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Worldwide continued...

Germany (Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post) continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
301 c   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1913, Prinz Heinrich Flight postcard,. franked with 5pf Germania, tied by "PRINZ HEINRICH FLUG 1913 / Nebenetappe / Giessen / 11.5.13" (Type B) c.d.s., to Hamburg, lovely official flight illustration on front, a choice example, very fine. (Mi. 20-02). Cover (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$80.00
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302 c   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1912-18, Pioneer Aviation postal history group,. of ten items, with choice 1912 Pforzheim to Karlsruhe c.d.s. on aviation-themed event postcard, 1912 Mannheim to Heidelberg first flight c.d.s. on official postcard (Mi. 9b), ideal strike of 1913 Kiel Aviation Week c.d.s. on cover, 1913 Flugpost Munchen c.d.s. on 5pf Bavarian commemorative stationery, 1914 Dresden to Leipzig illustrated flight cards (2), and four postcards, three real photos, including plane taking off at Flugzeug der Schwabischen Flugwoche 1911, a lovely group in better quality than often seen, chiefly very fine.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11)

image image image

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Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$180.00
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303 c   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1925, Regensberg Easter Flight Days,. flown postcard bearing 10pf Regensberg Osterflugtage semi-official airmail, tied by "Oster-Flugtage Regensburg 12/13.4.1926" c.d.s., "Mit Flugzeug / D409 befordert" handstamp confirming the card was flown, the card showing portrait of famed pilot Ernst Udet, scarce and very fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$160.00
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Germany (Zeppelin Flights)
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
304 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1909, I.L.A. Frankfurt Airship Exhibition official postal stationery group. of five, with I.L.A. Airship illustration and color balloon illustration on back, all postmarked in Frankfurt in September, 1909, with Official Postcard No. 1 (2) and No. 2 (3), four to Germany, one to the United States, it assessed 2c postage due, some light edge wear or trivial creases, else a fine group.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$100.00
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305 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1912, Zeppelin "Viktoria Luise" Flight 5+50pf postal statio. uprated with 5pf Germania, tied by "Wiesbaden-Frankfurt (Main) / Luftpost / 26.10.12" oval, to New York, a scarce example addressed outside of Germany, some light edge wear, fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$75-100

SOLD for US$50.00
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306 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1913, Zeppelin LZ-9 Dusseldorf Orphanage Flight postal card,<. franked with 5pf Germania, tied by "Luftpost am Rhein / / Dusseldorf" c.d.s., with Zeppelin label issued for the first flight in the Rhine, additional Dusseldorf orphanage label on reverse, scarce as such, fine. (Michel 9Ca); these semi-officials were printed on occasion of a private journey of the military airship LZ-9 in aid of an orphanage in Dusseldorf; this mail was carried via the airship to Cologne.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$65.00
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307 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1924, Airship ZR 3 "Los Angeles" First North America Flight,. illustrated Jaeger postcard, postmarked Friedrichshafen (15 Sep and 10 Oct), to Brooklyn, New York, without the usual private red box cachet, with second commercial card, postmarked Friedrichshafen (28 Aug), both to New York, with violet oval confirmation cachets, a fine pair. (Frost 126-7a/126-7Ad, Sieger 20a). Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$100.00
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308 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1924, Airship ZR 3 "Los Angeles" First North America Flight. postmarked Friedrichshafen (10 Oct), handstamped violet confirmation cachet, to New York, with arrival backstamp (Oct 15), a scarce example postmarked after September 15, after which the only mail accepted was that of American crewmembers, fine. (Frost 126-7Aa, Sieger 20a). Cover (Image1)

