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Mail Between Canada and United States

Canada to United States
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
2059 c ImageThe first Quebec circular datestamp--this is the earliest example on mail to the U.S.

(Quebec to Newport R.I., Jun. 25, 1772). Bold red Quebec JU 25” first-type double-circle datestamp with triangle on backflap of folded letter to Aaron Lopez in Newport R.I., rated 8.16” (8dwt 16gr), contents regarding trade of wheat, timber, rum, sugar, etc., cover with some splitting along internal folds


After the opening of British post offices in Canada in 1763, straightline markings from Quebec and Montreal were introduced. This was the first circular datestamp used in Canada and is recorded on covers dated in 1772 and 1773. The addressee, Aaron Lopez (1731-1782), was a well-known merchant and philanthropist. After his arrival in Newport in the 1750s, he quickly built up a successful business. By the 1770s, he was by far the wealthiest individual in Newport.

Ex Sanderson (Image)

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E. $ 2,000-3,000

SOLD for $1,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
2060 c ImageRemarkable folded cover from Donald Mad” McKay to his brother in Grand Portage, Minnesota Territory

(Montreal to Grand Portage, Minnesota Territory, Mar. 26, 1789). Folded cover with manuscript James McKay - Donald McKay & Angus Shaw, fwd by ? Depot, 26 March 1789” on top flap, addressed to James McKay au Grand Portage” (present day Minnesota), carried completely outside the mails by canoe route over the Great Lakes, some minor edge splits (one reinforced) and minor wear


Grand Portage was a trading post for the North West Company. It was eventually abandoned around 1800 and moved to Fort William, as this was part of U.S. territory. Donald Mad” McKay is part of Canadian fur trading folklore. By this time, he had signed up with Alexander (Angus) Shaw in the Nipigon area (northern Lake Superior). It is believed that the recipient was his brother, another fur trader.

Ex Steinhart, Siskin and Dr. Robertson (Image)

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E. $ 3,000-4,000

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2061 c ImageWell-struck NIAGARA” straightline handstamp applied by the U.S. Post Office

(Niagara, Canada to New York, May 14, 1801). Bold NIAGARA, May” straightline handstamp with manuscript 14” date on folded cover to Roger Strong in New York, rated 25” (cents) for over-500 miles, Strong penned an answer to the letter on inside of cover (then possibly remailed inside another cover not present?), small piece of internal panel torn out, Very Fine example of this scarce marking, the office was established in 1797 as a convenience to handle U.S.-bound letters, the office forwarded mail on a biweekly basis to Fort Niagara (in the U.S.) which was less than a mile away across the Niagara River, the recipient, Roger Strong, was a lawyer in New York who studied law with Aaron Burr and ultimately became his partner (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $550.00
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2062 c ImageThe earliest recorded Sandwich postmark with NIAGARA” straightline handstamp of the U.S. Post Office in Niagara

(Sandwich via Niagara, Canada to Canandaigua N.Y., Dec. 5, 1802). Large part of SANDWICH/5 DEC 1802” two-line datestamp on bottom flap of folded cover to Canandaigua N.Y., manuscript 11d Paid to Niagara” and further charged 12-1/2” upon receipt with NIAGARA, Dec.” straightline handstamp with manuscript 30” date applied by the U.S. Post Office in Niagara for cross-border delivery, cover with sealed vertical tear running between Dec.” and 30”, light overall soiling, still Fine, rare combination of markings, this is the earliest recorded Sandwich postmark, ex McDonald and Sanderson (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $3,000.00
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2063 c ImageForwarded cover from Berthier to Champlain N.Y. via Montreal

(Berthier to Champlain N.Y. via Montreal, Mar. 29, 1811). Clear BERTHIER/MAR. 18(?)” two-line datestamp over the folds of a folded letter to Champlain N.Y., rated 4-1/2”, with manuscript Rec’d & forwarded by your most obt. Servant James Woolwich, Montreal 30th March 1811” notation on backflap and presumably carried privately to Champlain, Very Fine (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $200.00
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2064 c ImageBold strike of the rare ST. CATHERINES” straightline--ferriage rate via Lewiston

(St. Catherines to Mayville N.Y. via Lewiston, Sept. 8, 1819). Remarkably clear ST. CATHERINES” straightline handstamp with September 8th, 1819” date below on back of folded letter to Mayville N.Y., rated Paid 3, Ferriage 2 (=) 5” then charged a further 12-1/2” at border with Lewiston Sept. 11th” manuscript marking, small part of contents missing, still Very Fine, this rare St. Catherines straightline is only known used in 1819, ex Sanderson (Image)

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E. $ 750-1,000

SOLD for $425.00
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2065 c ImageChoice strike of CORNWALL” straightline on Free” cover to Boston via Ogdensburg

(Cornwall to Boston Mass. via Ogdensburg, Jun. 11, 1822). Exceptional strike of CORNWALL” straightline handstamp on folded letter to Boston Mass., sent Free” with postmaster’s initials at bottom left, light red Ogdensburgh N.Y. 10 June” circular datestamp and rated 18-1/2” for U.S. postage, Very Fine, enclosure in regard to ordering sheet music, the Cornwall handstamp was only in use from 1822-29, typically with a date added, ex Sanderson (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $325.00
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2066 c ImagePair of HATLEY” straightline covers from same correspondence

(Hatley to Gardiner Me. via Derby Vt., Jul. 7, 1822 and Jul. 11, 1823). Two folded letters to Gardiner Me., each with well-struck HATLEY” straightline handstamp and manuscript Free” with postmaster’s initials at bottom left, first with Hatley” crossed out and Derby Vt, 19 July” postmark below, second with similar Derby Vt, 8 Aug” postmark beside, each rated 18-1/2” for U.S. postage, Very Fine pair, the first ex Glassco, both ex Sanderson (Image)

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E. $ 750-1,000

SOLD for $1,300.00
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2067 c ImageRare double strike of the Quebec Paid” circular handstamp with small circles

(Quebec to New York, Feb. 21, 1829). Clear strike of Quebec FE 21 29” circular datestamp with large fleuron on back of folded letter to New York, two strikes of Quebec Paid” circular handstamp with small circles, 1N” and 18-3/4” rates in both Canadian and U.S. currency indicating full prepayment, Very Fine, sent shortly after the tightening of postal regulations issued on Jan. 12 (a photocopy is included), ex Sanderson (Image)

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E. $ 200-300

SOLD for $110.00
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2068 c ImageThe only recorded example of the compass-drawn manuscript New Carlisle postmark

(New Carlisle to New York, Mar. 2, 1837). Red compass-drawn circle with New Carlisle, Mar 17, 1837, Chaleur Bay” on folded letter datelined on Mar. 2 and addressed to New York, manuscript paid 2N5” as fully paid, red Montreal L.C. AP 13 1837” double-circle datestamp applied in transit and 18-1/2” credit to U.S., cover with minor edge tears incl. one at top repaired with tape, Very Fine, this marking is reminiscent of the Red River markings of the 1850s, this is the only recorded example with one other similar type used in 1838, ex Sanderson (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Stampless]

E. $ 750-1,000

SOLD for $650.00
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