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United States Postal History continued...

Town Postmarks continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1481       image(Colorado) Southern Overland Mail & Express Co., Barlow & Sanderson Proprietors, Principle Office, Pueblo, Col. Ter. Corner card on cover with illustrated design showing Six Horse Stage on Mountain Road, Stage with "Overland U.S. Mail, B.&S." imprint, to Auburn N.Y. bearing with 1¢ blue (156) tied by blue segmented cork cancel, matching "Del Norte, Colo., Nov 13" cds duplexed with additional strike of cork; stamp corner nick and missing two other 1¢ stamps, F.-V.F. appearance, A rare illustrated stagecoach design from this Colorado Stage and Express company., ex-Perrson.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

Barlow and Sanderson operated Southerland Overland Mail, a dominant express company started in Sedalia, Missouri in 1862, moving into Kansas and then into Colorado Territory in the late 1860s. They established offices in Pueblo and Canon City serving the Front Range and San Luis Valley. It eventually gave way to the advancing railroads.

Est. $500-750
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1482       image(Massachusetts) Boston, Mass. Incoming "Quarantine" Letter. Red straight line handstamp on printed "Havana, July 1st 1831" circular to Kingston, Mass., with red "Boston, Ms., Jul 18" cds and matching Ship handstamp with manuscript "12" rating, F.-V.F., quarantined at the lazaretto on Rainsford Island (variously known as Hospital Island, Pest House Island, and Quarantine Island) due to an outbreak of yellow fever in Havana.
Estimate; $250 - 350. (Image1)

Est. $250-350
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1483       image(Nebraska) Nebraska City, N.T., Dec 4. Cds ties 3¢ dull red (26) on fresh "Wm. E. Parde, Attorney at Law, Dealers on Real Estate, Land Warrants and Exchange, Nebraska City, N.T." framed corner card buff cover to Nuckolls & Co. in Pacific City, Iowa, letter concerns payment of notes "…so that I can collect it from J.H. Russell when he returns from the Pikes Peak Gold mines. Mr. J.H. Russell left for the Gold Mines when I got these notes from him…", Very Fine.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
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1484       image(Nebraska) Nebraska Kansas Routes to Gold Region Map - Hawke & Nuckolls, Nebraska City, N.T. Illustrated map advertising cover addressed to Boston Mass., most likely sent under another cover, map showing Cherry Creek at left with "Gold Region" heading (Pre-Territorial Colorado), with original enclosure from C. Nuckolls datelined "Pacific City, Iowa, Oct 3/59" regarding the land warrants and sales in Nebraska including "…times have kept getting tighter so fast that property such as land and lots is worth nothing scarcely…I had hard work to get him to take 160 (acres) better land from Henry Pitt for a debt of $400…", Very Fine, One of the earliest Colorado mines maps.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $260.00
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1485       image(Texas) Wm. Bryan, New Orleans Agent of the Texan Post Office. Clear strike of agent oval handstamp on folded letter to Montgomery C.H., Texas, with letter datelined "Desoto County, Mo., April 27th, 1841" (near St. Louis), letter carried to New Orleans by steamboat down the Mississippi River, with straight line "Ship" handstamp and manuscript "150" rating, Very Fine and scarce.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

During the life of the Texan Republic (1837-1845), the Texas post office operated in New Orleans as a forwarder of the mails to Galveston and Houston. The mails were initially handled by Samuel Ricker Jr. until December 1838 and then William Bryan until statehood in December 1845.
(Image1) (Image2)


Est. $500-750
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Military & War-Related Covers
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1486       imageFort Assinaboine, M.T. Aug 18, 1879. Purple cds duplexed with star cancel ties 3¢ green (184), s.e. at right, on cover to Buxton Center Me.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
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1487       imageFort Keogh, Mar 30, 1881, Montana. Blue rectangular postmark duplexed with Indian Head fancy cancel on 3¢ green entire to Springfield Center N.Y.; original datelined letter accompanies concerning family matters, Very Fine and rare Montana Territory use, ex-Beals.
Estimate; $400 - 600.

Fort Keogh was established in 1876 after the Battle of Little Big Horn as a base of operations against the Sioux Indians. The use of an Indian Head fancy cancel is quite appropriate.

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $350.00
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1488       imageFort Wingate, N.Mex., Mar 13, 1883. Bold strike of fancy Dyke type 3 cds and encircled star cancel on 3¢ green entire to Cincinnati Oh.; original datelined letter accompanies reading in part "…Mr. Frank Cushing, the anthropologist came over from Zuni two days go, and I made arrangements with him to buy the collection you desire. He said fifty dollars would buy a splendid collection including two blankets in the loom, - things necessary to show their work. I will go over myself the latter part of April & take charge the articles and ship them to your address. I only returned from Ft. Seeden a few weeks ago…" and "P.S. Mr Cushing said he would esteem it a great favor to assemble this collection for you - and I know he can do much better than anyone else, and the collection will be satisfactory to you.", Very Fine and interesting letter about buying Zuni Indian blankets from Cushing, ex-Dike, Beales.
Estimate; $150 - 200.

Frank Hamilton Cushing (1857-1900) was an American anthropologist famous for his study of Zuni Indian culture. Cushing was an expert on the process of making various Native American artifacts and a pioneer in anthropological study of a culture by living among its people.

