerland at 2/1d 'all-the-way airmail' rate x2 both with Paris 2-bar marking in black plus similar at 1/9d rate endorsed "via Italy" but with Paris transit, 1938 to Germany with 1/6d Hermes & 4d Koala tied by Sydney 'LATE FEE' machine cancel
endorsed "Via Italy" with 'X' marking and similar with KGV 3d blue & 1/6d Hermes, then 1945 (July) to Switzerland with Cairo 6-bar jusqu'a marking in red where diverted to surface transportation (civilian airmail services to Europe had yet to be
re-instated), and late 1945 (Sept-Dec) to France x3, Netherlands & Switzerland each with 1/6d Hermes solo frankings and various London small boxed 'O.A.T.' cachets in red, condition generally fine to very fine.
(12) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
624 |
Commercial Karachi-London Airmails comprising 1930 OHMS Money Order envelope to London with 'M.O.BRISBANE' cds and 3d Airmail x3
(one with corner fault) paying 3d domestic plus 6d Karachi airmail surcharges only, 1930 to London endorsed for domestic & Karachi airmail but underpaid with KGV 2d red x4 only and taxed with Brisbane 'CTMS/T' oval rated "240" [centimes], 1930 1931 &
1932 covers to England at the correct 11d combined rate two with WA Airlines airmail etiquettes (one also with 'Time is Money' label on reverse), 1934 (March) Demco Machinery envelope to Germany correctly franked with KGV 3d blue for foreign letter
rate plus 1/- Lyrebird for double 6d Karachi surcharge, and 1934 (Dec) to Germany with 1/6d Hermes solo re-endorsed "Australia - Italy" and taxed as under-paying the newly-introduced 1/9d rate, condition generally fine to very fine. From 1929 until
the inauguration of all-the-way airmail from Australia via Singapore in late-1934, mail could be accelerated by paying an additional 6d per ½oz fee for carriage by Imperial Airways from Karachi to London. Mail to anywhere other than the UK is scarce.
(7) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
625 |
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Long airmail covers to London at multiple rates including 1936 with SA Centenary 1/- green x3, 1936 with 1/6d Hermes x3 plus KGV 1d
green for late fee, 1937 with 6d Kookaburra & Kangaroos 2/- maroon pair, also 1939 Blue Funnel Line small-format envelope with KGV 5d brown solo tied 'VAUCLUSE/NSW' cds paying the single Empire Air Mail Scheme rate, a few with minor edge faults &
light folds.
(7) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
626 |
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Commercial airmails pre-WWII including 1926 long envelope airmail with KGV 3d blue Die I & Kangaroos 1/- emerald tied 'MRR/PERTH'
cds on arrival, 1929 Brisbane to Perth with KGV 1½d red & 3d Airmail over ½oz so taxed with Postage Dues 3d pair affixed, 1929 Sydney to Brisbane with 'POSTED/OUT OF/COURSE' handstamp in red, 1930 to Germany endorsed "per Australian & Karachi
England" with Sturt 1½d pair & 3d Airmail x3 and Hamburg & Nurnberg 'Mit Luftpost befordert' handstamps, 1932 to Switzerland endorsed "Karachi - London Airmail" with 1/- Lyrebird solo, plus another solo franking registered to Perth tied Sydney
Harbour Bridge cds with 'N.E.PYLON' R label, 1934 "Commercial Papers" registered parcel to London with KGV 1d green, 1/- Lyrebird & Kangaroos 2/- maroon strip of 5, 1935 to England at 3/1d double-rate plus late fee with 1/- Victoria Centenary, 1936
to Burma with 1/- SA Centenary & KGV 1d green for 1/1d 'all-the-way' airmail rate, 1936 to London with KGV 1/4d plus 2d SA Centenary, 1937 to Switzerland with KGV 2d red & Kangaroos 2/- maroon tied Melbourne 'LATE FEE' cds, 1938 to London with 9d NSW
Sesquicentenary pair, various EAMS-rate items, etc, condition generally fine to very fine.
