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United States Postal History continued...

Foreign Mails - 1815 to 1849 continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1541       image1848 (Apr. 14) London, England to New York N.Y. Blue folded letter with "Tooley St." straightline with red manuscript "1/" 1s prepaid rating, carried as endorsed by Cunard Line America from Liverpool Apr. 15th to New York arriving Apr. 29th, New York red "6" in circle due handstamp for port-of-entry ship letter fee, Very Fine, Carried on Maiden Voyage of Cunard Line America, ex-Feldman.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
Will close during Public Auction
1542       image1848 (Jun. 12) Louisville Ky. to Marburg, Germany. Folded cover with partial blue "Louisville Ky. '5' Jun 12" integral-rate cds and manuscript "34" cent rating, sharp "New-York, Jun 17" exchange backstamp, carried by Ocean Line Hermann from New York Jun. 17th to Bremen arriving Jul. 3rd, Hannover "12¾ America/über Bremen" and "14½" handstamps, magenta due ratings, partial German arrival, exceptionally fresh and Very Fine.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $130.00
Will close during Public Auction
1543       image1848 (Sep. 11) Portland Me. to Brunswick, Germany. Cover with partial "Portland Me. '10' 11 Sep" integral cds and matching "Paid" handstamp to New York, carried by Cunard Line Niagara from New York Sep. 13th to Liverpool arriving Sep. 25th, red London (9.26) transit backstamp and manuscript "2/4" 2s4d debit rating, sharp "ENGLAND/ÜBER BREMEN" two-line handstamp and red crayon "18 2/3" due rating, Oct. 1st boxed arrival backstamp, additional red crayon ratings incl. "22 2/3" final due, Very Fine and scarce use.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

Portland collected only 10¢ for U.S. inland fee to New York and marked the letter with "Paid" handstamp. Letter was sent as endorsed by Cunard Line at double the 5¢ British open mail rate. London marked debit of "2/4" 2s4d for two-times the 8d transatlantic fee plus 6d British transit. Hannover marked letter with black "ENGLAND/ÜBER BREMEN" handstamp to show letter arrived from England under U.K.-Hannover convention of 1845, showing debit to Hannover of 18 2/3 gute-groschen (equivalent to British debit of 2s4d). Hannover added the 4 ggr. internal fee was added and letter marked 22 2/3 ggr. postage due.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $450.00
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1544       image(Restored Rate Period) 1848 (Oct 13) Manila, Philippines to Boston Mass. Gray printed circular datelined "Manila 13 October. 1848." dateline carried privately London, entered mails with red London Paid (12.29) cds and red manuscript "1/-" rating. red "p 'America' " endorsement, carried by Cunard Line America from Liverpool Dec. 30th to Boston arriving Jan. 12th, red "Boston Ms. 'Ship' JAn 12" cds and matching "7" due handstamp for 5¢ inland postage plus 2¢ ship fee, Very Fine, Carried on the First Westbound Restored Rate Voyage.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
1545       image(Restored Rate Period) 1848 (Dec. 24) Marseilles, France to Boston Mass. Cds and small red "PD" framed handstamp with manuscript rating at top left, on blue folded letter, red London Paid (12.29) transit cds, carried by Cunard Line America from Liverpool Dec. 30th to Boston arriving Jan. 12th, Boston red "Ship, 6" ribbon due handstamp, Very Fine, Carried on the First Westbound Restored Rate Voyage.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $100.00
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1546       image(Restored Rate Period) 1849 (c., Jan. 10) New York N.Y. to Carlisle, England. Blue folded cover endorsed "per Europa", carried as endorsed by Cunard Line Europa from New York Jan. 10th to Liverpool arriving Jan. 22nd, reverse with "America, Liverpool, JA 22, 1849" double-arc and green Carlisle (1.23) arrival double-arc, Very Fine and choice, Carried on the First Voyage from the US to UK under Restored Rates.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
Will close during Public Auction
1547       image(Restored Rate Period) 1849 (Feb. 6) New York N.Y. to Cognac, France. Datelined grayish folded letter carried on Cunard Line Canada from New York Feb. 7th to Liverpool arriving Feb. 19th, reverse with Liverpool America (2.19) and red London (2.20) transits, matching red "Colonies/&c. Art. 13." framed accounting handstamp, Boulogne (2.24) entry cds and manuscript "59" décimes due rating, Cognac arrival backstamp; light fold toning, F.-V.F., Carried on the Final Eastbound Voyage under Restored Rates.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
Will close during Public Auction
1548       image1849 (Aug. 20) New York N.Y. to Ankum, Germany. Greenish blue folded letter with "New-York, Aug 20" cds and matching "24" cents due handstamp (Winter 302) for Bremen Treaty rate, carried by Ocean Line Hermann from New York Aug. 20th to Bremen arriving Sep. 5th, sharp strike of red "9 America / uber Bremen" handstamp (Van der Linden 3291), Very Fine.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $70.00
Will close during Public Auction
1549       image1849 (Aug. 25) Canton, China to Germantown Pa. via Hong Kong and London. Gray cover with original enclosure (transcript accompanies) datelined "Canton River August 25th 1849", reverse with clear strike of red "Forwarded by Rawle Drinker & Co., Hong Kong" forwarder's oval as well as blue "Lemuel Goddard, London" oval, entered mails with London (11.2) cds and "19/Cents" debit handstamp, carried by Cunard Line America from Liverpool Nov. 3rd to New York arriving Nov. 17th, New York "24" due rating handstamp for packet fee, fascinating contents describing the murder of the Portuguese commander at Macao (Don Jose Maria do Amaral), his method of ruling Macao and that the Chinese had put a $1,000 bounty for his head, the English and American forces in the area are rallying to the aid of the Portuguese, and that the murdered body had been embalmed "and lies in state at his house, where it is said they mean to preserve it till the head is returned", other fascinating contents regarding gambling, a skirmish at a fort and other topics, some slight wear, Very Fine, Very Fine.
Estimate; $750 - 1,000.



Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction
1550       image1849 (Sep. 17) Reading Pa. to Berlichingen, Württemberg. Folded letter with partial red "Reading Pa. Sep 17" cds and matching "Paid" and "5" rating handstamps, bold New York "24" cents due handstamp (Winter 302) for Bremen Treaty rate, carried by Ocean Line Washington from New York Sep. 20th to Bremen arriving Oct. 6th, choice red "9 America / uber Bremen" handstamp (Van der Linden 3291" and additional light red "10 1/3" handstamp below, blue manuscript "45" debit rating, various magenta ratings with "53" "4" totalled to "57"; light soiling, Very Fine.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
Will close during Public Auction
1551       image1849 (Dec. 11) Ann Arbor, Mich. to Wurttemberg, Germany. Datelined folded letter with blue "Ann Arbor Mic., Dec 11" cds and matching "34" cent rating handstamp, red "New-York, Dec 17" exchange backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Hibernia from New York Dec. 26th to Bremer arriving Jan. 15th, red "12¾ America/über Bremen" and "14 1/12" debit handstamps, various ratings including red crayon "1f13" final due, Very Fine and attractive Bremen Closed mail use from Michigan, Letter was in the second Bremen Closed Mail sent from New York and second of only six Bremen Closed Mails carried by British steamships..
Estimate; $300 - 400.

The Ann Arbor "34" rating was used by New York to show the U.S. debit to Bremen. Hannover post office in Bremen marked 12¾ gutegroschen, a restatement of the 34¢ U.S. debit. Hannover added 1 1/3 ggr. transit fee and debited Thurn & Taxis Post 14 1/12 ggr. that was equivalent to 61 kreuzer. Thurn & Taxis Post added 8 kr. transit fee to Württemberg for a debit of 69 kr. or 1 florin 9 kr. Württemberg added 4 kr. internal fee for a total postage due of 1f13 kr.

Starting in 1849, if there were no Ocean Line sailings, Bremen Convention mail was sent in closed mails was sent through England under a provision of the U.S.-British treaty.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
Foreign Mails - 1850 to 1859
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1552       image1850 (Jan. 16) United States to Wurttemberg, Germany. Folded letter with indistinct red town cds and matching red "Paid" straightline with magenta "34" cent rating, red "New-York, Feb 2" exchange backstamp and sharp "PART PAID" straightline, carried by Ocean Line Hermann from New York Feb. 20th to Bremen arriving Mar. 10th, Hannover red "America/über Bremen" two-line and "1 1/3" debit handstamps, various manuscript ratings, Very Fine.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

The "Paid Part" handstamp is a New York marking indicating that the letter was prepaid only to Bremen.

Est. $200-300
Will close during Public Auction
1553       image1850 (Apr. 26) New York N.Y. to Cognac, France. Gray folded letter with New York pencil "21" prepaid rating and endorsed per "Steamer 'Atlantic' ", carried as endorsed by Collins Line Atlantic from New York Apr. 27th to Liverpool arriving May 10th, red London (5.11) transit backstamp and matching red "U.S. Pkt." handstamp, Calais (5.12) arrival datestamp and manuscript "16" décimes due rating, fresh and Very Fine.
Estimate; $500 - 750.


This letter was treated as an unpaid double-weight letter with "16" décimes due in France.

