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United States Postal History continued...

Pioneer Steamships continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1501       image"Great Britain" Final Voyage, Liverpool July 7th - New York July 21st 1846. Folded July 3rd folded letter from Liverpool to Boston endorsed "pr. G' Britain", prepaid ship fee in Liverpool indicated by red manuscript "8" rating, red "New York 'Ship 7cts' " cds for 5¢ inland postage plus 2¢ ship fee; light vertical file fold, clean and Very Fine, ex-Winter.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

Letter carried on the fourth and last voyage of the "Great Britain" to New York before she ran hard aground on the sandy beach of Dundrum Bay near Belfast in September 1846.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $160.00
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1502       image"Great Britain" Maiden Voyage, Liverpool Jul. 26th - New York Aug. 11st 1845. Folded letter from London, England to Wilmington Del., endorsed "Per Steamer Great Britain from Liverpool" at top left, red London "Paid" (7.24) cds and matching "Paid Ship Letter, London, 24 JY 24, 1845" rimless oval with red manuscript "1/" prepaid rating, red "New York 'Ship 7cts' Aug 11" integral-due cds for 5¢ inland plus 2¢ ship fee, red Wilmington (8.12) arrival backstamp; couple stain spots, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
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1503       image"Great Western" Liverpool October 12th - New York October 26th 1844. Oct. 1st folded letter from Paris, France to New York with red "T.P./G Surrey S." postmark and red manuscript "Pd 1 0" prepaid rating for the 8d ship fee plus 2d Two Penny Post fee, reverse with red "Paid Ship Letter - London, 8 OC 8, 1844" rimless postmark and additional Paid tombstone, New York manuscript "6" due rating for 6¢ ship fee, Letter carrier manuscript "Chged 8 cts" rating for 6¢ ship fee plus 2¢ carrier fee, Very Fine and scarce "Great Western" use showing New York carrier fee, ex-Winter.
Estimate; $400 - 600.

Letter carried privately to London where it was posted in the Two Penny Post Office on Great Surrey Street. The prepayment in London is shown in the upper left in red pen as "10" pence. New York post office marked the letter for 6¢ postage due, the incoming ship letter rate to the port. A New York letter carrier marked "chged 8 cts" in pen, showing that an additional fee of 2¢ for carrier delivery service was charged on the letter. Carrier collect fees were seldom marked on letters and are scarce to find.

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $210.00
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1504       image"Great Western" Maiden Return Voyage, New York May 7th - Bristol May 22nd 1838. May 6th folded letter from Philadelphia Pa. to Sheffield, England with blue "Philadelphia, Pa. May 6" cds and matching "Paid" framed handstamp with manuscript "25" cent prepaid rating, endorsed "Per Great Western, 7th May 1838" at bottom left and "Single Sheet, with Sample Enclosed" at top, red "New-York, May 7" transit cds, "Bristol Ship-Letter" stepped handstamp and "4/6" 4s6d due rating for three-times 8d ship letter fee and 10d inland for 54d, F.-V.F. and rare.
Estimate; $1,500 - 2,000. (Image1)

Est. $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,200.00
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1505       image"Great Western" New York Aug. 1st - Bristol Aug. 13th 1839. Folded letter with red "Montreal L.C. JY 29, 1839" double-circle origin cds and matching "Paid" handstamps, magenta manuscript "4½" cdy for Canadian inland and "18¾" cents for postage to N.Y., red "New-York, Aug 1" cds, neat "Bristol / Ship Letter" handstamp with manuscript "1/5" due 1s5d rating for 8d ship fee plus 9d inland postage, red London (8.15) arrival backstamp; horizontal fold, Very Fine.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

