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United States Postal History continued...

Freight Money Letters continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1521       image1840 (Feb. 13) Toronto, Upper Canada to London, England. Large folded letter with "City of Toronto U.C. FE 13 1840" origin double circle datestamp, matching "Paid" h.s. with magenta "2/4 & 100" rating for four-times 7dcy = 2s4d Canadian postage and 4x 25¢ steamship freight money fee, carried by Black Ball Line England from New York Feb. 25th to Liverpool arriving Mar. 17th, "Liverpool/Ship Letter" backstamp with manuscript "2/8" rating for four-times the 8d uniform ship letter rate, ex-Winter.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

England had to wait at anchor for favorable winds and sailed a couple of days late. Since the pioneer steamship Liverpool was no longer operating from New York to Liverpool (it had been sold), the New York postmaster placed the letter on a sailing ship and refunded 4 x 12½¢ = 50¢ to the Toronto office.

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $140.00
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1522       image1840 (Mar. 16) Richmond Va. to Liverpool, England. Folded letter with blue "Richmond Va. Mar 16" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with blue manuscript "18¾" cent rating for postage to New York, flap with matching blue "Steam" and "Paid" handstamp with manuscript "25" rating for freight money fee, carried by Great Western S.S. Co. Great Western from New York Mar. 19th to Bristol arriving Apr. 3rd, "Bristol/Ship Letter" handstamp with manuscript "8" pence due rating for ship fee, some light fold soiling, F.-V.F., ex-Winter.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $200.00
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1523       image1840 (Dec. 4) Baltimore, Md. to Rotterdam, Netherlands. Folded letter showing red "Baltimore, Md. Dec 4" cds with manuscript "18¾" and "25" ratings for 18¾¢ inland postage and 25¢ steamship freight money fee, red "New York Dec 10" cds and matching "Too Late" handstamp, carried by Havre Line Formosa from New York Dec. 16th to Havre arriving Jan. 12th, red Havre arrival cds, Rotterdam (1.16) arrival backstamp and manuscript "80" Dutch cents due rating, F.-V.F., A scarce freight money letter via France to Rotterdam, ex-Winter.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

Letter endorsed for the steamship Great Western from New York, however it arrived at New York the day after the steamship sailed. It was marked with a red handstamp "TOO LATE" and placed on the next sailing packet for France. The New York postmaster normally returned unused freight money fees to the origin post office. Letter marked for 80 Dutch Cents postage due, 50 Cents French transit and 30 Cents for Dutch transit from Bergen to Rotterdam. Letter considered a freight money cover even though it was transported across the Atlantic on a vessel that did not charge the freight money fee.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $150.00
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1524       image1842 (Oct. 6) Baltimore, Md. to London, England. Folded cover showing blue "Baltimore Md. Oct 6" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with magenta "18¾" and "25" ratings for 18¾¢ inland postage and 25¢ steamship freight money fee, carried by British Queen under Belgian flag from New York on 3rd return from New York Oct. 7 to Portsmouth arriving Nov. 3, red London (11.3) cds and "Ship Letter" backstamps, large manuscript "8" pence due rating for ship fee, Very Fine, One of only two recorded British Queen freight money letters carried under Belgian flag., ex-Hegland.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $150.00
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1525       image1846 (Jun. 7) Philadelphia, Pa. to Dewsbury, England. Folded letter with blue "Philadelphia Pa. Jun 7" cds with matching "Paid" handstamp and blue manuscript "30" cents rating, carried by Great Britain from New York Jun. 8th to Liverpool arriving Jun. 22nd, Liverpool Ship (6.22) backstamp with handstamped "8" pence incoming ship due rating, Wakefield (6.23) and Dewsbury (6.23) backstamps, Very Fine, ex-Winter.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

Letter prepaid the 25¢ freight money fee for a steamship plus 5¢ inland fee to New York. Carried on 2nd of 4 return voyages by "Great Britain" before running aground.

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $210.00
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1526       image1839-43, Baltimore Md. to London, Freight Money Letters. Group of 5 folded letters or covers from Baltimore to London via New York, manuscript rates freight money rates of 12½¢ (for sailing ship) or 25¢ (for steamship) comprising: 1839 (Jan. 3) triple weight via Blue Swallowtail Roscoe; 1839 (May 11) double-weight via Black X Montreal; 1839 (Aug. 4) double weight via Blue Swallowtail Independence; 1839 (Dec. 13) single rate via Pioneer Steamship Liverpool; and 1843 (Aug. 16) single rate via sailing packet; Liverpool ship letter handstamps and manuscript due rates, F.-V.F. group.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

