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Worldwide Stamps and Covers (307)   | 


Foreign Stamps and Covers continued...

Nicaragua continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4221 imageH&G B60, 1905 10c Brown, cut square with additional #183, 194, 194e all cancelled by oval Rivas 1905 date stamp, Very Fine and exceptionally rare use (Image 1)


Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:10 PM
4222 imageH&G B61/66, 1906 5cv, 10c Provisional Surcharges Postal Stationery Envelopes Collection, B61 mint (1) and used (16) domestic (some uprated 2x rate) and international (uprated) uses incl Mexico and Spain, note few with "t" of "cts" omitted, B66 mint (1) and used, usual mixed condition with most F-VF, elusive entires seldom offered in groups (Image 1)

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SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:10 PM
4223 imageH&G B65, 1906 "Vale 10 centavos" on 5c Blue, canceled by nice strike of Jinotepe Dic 26 1905 date stamp and addressed to Managua (backstamped same day), some light wrinkling, couple of light folds with one through top of indicia, still Fine and rare with reportedly just two used entires known (Image 1)


SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:10 PM
4224 image1906 "Vale 10 centavos" on 15c Green, registered entire addressed to Germany uprated with #186 strip of four and canceled by lightly struck Managua date stamps, Corinto and Managua registry handstamps, ms "Via Panama -New York" routing, partly struck black transit cancel on face, backstamped Corinto, Aachen, Very Fine showpiece, rare with reportedly just 5 examples known of this H&G unlisted envelope; properly pays the 35c external rate + 35c registry fee (Image 1)


SOLD for $575.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:10 PM
4225 imageH&G B69, 69a, 1907 "1907" Handstamp on 10c Red violet, B69 mint (3 incl one with toning bands) and used (13) incl some with small faults, B69a mint (1) and used (8); used includes some uprated, usual mixed condition with some faults noted but still a Fine selection of these scarce entires (Image 1)

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SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:10 PM
4226 imageH&G B70, 1908 "1908" Handstamp on 10c Red violet, 11 used entires with some uprated by variety of different issues, includes domestic and foreign uses, includes Domestic Chichigalpa to Leon, Jinotega locally addressed, Foreign San Marcos to USA, Rivas to Germany via San Juan Del Norte, La Libertad to Germany, Managua to Peru, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-Fine, useful selection of a seldom offered envelope (Image 1)

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SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:11 PM
4227 imageH&G B71, 1908 "VALE 10c 1908" on 5c Blue, addressed to Germany and uprated with 196 and pair of 5c on 10c on 2 Blue Fiscal (STRG15b - the largest known multiple on cover), all tied by Managua Feb 10 1909 date stamps, backstamped Granada, Hamburg, bit of light postal wear, Fine and rare, pays proper 35c/15gr foreign rate (Image 1)


SOLD for $100.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:11 PM
4228 imageH&G B71, 1908 "VALE 10c 1908" on 5c Blue, mint (1) and used (10) mostly uprated entires highlighted by Leon to Manchester, England (uprated with a #202 which is rare on cover); registered uprated (#213 block of six) Diria to Los Angeles - a scarce origin; Rivas to Chicago via Costa Rica uprated with 218, 225 (latter scarce on cover); usual mixed condition, VG-VF assortment of these elusive entires (Image 1)

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SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:12 PM
4229 imageH&G B72-75, 1912 10c-35c Definitives Postal Stationery Envelopes Collection, set of mint entires plus assorted (mostly uprated) used incl domestic (note some double rate) and foreign uses incl Mexico, Prague (now in Czech Republic), registered to Germany and Austria, etc., some typical minor faults, generally F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $210.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:12 PM
4230 H&G B76-81, 1913/16 2c Surcharged Postal Stationery Envelopes Collection, massive array of mostly used entires (approx 130) in a stuffed binder with many on specialty pages, wide range of domestic and foreign uses incl uprated, cutouts, censored, registered, 2x rates, auxiliary markings, small town origins, etc., note B76 double surcharge local Leon use, B76 and B78a with oval "Tren No 2" cancels (reportedly just six known examples), B79 with "Tren No 6" oval, B77a cutouts on 1918 cover to USA (emergency use during siege of Granada), B81 registered Chinandega to San Juan Del Sur uprated with #361 (very early use), B81 overseas printed matter rate from San Juan Del Sur Nov 28 1915 (earliest known use), B81 solo use to NY City, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:12 PM
4231 imageH&G B82, 1921 2c Carmine rose, Lithographed proof on thin white unwatermarked paper, "American Bank Note Co Litho" imprint below design, 46x42mm, Very Fine; one of two known (Image 1)


SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:12 PM
4232 imageH&G B82, 1921 2c Red on yellow laid paper, registered cover addressed to Chief of the Dept of Agriculture in Bathurst Gambia and routed via NY City, purple Masaya 1924 25 Abr cancel with accompanying registry handstamp, back side franked with 351 single and bisect, RA26 all tied by assorted transit cancels incl London and Gambia oval registry plus bold strike of blue "Ft Pierce & Key West R.P.O./ S.M. Bulloch/ Tr 86/ May 10 1924" double circle, a little bit of wrinkling but overall Very Fine and striking use; the RPO marking is the only recorded US railway marking on a Nicaraguan coverrnDuring periodic stamp shortages, the use of bisects was permitted and an additional 1c in postage was paid by bisecting the 2c stamp. The rate applied was 2c postage + 3c registration + 1c postal tax. The "Via New York" was misread as the destination and the 6c Pan Am rate of 6c was paid as opposed to the proper overseas rate which was 10c postage + 10c registration thus this cover being underpaid by 14c. (Image 1)


SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:13 PM
4233 imageH&G B82, 1921 2c Red on yellow laid paper, uprated with RA28 and cancelled by Chinandega Set 26 1926 date stamp, addressed to Leon (backstamped same day), censor label at left with "Comandancia De Arms/ Chinandega-Nic C.A." handstamp and an ms "Censurada" on back side, bit of postal wear, open top and left, Very Fine; only two Nicaraguan letters have been recorded which show this censorship from the 1926 Liberal Rebellion (Image 1)


Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:13 PM
4234 imageH&G B82, 1921 2c Red on yellow laid paper, "reused" cover first sent from Nagarote with envelope cancelled by 2 Set 1929 date stamp (partially under an added stamp), the second use was to Nassau, The Bahamas, an oval February 10, 1930 Correos De Nicaragua/ Leon cancel ties added stamps, Nassau 2 AP 30 arrival cancel on face, backstamped Corinto Feb 10 1930, the cover was forwarded from Nassau to East Dowington Penn, bit of postal wear, backflap partially torn away and side flaps "unsealed", Fine and most unusual; since the Bahamas were not in included in the Pan Am rate, the 10c postage is proper. (Image 1)


SOLD for $210.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:13 PM
4235 imageH&G B82, 1921 2c Red on yellow laid paper, uprated with #422 and cancelled by Leon 16 Oct 1924 date stamp and addressed to Choluteca, Honduras, via Chinandega by rail (backstamped Oct 17) then "Via: El Tempisque" (typed routing instruction on face, a small village on the Gulf of Fonseca) and by Gulf ferry to La Union El Salvador (Oct 25 backstamp) and overland to Choluteca (Oct 28 arrival backstamp), proper 2c postage + 1c postal tax (improperly paid with postage stamp), add'l 3-line instructional handstamp to discourage pilfering, Very Fine; one of four covers know with El Tempisque routing (two are on the 2c envelope)rnThe routing through La Union, El Salvador instead of Amapala, Honduras was made necessary by the armed uprising during Oct 1924 by General Gregorio Ferrara, This revolt led to a state of siege being declared by Honduras and Nicaragua. The port of Ampala was closed and the alternate route was through Ls Union, El Salvador. (Image 1)


SOLD for $120.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:14 PM
4236 imageH&G B82, 1921 2c Red on yellow laid paper, uprated with RA27 and cancelled by Leon Set 12 1925 date stamp, typed "Via: El Tempisque" routing (small village on Gulf of Fonseca), addressed to Choluteca, Honduras, backstamped Chinandega Sep 14, Amapala, Honduras Set 16, Chuloteca Set 18, Very Fine, proper 2c + 1c postal tax franking; only four Nicaraguan covers are recorded with El Tempisque routing instruction and this one of the two known on 2c envelope (Image 1)


Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:14 PM
4237 H&G B82, 1921 2c Red on yellow; The Gold Medal Exhibit Collection, a thorough and comprehensive look at Nicaragua's longest serving and final lithographed envelope, the envelope usually required additional postage, postal tax and/or air mail stamps during its over a decade of use, the exhibit showcases production, then 139 covers illustrating the myriad of uses - the 2c interior rate, the initial foreign rate period and subsequent increases, routes and uses of the Pan American (UPAEP) rate and finally an assortment of air mail rates, routes and uses, numerous highlights incl the unique lithographed color proof in black and one of two known litho proofs in carmine rose, ABNCo perfin "Specimen" on three different production envelopes, six of the eight known 2c domestic uses, uprated envelopes to foreign destinations incl Chile, Haiti, registered to Germany via Mobile Mailbox, commercial 2c printed papers rate to Romania, postage due, paquebot, 1923 to NY City with rare straight-line "Cabo Gracias a Dios Nic." cancel, Pan American rate/ postal tax uses incl use of first postal tax issue and post-1931 earthquake bisect uses, 1929 use of provisional air mail stamps on postal stationery (the three known covers), etc., overall Very Fine and desirable

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:15 PM
4238 H&G B82, 1921 2c Red on yellow laid paper, amassment of mint and approx 105 used entires in a binder and filled with interesting and attractive domestic, international and airmail uses, variety of added frankings incl postal tax, air mail issues, some with anti-pilfering handstamps, etc., leafing through note (in no particular order) Chinandega to Corinto with #490 bisect, 1923 to Trieste, 1928 Leon local mail with #455 bisect, 1930 registered to USA with multiple strikes of 4-line registry cancel with biplane image, etc., usual mixed condition with majority F-VF, excellent foundation collection

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:15 PM
4239 imageH&G E27-28, 1900 2c, 4c Wrappers, "Ultramar" overprints, folded entires with overprint in indicia, some small tone spots as usual, F-VF (Image 1)


SOLD for $200.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:15 PM
4240 imageH&G E1-30, 1890-1900 Wrappers Collection, comprehensive collection of specimen overprints, mint and used neatly arranged in a binder, domestic and foreign uses, leafing through note E4 specimen ex-UPU archives, E5 to Germany, USA, E7 to Germany, E7-9 with "Cancelled" handstamp, E8 to Denmark, E9 to Germany, E10 local Managua or Corinto use, E11 to Germany (2), E11 to British Honduras, E12 to Germany, E13 to Austria, E13-15 watermark varieties used and/or mint, E15 to Germany, E16-18 "cancelled" handstamps, E16 uprated to Costa Rica, E17 to Germany (3), E17 to Costa Rica, E18 to Surinam, E20 uprated to USA, E23 to Germany(2), E24 to Switzerland, Germany, USA, E27-28 indicia pairs with "Specimen" overprint and punch, etc., generally F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $850.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:16 PM

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