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United States Postal History continued...

Advertising & Illustrated Covers continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1601       image(Animal) International Stock Food Co., 3 Feeds For One Cent, Minneapolis, Minn. Multicolored illustrated design showing Horse, Pig and Cow with 3 Feeds Bucket and horses at right on legal-size cover bearing pre-canceled 1¢ green for 1¢ printed matter rate to Promise City Iowa, reverse with additional all-over multicolor ad showing factory building and text; some edge wear, Very Fine and rare legal-size ad.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
1602       image(Cameo) D. Jones' Brewery, New York. Red embossed cameo ad design showing building on cover bearing 1¢ blue (63) and 3¢ rose (65) tied by "New-York, Dec 21" duplex to Dansville N.Y., prepaid 4¢ for 3¢ letter rate plus 1¢ carrier fee; no back flap and small flaws, F.-V.F. and scarce cameo design.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
Will close during Public Auction
1603     JF-36 image(Campaigns) John Fremont. Portrait design in oval on yellow cover bearing 3¢ dull red (11A) tied by "Flushing N.Y. May 18" cds to Pottersville N.H., Very Fine, a lovely Fremont campaign cover.
Milgram No. JF-36; Estimate $100 - 150. (Image1)

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Est. $100-150
SOLD for $120.00
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1604     WH-13 image(Campaigns) William Henry Harrison. Portrait design with separate log cabin scene and Allen & Co. imprint, illustration on folded lettersheet to Abingdon, Va., posted with red "Cambridge, Ms., July 14" cds and manuscript "25" rate, with letter from University of Cambridge student with enthusiastic content regarding the Harrison campaign…You will perceive my dear father that the "Harrison fever" is raging to an incredible degree in this part of the worldI thought that I would write to you on the Harrison paper merely to show you to what extent the "Yankees are carrying political engravings", Very Fine.
Milgram No. WH-13; Estimate $750 - 1,000. (Image1) (Image2)


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Est. $750-1,000
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1605       image(Expositions) 1903 St. Louis Worlds Fair. Multicolored exposition design on cover to Berlin, Germany, franked with 1902, 1¢ green + 2¢ carmine, two singles (couple s.e.'s) tied by "U.S. German Sea P.O., Oct 13, 1903" duplex postmark, Very Fine and choice, an unusual and rare usage.
Estimate; $250 - 350. (Image1)

