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United States Postal History continued...

Foreign Mails - 1860 to 1876 & Balances continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1581       image1867 (Jul. 15) New York N.Y. to Toronto, Canada. Blue folded letter datelined June 26th 1867 and privately forwarded with red framed forwarders backstamp, hand-drawn mourning box "My Brother Athill's death! -13 June 1867" at left, "New-York Jul 15" duplex and Toronto (11.17) arrival backstamp; small faults, Fine and unusual use with indication of postage paid.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
Will close during Public Auction
1582       image1867 (Sep. 11) Boston, England to Pleasant Mount, Mo. Cover with "Boston, SP 11 '67" duplex sent unpaid, red London (9.12) backstamp and black "3/Cents" debit handstamp, carried by Allan Line Peruvian from Liverpool Sep. 12th to Quebec arriving Sep. 23rd, partial "Chicago Am. Pkt. '24' Sep 26" exchange due cds and matching "32/U.S. Notes" depreciated currency handstamp, original letter accompanies; reduced at left and small edge tear, F.-V.F., A rare Chicago Depreciated Currency Handstamp.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $180.00
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1583       image1868 (Nov. 16) Caracas, Venezuela to New York N.Y. via Philadelphia. Datelined blue folded letter endorsed "By the White Wing" at top, entered mails with "Philad'a Pa. Dec 23" duplex and matching bold "Ship 12" in circle rating handstamp, additional "Dispatched, Philad's. Pa. Dec 23, 3.30PM." cds, Very Fine, The Earliest Known use of the Philadelphia "Ship 12" in Circle handstamp.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $90.00
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1584       image1868 (Dec. 8) New York N.Y. to Paris, France. Blue folded letter with blue "Hennings & Gosing, New-York" oval handstamp, New York red crayon "4" for quadruple rate and blue crayon "36" cent debit to France, carried as endorsed by Cunard Line China from New york Dec. 8th to Queenstown arriving Dec. 18th, blue Calais (12.20) entry cds and two strikes of bold "32" décimes due handstamps, Very Fine and scarce quadruple rate use.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $140.00
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1585       image1869 (Oct. 4) St. Petersburg, Russia to New York N.Y. Blue folded cover bearing Russia 1k black & yellow (19), 3k black & deep green (20), 10k brown & blue (23) and 20k blue & orange (24), all tied by two strikes of bold ovals, endorsed "Per Prussian Closed Mail", red "Franco" framed handstamp and red crayon "7", red "New York Paid All, Oct" exchange cds; some repaired tears, Very Fine appearance and scarce four-color franking.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
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1586   image(China) "Agency Pacific Mail Steamship Company, San Francisco June 2, 1870". Letter to E.W. Kingsley reading "After having seen for yourself the City of San Francisco, and observed the great commercial advantages as well as its importance not only to this Coast, but to our whole country; also having inspected the property of the Pacific Mail Steam Ship Company, including their Steamers employed on the China route; I beg it consistent with your views of propriety that you will obtain the signatures of sich of the meinent gentlemen of your Hon. Board of Trade of Boston. [as would be willin to aid our Company in procuring an increase of subsidy] to a telegram addressed to the Hon. Wm. Twitchill. Chairman of the House Committee on Postal Service asking him to use his best efforts in furtherance of that object. Be assured Sir, I feel that the future control of the Asiatic trade, the command of the commerce of the Pacific and the supremacy of our Country's flag in this hemisphere depend on the success of the petition of this Company now before the Congress of the United States. An I deem its succress an object of such paramount greatness, as to justify me in seeking the iad of the excellent and substantial men, who now represent the noble City of Boston in California…Yours with Sincere regard, Oliver Eldridge", Very Fine and interesting letter concerning the PMSS contract.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $450.00
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1587       image1871 (Apr. 15) Chaseburg Mo. to Christiania, Norway. Orange cover with "Chaseburg Mo. Apr 15" and "Chicago Ill. Apr 20" exchange backstamp, Bremen (5.1.71) transit backstamp, Christiania (5.8) and Lillehammer (5.10) transits, Very Fine and scarce via Bremen use to Norway.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1588       image1872 (Apr. 2, Nov. 2) United States to France. Two covers, single and double rates by unpaid open mail, Apr. 2nd San Francisco to Jarnac with "New York Br. Transit '4' Apr 10" debit exchange cds and with "GB/2F" accountancy handstamp, French "12" décimes single-rate due handstamp; Nov. 2nd New York to Reims with "New York Br. Transit '4' Nov 2" debit exchange cd, carried by French Line Washington with "GB/2F" accountancy handstamp, French "24" décimes double-rate due handstamp (third progression), Very Fine and scarce pair of covers.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $70.00
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1589       image1873 (Jun. 24) Guayaquil, Ecuador to New York N.Y. Datelined ble folded letter with "Panama-Transit, JU 29" transit cds and two strikes of rare "12" pence debit rating handstamps, perfect strike of "New York '24' Jul 17" integral-due cds, Very Fine and choice.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
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1590       image1874 (Jul. 7) Trondhjem, Norway to New York N.Y. Cover with "Trondhjem, 7/7" original cds's, Christiana (7.11) transit backstamp, framed "via Tydsklan" handstamp, pencil "17c" and "New York, Due 17, U.S. Currency, Aug 5" depreciated cds, Very Fine and scarce depreciated currency use, ex-Hahn.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

This letter from Norway was sent unpaid at the 10¢ NGU rate plus 5¢ fine for 15¢ due in coin, or 17¢ in depreciated currency.

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $200.00
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1591       image1874 (Oct. 11) South-Shield, England to Chicago Ill. Cover bearing G.B. 1d red, vertical pair, tied by "704" barred oval, matching "South-Shield, OC 11 '74" cds at right, blue "Chicago, Ill. Unpaid, Oct 25" cds backstamp and matching "U.S. Currency / 6" depreciated currency handstamp; faulty, partial flap, Fine and rare Chicago depreciated currency marking.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $200.00
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1592       image1875 (Jul. 26) Geelong, Victoria to Davenport Ia. Cover bearing Victoria 6d blue (116) tied by "Geelong, JY 26, 75" duplex, red "PAID ALL" handstamp adjacent, reverse with Melbourne (7.27) and Sydney (7.30) transits, "San Francisco Cal., Sep 4" transit cds and matching "5" due handstamp; reduced slightly at right, Very Fine.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $230.00
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1593       image1876 (Feb. 15) New Haven Ct. to London, England. Mourning cover bearing 5¢ Revenue (R23) cancelled by sharp "T" in circle handstamp, matching strike at center, "New Haven Conn. Feb 15" cds, "New York" transit backstamp, pencil "0" below stamp indicating zero postage, London (2.28.76) arrival cds ties stamp, "5d" due handstamp for 2½d rate plus 100% fine; reduced at left, otherwise Very Fine.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $450.00
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1594       imageTransatlantic Mail, 1848-69. Group of 10 covers including 1869 Richmond Me. to Havre, France and forwarded with "British/Foreign" handstamp; three early 1848 treaty uses, four 1848-57 covers from UK to US with various "Too Late" markings; 1866 Sydney, New South Wales to Providence R.I. via London and New York; and 1851 c. Great Britain 1s green embossed on cover front to Chicago Ill. via Boston, F.-V.F. and interesting group.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $200.00
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1595       image1848 Retaliatory Period Mail. Group of 3 comprising 1848 (Aug. 25) Richmond, England prepaid by Cunard Hibernia to Philadelphia with Boston "34" retaliatory due rating; 1848 (Aug. 24) Norwich, England to New York N.Y. by Cunard Hibernia with Boston "29" retaliatory due handstamp; and 1848 (Aug. 1) Philadelphia Pa. to London with "Paid" and "29" retaliatory due handstamps carried by Cunard Hibernia, F.-V.F. trio.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $120.00
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1596       image1863-1870s, Depreciated Currency Collection. Collection of 90 inbound mail covers with a wide variety of mostly New York depreciated currency markings, origins include Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, etc., many better usages including 1869 (May 5) Stockholm to New York with large "2½" due handstamp and "New York 35 U.S. Notes" cds, 1871 (May 9) Ireland to Chicago with "Chicago Am. Pkt., May 22" cds and "13/U.S. Notes" h.s. (purported to be unique); 1870 Vlaardingen, Netherlands to New York with "Moerdyk" framed handstamp and "New York, 16 U.S. Notes" cds; 1863 (May 29) Sicily with faulty 40c red pair underpaid to New York with "U.S. Notes / 29" two-line handstamps updated in manuscript. to "84¢" and "113" due in notes (cover stained); two 1864, 67 usages from Germany via Bremen with N.Y. "Brem." cds's (partial strikes); 1868 (Mar. 3) Brest, France with "24" and "New York, 41 U.S. Notes, Mar 20" cds; Due 31 U.S. Currency, Jan 21" cds; 1874 Argentina to New York with "14" and "New York; Due 18 U.S. Currency Mar" cds; 1866 Chile to New York with blue "24" and "31" h.s. in notes; etc., mixed condition but many better covers and discovery listing examples, F.-V.F., A remarkable assemblage mostly emanating from the Cal Hahn collection.
Estimate; $2,000 - 3,000. (Image1) (Image2)


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Est. $2,000-3,000
SOLD for $4,250.00
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Packets/Inland Waterway Covers
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1597     592 imageSteamer Hecla. Red oval handstamp on docketed 1851 blue folded cover to Natchitoches La., endorsed "Freight B/L." at top and "S.B. Hecla" at bottom; central file fold, fresh and Very Fine.
Milgram No. 592; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $160.00
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1598       image"Supplementary Mail". Choice strike of red type A handstamp on 1869 pre-paid stampless cover to Wirksworth, England, matching "New York, Paid All, Jun 23" cds and receiving backstamp, with original enclosure, Very Fine and choice, with 2004 P.F. certificate.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $500.00
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Advertising & Illustrated Covers
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1599       image(Agriculture) Indiana Farmer Agricultural Paper, Richmond Ind. Fancy advertising text design on buff cover bearing 3¢ dull red (11A), margins to in, light crease, tied by sharp "Richmond Ind. Jan 7" cds to Philadelphia Pa.; small corner flaws, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $260.00
Will close during Public Auction
1600       image(Animal) International Stock Food Co., 3 Feeds For One Cent, Minneapolis, Minn. Multicolored illustrated design showing Four Horses and a 3 Feeds Bucket at Left on legal-size cover bearing pre-canceled 1¢ green for 1¢ printed matter rate to Promise City Iowa, reverse with additional all-over multicolor ad showing factory building and text; some edge wear, Very Fine, an exceptional and rare legal-size ad.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $525.00
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