Montreal did not mark freight money fees on letters.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $160.00
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1506       image"Great Western" New York Jun. 13th - Bristol Jun. 27th 1839. Jun. 7th folded letter from Charleston S.C. to London, England with black "Herckenrath Lowndes & Co." oval handstamp (Charleston forwarders) used as corner card and red "Charleston S.C. Jun 7" cds and matching "Paid" straightline with manuscript "25" cent Freight Money steamship fee plus "25" cent inland postage ratings, red "New-York Jun 11" cds, two-line "Bristol / Ship Letter" handstamp and manuscript "2/10" 2s10d due rating, red London (6.28) arrival backstamp, Very Fine.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
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1507       image"Great Western" New York May 9th - Bristol May 23rd 1840. Folded May 4th letter from Charleston, S.C. to Guebwiller, France, carried privately to New York where red "De Rham & Moore" forwarders oval applied on back and freight money letter fee paid (not shown), red "Bristol/Ship Letter" handstamp and "8" pence rating for incoming ship letter fee, London "1/6" 1s6d manuscript debit, French "38" décimes due rating from addressee, Very Fine, ex-Winter.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1508       image"Great Western" New York November 23rd - Bristol December 7th 1838. Nov. 22nd folded letter datelined from New York to Madeira via London, "Bristol, Ship-Letter" framed handstamp with manuscript "1/5" due rating for 8d ship letter fee plus 9d inland, red London (12.8) arrival backstamps including Penny Post framed postmarks, remailed by forwarder with London (1.2) backstamp and red manuscript "2/7" 2s7d rating to Madeira, manuscript "160" reis due rating, docketed received Jan. 24th, Very Fine and scarce destination.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1509       image"President" Maiden Return Voyage, New York September 1st - Liverpool September 17th 1840. Docketed Sep. 1, 1840 gray folded cover endorsed "Steamer President, Sept. 1." at top left, bold "Liverpool / Ship Letter" two-line backstamp and manuscript "8" pence due rating for 8¢ ship letter fee, partial red London arrival backstamp; some file fold toning, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $160.00
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1510       image"President" Maiden Voyage, Liverpool Aug. 1st to New York arriving Aug. 17th. Jul. 28th 1840 folded letter from Glasgow, Scotland to Salem, N.Y. with red "Glasgow, Paid, Jy 28, 1840" boxed datestamp and red manuscript "8d" prepaid ship rating, reverse choice red strike of crowned "Ship Letter / 30 JY 1840 /Liverpool" handstamp, red "New-York, Ship, Aug 13" cds and manuscript "20½" cents due rating for 18½¢ inland plus 2¢ ship fee, ex-Pacetti.
Estimate; $400 - 600.


The "President" of 2,366 tons was built at Carling & Young's London yard in 1840 for The British and American Steam Navigation Company. Left from London on her maiden voyage to New York on the 1st August 1840 arriving on the 18th. On the fourth return voyage of the "President" from New York she was lost without trace on the 11th March 1841 with the loss of 136 lives. This would bankrupt the British and American Steam Navigation Co.

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $200.00
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1511       image"President" Maiden Voyage, Liverpool August 1st - New York August 17th 1840. Datelined Jul. 31st 1840 folded letter and printed circular from Liverpool to New York, endorsed "P President" at top left, red London "Paid Ship Letter, Liverpool, 31 JY 31, 1840" crown postmark with red manuscript "2/8" pence rating for a quadruple-rate ship letter of 1½-2 oz., New York manuscript "6" cents due rating, Very Fine.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

The "President" was a vessel of the British & American Steam Navigation Company, which also owned the "Sirius" and the "British Queen". She was lost without a trace on her third eastbound sailing.

Est. $500-750
SOLD for $250.00
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1512       image"Royal William" Last Voyage, New York Jan. 16th - Liverpool Feb. 3rd 1839. Folded letter with red "Baltimore Md. Jan 13" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp, manuscript "Ship 25" freight money fee and "18¾" for 18¾¢ inland postage to N.Y., red "New-York, Jan 15" cds, "Liverpool / Ship Letter" two-line backstamp and manuscript "1/7" due rating for 8d ship letter fee plus 11d inland postage, red London (2.4) arrival backstamp, a Very Fine freight money cover.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

Baltimore used "ship" designation on early freight money letters.

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $100.00
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1513       image"Royal William" Maiden Return Voyage, New York August 4th - Liverpool August 19th 1838. Gray Aug. 4, 1838 folded letter from New York to London endorsed "pr. Steam Ship, Royal William", "Ship Letter, Liverpool" framed backstamp and manuscript "1/7" due rating for 8d ship fee plus 11d inland postage, red London (8.21) arrival backstamp, Very Fine.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $150.00
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1514       image"Sirius" Final Return Voyage, New York Jul. 1st - Plymouth Jul. 16th, 1838. Folded letter datelined "Philadelphia June 4th 1838" to London, England, endorsed "pr Packet Monongahela" at bottom left crossed out and updated to "Steamship - Sirius" at bottom left, carried to ship's agent in New York, manuscript "Paid 25" freight money fee at top right, red "Ship Letter, Plymouth" framed backstamp and manuscript "1/7" due rating for 8d ship letter fee plus 11d inland postage, red London (7.18) backstamp and matching "G.P." handstamp (Willocks & Jay L682) applied by GPO indicating penny post charge due; edge wear, Very Fine.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

The June 25, 1838 New York Commercial Advertiser contained an advertisement "Letters received on board will be charged 25¢ per single letter, large letters and parcels in proportion." This was the birth of the Freight Money charge for the service provided by steamships. This fee remained in effect until the first voyage of an American owned steamship departing New York on June 1, 1847.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $475.00
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1515       image"Sirius" Maiden Return Voyage, New York May 1st - Falmouth May 18th 1838. Folded letter datelined "New York 30th April 1838" to Sheffield, England endorsed "Per Steamer Ship 'Sirius' 1st May" at top, red "Falmouth / Ship Letter" framed handstamp on flap and manuscript "1/9" for 8d ship letter rate plus 1s1d inland to Sheffield, Very Fine, Atlantic transit of 17 days.
Estimate; $750 - 1,000.

