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The exceptional balance of the Dubois” collection
of important pre-stamp covers and postal markings of British North AmericaBalance of the Dubois” Collection. Total of 69 covers neatly mounted on hand-annotated pages, dates range from 1760s to 1850s and include Canada, New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, most bought individually or in small groups of two or three at auctions, mostly from well-known name sales, a further description of each area can be found below, quality typically above average and as
reflected by the single lots offered in this sale, though faults should be expected as with any early pre-stamp era material FINE-VERY FINE. THE REMARKABLE BALANCE OF 69 COVERS FROM THE DUBOIS” COLLECTION. A PERFECT FOUNDATION FROM WHICH TO
BUILD AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF PRE-STAMP MATERIAL FROM BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Canada: 29 covers, 1760s-1850s, wide range of straightlines from Berthier, Brockville, Chambley, Coteau du Lac, La Prairie, Montreal, Perth, Sherbrooke and
Three Rivers, plus circular datestamps from Erieus, St. Catherines and St. Hyacinth; various uses, rates and markings, including Money Letter” from Amherstburg and Quebec New Brunswick: 28 covers, 1780s-1850s, early markings from St. John
including Jephcott 12, 13a, 13b (3), 17, 18 and 19, and from Fredericton including Jephcott 23 (3) and 23a; we notice two covers from the infamous Benedict Arnold, rare Ship Letter” marking (Jephcott 140), forwarded covers and more Nova
Scotia: 10 covers, 1790s-1850s, few scarce early Halifax markings including MacDonald 4b, 9 and 12, plus Post Office” circular handstamps from Annapolis, Pictou and Sydney, and a Digby straightline Prince Edward Island: two covers,
first is 1831 cover with Lehr P2, second is a 1844 with Lehr P10 to New York originally containing enclosure for forwarding to Mexico We strongly urge bidders to closely study the PDF on our website or to examine the actual lot to form a
competitive bid (Image) View PDF of contents of this lot Search for comparables at SiegelAuctions.com
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E. $ 5,000-7,500
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