Est. $500-750
Will close during Public Auction
1554       image1850 (Jul. 4) Penang, Malaysia to Boston Mass. via London. Datelined folded letter via Baring Bros. in London with "BEARING" framed handstamp, manuscript rates for overland mail via Marseilles crossed out, London (8.17) receiving backstamp, Liverpool (8.20, 8.21) datestamps, Baring Bros. red "Per U.S. Mail Packet/ 'Atlantic.' " two-line handstamp, carried on the Collins Line Atlantic departing Liverpool Aug. 21st to New York arriving Sep. 1st.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500.


Est. $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $900.00
Will close during Public Auction
1555       image1850 (Dec. 17) Memphis Tenn. to Wü

rttemberg, Germany.
Light blue folded letter with blue "Memphis Ten. Dec 17" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with "34" cent rating, red "New-York, Dec 20" exchange backstamp and bold "PAID PART" straightline, carried by Collins Line Arctic from New York Dec. 21st to Bremen arriving Jan. 7th, Hannover red "America/über Bremen" two-line and "1 1/3" debit handstamps, various manuscript ratings, Very Fine and scarce Bremen Closed Mail use, Letter was in the fifth Bremen Closed Mail sent from New York.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

The "Paid Part" handstamp is a New York marking indicating that the letter was prepaid only to Bremen. Starting in 1849, if there were no Ocean Line sailings, Bremen Convention mail was sent in closed mails was sent through England under a provision of the U.S.-British treaty.

Est. $300-400
Will close during Public Auction
1556       image1852 (Mar. 3) Pittsburgh Pa. to Württemberg, Germany. Blue folded letter with "Pittsburgh Pa. Mar 3" cds and red "Paid" handstamp with manuscript "20" and "24" totaled to "44c", red "New-York, Mar 5" exchange backstamp and "PART PAID" straightline, carried on Cunard Line Cambria from Boston Mar. 3rd via Liverpool Mar. 16th to Bremen arriving Mar. 22nd, reverse with Minden (3.28) transit and blue Künzelsau (3.31) arrival, Hannover red "America/über Bremen" two-line postmark and various manuscript ratings, Very Fine and rare Bremen Closed Mail use from Boston.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

Ocean Line "Hermann" returned to New York on Feb. 29th, having grounded while leaving port. Her mails were sent to Boston for the Mar. 3rd sailing of Cunard Line "Cambria".

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction
1557       image1852 (Jun. 5) New York N.Y. to Ebern, Bavaria. Light blue folded letter with partial "New-York, Jun 5" exchange cds and matching "20" cent debit handstamp, red framed "NOT PAID" handstamp (Winter 335), red "America/über/Bremen 33/9" debit handstamp totaled to "42" in red crayon and manuscript, reverse with Minden (1.21), Leipzig (1.22) transits and Ebern (6.22) arrival, Very Fine and scarce unpaid Bremen Mails use to Bavaria.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
1558       image1852 (Jul. 31) Syracuse, N.Y. to Halle, Prussia. Cover with blue rimless "Syracuse N.Y. Jul 29" cds and matching fancy framed "Paid" handstamp with manuscript "21" rating, endorsed "Paid to Bremen", red "New-York, Jul 31" exchange backstamp and bold "New-York, Paid Part, 31 Jul" cds, carried by N.Y. & Havre Humboldt from New York Jul. 31st to Bremen arriving Aug. 16th, red "America/über Bremen" two-line handstamp, pencil "3" and blue ms. "3" rating, Aug. 17th arrival backstamp; cover tear at left, otherwise Very Fine and attractive use.
Estimate; $750 - 1,000.


New York marked PAID PART as only the 20¢ Treaty rate to Bremen was prepaid.

Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction
1559       image1852 (Aug. 3) Williamsburg N.Y. to Ludwigsburg, Württemberg. Blue folded letter with "New-York, Aug 3" ocean mail cds and matching "Not Paid" framed handstamp (Winter 335) with "20" cent debit handstamp, carried on Collins Line Arctic from New York Aug. 7th to Liverpool arriving Aug. 18th, red "32/9R Bremen" exchange straightline (Van der Linden 3326), blue manuscript "41" debit crossed out and updated in red crayon "42"; some slight soiling, F.-V.F. and scarce Bremen Closed Mail use.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
Will close during Public Auction
1560       image1852 (Aug. 29) Balingen, Wurttemberg to Zoar, Ohio. Gray folded letter with blue "Balingen, 29/8 52" cds and red manuscript "7 -" rating, reverse with Frankfurt (8.31) and Bremen (9.3) transits, bold strike of Bremen large stylized "7" due rating handstamp (Linden 3103), sent via Closed Mail by Collins Line Pacific from Bremen Sep. 3rd via Liverpool (9.8) to New York arriving Sep. 18th, black "New York '27' Sep 19" exchange due cds; some edge wear and slight edge toning, Very Fine and rare inbound Bremen Closed Mail use.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
Will close during Public Auction

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