"Sirius" made only two roundtrip transatlantic sailings for the British and American Steam Navigation Company. The company chartered the Irish Sea steamer from the St. George Steam Packet Company in order to beat the "Great Western" for the first transatlantic steamship voyage.

Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $375.00
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Freight Money Letters
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1516       image1838 (Jun. 25) New York N.Y. to Sheffield, England. Datelined folded letter with prepaid manuscript "50" cent for double the 25¢ steamship freight money fee, carried by Great Western on 2nd return from New York Jun. 25th to Bristol arriving Jul. 8th, partial "Bristol/Ship Letter" framed handstamp with manuscript "1/6" due rating for 8d ship fee plus 10d inland, re-rated "3/-" for three schillings due, Very Fine.
Estimate; $500 - 750.


June 25, 1838 New York Commercial Advertiser contained an advertisement "Letters received on board will be charged 25¢ per single letter, large letter and parcels in proportion". This was the birth of the Freight Money charge for service provided by steamships. This fee remained in effect until the first voyage of an American owned steamship departing New York June 1, 1847. We offered another example from Dick Winter's collection from this "Great Western" voyage showing freight money prepayment (Sale 50, lot 81).

Letter taken to ship agent's office and paid the 25¢ freight money fee. It is very uncommon to find the freight money fee marked on any letters from New York with only a few examples known and those from the start of the freight money period.

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $350.00
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1517       image1838 (Oct. 1) Baltimore, Md. to London, England. Folded cover with partial red "Baltimore Md. Oct 1" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp, red manuscript "Ship 25" and "18¾" ratings for 25¢ steamship freight money fee plus 18¾¢ inland postage to N.Y., carried by Great Western on 4th return voyage from New York Oct. 4th to Bristol arriving Oct. 17th, "Bristol/Ship-Letter" framed handstamp with manuscript "1/5" due 1s5d rating for 8d ship fee plus 9d inland, London (10.18) arrival backstamp, Extremely Fine, This is the earliest recorded freight money cover from Baltimore., ex-Winter.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

Postage due consisted of 8d incoming ship fee plus 9d inland fee from Bristol to London (distance just under 120 miles). Early freight money covers from Baltimore show manuscript "Ship" alongside rate markings.

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $110.00
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1518       image1839 (Mar. 30) Baltimore, Md. to London, England. Folded cover showing red "Baltimore Md. Mar 31" cds with matching "Paid" and red manuscript "75" and "50" ratings for 4x 18¾¢ inland postage and 4x 12½¢ sailing freight money fee, red "New-York APL 1" cds, carried by Black Ball Line Cambridge from New York Apr. 1st to Liverpool arriving Apr. 29th, "Liverpool/Ship Letter" and London (4.30) backstamps, manuscript "4/9" due 4s9d rating for 3x 8d ship fee plus 3x 11d inland postage, Very Fine and choice, a scarce New York "APL" datestamped freight money letter, ex-Winter.
Estimate; $400 - 600.

Postage due of 4s9d consisted of 3x8d incoming ship letter fee plus 3x11d inland fee from Liverpool to London (206 miles). Baltimore used no consistent pattern of writing freight money fee over inland fee or vice verse. Here the inland charge was written over the freight money fee.

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $200.00
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1519       image1839 (Jun. 10) Baltimore Md. to London, England. Folded letter showing red "Baltimore Md. Jun 11" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with red manuscript "50" and "37½" ratings for 2x 25¢ steamship freight money fee plus 2x 18¾¢ inland postage, endorsed at top left "Paid Mail & ship postage", red "New-York Jun 12" cds, carried by Great Western on 8th return from New York Jun. 13th to Bristol arriving Jun. 27th, "Bristol/Ship Letter" handstamp and manuscript "2/10" due 2s10d due rating for 2x 8d ship fee plus 2x 9d inland, London (6.28) backstamp, Very Fine, ex-Winter.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $150.00
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1520       image1839 (Dec. 10) Charleston S.C. to Greenock, Scotland. Datelined folded letter with red "Charleston S.C., Dec 10" cds and matching "Paid" handstamps with "25" rating for 25¢ freight money fee and "25" for 25¢ inland postage to N.Y., carried by Transatlantic S.S. Co. Liverpool from Dec. 15th to Liverpool arriving Jan. 11th, sharp "Liverpool / Ship Letter" two-line backstamp and matching large "8" due handstamp for 8d ship letter fee, F.-V.F., an early freight money use in the 8d uniform ship fee period.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
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