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German East Africa
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
281 Used   imageGerman East Africa . 1930, 3r carmine & slate Yacht,. well-centered, postmarked with neat “Bagamoyo” c.d.s., very fine. (Sc. 31, $300+). Used (Image1)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$80.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
282 Used   imageGermany . 1874, 9kr on 9kr Brown,. centrally-struck "Mainz 16 Mai 74" c.d.s., attractive and fine-very fine. (Sc. 28, $450). Used (Image1)

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Est. US$75-100

SOLD for US$50.00
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283 Unmounted Mint   imageGermany . 1913, 1m & 2m German-British Airship Expedition Fund,. never hinged set of two, both corner margin singles, pristine never hinged original gum, brilliant bright color, a choice set of these popular stamps, fresh and very fine. (Sieger I, II). . This proposed expedition, which was also to include the Netherlands, was planned in order to conduct an aerial survey of previously unexplored regions of New Guinea; the outbreak of World War I only a few short months prior to the planned launch of the expedition put an end to the proposal.. Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$2,000-3,000

SOLD for US$1,900.00
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284 Unmounted Mint   imageGermany . 1926-7, Air Post complete booklet,. with two panes consisting of four 15pf, six 10pf, and four 20pf, plus three pages of "Mit Luftpost" airmail etiquettes, with interleaving, trivial edge wear and small pencil notation on booklet cover, a scarce booklet, very fine. (Mi. MH20.2, €1,300). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$300.00
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285 og   imageGermany . 1930, 2m & 4m Graf Zeppelin South America Flight,. lightly hinged set of two, fresh color, nicely-centered, a handsome set, very fine. (Sc. C38-9, $500, Mi. 438-9, €,650). Mint H (Image1)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$130.00
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286 og   imageGermany . 1931, 1m to 4m Graf Zeppelin Polar Flight,. set of three, overprinted in brown, lightly hinged, bright color, nicely-centered, unobtrusive owner's marks on back, an ideal set, very fine. (Sc. C40-42, $710; Mi. 456-8, €900). Mint H (Image1)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$200.00
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287 Used   imageGermany . 1931, 1m-4m Graf Zeppelin Polar Flight,. set of three, neatly-struck c.d.s. postmarks, well-centered, a difficult and desirable set, very fine. (Sc. C40-2, $985). Used (Image1)

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Est. US$300-400

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288 Unmounted Mint   imageGermany . 1931, 4m brown Graf Zeppelin Polar Flight,. never hinged, difficult as such, choice centering, fresh color, a select example of this high-value, very fine. (Sc. C42, $1,750; Mi. 458, €4,000). Mint NH (Image1)

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Est. US$500-750

SOLD for US$475.00
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289 c   imageGermany . 1931, DO-X Flight Cover to Canada,. multi-franking issue tied by Friedrichshafen c.d.s. (13 Nov), handstamped rose Europe-America leg confirmation cachet and violet on-board datestamp (30 Jan), on front, black South America confirmation mark on back, with Rio de Janeiro (22 Apr) and Montreal (8 Jul) backstamps, some edge toning and light wrinkling, else fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$110.00
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290 c   imageGermany . 1931, DO-X South America Flight pair of covers,. the first franked with 2RM and 4RM Graf Zeppelin Air Posts, tied by Friedrichshafen (13 Nov) c.d.s., DORNIER DO-X on-board datestamp as well as Europe-America leg and Brazilian confirmation cachets, the second an exceptional quality multi-franking cover with 2RM Graf Zeppelin South America Flight Air Post, tied to cover by on-board c.d.s. (31 June), with both confirmation cachets, both with Rio de Janeiro arrival backstamps (22 June), an attractive pair.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$200.00
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291 og   imageGermany . 1933, 1m - 4m Graf Zeppelin Chicago Flight,. hinged set of three, bright color, a difficult set, chiefly fine-very fine. (Sc. C43-5, $900; Mi. 496-8, €1,200). Mint H (Image1)

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Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$160.00
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292 c   imageGermany . 1936, airmail cover to the Philippines,. franked with 20pf Hindenburg and 50pf Zeppelin (toned), tied by Leipzig (18 Dec) c.d.s., to Manila, via China with Canton (Jan 2) transit backstamps, an uncommon route and destination, fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$75-100

SOLD for US$210.00
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293 og   imageGermany . 1951-2, 2pf yellow green to 90pf yellow green Numeral & Post. hinged, fresh colour, fine-very fine. (Sc. 670-685, $562.80). Mint H (Image1)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$95.00
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Germany (Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post)
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
294 c   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1912, 1m on 10pf "Gelbur Hund" semi-official airmail,. lightly hinged, select centering, horizontal gum creases which the accompanying certificate notes are production-related and should not be considered faults, a pleasing example of this desirable stamp, very fine; with 2018 Jaschke-Lantelme certificate. (Mi. IV, €600). Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$190.00
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295 Unmounted Mint   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1912, "E.EL.P." on 10pf semi-official airmail. never hinged, showing the "Open-Topped Cloud" variety from position 67, superb colour and exceptional centering, a beautiful example, very fine; with 2018 Jaschke-Lantelme certificate. (Mi. V, €2,200). Mint NH (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$750-1,000

SOLD for US$725.00
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296 c   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1912, Bork-Bruck semi-official airmail,. with 3pf Germania (perfin) affixed to centre, tied by "Bruck 5.13.12" c.d.s., to Berlin, with violet flight cachet at bottom, two horizontal filing folds clear of stamp, else very fine, with clear 1999 Sieger certificate; (Mi. 1A, CAT €3,000). . . On February 18, 1912, a private postal flight was carried out between Bork and Bruck. This idea was conceived in 1910 by an engineer in Bork, Hans Grade, who established an aircraft workshop and flying school. An ex-pupil, Hermann Pentz, flew a mail sack containing approximately 400 covers - the first cover being addressed to Kaiser Wilhelm II. The flight caused some consternation, as Pentz only obtained his pilot’s license two days after the flight. . R<>A SCARCE COVER IN LOVELY QUALITY. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$1,000-1,500

SOLD for US$1,000.00
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297 c   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1912, Margareten-Volksfest Leipzig semi-official airmail,. postcard franked with 3pf Germania, tied by "MARGARETENDVOLKSFEST ZU LEIPZIG / AM 18 MAI 1912" c.d.s., affixed with semi-official, tied by violet "Durch Flugpost" handstamp, a superior quality example of this early flight, very fine.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$60.00
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298 Unmounted Mint   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1912, 50pf Margareten Volksfest semi-official airmail,. two examples in shades of light blue and grey blue, never hinged, select centering, very fine. (Mi. 4a, 4b). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$60.00
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299 c   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1912, Kiel Nordmarkflug semi-official airmail,. real photo postcard depicting Helmut Hirth's two-seater "Dove" plane, franked with 5pf Germania, tied by "KIEL / NORDMARKFLUG / 1912 / 21.6.12." c.d.s., used on occasion of the Kiel Aviation Days and Air Competition, a lovely usage, fine. (Mi 11-01). Cover (Image1)

Est. US$150-200

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300 c   imageGermany - Pioneer & Semi-Official Air Post . 1912, Rhein-Main Flight postcard group,. of six items, with unused stationery card, five others franked with 5pf Germania and 10pf Air Post and tied by Flugpost am Rhein u am Main c.d.s. of Frankfurt (10 Jun and 12 Jun), Mainz (13 Jun), Offenbach (13 Jun), and Darmstadt (21 Jun), a choice selection with ideal strikes, very fine.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6)

image image image

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Est. US$150-200

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