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United States Postal History continued...

Foreign Mails - 1850 to 1859 continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1561       image1853 (Dec. 30) Columbia Ill. to Baden, Germany. Folded cover with manuscript "Columbia Ills., Dec 30" postmark and matching "Paid 20" rating, red "N. York U.S. Pkt. 'Paid 1' Jan 7" credit exchange cds, carried by Collins Line Pacific from New York Jan. 7th to Liverpool arriving Jan. 18th, red "America/über Bremen" two-line and "Paid to Bremen" handstamps, blue manuscript "2½" debit crossed out and updated to "9" in blue crayon, reverse with Cassel (1.22.54), Frankfurt (1.23) transits and Offenburg (1.25) arrival; cover wear and soiling, Fine and rare special Bremen Closed Mail voyage.
Estimate; $400 - 600.

Collins Line "Pacific" carried a special closed mail for Bremen on this voyage by order of the Postmaster General. The mail arrived at Bremen on January 21, 1854 via Aachen. The New York 1¢ credit to Bremen cds was used only on mail carried to Bremen under American packet, or in this case, closed mail. Letter was only prepaid for the 20¢ Treaty rate to Bremen and Hannover marked "Paid to Bremen".

Est. $400-600
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1562       image1854, 1856 Glasgow, Scotland to San Francisco, Cal. Two folded letters comprising 1854 at the scarce "2/4" prepaid 2s4d rating for West Indies rate to California; and 1856 at the 2/5" prepaid 2s5d rating for two-times the 1s2½d rate via Cunard Line; each with San Francisco "Paid" handstamps; a Very Fine and scarce pair.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1563       image1854 (Oct. 30) Evansville Ind. to Württemberg, Germany. Datelined folded letter with sharp "Evansville Ind. Oct 30" cds and matching bold "30" rating handstamp, "N. York U.S. Pkt. '14' Nov 4" debit exchange cds, clear strike of red "24/9 Kr.R. America/über Bremen" handstamp, blue manuscript "33" and magenta "33", reverse with Frankfurt (11.24) and Tubingen (11.26) arrival cds, Very Fine.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $200.00
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1564       image1854 (Nov. 11) Melbourne, Victoria to New York N.Y. Blue cover bearing Victoria 1s blue (18), cut-to-shape, tied by "1 V" oval cancel, "Melbourne, Victoria, NO 11, 1854" rimless crown oval postmark, endorsed "pr 'Calcutta' via Southampton, carried as endorsed by GSS Calcutta via Cape Horn to London, red London (1.20) transit backstamp, manuscript "28" debit to U.S., "New-York Am. Pkt. Feb 16" exchange cds and matching "33" due handstamp, Very Fine.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $70.00
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1565       image1855 (Aug. 22) New York N.Y. to Canton, China. Folded letter datelined "New York August 22, 1855" and addressed to Augustine Heard & Co., red "New York Am. Pkt. Aug. 22" cds and matching bold large "12" credit to G.B. handstamp, pencil "33" cent prepayment rating, carried by Collins Line Baltic from New York Aug. 22nd to Liverpool arriving Sep. 2nd, red London Paid (9.3) transit, Hong Kong (10.26) arrival backstamp; horizontal file fold, Very Fine use sent at the 33c rate via Southampton.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
SOLD for $425.00
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1566       image1856 (Mar. 22) New Orleans La. to Toulouse, France. Folded cover bearing 1¢ blue (7) horizontal pair, large margins to in, tied by large "New Orleans La., Mar 22" cds, endorsed "Circulaire" at top left, red Calais (4.14) entry cds and manuscript "11" décimes due, Toulouse (4.17) arrival backstamp; no side flap, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1567       image1856 (Jun. 14) San Francisco Cal. to Sneek, Holland. Blue folded cover with blue Netherlands Consular handstamp corner card, black "San Francisco Cal. 5 May" cds and red "Paid" handstamp with magenta "26" cent prepaid rating, red "New-York Am. Pkt. May 31" exchange cds, carried on Havre Line Fulton from New York May 31st to Southampton arriving Jun. 14th, black "U.S. Pkt." straightline, red London (6.14.61) transit backstamp and manuscript "4" pence due rating, Sneek (6.14) arrival backstamp and "400" Dutch cents due rating, ex-Richardson.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