Est. $250-350
SOLD for $160.00
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1606       image(Expositions) 1905 Lewis & Clark Centennial, Portland, Oregon. Multicolored design on cover franked with 2¢ red tied by 1905 Portland, Ore. exposition station machine cancel, Very Fine and choice, very scarce with exposition postmark.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1607       image(Home Products) Kleen Kutter Safety Razor. Illustrated ad showing silver razor, on cover bearing 2¢ shield (319) with "S. H. Co." Simmons Hardware Co. perfin, tied by "St. Louis Mo., Oct 27, 1908" machine cancel to Martinsville Va., Extremely Fine and attractive, ex-Heimburger.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
Will close during Public Auction
1608       image(Insurance) Charter Oak Life Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. All-over shaded ad design illustrated with Charter Oak, on cover bearing 3¢ blue (114) tied by quartered cork duplexed with "Hartford Conn. Jul 29" cds to Ware Mass.; reduced slightly at right, Very Fine and attractive, ex-Gabriel.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
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1609       image(Medical) J. Ellwood Lee Co., Conshohocken, Pa. Red, bronze & pink all-over illustrated ad cover to Saxony, Germany showing Factory and Company Logo, on 1901 cover franked with 1¢ green (279) and two 2¢ red (279B) singles, tied by "Conshohocken, Pa. Apr 30" duplex postmark, reverse with allover ad showing nurses and with New York (5.1) transit and Saxony (5.10) arrival cds, Extremely Fine and choice overseas use.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $160.00
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1610       image(Printing & Publishing) Toledo OH, The B.F. Wade Printing Co. Full color illustrated ad on blue cover bearing 2¢ shield (319) tied by "Toledo Oh., Feb 11, 1905" machine cancel to local address, additional illustrated ad on reverse, opened at top, Very Fine, A gem example of this beautiful ad cover.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1611     184 image(Sports) Peck & Snyder, Sporting Goods, New York. Gray allover shaded ad design showing Baseball and Sportsman's Emporium, on cover franked with 3¢ Banknote tied by 1880 New York duplex; slight cover reduction at right, Very Fine and choice.
Scott No. 184; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $80.00
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Fancy Cancels
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1612       image"$" of South Duxbury, Mass. Fine strike in purple cancels 3¢ green (184), on cover to Malden Mass., matching "South Duxbury Mass. Aug 11"; minor perf toning, reduced slightly at right, Very Fine, Exceptionally rare example of this unlisted cancel with only two recorded covers., ex-Beane.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
Will close during Public Auction
1613     BT-4 imageBoot. Sharp strike duplexed with "West Berkeley, Cal. May 7, 1882" cds on 2¢ War Dept. (UO54) piece, Very Fine and scarce fancy cancel used only in 1884.
Cole No. BT-4; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
Will close during Public Auction
1614     NS-D unlisted imageBottle Stopper "4" with Negative Six Point Star. Choice strike ties 3¢ rose (65), matching "Berlin Wis, Jul 27, 1863" cds on cover to Middlebury, Vt.; reduced slightly at left, Very Fine and remarkable cancel, ex-Beane.
Skinner-Eno No. NS-D unlisted; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
Will close during Public Auction
1615     CL-1 image(Chicago, Ill.) Three-Leaf Clover. Complete perfect bold strike in blue duplexed with "Chicago Ill., May 11" cds on postal card to Akron Oh., Extremely Fine and choice, ex-Skinner, with 2014 P.F. certificate.
Berg No. CL-1; Estimate $600 - 800.


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Est. $600-800
SOLD for $600.00
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1616     1160 imageCoin with Wreath & Shield. Bold strike of fancy cancel includes a central quartered pie shape surrounded by wreath and a shield at top, tied 3¢ rose (65), bright shade, couple trimmed perfs, matching "Wilkinsonville Mass. May 23" balloon-style cds on cover to Oxford Mass., Very Fine and choice strike.
Whitfield No. 1160; Estimate $500 - 750.


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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $500.00
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1617       imageDouble Cross. Fancy cancel on 3c red, grilled (94) on yellow A.A. Rosenberg Sheet Music and Musical dealer corner card cover to Stockton Cal., "May 24" receiving handstamp, fresh and Very Fine, Unusual fancy cancel unlisted by Skinner & Eno.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $200.00
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1618     PH-H 4 imageHeart. Duplexed with "Philad'a Pa. Mar 29" cds on orange Publishers corner card cover to Baltimore Md.; small opening tears at top, Very Fine and choice fancy cancel use.
Skinner-Eno No. PH-H 4; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
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1619     JO-50 imageJack-of-Latern. Duplexed with "Providence R.I., Dec 5" cds ties 2¢ vermilion (183) on cover to local street address, Very Fine and rare fancy cancel.
Cole No. JO-50; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
Will close during Public Auction
1620     AN-11 imageKicking Mule. Black strikes cancel 2¢ Trans-Mississippi (286) and two 2¢ carmine (279B) pairs on cover endorsed from "J.C. Perry" with preprinted address to W. Sellschopp & Co., slightly indistinct blue-green "Registered / Jun 1 1899 / Port Townsend, Wash." three-line registry postmark, reverse with purple San Francisco Registered (6.5) cds and San Francisco Registered Sta. D (6.5) oval arrivals; small edge tear, Very Fine and scarce registered Trans-Mississippi Kicking Mule use, ex-Landau. Scott No. 286.
Cole No. AN-11; Estimate $400 - 600. (Image1)

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Est. $400-600
SOLD for $525.00
Will close during Public Auction

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