(36) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
627 |
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Commercial overseas pre-WWII airmails including 1936 to London with KGV 1d green, 6d Kookaburra & 1/- SA Centenary, to Italy with
1/6d Hermes solo taxed with Melbourne 'T/50c' octagonal handstamp but still carried by air with Naples arrival (13 days tranist), to Germany endorsed "Late Fee" with Kangaroos 2/- maroon & KGV 2d red for all-the-way service, and to Germany at
five-times via Italy rate with 1/- Lyrebird & 1/6d Hermes x5, 1937 to Switzerland at 2/1d all-the-way rate via France with Paris transit, to England at double 1/6d rate plus 1d tied Melbourne 'LATE FEE' cds and to India with 1/6d Hermes solo, 1938 to
Germany with Kangaroo 2/- maroon & 1/6d Hermes for double all-the-way rate plus late fee, to 'Wien Austria" with KGV 3d blue & 1/6d Hermes and Greek currency control cachet, to "Austria, Germany" (Anschluss) at 2/1d all-the-way rate with German
currency control labels, and to Denmark at 2/1d all-the-way rate "via Greece" with currency cachet then by train ferry with 'KOBENHAVN/T.100/WARNEMUNDE' transit, 1939 to Norway at 1/7d via London rate, to Sweden at 2/2d all-the-way rate via Greece,
and to Finland at 1/10d rate, condition generally fine to very fine.
(21) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
628 |
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Commercial airmails WWII & later from 1939 (Sept) to England with 1/6d Hermes tied Hobart slogan cancel and early 'PASSED BY
CENSOR' boxed handstamp, 1940-41 PanAm rates to England noted one with KGVI 2d red pair, AIF 6d brown (scarce on cover) & 5/- Robes and 'CALIFORNIA/CLIPPER' cachet, 1946 Perth to Royal Netherlands Navy serviceman at Batavia, 1950 to England with
'EXPRESS/DELIVERY' red/white label, British Forces in Australia concessional rates with QEII 3d green solos x4 and with Birds 6c Thornbill solos x2 (scarce), other solo frankings include 30c Royal Visit (to the Canary Islands!) and 30c Beefs Roads &
35c Beef both on illustrated tourist envelopes, underpaid items including various 'Insufficient ...' or 'Underpaid ...' cachets, 1967 registered to Uganda with Birds 20c & 25c, also 1950s-60s with GB Postage Dues affixed x5 different, plus 1952 to
Fiji with 1/- Lyrebird tied Samarai (PNG) cds, condition generally fine to very fine.
(35+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
629 |
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Commercial Overseas Airmails with WWII Censorship including 1939 to Sweden at 1/7d rate with Brisbane 'OPENED BY CENSOR'
single-line resealing label, 1940 to Yugoslavia at 1/9d rate, to UK with 1/- Lyrebird & AIF 6d (scarce on cover) and to Rabaul (New Guinea) at 5d rate, 1941 to Singapore with 9d Platypus solo, to "British Consulate-General, Shanghai" China with QE 1d
green x9 and 'NOT OPENED' censor cachet on the face, to India at 1/1d, 2/2d double & 3/3d triple-rates, to Tel-Aviv Palestine x2 at 1/6d rate both with British repair tape plus another registered triple-rate and KGVI 1½d brown Postal Card to
Jerusalem "written in German" with KGVI 1½d brown & 6d Kookaburra added, registered to Switzerland with KGVI 2d red, 1/- Lyrebird & 5/- Robes tied Sydney cds, 1943 to Swiss Red Cross with 9d Platypus & 5/- Robes via Portugal (Lisbon backstamp) and to
USA with KGVI 3d brown added for internal Australian airmail only, 1945 Crown Gas Stoves (Brisbane) illustrated advertising with QE 1d brown & 4d Koala pair for internal US airmail service plus two earlier at 6½d and 1/0½d rates for internal US
airmail, a couple with 'CALIFORNIA CLIPPER' cachets one at 7/11d double-rate, etc, condition generally fine to very fine.
(35) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
630 |
Airmail etiquettes & labels selection including a batch of WWII-period emergency-printing labels mostly blue/green but also scarce
black/yellow x4 and very scarce black/red on 1944 registered cover from Cairns, 1950 to England with 1/6d Hermes solo and Australian National Airways (ANA) label tied, 1953 postcard to England with 1/- Lyrebird solo and Qantas Empire Airways label
tied plus 1959 with a slightly different design, 1956 postcard to USA National Airways Corp (NAC) label tied, also a few with other private etiquettes, condition generally fine to very fine.
(22) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
631 |
Business Reply Mail selection including 1937 Cox Bros envelope returned registered with KGVI 3d blue Die Ia solo tied 'VEITCH/STH
AUST' cds and blue R label with ½d & 2d Postage Dues tied Adelaide cds to pay 2d domestic letter rate plus ½d fee, 1943 Stewarts and Lloyds envelope with 'T 3D' cachet and Dues 6d solo for two items, 1951 Century Industries envelope with Dues 3d and
1/- single & pair, 1956 VC Smith envelope with 'PAQUEBOT' (!) handstamp and 1d Dues x4, 1957 George Wardrop envelope with 'T 4½D' cachet (4d plus ½d fee; scarce) and 4d & 5d Dues for two articles, 1962-64 Dunlopillo postcards x4 with Postage Dues to
5/- (Cat $200 on cover) plus later ones with postage stamps used to pay the fees (values to 5/- Cattle), 1963 Polio Society envelope with QEII 10d blue strip of 3 & 1/- Colombo Plan and similar 1964 with 6d Anteater & 1/- Colombo Plan, 1964 Mallaquin
Sugar with 6d Anteater solo (very scarce; a few repaired tears), 1965 Cot Fund envelope with 2/- Flower & 5/- Cattle, also 1960s returned registered x6 different with added 2/- Flower (one with 25c Orchid), condition mostly very fine. A very
difficult assembly.
