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New Brunswick continued...

New Brunswick Postal Markings
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
2161 c ImageRare Bathurst double-circle with manuscript date

(Bathurst to Fredericton, Feb. 27, 1832). Well-struck Post Office Bathurst” double-circle with manuscript 27 Febr. 32” date on folded letter to Fredericton, manuscript Free B. Dawson P.M.” at bottom left, file fold and small stray ink mark, neither affecting handstamp, Very Fine, this rare marking is known used in only one year (1832), ex Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $600.00
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2162 c ImagePerfect strike of early Fredericton two-line datestamp

(Fredericton to St. John, Aug. 8, 1799). Bold strike of FREDERICTON N:B: AUG/8, 1799” two-line datestamp (unlisted in Jephcott in this orientation) on bottom flap of folded letter to St. John, manuscript free J. Jarvis”, small piece of interior page missing at top affecting part of dateline, mild file fold thru datestamp


Ex Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 1,500-2,000

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2163 c ImageA cover that traveled between three Maritime provinces

(Fredericton to Prince Edward Island, Jan. 10, 1800). Folded letter datelined Fredericton, New Brunswick, 10th Jan. 1800” with FREDERICTON NB/FEBRUARY 24, 1800” two-line datestamp (Jephcott 21) over flap, addressed to Thomas Wright Esq., Surveyor General of the Island Prince Edouard”, manuscript On His Majesty’s Service” and rated 1s/11d”, HALIFAX/MAR. 7 1800” transit datestamp affected by opening seal, Fine, an interesting cover that traveled between three Maritime provinces, the addressee, Thomas Wright (ca. 1740-1812), was an astronomer and surveyor who dedicated over 50 years to mapping the Atlantic shores, ex Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $160.00
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2164 c ImageBold two-part Fredericton two-line datestamp

(Fredericton to St. John, Feb. 15, 1802). Well-struck FREDERICTON N” and FEBRUARY 16 1802” straightline handstamps on top and bottom flaps of folded letter to St. John, manuscript free J. Jarvis” at bottom left, Very Fine, similar to Jephcott 21 but with the two lines detached, ex Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $600.00
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2165 c ImageExcellent strike of the distinctive large Fredericton circular datestamp known used in 1815 only

(Fredericton to Windsor, Nova Scotia, May 24, 1815). Bold strike of the large Fredericton N.B. 24 May 15” large circular datestamp (Jephcott 28) with matching PAID” in circle handstamp on folded letter from Jonathan Bliss to his son at Kings College, Windsor, Nova Scotia, rated 11” in red, Very Fine, an attractive inter-provincial cover, rare datestamp which is known used in 1815 only, the sender, Jonathan Bliss (1742-1822), was a well-known lawyer and judge in New Brunswick, illustrated in The Postal History of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, 1754-1867 by Jephcott, Greene and Young (p. 49), ex Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,800.00
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2166 c ImageFredericton circular datestamp with star in center unrecorded by Jephcott

(Fredericton to Quebec, Oct. 2, 1815). Clear strike (slightly over fold) of Fredericton 10 Oct. 15” circular datestamp with star in center (unrecorded by Jephcott) on folded letter datelined on Oct. 2 from George Mountain to his father Jacob Mountain in Quebec, rated 1N4”, file fold thru datestamp, Fine, this handstamp is not recorded by Jephcott, Jacob Mountain (1749-1825) was an English priest and first Anglican Bishop of Quebec, ex Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $950.00
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2167 c ImageThe finest of the three recorded Gagetown intaglio handstamps

(Gagetown to Fredericton, Jun. 24, 1840). Folded letter internally dated Jun. 24, 1840 with bold strike of Gagetown N.S.” with star intaglio handstamp, addressed to Fredericton with On Service” at top and rated 8d”, three minor file folds, one which lightly crosses handstamp


The other two examples (1840, ex Sanderson, and 1841, ex Saint) show far more wear than the example offered here.

Ex Glassco, Greene, Jephcott and Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 2,000-3,000

Will close during Public Auction
2168 c ImageThe finer of the two known examples of the Liverpool straightline handstamp

(Liverpool, New Brunswick, to Fredericton, ca. 1832-33). Bold strike of LIVERPOOL*NB” straightline handstamp and matching PAID” in circle handstamp on folded cover to Fredericton, New Brunswick, rated 1N3” at top right, lightly toned vertical file fold thru handstamp


The other example (ex Young, Greene and Saint) is a slightly fainter strike. Liverpool, New Brunswick, was a short lived post office--the name was changed back to Richibucto in 1833. There was great confusion between having Liverpools in both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Ex Glassco, Greene and Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 1,500-2,000

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2169 c ImagePretty strike of large rimless Miramichi circular handstamp with star

(Miramichi to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dec. 29, 1828). Neat strike of large Miramichi” circular handstamp with star with manuscript 11 Jany 1829” date and PAID” in circle on folded letter datelined Dec. 29, 1828 to Halifax, Nova Scotia, rated 1N6” plus Paid 1d” local delivery, Very Fine and quite scarce, known examples dated 1828-34, ex Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $300.00
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2170 c ImageVery rare Richibucto straightline with manuscript date below

(Richibucto to Fredericton, Jul. 21, 1830). Neat strike of RICHIBUCTO” straightline (Jephcott 38) and manuscript 21 Juy 1830” below on folded cover to Fredericton, manuscript On Service” at top and rated Paid 1N3”, cover with part of address removed and vertical file fold away from handstamp, Very Fine strike, a rare handstamp in use 1826-31, rated R.F. 10 by Jephcott (highest rarity possible) (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $275.00
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2171 c ImageScarce St. Andrews, New Brunswick two-line handstamp

(St. John to St. Stephen, Oct. 17, 1828). Folded letter datelined in St. John on Oct. 17, 1828 with ST. ANDREWS/NEW BRUNSWICK” two-line handstamp (Jephcott 39) and addressed to St. Stephen, St. John” backstamp and rated 7 (+) 4-1/2 (=) 11-1/2” at top right, Fine and scarce, this handstamp was in use 1827-34 (Image)

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E. $ 200-300

SOLD for $120.00
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