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Worldwide Stamps and Covers (307)   | 


Foreign Stamps and Covers continued...

Nicaragua continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4161 imageO196, 1908 35c on 3c Violet, Yellow surcharge, single franking on legal-sized envelope with Foreign Ministry printed cc addressed to the General Consul in Bombay India by light Managua May 16 1908 oval cancel, backstamped indistinct Nicaraguan cancel plus Bombay-Aden 24 Ju 08, envelope vertical fold at far left, stamp tiny edge break, still Very Fine use to a rare destination (Image 1)

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SOLD for $80.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:53 PM
4162 imageO196, 1908 35c on 3c Violet, Yellow surcharge, single franking tied on cover with printed Treasury Dept/ Public Credit cc addressed to San Francisco by Managua May 21 1908 oval cancel, backstamped Managua, Granada, cover opened at left, Very Fine and elusive (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:53 PM
4163 imageO245-59 var., 1913 1c-5P Light blue, "Colonias" specimen overprint, without gum, few insignificant perf tips toned, F-VF, handstamp applied by Portuguese authorities on stamps sent to the colonies; only 18 sets could exist (Image 1)


SOLD for $150.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:54 PM
4164 image1914 "Vale ¢ 0.05" on 1P Light blue, "Official" overprint, unissued value, o.g., h.r., fresh and Fine; couple of signatures on gum; ex-Birks (Image 1)


Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:54 PM
4165 imageO178/268, 1907/15 Officials Postal History Collection, 28 covers plus 6 fronts (incl portions of wrappers) mostly on specialty pages, variety of frankings incl single, auxiliary marks and seals, registry, foreign destinations, etc., most worthy of a mention but highlighted by O179 single franking to England (date error in cancel), O193 single franking to San Francisco, O205 single franking to England, O220 single franking on portion of wrapper to Paris, O260-64 on philatelic cover (but properly rated) to USA, O261 single franking to San Francisco, O260, 263 on censored cover to San Francisco, O264 single franking Corinto (scarce origin) to Chicago, O264 pair to Copenhagen, O267 single franking registered to USA, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:54 PM
4166 O178/270, 1907/15 Officials Collection, thorough coverage of the period incl mint and used sets, singles and multiples, stamp and surcharge errors and varieties, assortment of cancels, a few highlights include O185 tied on piece of wrapper, O187-92 mint and used, O193-98 mint and used, O193 double ovpt used, O197 double ovpt used, O199-209 mint and used, O219a with O211 pair tied on piece, complete settings of the surcharge on mint blocks of 25 O225, 227-28, Waterlow specimen punch on O245-59 singles and blocks, O260-70 blocks "Specimen" overprint and punch, etc., generally F-VF

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SOLD for $850.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:54 PM
4167 imageO271-82, 1925 ½c-50c Official overprints, selection of 35 covers with variety of multiple and single frankings, bisects (5c, 10c, 20c, 25c, 50c values) destinations, scarcer origins, registered, auxiliary markings, official seals, etc., note some covers to USA routed through Bluefields ("2nd mail - Via Bluefields" handstamp; due to US Marines activity in the country), 5c single franking to Chase Bank in Panama, 10c double overprint single franking to USA, 25c single franking to Denmark, 25c single franking registered to USA, 50c double overprint single franking registered to Washington DC and forwarded to NY City, etc., usual mixed condition, generally F-VF (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:56 PM
4168 imageO283-94, 1926 ½c-50c Official overprints, selection of 63 covers with variety of multiple and single frankings, bisects (5c, 6c, 20c values) destinations, scarcer origins, registered, auxiliary markings, official seals and imprints (many form various branches of the National Bank), etc., note O283 block Leon to USA, O288 pair registered to Argentina, O289+O285 registered to Cuba, O290 single franking to Switzerland and Holland (2), O291 single franking registered to USA, 50c single frankings to NY City (3), usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:56 PM
4169 imageO295, 1931 5c on 10c Bistre brown, appealing assortment of 11 (10 single franking) covers to USA, Canada (scarce destination), Germany and Bahamas (forwarded to USA), all with bank or railroad printed cc, various cancels, seals, markings, etc., includes a strip of three registered to USA, usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:56 PM
4170 imageO296-99, 1931 1c/6c Officials, selection of 32 covers incl O296 single franking to USA, O297 (2 pairs) registered to USA (scarce multiples on cover), O298 pair to USA (2), O299 single franking to USA (2), generally F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $90.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:56 PM
4171 imageO301/12, 1932 1c/1cor Officials, group of 26 covers with assorted multiple and single frankings, registry, auxiliary markings, official imprints and seals (many with National Bank cc), etc., note O306 pair from Presidential office to USA, O303 with C18 to Spain or USA, O304 pair to Germany, O306 + O301 to Paris, O307 single franking airmail to USA, O308 single franking to Denmark, single franking on legal size cover to Venezuela with "Via Pan American Airways" postmark, O309 single franking "OFIAIAL" overprint variety to USA (stamp trimmed on opening), O309 single franking originally to Honduras but with multiple forwardings and with a Dead Letter Office "pointing finger" marking, O309 single frankings to Italy and Argentina, 50c single franking to USA, 1cor bisect to USA, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:57 PM
4172 O271/312, 1925/32 Officials Collection, mint and used sets, singles, multiples, errors and varieties, etc. mostly on specialty pages, numerous premium noting O281a mint and used, O282a block without gum, O299 block of 12 NH - top 9 stamps double overprint, both inverted, bottom 3 stamps inverted overprint, O300 block of 10 double overprint, both inverted NH, O300 block of 6 mint - 4 stamps double overprint, O313-14 "OFIAIAL" var. in mint blocks of six with 5 normals, some 1932 issue mint blocks with postmaster signature control, etc., usual mixed condition with majority F-VF