(30) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
632 |
Business Reply Postcards with Postage Dues 1962 'Dunlopillo' group from 6d solo for paying for a single returned card at 5d
domestic postcard plus 1d fee, up to 5/- singles x3 (Cat $200 on-cover) and a pair (very scarce), other multiples including 6d block of 4, 10d strip of 3, 1/- strips of 3 x2, blocks of 4 x2 and a block of 6, condition generally fine to very fine
(plus a few faulty items not counted).
(25+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
633 |
Business Reply Postcards with Postage Stamps 1963-65 'Dunlopillo' group with an all-different range of issues & rates affixed to
pay multiples of the 5d domestic postcard plus 1d fee after the withdrawal of Postage Dues including a dozen (12) with 5/- Cattleman solo & pair (both very scarce) and in combination with 6d Anteater, 6d Bird, 1/- Colombo Plan and various Flowers
values & single with 2/6d Aborigine, solo frankings of 2/- Flower & 2/6d Aborigine, multiples noted 2/- Flower block of 6, 2/6d Aborigine strip of 3 & 3/- Flower strip of 3, 10/- Navigator (corner fault) with 2/- Flower pair, etc, plus a few Decimals
including 30c Birds pair, 30c Birds strip of 3, Navigators 40c & 50c together and $1 solo, condition generally fine to very fine.
(41) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
634 |
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Destination mail 1920s-65 group including to Canal Zone with KGVI 3d blue solo censored, Denmark with 1d Kangaroo to "poste
Restante" Copenhagen, Finland 1930 KGV 1½d red for postcard rate and 1950s at 2½d printed matter rate, French India with 6d Kookaburra x3, Greece at 4½d surface greeting card rate, Hawaii airmail with 7½d Olympics pair, Iceland airmail at 2/3d rate
(½d overpaid), Italy 1925 KGV 1½d red for postcard rate, Jamaica airmail with 1/6d Hermes taxed, Kenya at 2/- airmail rate on The Canberra hotel illustrated envelope, Malta surface mail with ½d Kangaroo & 2d purple coil singles, Norway private
newspaper wrapper at 3½d rate, Palestine 1942 at 4½d surface rate with British repair tape tied 'TEL AVIV' cds, other destinations include Belgium, Canada, Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Malaya, New Zealand (one with AAT 8d Oil Drums solo),
Nigeria, Papua New Guinea (at domestic rate), Poland, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, etc, a number with arrival cancels or other transit markings, the majority on standard-size envelopes, condition generally fine to very fine.
(39) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
635 |
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Scarcer frankings on overseas mail 1930s-60s group including surface mail Kangaroo ½d orange pair printed matter to India with 'NOT
OPENED' censor cachet, QE 1½d solo on private wrapper to New Zealand, KGVI 3d blue Die II solo to Sweden, Airmail 6d brown 'OS' overprint solo registered to USA, 7½d Coronation, Royal Visit & Olympics solo frankings to USA, also airmails 5½d
Newcastle solo to New Zealand, 5½d Memorial se-tenant pair with 7d Flying Doctor x2 to USA, 7½d Coronation pair to Ceylon and another to Hong Kong, 7½d Olympics pair to Hawaii, 8d Tiger Cat solo to Papua New Guinea, 8d Kingsford Smith solo to New
Zealand plus another with AAT 8d Oil Drums solo, 9d Kangaroo x3 to England, 1/- Lyrebird solo to Singapore, 1/- Olympics solo for the greeting card rate to Austria, 1/- Colombo Plan block of 4 to USA, 1/2d Tasmanian Tiger solo for the greeting card
rate to London, KGVI 1/4d magenta strip of 3 airmail to USA at immediate post-WWII 4/- rate (reduced to 2/6d in 1946), 3/- Waratah Flower pair to USA, etc, most are on standard-size envelopes, condition generally fine to very fine.