Complete Images. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
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Foreign Mails - 1815 to 1849
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1527       image1815 (Jun. 3) London, England to Portsmouth N.H. Datelined folded letter with "Post Paid Withdrawn Ship Letter, London, 22 JU 22, 1815" circular postmark across flaps and manuscript "8" due rating for 8d ship letter rate, carried by ship "Galen" as endorsed, light strike of red "Boston Ms." cds and matching "Ship" handstamp with red manuscript "17" rating for 15¢ war surcharge rate (10¢ plus 50%) plus 2¢ ship letter fee.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. $500-750
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1528       image(Withdrawn Ship Letter) 1815 (Jun. 5) Liverpool, England to Providence R.I. Docketed folded cover with mostly clear strike of red "Post Paid Withdrawn Ship Letter Liverpool, 5 JU 1815" double-circle Crown datestamp on reverse, red "New-York 6 Aug" cds and matching "Ship" handstamp with manuscript "27½" rate for 25½¢ war surcharge rate of 150-300 miles plus 2¢ ship fee, Very Fine, ex-Frajola.
Estimate; $500 - 750.


The Act of October 10th 1814, made it illegal to place an outbound letter on any ship privately, unless the letter had first been presented to the British Post Office and a fee paid equal to one-third of the combined inland and sea packet postage. Upon payment, the letter received the "Withdrawn Ship Letter" handstamp and the sender was allowed to send the letter by any ship of his choice. In that the Post Office was providing no service at all for this little used and unpopular act, it as terminated on July 11th 1815 after only 11 months.

Complete Images. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. $500-750
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1529       image1819 (Mar. 1) Liverpool, England to New York N.Y. Datelined folded letter with clear strike of magenta "James-Munroe, Liverpool, Watkinson, Sailed Mar. 1. 1819" double-oval and matching arced "Packet Ship" handstamp, endorsed "p James Monroe" at bottom left, carried by Black Ball James Monroe from Liverpool Mar. 1st to New York arriving Apr. 9th, New York manuscript "6" pence due rating for 6¢ ship fee; small erosion spot in address, Very Fine.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500.


The 424-ton James Munroe was among the first four ships in the Black Ball fleet.

Est. $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $1,450.00
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1530       image1820 (Mar. 9) Halifax, England to Boston Mass. Datelined folded letter endorsed "p Atlantic", red "Ship Atlantic * Sailed March. 17. * W. Matlock" cogged oval name-of-boat handstamp, red "New-York Apr 29" cds and matching "Ship" handstamp with "20½" rating for 18½¢ postage plus 2¢ ship fee; file folds, Very Fine and rare, ex-Hahn.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $200.00
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1531       image1830 (Mar. 17) Liverpool, England to New York N.Y. Folded mourning letter sent from Scotland with Edinburgh (3.13) backstamp and matching "Addl. ½" Scottish wheel tax with manuscript "1/6" for 8d ship letter fee plus 10d inland, sent in care and forwarded by U.S. Consul F.B. Ogden with his manuscript endorsement and "Forwarded from the Consulate of the U.S.A. Liverpool." framed handstamp across backflaps, manuscript "1/10" 1s10d rating, carried by Blue Swallowtail Line George Canning from Liverpool Mar. 25th to New York arriving Apr. 14th, New York red manuscript "6" cent rating; some fold separations, Very Fine.
Estimate; $400 - 600.


This letter is from the Douglas family to the wife of President Monroe's nephew. Her maiden name was Douglas.
(Image1) (Image2)