Complete Images. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $180.00
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1489       image(Spanish American War Patriotic) 1st Rhode Island U.S. Vols. Patriotic design showing Fouled Anchor with "Hope" slogan on cover from Corp Nicolas of Co. A, 1st R.I. Regiment to Providence, R.I. bearing 2¢ Trans-Miss (286) cancelled by cork cancel, matching 1st Rhode Island patriotic letterhead enclosure datelined "Camp Alger July 23 1898" from soldier describing camp life; some edge wear, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. $200-300
SOLD for $160.00
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Railroad Covers
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1490       imageAlby. & Buffalo R.R., 20 Oct. Blue cds ties 3¢ orange brown (10A), margins to in, scissor cut, second complete strike at lower left and matching "ADV 1 ct" advertising straightline on orange buff cover to Syracuse N.Y., original "Schnectady Oct. 20. 1851" datelined enclosure, Very Fine and attractive use.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
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1491       imageCleveland & Erie R.R., Feb 26. Complete strike of route agent cds ties 3¢ dull red (26), s.e. at right, on buff cover to Buffalo N.Y.; reduced slightly at left, Very Fine.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $200.00
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1492       imageCleveland & Toledo Railroad, Superintendent's Department, Cleveland, Ohio. Framed corner card on orange cover bearing 3¢ dull red (11A), four margins, tied by "Cleveland O., Sep 20" cds to Huntington Mass., Extremely Fine and choice.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1493     337-A-1 imageGreenville & Columbia R.R. Aug 8. Clear strike of route agent cds with matching "5" rating handstamp on orange buff cover to Greenville C.H., S.C., endorsed "By Railroad" at lower left, a Very Fine strike.
Towle No. 337-A-1; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
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1494       imageOhio and Mississippi Railroad. Shield corner card on yellow cover bearing 3¢ dull red (11A), clear to large margins, cancelled by manuscript cross hatch, red "Springwater N.Y. Sep 20" cds to Saint Louis, Mo., Very Fine, ex-Foote.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
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1495     186-S-1 imageP. & R. R.R. Co., Tremont, Apr. 16 70. Three-line postmark ties 3¢ ultramarine (114) on orange cover with Tremont corner card to Pottsville Pa., Very Fine, Rarity V, An exceedingly scarce railroad station agent postmark. Scott No. 114.
Towle No. 186-S-1; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $230.00
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1496       image"Rail Road Line". Blue manuscript endorsement and pencil "6" rating on folded letter datelined "Chazy July 26 1839" to Champlain N.Y.; small edge tear, Very Fine, Unlisted in Towle.
Estimate; $150 - 200.

Chazy N.Y. to Champlain was a short distance of only 10 miles, corresponding to the 6¢ rate for under 30 miles. Unusual use as there is no record of a rail line this early.

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $130.00
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Pioneer Steamships
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1497       image"Britannia" Return Maiden Voyage, Boston Aug. 1st - Liverpool Aug. 14th 1840. Light blue folded letter endorsed "Per Steamer 'Britannia' Via Boston Halifax N.S. & Liverpool", blue "Philada Pa. Jul 28" cds and matching "Paid" framed handstamp with red manuscript "18¾" rating to Boston to be put on the Britannia for Liverpool arriving August 14th 1840, Liverpool "1/-" due handstamp for 1s packet postage, Very Fine and choice.
Estimate; $1,500 - 2,000.


July 4, 1840, the "Britannia", first of four steamships designed especially for North Atlantic service, departed Liverpool. This sailing initiated a contract between the British government and Samuel Cunard. These ships proved steamers could provide more reliable service than sailing packets, especially on westerly crossings. As this line carried more fine freight and specie, sailing packets carried less and less valuable and profitable cargo. The British and North American Royal Mail Steam Packet Company became the Cunard Line. The Britannia left Boston on August 1st to make her maiden return voyage to Liverpool carrying the first contract mails from America to Britain.

Est. $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,200.00
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1498       image"British Queen" Maiden Return Voyage, New York Aug. 1st - Portsmouth Aug. 15th 1839. Jul. 30th folded cover from Baltimore to London, indistinct red "Baltimore Md. Jul 31" and matching "Paid" straightline with red manuscript "18¾" for inland postage to New York and "25" for freight money fee, red "New-York, Aug 1" cds, "Portsmouth, Ship Letter" framed handstamp and manuscript "1/4" due rating for 8d incoming ship fee plus 8d inland postage; slight fold wear and toning, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

The "British Queen" was a vessel of the British & American Steam Navigation Company, which also owned the "Sirius" and the "President".

Est. $300-400
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1499       image"British Queen" Maiden Voyage, Portsmouth July 12th - New York Jul. 28th 1839. Jul. 4th 1839 gray folded letter from Manchester, England to Lowell Mass., red "Manchester, JY 4, 1839" double-arc backstamp and matching "Paid at Manchester" circular handstamp with manuscript "3/-" due rating, endorsed "p Great Western Steamer" and "paid to Bristol" but redirected, red "New-York 'Ship' Jul 28" cds with "58¼" rating for three-times 18¾¢ plus 2¢ ship fee, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
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1500       image"British Queen" Portsmouth Jul. 1st - New York Jul. 18th 1840. Jun. 19th 1840 folded letter from Newry, Northern Ireland to Staten Island N.Y. forwarded to St. Catherines, Canada, red "Newry, JU 19, 1840" arc cds and red manuscript "8d" prepaid rating for 8d ship letter rate and matching "p ship from Liverpool" endorsement, red London Paid (6.20) transit and red "Ship-Letter, Liverpool, 12 JU 12, 1840" rimless backstamp, partial New York N.Y. arrival cds and blue manuscript "8" cents due rating for 6¢ ship letter fee plus 2¢ carrier fee, forwarded with blue manuscript "North Shore NY, Augst-18th" postmark and matching "forwd" with manuscript "25" cent rating to St. Catherines, Canada totaled to "33" debit, sharp "Queenston U.C., Aug 25, 1840" cds and "1.8" plus "4½" Canadian inland totaled to "2/0½" total due, Very Fine and interesting pioneer steamship forwarded use.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
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