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Foreign Stamps and Covers continued...

Nicaragua continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4201 imageH&G 66, 1907 2c Red on white "Coat of Arms," includes mint (1), unused (2, with additional stamp added), and used (4), one used internally, others to Germany (all uprated with additional stamps), note November 14, 1906 use (two months before issue date, generally Very Fine, an attractive group of this tough issue (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:05 PM
4202 imageH&G 67, 1907 4c on 2c Red on white, Violet "Vale 4 cts." overprint, mint (3) and used (24) cards, including December 22, 1906 use (perhaps earliest known), many internal uses and destinations including Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and USA, both small and large "4" varieties included, uprated cards demonstrate a variety of different rates, generally Very Fine, a perfect foundation to a specialized collection (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:05 PM
4203 imageH&G 69-71, 1908 Violet "Vale 4c-1908/Interior" Overprints, includes 69 mint (2, one double overprint) and used (3), 70 mint (3) and used (8), and 71 mint (2) and used (14 halves), mostly internal uses but some uprated cards to France and USA, wide variety of datestamps and transit markings, few faulty but generally Very Fine, a lovely collection of this issue that would surely be impossibly to duplicate (Image 1)

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SOLD for $170.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:06 PM
4204 imageH&G 72, 1912 4c Brown on white, UPU specimen overprinted "Colonias" in violet, from the Portuguese archives, Very Fine, believed to be unique in private hands (Image 1)

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SOLD for $220.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:06 PM
4205 imageH&G 73, 1912 10c Brown on white, two items: die proof on thin cream paper with wide margins all around, and impression on slightly thicker paper with "Waterlow & Sons Ltd/Specimen" two-line overprint, both Very Fine and rare (Image 1)

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SOLD for $110.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:06 PM
4206 imageH&G 72-75, 1912 4c-12c Waterlow Definitive issue, approximately 55 items, nice mix of mint and used (many uprated showing a variety of different rates), note destinations including Argentina, Bohemia, Germany, Netherlands, and USA (couple with US stamps to pay internal postcard rate), generally Very Fine, a wonderful selection of this attractive issue, the intended rates for these cards were very short-lived so creative uses were found (notably the 10c International postcard rate eventually became a 10c Internal postcard rate), a wonderful amount of research still to be done (Image 1)

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SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:06 PM
4207 imageH&G 76-79, 1912 4c-10c "Locomotive" issue, 17 items total, mostly mint including unsevered message/reply cards, note 79 with violet "Colonias" overprint (very rare), used cards out of period (appears as if this issue saw new life in the 1920s) but still Very Fine, an interesting selection of this attractive Waterlow issue (Image 1)

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SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:07 PM
4208 imageH&G 87 var, 1924 1c Grey brown, "Specimen A.B.N. Co." perfin, red "F6971" order number handstamp, card has split vertically and has been rejoined/ repaired on the back, lower right corner clipped, otherwise Very Fine and rare with just three examples recorded (Image 1)


SOLD for $160.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:07 PM
4209 imageH&G 87, 1922 1c Postal Card, January 16, 1930 "Fifth Reg. U.S.M.C./Managua, Nicaragua" duplex ties US 1c Green on Nicaragua 1c postal card addressed to Rye, New York; typed notation "NN1NIC Aircraft Sqdns 2nd Brigade U S Marines/Managua Nic" at top of card, central horizontal fold through US stamp with hinge reinforcement on the back, still Very Fine; card confirmed a short-wave radio contact by the US Marines radio station in Managua (call letters NN1NIC), the 1c postage pays the postage through the US military system which operated in parallel with the Nicaraguan mails (Nicaragua 1c not paying any rate) (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:07 PM
4210 H&G 87, 1922 1c Postal Card Exhibit Collection, well-organized and annotated collection of mint card in grey green, grey and grey brown (rarely used) shades, the "meat" of the collection, though, is in the wide range of 33 cards showing domestic and foreign uses to an amazing array of destinations, among the many highlights Domestic 1925 and 1926 local use in Managua of grey brown card, International Destinations with Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Costa Rica, England with November 1932 latest recorded use), Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Iran (ex-Pocock, pictured in NicaraoApril 1, 1996, page 21), Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Philippines, Tunisia, United States including November 17, 1922 earliest known use to New York City, and Uruguay; cards show various rates including 1c + 1c postal tax (domestic and to the USA), Pan-American rate, overseas rate of 6c, commercial reply rate, post-1930 overseas rate reduction to 4½c, excellent condition throughout, generally Very Fine and virtually impossible to duplicate

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:07 PM
4211 imageH&G 87 var, 1924 1c Postal Card Collection, includes six mint cards with variety of shades, also 15 assorted used (some uprated) incl to Granada via Diriamba spur railroad, 1925/28 to USA (4) incl 1928 QSL card with printed "Campo de Marte/ Managua Nicaragua/ US Marines/ 7NIC" (stamp missing), 1924/1933 to Germany (5), usual mixed condition but Fine group (Image 1)

