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The Gary Munson Collection of Hawaii continued...

1853-61 King Kamehameha III Issues continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1061 o    8 imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ blue, thin white paper. Neat San Francisco town cancel, clear to large margins, strong color; thins and light crease, Very Fine appearance.
Scott No. 8; $750. (Image1)

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Scott $750

SOLD for $150.00
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1062     8 imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ blue, thin white paper. Margins clear to slightly in, used with U.S. 1851, 12¢ black (17), mostly four margins, tied together by red "San Francisco Cal., Paid, Apr 13, 1860" cds, second strike adjacent on Coan correspondence cover to New York N.Y., bold clear "Honolulu, U.S. Postage Paid, Mar 21" cds, red crayon "10", endorsed "Overland via St. Louis" at top left; small pre-use cover scuff, partial flap, 5¢ stamp repaired at bottom, 12¢ with tiny tear, Very Fine appearance and scarce combination usage, ex-Tows, Harris.
Scott No. 8; $9,000; Estimate $1,000 - 1,500. (Image1)

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Scott $9,000
Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $2,900.00
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1063     8 imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ blue, thin white paper. Large margins to in at top, uncancelled but tied by light stains, red "Honolulu, Hawaiian-Islands, Mar 14" cds on orange cover to Barnstable, Mass., bold "San Francisco, Cal. Apr 5, 1861" cds and matching "12" due handstamp; tiny stamp tear at bottom, cover opening tear, Fine and scarce use without U.S. postage, signed Bartels.
Scott No. 8; $2,800. (Image1)

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Scott $2,800

SOLD for $500.00
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1064 ()    8b imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ blue, thin white paper, double impression. No gum, large margins to just in at lower left, showing clear doubling of the entire design; small corner crease and internal tear at top left, diagonal tear at right, Fine appearance, ex-Golden, with 2011 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 8b; $4,250.


According to Fred Gregory, two sheets of this stamp were double printed. On one sheet, the doubling is most noticeable on the left of the stamp design. On the other sheet, the doubling is seen throughout.

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Scott $4,250

SOLD for $3,500.00
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1065     9 imageHawaii, 1861, 5¢ blue, thin bluish paper. eight singles; two with gum, some flaws with five having four margins, various shades, F.-V.F. appearance.
Scott No. 9; $3,600. (Image1)

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Scott $3,600

SOLD for $850.00
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1066 ()    9 imageHawaii, 1861, 5¢ blue, thin bluish paper. No gum, four full margins, rich color on nicely blued paper, Very Fine and choice, with 1982 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 9; $400 as o.g. (Image1)

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Scott $400 as o

SOLD for $300.00
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1067 ()    9a imageHawaii, 1861, 5¢ blue, thin bluish paper, line through "Honolulu" variety. Position 2, top margin single, without gum, ample margins, strong color, bright and fresh, Very Fine, with 2005 A.P.S. certificate.
Scott No. 9a; $950. (Image1)

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Scott $950

SOLD for $375.00
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1068 S    10SA-11SA imageHawaii, 1868, 5¢ Blue and 13¢ Orange Red, Re-Issues, Overprinted "Specimen". Right margin blocks of 4, o.g., 5¢ hinged at top, 13¢ never hinged, ample to large margins; 5¢ with natural paper crease in bottom pair, otherwise Very Fine, an attractive multiple set.
Scott No. 10SA-11SA; $260 for hinged. (Image1)

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Scott $260 for

SOLD for $290.00
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1069     10R, 10RS imageHawaii, 1889, 5¢ blue, reprint. Normal and "Reprint" overprint issues, block of 4 of each, o.g., hinge remnants, full to large margins, bright and fresh, Very Fine and choice, ex-Golden.
Scott No. 10R, 10RS; $555. (Image1)

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Scott $555

SOLD for $350.00
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1070 /    10R imageHawaii, 1889, 5¢ blue, reprint. Complete sheet of 20, o.g., most stamps never hinged, strong bright color on fresh paper; small thin spot in bottom margin, Very Fine, a surprisingly scarce complete sheet, ex-Caspary & Golden.
Scott No. 10R; $1,380. (Image1)