Est. US$150-200

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309 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1929, Graf Zeppelin "Round the World Flight" real photo postcard,. with four-line violet souvenir handstamp, further struck with both rose "AN BORD DES / LUFTSCHIFFES / GRAF ZEPPELIN" (12 Sep) confirmation mark and ""GRAF ZEPPELIN / FRIEDRICHSHAFEN / L.Z. 127"" seal mark, the former uncommonly seen after 24 March when the first on-board postmark was introduced, attractive and scarce.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$75.00
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310 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1929, Graf Zeppelin America Flight group,. nine covers/cards, each postmarked Friedrichshafen (15 May), to various cities in the United States, all but one franked with either 2RM or 4RM Zeppelin stamp, each with circular blue "1. Amerikafahrt 1929" confirmation cachet, each from the flight forced to land at Cuers, with corresponding rose straight-line flight interruption marking and New York receiver (Aug 5), note one postcard depicting Charles Lindbergh in front of the Spirit of St Louis, one postal card accompanied by Biondi certificate, some with small faults, a chiefly fine group. (Frost 127-23). Cover (Image1)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$200.00
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311 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1929, Graf Zeppelin Orient Flight,. four covers, each paying 2M rate, note one franked with 2RM blue Zeppelin, all postmarked Friedrichshafen (Mar 24), one each to Zurich, Hartford USA, Frankfurt, and Port Said, a fine group. (Frost 127-17, Sieger 23IA). Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$110.00
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312 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1930, Graf Zeppelin Baltic Sea Flight postcard,. franked with 1M Air Post, tied by Graf Zeppelin on-board cancel (23 Sep), Dresden receiver (26 Sep), neatly-struck triangular "Fahrt Rund Um / Die Ostsee 1930" confirmation cachet in green, fine. (Frost 127-83B). Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$60.00
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313 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1930, Graf Zeppelin Europe-Pan American Flight cover,. franked with two 2RM blue and single 4RM brown Sudamerika/Fahrt Zeppelin adhesives, each tied by Friedrichshafen (18 May) c.d.s., carried to Havana, with receiver on front (2 Jun), both German and United States flight confirmation cachets, a desirable example, very fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$230.00
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314 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1930, Graf Zeppelin Netherlands Flight,. postcard franked with 1m green, tied by Graf Zeppelin on-board cancel (11 Nov), corresponding boxed violet and blue illustrated confirmation cachet, signed on front “Albert Sammt” and on back “Knut Eckener” and “Albert Lehmann”, reverse of card with printed poem honouring Dr. Hugo Eckener (translation included), an ideal item for the Zeppelin enthusiast, scarce and fine; Albert Sammt was an engineer and Knut Eckener (son of Dr. Eckener) a helmsman on the Graf Zeppelin, while Albert Lehmann was a steward.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$210.00
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315 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1931, Graf Zeppelin Baltic Sea Flight real photo postcard,. franked with 1RM Graf Zeppelin, tied by on-board cancel (14 May), further Lubeck/Travemunde c.d.s (14 May), violet Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin / Ostseejahr Rundfahrt 1931 flight confirmation cachet, a lovely card, very fine.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$60.00
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316 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1931, Graf Zeppelin England Flight,. two postcards, each showing the Graf Zeppelin in flight and franked with 1RM Polar Flight, each with on-board cancellation (18 and 19 August, respectively), and with corresponding violet confirmation cachets, an attractive pair, fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

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317 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1931, Graf Zeppelin Iceland Flight postcard,. franked with 1RM Graf Zeppelin, tied by Friedrichshafen (30 Jun) c.d.s., to Reykjavik, with c.d.s. receiver (1 July), neatly-struck green Islandfahrt 1931 confirmation cachet, lovely strikes, very fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$75-100

SOLD for US$60.00
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318 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1931, Graf Zeppelin Polar Flight to Icebreaker ""Malyguin"". 1c USA postal stationery card, uprated with 2RM blue Polar Flight Air Post, tied by Friedrichshafen c.d.s. (24 July), Icebreaker "Malyguin" (July 27) receiver alongside, with Polarfahrt confirmation cachet, to Halifax, Canada, light corner creases, a scarce usage, fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$100.00
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319 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1931, Graf Zeppelin Polar Flight to Icebreaker ""Malyguin"". 1c USA postal stationery card, uprated with 2RM blue Polar Flight Air Post, tied by Friedrichshafen c.d.s. (24 July), Icebreaker "Malyguin" (July 27) receive, rose Polarfahrt confirmation cachet, to Lincoln, Nebraska, some slight creasing at lower left, else attractive and fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$95.00
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320 c   imageGermany - Zeppelin Flights . 1931, Graf Zeppelin Polar Flight to Icebreaker "Malyguin". cover franked with 4RM brown Polar Flight Air Post, tied by Graf Zeppelin on-board cancel (26 July), lovely strike of the rose Polarfahrt confirmation cachet and Brise-Glace "Malyguin" datestamp (27 July), a scarce example of the on-board cancellation, a cover of superior quality; with Toselli certificate.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$290.00
Will close during Public Auction

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