Est. $400-600
SOLD for $300.00
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1532       image(Express Mail) 1837 (Apr. 22) Birmingham, England to New Orleans La. via New York. Datelined folded letter carried privately to New York, endorsed "Single pr Express Mail" at top, red "New-York, Jun 3" cds and manuscript "75" express rating to New Orleans; light toning, Fine, a rare transatlantic westbound use sent via express mail.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $400.00
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1533       image1838 (May 18) New Orleans La. to London, England via New York Express Mail. Folded letter with partial red "New Orleans La. May 18" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with magenta "75" cent express mail rating, endorsed "per express mail and per first packet, either to Liverpool or London direct", flap with red "Forwarded by Heckscher, Coster & Matfield, New York '26 May 1838' " red oval with manuscript dating, carried by Sheffield from New York May 26th to Liverpool arriving Jun. 17th, "Liverpool, Ship Letter" framed backstamp and manuscript "3/2" rating for double the 8d ship letter fee plus double 11d inland postage, red London (6.18) arrival backstamp, Very Fine.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $300.00
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1534       image1838 (Nov. 5) New Orleans La. to London, England via New York Express Mail. Datelined gray folded letter with indistinct red New Orleans cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with red manuscript "75" cent express mail rating to New York care of Mess. J.W. Schmidt & Co., endorsed "Pr. Express Mail" in red manuscript, forwarded on Great Western from New York Nov. 23rd to Bristol arriving Dec. 7th, "Bristol, Ship-Letter" framed handstamp with manuscript "1/3" due rating for 8d ship letter fee plus 10d inland, reverse with red London (12.8) arrival cds and framed London Two Penny Post datestamp (Wilcox & Jay 459d), Very Fine and scarce express mail use via the "Great Western".
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
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1535       image(Express Mail) 1838 (Nov. 16) Jackson Miss. to London, England via New Orleans and New York. Datelined folded letter entered mails with partial red "New Orleans L." cds and matching "Paid" straightline with red manuscript "150" rating, addressed in care of Messrs. F.W. Schmidt & Co., New York, red endorsement "Pr. Express Mail" and "Double" at top, and "Paid" at bottom left, upon arrival "Forwarded Through Gilpin's Exchange and Reading Room and Foreign Letter Office, N-York." oval handstamp struck on flap, transatlantic to London, entered mails with red London (1.3.1839) backstamp and manuscript "3/2" 3s2d due rating, Very Fine.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
SOLD for $325.00
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1536       image1838 (Dec. 15) New Orleans La. to London, England via New York. Datelined folded letter addressed in care of Messr. Goodhue & Co. of New York to Baring Brothers at London, partial red "New Orleans" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with "75" cent express mail rating, endorsed "Express Mail", red "Forwarded By, Goodhue & Co., New York" oval handstamp on flap, sent by private ship, entered mails with "Liverpool, Ship Letter" two-line handstamp and manuscript "1/7" rating, red London (1.26.1839) arrival backstamp, Very Fine and choice with Goodhue forwarders oval.
Estimate; $500 - 750.


Letter sent by U.S. Express Mail from New Orleans at the single 75¢ express mail rate (three-times the normal letter of rate 25¢) to forwarding agent Goodhue & Co. in New York.

Est. $500-750
SOLD for $625.00
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1537       image1840 (Sep. 10) Goteborg, Sweden to Fall River Mass. Datelined folded letter sent privately to Liverpool, red "Liverpool, SP 18, 1840" double-arc datestamp and red manuscript "1/-" prepaid packet rating, carried as endorsed by Cunard Line Caledonia from Liverpool Sep. 19th to Boston arriving Oct. 3rd, red partial "Boston Ms. 'Ship' Oct 3" arrival cds and manuscript "12" due rating for 10¢ inland postage plus 2¢ ship fee, Very Fine and scarce early transatlantic use from Sweden, Carried on Maiden Voyage of Cunard Line Caledonia, ex-Roberts.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $150.00
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1538       image1842 (Jan. 26) Plymouth Mass. to Göttingen, Saxony. Datelined folded letter with red "Plymouth Mass. Jan 26" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with blue manuscript "20" rating, red "New-York, Jan 27" cds and carried on Havre Second Line St. Nicholas from New York to Le Havre arriving Feb. 1st, red "Outre-Mer, Le Havre, 21 Fevr 52" entry cds, blue Paris (2.22) transit backstamp, red manuscript "11", Hannover manuscript "6½" due rating, Feb. 26th arrival backstamp, Very Fine and interesting use, ex-Arthur White.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $90.00
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1539       image1842 (Apr. 26, Jul. 29) Boston, Mass. to Oundle, England. Correspondence pair each with red "Forwarded from Harndens Package Express & Foreign Letters, Boston" oval handstamp and matching red "Pd H" in circle handstamp, 1842 (Apr. 26) carried by Cunard Line Britannia from Boston May 1st to Liverpool arriving May 15th, flap with Liverpool (5.16) and London (5.17) backstamps, stamp apparently fell off, 1842 (Jul. 29) carried by Cunard Line Acadia from Boston Aug. 1st to Liverpool arriving Aug. 13th, Liverpool (8.14) backstamp with G.B. 1d red on bluish, four margins tied by Maltese cross, red London (8.15) transit backstamp, Very Fine correspondence pair.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
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1540       image1846 (Feb. 24) Zante, Ionian Islands to Boston Mass. via London. Datelined gray folded letter to care of London forwarder with red "London, Paid Ship Letter, 14 MR 14, 1846" rimless oval and matching London Paid (3.14) Maltese cross, manuscript "1/-" 1s due rating crossed out, carried as endorsed by Unicorn from Liverpool Mar. 19th to Boston arriving Apr. 17th, partial Boston "Ship/6" in ribbon due handstamp, Very Fine and scarce.
Estimate; $750 - 1,000.


Unicorn formerly had run on the Cunard feeder mail service between Pictou, Nova Scotia and Quebec. In November 1845, she was purchased by James Whitney to be placed on the Halifax to St. John's, Newfoundland service. Returning to North America in March 1846, Unicorn carried ship letters one last time to Boston. Very few covers have been recorded from this voyage.

Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $850.00
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