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:57 PM
4173 imageO313-19 var., 1932 1c-25c "Oficial 1931" overprints, "OFIAIAL" variety, blocks of six (5c block of eight) with one stamp each block the variety, stamps h.r. or slightly dist o.g., F-VF (Image 1)


Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:57 PM
4174 imageO314a, 314a var., 1932 2c Bright rose, "OFICIAL" double overprint, top margin block of six, pos 4 "OFICIAL/ OFIAIAL" double, pos 6 "OFIALAL/ OFICIAL" double, slightly dist. o.g., F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:58 PM
4175 imageO332/43, 1933 1c/1cor Officials, approx 60 covers franked with various combinations plus some single frankings, numerous destinations, cancels, auxiliary markings, handstamps and seals, printed cc (good number from National Bank), registry, air mail incl Pan Am, etc., note O332 pair to USA, Costa Rica and Guatemala, O33 single franking to Spain (2), O334 single franking to San Salvador with seal of "Dept of Phosphorus, Matches and Lighters", O335 strip of three and block to Sweden, O340 single franking to Italy, O342 pair airmail to Boston, O343 single franking to San Francisco, O343 strip of three 1946 registered to USA, etc, usual mixed condition, VG-VF, careful viewing highly recommended (Image 1)


Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:58 PM
4176 O320/384, 1033/39 Officials, sprawling collection of many 100s of mint and used sets and singles, multiples, specimens, errors and varieties, postal history (approx 125 covers), etc. with much on specialty pages, better throughout highlighted by O320-31 original and reprint sheets of 10 incl 25c Dull blue (50c reprint broken sheet)O332-43 with postmaster control signature incl mint/ used multiples, O332-43 "Specimen" overprint and punch, O344-55 mint incl O347 double control bar, 1936 red control bar ovpts covers to Guatemala, Colombia, Canal Zone, Uruguay, Austria, O368/76 covers to (some with the stamp "punched") Colombia, Denmark, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF, viewing a must

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:58 PM
4177 imageOfficial "Stampless" Covers Collection, classic to modern period (1890s/2010s) selection of approx 160 (about 60% pre-1950) unfranked official covers in a binder, domestic (scarce) and foreign uses, array of different town cancels, auxiliary markings, official seals and imprints, meters (includes couple of proofs), imprints, etc., elusive uses incl 1932 to Honduras forwarded to Mexico (2), 1945 registered to USA, few WW II period censored, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF, a pleasure to view (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:58 PM
4178 imageRA45b, 1935 1c Orange, Double overprint, one inverted, block of eight plus vertical pair reattached at right, with Managua postmaster initials, paper adhering, F-VF, the largest known mint multiple (listed but unpriced in Scott ) (Image 1)

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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:58 PM
4179 imageH&G 35b, 1896 3c Dark blue on light blue, Reply half, cancelled by nice strike of Cabo Gracias Ago 29 1896 target duplex and addressed to Coban, Guatemala, for some unknown reason the card was routed though New York (Oct 7) and New Orleans (Oct 9 backstamp) prior to arrival in Coban where an Oct 27 arrival cancel was applied, Very Fine and unusual (Image 1)

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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:59 PM
4180 imageH&G 37, 1897 3c Dark blue on light blue, Type 1, pristine card cancelled by crisp strike of purple San Juan Del Sur Feb 19 1897 cancel and addressed to Mexico City where it received a nice strike of black 13 Mar 97 receiving cds, Very Fine and choice, elusive origin and destination (Image 1)

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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:59 PM

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