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SOLD for $80.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:08 PM
4212 Nicaragua Postal Cards Collection, 1895/99, approx 180 mostly used cards incl reply cards in a well filled binder with many on specialty pages analyzing the use, variety of cancels, auxiliary markings, demonetized uses, some domestic uses plus numerous foreign destinations incl USA, Austria, Germany, Uruguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela, Switzerland, Chile, Denmark, Italy, Mexico, Cuba, Norway, Turks Island (corner missing), Belgium, France, San Salvador, Peru, Costa Rica, Argentina, India, etc., note H&G 28 with "Cancelled" handstamp, H&G 31a Bluefields to Copenhagen, H&G 32 Corinto to Diriamba (scarce domestic destination), H&G 40 posted on train to Granada and with "Buzon" handstamp, H&G 40 Masaya to Coban, Guatemala demonetized period use, etc., many uprated, usual mixed condition, VG-VF, an impressive collection and a must view

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SOLD for $1,200.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:08 PM
4213 imageH&G B29-33, 1895 5c-50c Sixth Seebeck Issue Postal Stationery Envelopes Collection, mostly on specialty pages and with nice array of uses (5c and 10c envelopes only), note 5c entire with "Cancelled" handstamp, domestic (mostly) and uprated foreign uses to Germany, USA, 10c to USA, Chile, France, France incl one charged postage due with French dues affixed, Honduras, Switzerland, Austria, Panama, etc., generally F-VF (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:08 PM
4214 imageH&G B34-36, 1896 5c-20c Seventh Seebeck Issue Postal Stationery Envelopes Collection, includes the mint entires plus useful domestic (5c and 2x rate 10c) incl La Libertad to Managua (scarcer origin cancel) and foreign uses of the 10c and 20c with destinations incl Germany, USA incl one with Atlantic & N.O. RPO transit cancel, England, Panama, Spain, Ecuador, 20c (uprated) registered to USA, usual mixed condition but generally F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:08 PM
4215 imageH&G B37-39, 1897 5c-20c Eighth Seebeck Issue Postal Stationery Envelopes Collection, mint entires and cut squares and highlighted with domestic and foreign uses of the 5c (24) and 10c (18 incl two uprated) values, destinations include 5c (not uprated) to Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, USA, Mexico, 10c double-rate domestic, Mexico (uprated), England, Germany including uprated triple-rate, USA, France incl one with small "Buzon" handstamp, etc., usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:09 PM
4216 imageH&G B40-45, 1900 5c-50c Mt Momotombo Postal Stationery Envelopes Collection, specialists collection of specimens, mint and used with much on specialty pages, includes the 5c-50c indicia singles horiz pairs with "Specimen" overprint and punch, mint entires but the real strength in the collection is the extensive array of domestic and foreign uses of the 5c (110 with some uprated, 1901 Masaya to Prizapolka (rare small town cancel), rare "drop" mail, "Cartero" and "Buzon" markings, and few to regional Central American countries plus an uprated to the Philippines), 10c (16, incl domestic 2x rate, some uprated), 15c (2), 20c (3), 50c (1 to Mexico - 3X rate), usual mixed condition, VG-VF, a marvelous collection of the issue (Image 1)

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SOLD for $2,000.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:09 PM
4217 imageH&G B40-44, 1898 5c-50c Ninth Seebeck Postal Stationery Envelopes Collection, mint entires and cut squares plus various domestic and foreign uses of the 5c (34 incl two uprated), 10c (12 incl two uprated with one being domestic registered), 20c (1, registered to Guatemala), includes scarce domestic origins as La Victoria, Metapa, plus some "Buzon" handstamps, foreign destinations include Germany, England, Spain, USA, Italy (faults), Argentina, etc., usual mixed condition, generally F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $400.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:09 PM
4218 imageH&G B46, 1900 10c Violet, addressed to St Louis, Mo and cancelled by Granada Ago 28 1900 double oval, purple Nicaraguan "50 Ctms T" due handstamp, on arrival in New York marked "Collect Postage 20 Cents" in black, in St Louis pair of 10c dues affixed and tied by scarce violet "Postage Due/ Sep 27 1900/ St Louis Mo/ 3" handstamp, backstamped Corinto, NY City, St Louis Sep 27 1900, bit of light postal wear, Fine and scarce; weight in excess of 15gr and taxed 15 gold centimes by the Nicaraguan post office, this surcharge was converted to 20c by the US post office (Image 1)


SOLD for $120.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:09 PM
4219 imageH&G B51-52, 1903 5c, 10c Provisional Postal Stationery Envelopes Selection, includes B51a, B52, B52a (2), mint, useful group of used 5c (10), 10c (11) incl uprated and solo foreign uses, "Buzon" handstamps, registered, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF, elusive group of these provisionals produced due to the ongoing shortage of internal use envelopes (Image 1)

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SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:09 PM
4220 imageH&G B55-56, 1904 "Habiltadovale5cts" on 10c Entires, B55 mint 1), used (5) incl one to Brussels, uprated to Germany, B56 used (4) incl Granada to Bluefields domestic use and uprated registered to San Francisco, Fine and scarce (Image 1)

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SOLD for $120.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:09 PM

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