Postal History continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
2201 |
1943-44 American Forces mail identified as from various units on Guadalcanal, New Georgia, Russell Islands, Rendova or Munda or
with naval cancels including addition of propaganda slogans 'TOJO IS A BUM/HITLER ALSO', 'TOKIO/BOUND' (on complete V-Mail form posted to Missouri), 'AXIS SIGH IF/BONDS U BUY', 'BUY/BONDS' and 'TAPS/FOR TOJO' also 'MERRY XMAS/HAPPY NU YR' &
'76-CONST/ BATT-USN', five to the Solomons Administration-in-Exile in Sydney (three with 'LUNGA' cds), one 6c Envelope uprated with Prexie 15c & Special Delivery 10c, condition variable but generally fine to very fine, mostly on John Gibson's
annotated pages.
(67) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2202 |
1944 (June 10) stampless OAS cover endorsed at upper-left "Major WFM Clemens/BSI Defence/Force/BSI" to the Solomons Treasurer in
Sydney with light but obvious 'MUNDA' cds & triple-oval 'PASSED BY/CENSOR' cachet at lower-left overstruck with Australian-pattern undated 'PASSED FREE/SURFACE/POSTAGE' machine, minor imperfections on the reverse. Major (later Colonel) Martin Clemens
was a coastwatcher on Vella Lavella. Munda is on the west coast of New Georgia. By August 1943, the Japanese had been forced to withdraw from the area. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2203 |
/D |
1944 (July 17 & undated) American V-Mails (airgraphs) both to New York, the first from APO 706 on New Georgia with letter stating
"...I believe we will cover pretty near the whole Pacific area on our road to Tokyo. We are crowding the scum pretty hard and he sure does not like our methods...", with the delivery envelope; the other from APO 709 on Guadalcanal with generic
printed Christmas greetings.
(3) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2204 |
1944-45 BSIP Defence Force (postage unnecessarily paid), civilian or missionary covers all to New Zealand with KGVI 2d Hut & Canoe
(2) or overpaid with 1½d Artificial Island pair all tied by 'MUNDA' cds, the first two with blue/white censor label & all with the triple-oval censor cachet (very worn by 7.8.1945). Munda PO replaced by Gizo (2) 19.2.1949.
(3) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2205 |
1944-45 Australian Forces airmail covers comprising 1) with KGVI 3d pair tied by 'AUST UNIT POSTAL STN/23NO44/373' in use on Mono
Island, to Brisbane with faint registration cachet in violet; 2) with KGVI 3d tied by very fine strike of the boxed 'UNIT POSTAL STATION/AC 39/17DEC1944' in use at Munda, to NSW; and 3) inter-unit use of green/buff honour envelope most unusually with
BSIP KGVI 3d tied by 'No 7 AUST ADV BASE PO/8J345/ C ' in use on Bougainville to Mono Island; minor faults. Rare & grossly underrated by Ted Proud: neither John Darnell nor Russell Stern had any Australian Forces covers from the Solomons. (3) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2206 |
O |
1945 (Feb) large censored cover (210x152mm) from Sydney lightly endorsed "6oz" at upper-right, to "Lunga/Guadalcanal" with Queen
Mother 1½d x2 tied by parcel-roller cancel, manuscript "1/7" in red, Solomons Postage Due 1d & 1/6d (Cat £62 x5+ on cover) tied by fine Australian-pattern 'LUNGA/23FE45/...' cds, minor blemishes. The rate was 2d per ounce x6 + ½d war tax = 1/0½d.