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Scott $1,380

SOLD for $1,900.00
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1071 S    11SA imageHawaii, 1868, 13¢ orange red, re-issue, overprinted "Specimen". Complete sheet of 20 with sheet margins all around, o.g., lightly hinged; some thinning and creasing mostly in margin, small corner reattached, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 11SA; $620 as blocks and singles. (Image1)

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Scott $620 as b

SOLD for $260.00
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1072 S    11SBb imageHawaii, 1868, 13¢ orange red, re-issue, overprinted "Specimen", period omitted. No gum, clear to mostly large margins, strong color, usual light toning, Very Fine, very scarce.
Scott No. 11SBb; $600. (Image1)

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Scott $600

SOLD for $220.00
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1073     11R-S imageHawaii, 1889, 13¢ Orange Red, Reprint, Red A.B.N.Co. "Specimen" Overprint. Full top left corner margin horizontal pair (positions 1-2), o.g., never hinged, full even margins, bright and fresh, Extremely Fine and choice, a very scarce pair, with less than 40 pairs that exist.
Scott No. 11R-S; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $1,000.00
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1074     11R imageHawaii, 1889, 13¢ orange red, reprint. Upper sheet margin block of 8, o.g., clear to just in at bottom, strong bright color; flaws including creases and thin spot, Very Fine appearance, a very scarce multiple, ex-Tows and Admiral Harris.
Scott No. 11R; $2,900. (Image1)

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Scott $2,900

SOLD for $2,200.00
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1075 S    11RSC imageHawaii, 1889, 13¢ orange red, reprint. Lower left corner margin pair, o.g., stamps never hinged, bit of adherence in left extreme selvage, large margins except barely touched at top right; right stamp tiny tone spot, F.-V.F. and wonderful position piece.
Scott No. 11RSC; $480+. (Image1)

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Scott $480+

SOLD for $325.00
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1859-65 Numeral Issues
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1076 ()    12 imageHawaii, 1859, 1¢ light blue on bluish white. Plate 2-A, position 7, no gum as usual, some soiling and small faults including pinpoint filled thin, ample margins but cut in at upper left, Fine appearance, a very rare stamp in presentable condition.
Scott No. 12; $15,000. (Image1)

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Scott $15,000

SOLD for $1,800.00
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1077 ()    13 imageHawaii, 1859, 2¢ light blue on bluish white. Plate 3-B, type III, position 1, no gum, margins clear to into framelines; flaws including thins and slight soiling, Fine appearance, still a very scarce mint stamp, ex-Golden.
Scott No. 13; $6,250. (Image1)

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Scott $6,250

SOLD for $525.00
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1078 o    13 imageHawaii, 1859, 2¢ light blue on bluish white. Plate 1-A, type IX, position 9, large margins to clear, neat manuscript "X" cancel; mounted on card, tiny adherence at top, Fine, ex-D'Assis, Pietsch, with 2009 P.F. certificate
with 2009 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 13; $5,000. (Image1)

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Scott $5,000

SOLD for $950.00
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1079 o    13 imageHawaii, 1859, 2¢ light blue on bluish white. Pate 3-A, type II, position 2, close margins just touching the frame line in a couple places, strong color, manuscript cancel; sealed tear at right, Fine appearance, a very scarce stamp, with 1967 H. Spelman certificate.
Scott No. 13; $5,000. (Image1)

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Scott $5,000

SOLD for $525.00
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1080 o    13a imageHawaii, 1859, 2¢ dark blue on grayish white. Plate 1-A, type IX, position 9, ample to large margins, small nick at bottom left just touches frameline, pen stroke cancel, dark shade; slight overall toning, otherwise Very Fine and attractive used example of this scarce issue, ex-Honolulu Advertiser, with 2009 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 13a; $5,000. (Image1)

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Scott $5,000

SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction

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