This is the only recorded example of the 26¢ West Coast rate by American packet via British Open mails to Holland.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $150.00
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1568       image1856, 1858 St. Petersburg, Russia to the United States. Two covers each with St. Petersbourg diamond backstamps comprising 1856 (Oct. 10) with red "Aachen, Paid 25 Cts. 27/10" transit cds and matching "P" in circle with "Aus Russland" and "Franco" straightlines to Newark N.J.; and 1858 (Nov. 17) with red "Aachen, Paid 25 Cts. 6/12" transit cds, both with "N.York 'Paid 30' Am. Pkt" credit exchange cds, Very Fine and scarce pair of covers.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1569       image1857 (Feb. 25) Mobile Ala. to Augsburg, Germany. Gray printed circular bearing 3¢ dull red (11) horizontal pair, pos. 81-82R4, rich color, tied by two strikes of "Mobile Ala., Mar 25" cds, endorsed "Open print, Per Prussian Closed Mail, carried by Cunard Line Asia from New York Mar. 4th to Liverpool arriving Mar. 16th, bold Liverpool America (3.16) transit backstamp with matching bold "2" pence due rating, London (3.17) transit backstamp, blue Liverpool (3.18) dotted double-arc, Aachen (3.18) transit backstamp and blue manuscript "8" due rating, "Bahnh.Augsburg (3.20) arrival backstamp, Very Fine and choice circular rate use during three-month period.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
SOLD for $1,250.00
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1570       image1857 (Aug. 29) Williamsport Pa. to Algeria. Buff cover with "Williamsport Pa. Aug 29" cds and matching "Paid" "30" rating handstamps, red "New York 'Paid 24' Sep 2" credit exchange cds, carried by Cunard Arabia from New York Sep. 2nd to Liverpool arriving Sep. 13th, French (9.14) entry cds, reverse with Paris (9.15) transit and Algeria (9.25) arrival cds; edge wear, F.-V.F. and scarce destination, ex-Littauer.
Estimate; $150 - 200.

Since Algeria was part of France, the 15¢ rate to France also applied to mail destined for Algeria.

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $350.00
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1571       image1858 (Oct. 4) New Orleans La. to Marseilles, France. Printed circular bearing 1¢ blue, type V (24) vertical pair, pos. 27-37R5, tied by "New Orleans La. Oct 4" cds, blue "Printed Circular / Per Steamer" two-line handstamp, French (10.25) entry cds and matching "15c" due handstamp, reverse with Paris transit and Marseilles arrival; bottom stamp corner tear, Very Fine.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $200.00
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1572       image1859 (Jun. 10) Augusta Ga. to Geneva, Switzerland. Light buff cover bearing 3¢ dull red (25), pos. 77R4, and two 12¢ black (36) singles, tied by two strikes of "Augusta Ga. Jun 10" cds, red "N. York Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid' Jun 15" exchange cds with magenta "22" cent credit rating, carried by Hapag Line Hammonia from New York Jun. 15th to Hamburg arriving Jun. 29th, Hamburg (6.29) backstamp with "Franco" italics handstamp and red crayon "2" rating later updated to "6", reverse with Frankfurt (6.30), Chene (7.3) and Geneva (7.3) backstamps; small stamp flaws, F.-V.F. and scarce franking prepaying the 27¢ Bremen-Hamburg rate, ex-Richardson.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

The 27¢ per ½ ounce rate by Bremen-Hamburg mails was effective from July 1, 1857 to September 30, 1860, when it was reduced to 19¢.

Est. $300-400
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Foreign Mails - 1860 to 1876 & Balances
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1573       image1860 (Aug. 14) Havre, France to New York N.Y. Blue folded letter bearing France 1860, 80c Rose on Pinkish (20; Yvert 17B), tied by diamond of dots cancel, red "Bureau Maritime, Havre, 14 Aout. 60" cds with matching small red "PD" framed handstamp and "12" cent credit to U.S., blue "Am. Service" octagonal handstamp carried by Vanderbilt Line Vanderbilt from Havre Aug. 15th to New York arriving Aug. 26th, red "New York, Aug 27" exchange cds and matching "Paid" arc handstamp, Very Fine American Packet Direct use.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

The Vanderbilt Line made only 46 sailings during this period, this was one of the last.