(40+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
636 |
Airmail postcards to overseas destinations including QSL cards '5FH' (Glen Osmond, SA), 'VK2AMB' (Cremorne, NSW) & 'VK3YL'
(Murrumbeena, Vic) all to England with 9d Platypus or 1/- Lyrebird solos, 1952 to Czechoslovakia with 9d Platypus solo, other 1/- Lyrebird solos to USA (business reply postcard), Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Holland, Hungary & Sweden, 1961
Orient Line SS Orontes to New Zealand with QEI 2d green x2, 1965 'Cairns' postcard wallet airmail to England with Flowers 2/3d Wattle green/white solo, 1966 to South Africa with 1/2d Tasmanian Tiger Helecon Printing solo, also to USA with 1/-
Platypus, 1/- Olympics & 1/- Colombo Plan solo frankings and to Italy with 1/- Olympics solo, plus surface-rate items noted 1939 Royal Australian College of Surgeons receipt card to Japan with QE 1d pair, 1940 to USA with 2d AIF solo, 1941 Perth
'Photographic Booklet' to New Zealand with QE 1d solo (while entitled to reduced rates), 1951 Melbourne postcard wallet to USA with KGVI 7½d solo for foreign letter rate (no longer entitled to reduced rates), 1963 to South Africa with 8d Tiger Cat
solo, etc, condition generally very fine.
(37) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
637 |
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Official Mail 1900s-1960s accumulation including 1919 'Notification of Infectious Disease' OHMS circular with scarce 'T1½D' tax
marking and Postage Dues, various 'Penalty' and Dead Letter Office 'Returned Letter' envelopes, then State Goverment puncture frankings including KGV Heads range plus Overprinted 'OS' 1d green some on illustrated envelopes or uprating postal
stationery envelopes, unfranked items with 'PAID' machine & meter cancels, and many, many more, condition generally fine to very fine.
(few 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
638 |
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Official Federal & State Government Punctures apparently all-different group including KGV Heads 'OS' 1d red, 1d green & 1½d brown
Die I solos on postcards, 1½d red Die I & Die II, 2d orange, 3d blue Die II & 4d olive the last on a registered cover plus Overprinted 'OS' 1d green on Darling Harbour Railway Station NSW envelope, then New South Wales 'OS/NSW' KGV 1½d red Die I on
Public Library postcard and 'G/NSW' KGV 1d green & 2d red Die III, KGVI 1½d green & 1½d brown solos on postcards plus 8d Tiger Cat solo on Dept of Agriculture envelope to USA, Tasmania 'T' Kangaroos 1d red, and KGV 1d red on re-posted Court of
Requests envelope and 1d green on OHMS window envelope, Victoria 'VG' QE 1½d green solo on State Rivers 'Lauriston Reservoir' picture postcard, KGVI 2½d red x3 on Shire of Swan Hill envelope registered, 3d red on Victorian Railways illustrated
envelope, 3½d blue on Forests Commission 'Prevent Bush Fires' illustrated envelope, 1/- Lyrebird solo on Forests Commission of Victoria parcel label, AIF 2d red on County Court unclaimed envelope, also KGVI 2½d Education Dept Stamped-to-Order
envelopes uprated with 'VG' punctures, Western Australia 'W/A' KGV 2d red Die III, 5d brown registered, KGVI 1½d green solo on Electoral Dept postcard, and 5d Ram, 6d Kookaburra & 1/- Lyrebird on registered envelopes, plus plenty more, condition
generally fine to very fine.
(75+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$800
Currently Opening at...AU$600.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
639 |
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1930s advertising covers mostly from Queensland including regional towns with many illustrated types & several with multicoloured
designs, numerous product & services groups plus entertainments & tourism, one with Nestlé's colourful label tied to the face, minor duplication including of the beautiful Bribie Island tourism cover, generally fine to very fine. A marvellous lot.
(75) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
640 |
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Australian Postage Dues on domestic mail 1900s-50s group with values to 5/- (Cat $200 on-cover) most with cds cancels and a good
range of tax markings from both GPOs and smaller offices including two 'Notification of a Case of Infectious Diseases' forms sent unfranked in 1918 taxed 'T1D' and in 1919 taxed 'T1½D' (including War Tax; scarce) for single deficiency only, various
'EXCEEDS ... OZS' types on long-format envelopes franked at basic letter rates one taxed 'T "6/6" ' oval with 6d & 1/- block of 6, 1935 KGV 1d green Postal Card intended for second class mail but used socially & taxed with ½d Due pair, advertising
including 1935 Goodyear unfranked envelope & 1959 Carnation Nursery illustrated envelope, Business Reply Mail, domestic airmails, etc, also used as Revenues to pay Stamp Duty on Government of Tasmania CBA cheques x5, condition generally fine to very
fine (plus a few faulty not counted).
(100+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
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