Shortpaid 9½d x2 = 1/7d. (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2207 |
1945 Australian OHMS cover used locally at Sydney with largely superb 'BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS/ PROTECTORATE GOVERNMENT/SYDNEY/ * '
cachet in violet across the flap, slightly reduced at left. The only example we have seen. Ex Ray Baldwin. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2208 |
1945 (May 22) cover endorsed on the reverse "Rev Bishop JM Aubin/Solomon Islands" to "Vicar Apostolic of Samoa/Apia" with KGVI 2d
House & Canoe tied by one of two light strikes of the Australian-pattern 'LUNGA' cds, superb straight-line 'PASSED BY CENSOR 2' handstamp, minor blemishes on the reverse. Jean Mary Aubin arrived in the Solomons as a young Catholic priest in 1909, was
appointed Bishop in 1933, stayed on the islands during WWII & died there in 1967. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2209 |
1946 (Nov) social cover from the Margaret Jones Correspondence from Vanikoro to Sydney with KGVI 2d Hut & Canoe tied by one of two
strikes of the 'VILA/18NOV46/VILA' cds, 'GORDON/10DE46/NSW' arrival backstamp & redirected to Regent Park", light overall aging. Vanikoro was evacuated in -.1.1942. The Kauri Timber Co resumed operations in 1946 but the PO did not reopen. Employees'
mail was cancelled at Vila or Santo in the New Hebrides, or at Brisbane. Lack of a paquebot marking suggests such mail was taken to the appropriate post office in a closed bag. However, BSIP stamps had no validity elsewhere, so a paquebot marking
should have been aplied to prevent postage due being assessed. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2210 |
1949 (Feb 11) commercial airmail cover endorsed "From J Rusell/BSIP" on the flap, to Algeria with KGVI 6d Palms & 1/- Breadfruit
strip of 3 tied by poor but discernible strikes of the 'MUNDA' cds, minor blemishes. A rare cover. Ted Proud lists no airmail rates before 1951. John Gibson states that the 3/6d rate applied from -.5.1947 until 1.8.1953, when it was raised to 3/7d.
He speculates that the routing was per the monthly flying boat service by Trans-Oceanic Airways between Noumea & Sydney (operated 1948 to -.9.1950 only), then per Qantas/BOAC to Marseilles (?) & French UTA. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2211 |
/ |
1950 (July 24) mission cover to PNG per Qantas' 'Bird of Paradise' service that began 14.11.1949; (Dec 11) social cover to "Tanna
Island/New Hebrides" per Fiji Airways charter flight; both rated 7d (before the 7d aerogramme rate was introduced); and 1955 (Sep 15) social cover to "Abaiang/Gilbert & Ellice Islands" paid only at the 1/2d rate to Australia (instead of 1/9d to G&E
Islands) with boxed 'AIR SERVICE/ COMPLETED/AT SYDNEY' cachet in violet, stained at lower-right. Very scarce airmail trio.
(3) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2212 |
1952-58 Barakoma Airfield study of missionary mail mostly to New Zealand comprising 1952 initial flights cancelled in transit at
'LAE' (paid 2d only; faults) or 'RABAUL' (at 1/-); full manuscript cancels on 1953 Voyce philatelic covers signed (Sister) "WB Poole" or (Rev) "T Shepherd"; 3.5.1955 initialled "MCF" (schoolteacher Miss M Fraser) & 2.2.1956 initialled "DC" (Miss DJ
Clark) both paid 1/5d plus large-part quintuple-rate cover initialled "DC" with small dater paid 7/1d (very rare; the Regulations allowed for aerogrammes & letters to ½oz only), 10.3.1955 "Barakoma/GS" (Gloria Shepherd) to NSW at 1/2d (faults), 1955
formular aerogrammes at 8d with "Barakoma/MCF" or small dater only; small 'BARAKOMA AIRFIELD' (withdrawn 2.7.1957) 1955 at 1/5d and 1957 at 1/2d or 2/4d both to NSW and another at 1/2d but taxed "1/6" on arrival (why?); 9.4.1957 to NSW with small
dater only; large 'BARAKOMA AIRFIELD' (used 16.7.1957 to 11.2.1958 only) at 1/2d to Victoria (First Day of Use; faults) & 1/5d x2 (one in violet); and boxed 'BARAKOMA/AIRFIELD' (used for three mails only) at 1/5d & at 1/2d to Sydney (Last Day);
generally fine to very fine. A very desirable lot. From 18.4.1950, QANTAS operated weekly flights Lae-Rabaul-Barakoma (on Vella Lavella)-Yandina-Honiara & return. Until the new Munda Airfield opened in 1958, the local Methodist Mission was allowed to
operate a postal agency. See also Lot 313187.
(20) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,500
Currently Opening at...AU$1,150.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2213 |
1952-58 Yandina commercial airmails to Australia 1) at 10d with manuscript "1.7.52" cancels endorsed on the flap "Linagtu
estate/Yandina - Cape Marsh Renard Airstrip", tape-stain at the top; 2) at 1/2d with '29 SEP 1952' dater handstamp; & 3) at double-rate 2/4d + 4d registration with 'YANDINA/3MR55/...' cds & R cachet; and 1958 inter-island airmail at 2½d with Yandina
cds, carried per Qantas. PO agency -.11.1951; early mail uncancelled then pen-cancelled to mid-1952.
