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The Gary Munson Collection of Hawaii continued...

Town Postmarks continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1041 o    31 imageHawaii, (Hawaii) Waipio P.O. Manuscript postmark (802, 1RR) on 1864, 2¢ rose vermilion, with additional circular grid cancel; small flaws, F.-V.F. appearance, a very scarce manuscript postmark, ex-Peters.
Scott No. 31; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $550.00
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1851-52 "Missionaries" Issue
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1042 ()    2 imageHawaii, 1851-52, 5¢ blue "Missionary". Crocker Type I -- the lefthand position in the setting of two, unused, no gum; margins added at top and right with portion of frame line painted and color slightly faded, Very Fine appearance, with 2021 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 2; $55,000.


According to the Siegel census there are only twelve unused copies recorded (two of which are in the Tapling collection at the British Library). The Scott Catalogue notes that "values are for examples with minor damage that has been skillfully repaired".

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Scott $55,000

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1043 o    3 imageHawaii, 1851-52, 13¢ blue "Missionary". Type II, three margins, fourth at right ample to just touching the frame line, uncommonly strong color and impression, bright orange red San Francisco cds; magenta pen cancel removed; sealed tear at right, Very Fine appearance, ex-Brown, Crocker, Harris, Middendorf and Honolulu Advertiser, with 1995 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 3; $29,000.


This is actually one of the more desirable examples of this stamp, as is does not have margins or any portions of the design added as so many of the Hawaiian Missionaries do. The San Francisco orange-red cds was struck across the lower right corner probably as the post office processed prepaid mail for the next trip via Panama. The magenta manuscript cancel visible on this stamp in the Admiral Harris sale was removed before its next appearance at auction, indicates a very early use of the stamp.

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Scott $29,000

SOLD for $22,000.00
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1044 o    4 imageHawaii, 1851-52, 13¢ blue "Missionary". Type I, full seven bar "Jupiter" grid cancel, margins clear to just touching, strong bright color; small repair and minor tears, Very Fine, Scott catalog for examples with minor faults that are skillfully repaired, ex-Harris and Ishikawa.
Scott No. 4; $35,000.


The second issue 13¢ Missionary's primary change in design of the upper tablet of the first issue "Hawaiian Postage" to read the more appropriate "H.I. & U.S. Postage" as the issue prepaid both the 5¢ Hawaiian and 6¢ United States rate plus 2¢ ship fee.

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Scott $35,000

SOLD for $27,000.00
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1853-61 King Kamehameha III Issues
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1045 P    5TC3a imageHawaii, 1853, 5¢ black, trial color plate proof on wove. Margins large to just in at bottom, deep color and sharp impression, couple tiny flaws, Fine appearance, ex-Golden.
Scott No. 5TC3a; $6,000.


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Scott $6,000

SOLD for $3,750.00
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1046     5 imageHawaii, 1853, 5¢ blue, thick white paper. O.g., large well balanced margins, deep rich color; some very faint toning, otherwise Extremely Fine.
Scott No. 5; $1,900. (Image1)

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Scott $1,900

SOLD for $1,150.00
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1047 o    5 imageHawaii, 1853, 5¢ blue, thick white paper. Red grid and partial black cancels, margins mostly large to just in at bottom right, rich deep color, Very Fine.
Scott No. 5; $1,900. (Image1)

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Scott $1,900

SOLD for $725.00
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1048 o    5 imageHawaii, 1853, 5¢ blue, thick white paper. Clear to large margins except in at top, canceled by red "Honolulu, U.S. Postage Paid, Nov 30" cds and partial black San Francisco cds; light crease, Fine and attractive.
Scott No. 5; $1,900. (Image1)

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Scott $1,900

SOLD for $475.00
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1049     5a imageHawaii, 1853, 5¢ blue, thick white paper, line through "Honolulu" variety. Position 2, full o.g., margins ample to just in at bottom, bold color; tiny edge thins in top corners, Fine appearance, a scarce original gum example of this variety.
Scott No. 5a; $3,000. (Image1)

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Scott $3,000

SOLD for $950.00
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1050     6 imageHawaii, 1853, 13¢ dark red, thick white paper. O.g., full to large margins, rich color, Very Fine, with 2008 P.F. certificate Graded (VF 80).
Scott No. 6; $875. (Image1)

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Scott $875

SOLD for $725.00
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1051 ()    6 imageHawaii, 1853, 13¢ dark red, thick white paper. Position 19, no gum, bottom sheet margin single with ample to huge margins, strong color, Very Fine, with 1996 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 6; $875. (Image1)

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Scott $875

SOLD for $550.00
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1052     6 imageHawaii, 1853, 13¢ dark red, thick white paper. Traces of o.g., four full margins, radiant color, Very Fine.
Scott No. 6; $875. (Image1)

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Scott $875

SOLD for $525.00
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1053 o    6 imageHawaii, 1853, 13¢ dark red, thick white paper. Neat geometric grid cancel (similar to cirgrid22-7, 1R), clear to ample margins; wrinkle and some light surface scuffing at bottom, F.-V.F. appearance, ex-Peters.
Scott No. 6; $1,700. (Image1)

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Scott $1,700

SOLD for $900.00
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1054 ()    7 imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ manuscript surcharge on 13¢ dark red. Type I (Clark) numeral with long flag, no gum, large margins to in at top, bright color; few creases, scuff at bottom, otherwise Fine, ex-Golden, Middendorf, with 2011 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 7; $7,000. (Image1)

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Scott $7,000

SOLD for $2,600.00
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1055 o    7 imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ manuscript surcharge on 13¢ dark red. Type I (Clark) surcharge, San Francisco town cancel, margins ample to clear, strong bold color; natural paper inclusion at top left, F.-V.F., an attractive example of this rare provisional surcharge issue, ex-Admiral Harris.
Scott No. 7; $10,000. (Image1)

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Scott $10,000

SOLD for $3,750.00
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1056 /()    8, 8a imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ blue, thin white paper. five singles; one a top margin single line through "Honolulu" variety (large margin o.g., creased), others with flaws, F.-V.F. appearance.
Scott No. 8, 8a; $4,150. (Image1)

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Scott $4,150

SOLD for $1,300.00
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1057     8 imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ blue, thin white paper. O.g., ample to full margins all round, strong color; tiny thin, Very Fine appearance, scarce with original gum, with 2015 P.S.A.G. certificate.
Scott No. 8; $750. (Image1)

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Scott $750

SOLD for $400.00
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1058     8 imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ blue, thin white paper. Top margin single, o.g., hinge remnant, full margins; few gum tone spots, Very Fine.
Scott No. 8; $700. (Image1)

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Scott $700

SOLD for $475.00
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1059 /o    8-8a, 9-9a imageHawaii, 1857, 5c blue, thin white & bluish wove. Four singles; normal issues unused (no gum) and line through varieties used with grid cancels, few small flaws, F.-V.F. appearance, Scott 8 with 1977 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 8-8a, 9-9a; $3,450. (Image1)

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Scott $3,450

SOLD for $1,400.00
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1060 o    8 imageHawaii, 1857, 5¢ blue, thin white paper. Three margins, just in at bottom, strong color, canceled by beautiful red Honolulu (236.11 Type I) cds; thinned, F.-V.F. appearance, with 2016 H.P.S. certificate.
Scott No. 8; $750. (Image1)

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Scott $750

SOLD for $625.00
Will close during Public Auction

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