Est. $200-300
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1574       image1860 (Dec. 13) Fountain City, Wisc. to H.M.S. "Chesapeake", China. Buff cover with partial "Fountain City, Wisc. 1860 Dec '13' " cds with ms. date and matching manuscript "pd. 33 cts" rating at top for 33¢ rate via Southampton, red Detroit Am. Pkt. 'Paid' Dec 20" exchange backstamp cds and matching bold "12" in octagon credit to G.B. handstamp, carried by Allan Line North Briton from Portland Me. Oct. 22nd to Liverpool arriving Jan. 7th, red London Paid (1.7) transit cds; some edge wear, otherwise Very Fine and scarce Detroit exchange office use.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $250.00
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1575       image1868 (Nov. 17) New York N.Y. to Pau, France. Cover bearing 12¢ black (69) tied by bold New York Foreign Mail leaf fancy cancel, matching "New York '9' Nov 17" debit exchange cds and "Insufficiently Prepaid" straightline, blue Calais entry cds and "8" décimes due handstamp reverse with Paris (11.29) transit and Pau (11.30) arrival cds, Very Fine and choice New York short paid use.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1576       image1863 (May 26) London, England to New York N.Y. Datelined folded letter with blue "London, MY 26 '63" origin backstamp and black "3/Cents" debit handstamp, sharp strike of New York "U.S. Notes / 32" two-line depreciated currency handstamp, Very Fine and early depreciated currency marking, ex-Hahn.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

Starting May 1st 1863, exchange office postmasters were authorized to collect on unpaid letters from Great Britain and Ireland, France, Prussia, Hamburg, Bremen or Belgium the postage due in coin or depreciated greenback currency, with a premium calculated daily on the latter. This letter was due either 24¢ in coin or 32¢ in greenback notes.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $325.00
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1577       image1864 (Aug. 22) Havre, France to New York N.Y. Blue folded letter with "Le Havre, 22 Aout. 64" cds and "12" cent debit handstamp, carried by French Line Lafayette from Havre Aug. 24th to New York arriving Sep. 6th, "N.Y. Frnh. Pkt. '15 or 36 U.S. notes' Sep 6" depreciated currency cds, pencil "43¢" ratings; small edge tear at right; file folds, Very Fine and rare French Mails Depreciated Currency use carried on the Maiden Voyage of Lafayette.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

This is the listing example for this New York French Mails Depreciated Currency cds. The 15¢ in coin or 36¢ in notes was a a 2.4x inflation factor, near the peak exchange rate in depreciated currency.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $525.00
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1578       image1865 (Oct. 12) Buenos Aires, Argentina to Cincinnati Oh. via France. Cover with "Argentine, 12 Oct. 65" octagon datestamp, carried by Carmel from Argentina to Bordeaux, French manuscript "24" cent debit to U.S. at right, then transatlantic by French Line Lafayette from Havre Nov. 17th to New York arriving Dec. 5th, clear strike of "N.Y. Frnh. Pkt. '30 or 43 U.S. notes' Dec 5" depreciated currency cds, pencil "43¢" ratings; small edge tear at right, Very Fine and rare French Mails Depreciated Currency use.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $500.00
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1579       image1865 (Nov. 28) Pottsville Pa. to Herrenburg, Wurttemberg, Germany. Preprinted "Forwarded by Howard & Co.'s Express from Pottsville, Pa." envelope with bold "Pottsville, Pa, 1865 28 Nov" cds and matching "30" rating handstamp, black "N. York Br. Pkt. '46' Nov 29" debit exchange cds for double-weight, carried by Cunard Line Scotia from New York Nov. 29th to Queenstown arriving Dec. 10th, blue Aachen (12.12) transit backstamp and blue crayon "fr 30" due rating, reverse with Wurttemb. Fahr. Post (12.13) and Stuttgart (12.13) transits, Herrenberg (12.13) arrival cds; some edge wear, Very Fine.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500.


Est. $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $1,000.00
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1580       image1866-67, Italy to New York N.Y. via French Mails. Group of 3 folded letters comprising 1866 (Sep. 8) Messina via France with "Italie, Marseilles" (9.17) entry and ms. "18" cent debit, "N.Y. Frnh. Pkt. '21 or 30 U.S. Notes' Sep 27" cds; 1867 (Feb. 24) Messina via France with "Italie, Marseilles" (3.26) entry and ms. "18" cent debit, "N.Y. Frnh. Pkt. '21 or 28 U.S. notes' Mar 12" cds; 1867 (Jul. 30) Genova via France with "Italie, Lanslebout" (8.2) entry and bold"18" cent debit handstamp, "N.Y. Frnh. Pkt. '21 or 29 U.S. notes' Aug 13" cds, Very Fine and exceptional trio of French Mail Depreciated Currency markings.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

This trio of New York French Mail Depreciated Currency datestamps show the slightly different inflation factors for the 21¢ rate in coin with notes of 30¢, 28¢ and 29¢ for 1.428, 1.333 and 1.381 factors.
(Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $900.00
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