(4) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2214 |
1954 (Oct 7) mission cover to Sydney endorsed "2oz" & "First Class Mail" paid only 10d but treated as airmail although underpaid
for even the first weight-step, very fine 'AUKI' cds & light but discernible strike of the rare 'AUKI/TAX/ D /BRITSH SOLOMON IDS' cachet with "7/8" inserted by hand, superb 'GPO SYDNEY/ D.R / 14OC54/ 1 /NSW-AUST' arrival backstamp, Australian Postage
Dues 1d x2 6d & 1/- x7 tied by 'SYDNEY 119' cds, light folds & minor blemishes. From 1.6.1951, the airmail rate to Australia was 10d per ½oz, raised to 1/2d on 26.1.1953. The correct rate was 1/2d x4 = 4/8d, the short-payment being 4d + 1/2d x3 =
3/10d x2 = 7/8d. (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2215 |
1954 (Dec 18) Christmas Card envelope to Honiara with KGVI 1d Warriors tied by very fine 'GIZO' cds, central fold & minor stains on
the reverse. Ted Proud's rates for this period are a bit inconsistent. The postcard rate was 1d. Proud states that from 1.10.1954, this was extended to greeting cards for overseas mail but is silent as to domestic mail. This cover is evidence that
domestic greeting cards were also included. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2216 |
1954-56 Barakoma Mission Station missionary x2 & commercial x2 formular aerogrammes including with 'BRITISH SOLOMON
ISLANDS/PROTECTORATE' Heading and Australian Territories type (internal faults), the first to NZ with manuscript "Barakoma/2.7.54/MCF" (schoolteacher Miss M Fraser), the others to NSW with small 'BARAKOMA AIRFIELD' handstamp & simple dater.
(4) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2217 |
1962 (Mar 6) airmail cover to solicitors in Sydney with scarce solo franking of QEII 5/- Mendana & Ship tied by Honiara cds, minor
wrinkles. (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2218 |
1965 (Apr 9) airmail cover from London to the Solomons Chief Commissioner of Boy Scouts with 6d & 9d meter impressions shortpaying
the rate by 3d, London tax handstamp & Solomons QEII 6d Schooner affixed in lieu of postage due & tied by Honiara cds of 14APR65.
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2219 |
/ |
OFFICIAL MAIL: Batch of mostly long KGVI to QEII covers with various departmental cachets, boxed 'POSTAGE/[crown]/PAID' handstamps
for Auki, Honiara & Munda (one with Gizo cds), 1938 stampless to Canada with Postage Due 4c, 1943 stampless NZ Forces usage "per Courier" with rare 'ARMY/RIGA 6.X.43/SIGNALS' cds, 1949 US War Dept cover with 'LUNGA' steel cds, 1962 telegram envelope
with huge oval 'POSTS & TELEGRAPHS DEPT/HONIARA' datestamp, 1976 formular aerogramme with 'Office of the Chief Minister' cachet, also stampless internal mail, airmails some registered with frankings including KGVI to 6d & QEII to 2/6d or 25c,
postmark interest, generally fine to very fine.
(74) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
2220 |
/ |
REGISTERED MAIL: Batch of KGV to Decimals commercial & philatelic covers selected for the registration uses with an excellent array
of handstamped cachets, KGV-period group including 1919 from 'SHORTLAND' but registered at Tulagi, 1927 triple-rate to USA with 1/- tied by 'GIZO' cds (vertical fold), 1939 to Kenya, and with early R labels including black/white 'BRIT SOLOMON
ISLANDS/GIZO' or blue/white 'SHORTLAND IS/BSIP' & 'SHORTLAND ISLAND/BRIT SOLOMON IDS', a couple with hand-drawn "cachets" including 1921 with 'SHORTLAND' cds, a good range of frankings including KGVI to 5/- & QEII to 2/- & 45c plus 1956 large piece
with QEII 2/- & 10/- x2, plenty of datestamp interest including rubber 'VANIKORO' cds (R label torn before being affixed) and huge Postal Agency types, also 1970s 'B.S.I.P.' formular Registration Envelopes unused (very fine) & internal usage
(stained), etc, generally fine to very fine. A very good lot.
(94) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$1,500
Currently Opening at...AU$1,150.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |