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The Krupnick Collection continued...

Canton Island
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
196 cover 1938.07.25 imageAwesome Canton Island legal sized cover with hand drawn illustrations, crossed flags of the US and Fiji on front and camp scenes on back and signatures of American and British officers stationed at Canton Island also on back -- ALL THE PEOPLE LIVING ON CANTON ISLAND AT THE TIME, addressed to London England, left side with two uncanceled US stamps, right side with stamps from Fiji, New Zealand and Canada tied by three different cancels, with manuscript. "July 25th 1938 … Posted from Canton Island Sender W. Miller (?) Commander R.M.M.S. Aorangi (ssmaritime.commemorative/Aorangi-II.htm) Vancouver B.C. Canada", Suva Fiji registry handstamp, signatures on reverse are "G. Langdale Administrative Officer" (drowned in the lagoon at Canton Island on May 30 1949) and "Thomas Manning, Wireless Officer" for the British and "H.T. Towill, Dept. of Interior, Alfred Voigt, Leader and Alexander McGallard Jr." for the Americans, the illustrations are in black, red and blue; vertical crease clear of stamps, the 1c US stamp has been previously affixed to another paper, still Very Fine, undoubtedly unique.

Both sides illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 548
. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $150-200
SOLD for $130.00
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197 cover 1938.08.02 imageCanton Island under British Administration, cover with 5¢ Roosevelt (#637) tied by "Pago Pago Samoa Aug. 2, 1938" machine cancel on cover to Kent England datelined "Canton Island, Phoenix Group 17th July 1938" and reads, "Dear Sir, I am posting your two letters by an Americn ship leaving here shortly. I regret that I am unable to stamp them as there is no Post Office in Canton Island, letters are posted by any ship which happens to call here. Yours sincerely, Geoffrey Langdale, Administrative Officer, Canton Island.", also including a second letter by Langdale of the same day that reads, "Dear Mr. King, I am returning herewith your postal note as I regret that we have no postage stamps in Canton Island, all letters posted from here are handed to the master of any visiting ship who posts them at the first port, this letter will be posted in Honolulu".

Langdale drowned in the Lagoon at Canton Island on May 30 1949, presumably from an accidental fall off of his ship "Maureen" which was lying off Canton Is., the obituary also notes that Capt. Langdale lost both of his legs years earlier as a result of coral poisoning
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $50.00
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198 cover 1939.09.05 imageCanton Island First Flight, 1939 (AAMC TO 1329), scarce woodblock cachet designed by Canton station manager Karl Lueder for first northbound flight on the California Clipper to Hawaii, Pan American Airways System corner card business envelope addressed to Oakland and postmarked Sept 5th in Honolulu (no post office on Canton), the primitive cachet is of the rare purple variety, proof-like black impression on #6 envelope with explaination that the artwork was destroyed prior to departure of the Clipper for Hawaii, bonus is 1940 penalty postal card explaining how to obtain first flight covers from Pacific flights, Fine to Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $200.00
Will close during Public Auction
199 cover 1939.09.05 imageCanton Island First Flight, 1939 (AAMC TO 1329), Pan American Airways System Treasure Island office corner card business envelope addressed to Alameda and postmarked Sept 5th in Honolulu, fine example of first flight on the California Clipper to Hawaii from Canton Island, the inbound flight arrived Canton on Sept 2nd, the primitive woodblock cachet applied Sept 3rd, the cachet destroyed on departure of the aircraft on Sept 4th, and the mail postmarked in Honolulu on Sept 5th, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $300.00
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200 cover 1939.09.05 image"First Flight PAA Canton Island 1939", black large boxed handstamp wood-block cachet prepared by Pan Am Canton Island Station Manager Karl Lueder at bottom left on legal sized airmail cover franked with US #852 tied by "Honolulu, Hawaii Sep 5, 1939" machine cancel, addressed to "Frank T. Kenner, Field Representative, U.S. Dept. Inten. Island Palace, Honolulu, T.H."; Leuder used this cachet on a few covers flown on Sept. 5 1939 from Canton Island to Honolulu. The cachet was destroyed before the flight departed. Kenner was the field officer who heard Amelia Earhart's final transmission; open at top and right with top backflap removed, Very Fine appearance. (Image)

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Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $225.00
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201 cover 1940-41 image23 FAM 19 Canton Island covers July 1940 to Nov. 1941, comprising one signed by Canton Island postmaster H.K. Graves, three to the Commandant of the 14th Naval District at Pearl Harbor (two from Graves, non-philatelic mail from Canton Is. is rare), three July 15 1940 -- one to Noumea (censored, illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 372), one to Noumea with Crosby cachet, and one to Auckland, July 17 1940 registered souvenir postcard Sydney Australia to Canton Island commemorating the First Trans Pacific Air Service from Australia & New Zealand to Canton Island by Tasman Empire Airways and Pan American Airways, a Penalty envelope postmarked Canton Island Jul. 24, 1940, a Registered cacheted cover sent by Postmaster Graves with "Registered No. 1" to NJ and forwarded to the Virgin Islands with eight backstamps by five different post offices, two Dec. 1941 covers by Dr. L.E. Shank, who left Canton Is. for Wake Is. and was captured when the Japanese took Wake Is. two years later, he and 90 other POWs were executed by the Japanese for supposedly sneaking military information to American forces. A memorial now stands on Wake Island for Dr. Shank and the other POW's, Very Fine. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $600.00
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202 cover 1940.07.15 imageThe first letter canceled at Canton Island, July 15, legal sized cover prepared by Pan Am commercial manager Clarence Young for his son Tim with typed affadavit at left signed by the local postmaster H.K. Graves, and a cover canceled at both Gilbert & Ellice Islands (British) and American post offices on Canton Island Sept. 23, 1941 with this souvenir handstamp cachet applied on both sides, this souvenir handstamp cachet was prepared by Dr. Vic Badertscher for the first anniversary of of Pan Am flights to Canton, the words "First Anniversary" were removed after the anniversary had passed in July 1941, the amended cachet appears in magenta and black, Very Fine.

The former cover illustrated and discussed in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 368
. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $150-250
SOLD for $160.00
Will close during Public Auction
203 cover 1940.08.19 imageTrans Pacific Press Flight to New Zealand, 1940, marvelous envelope with handstamp cachet made by local doctor Vic Badertscher and enclosed letter written on Pan Am stationery by Pan Am flight crew member Theron Griffin, the Pan Am stationery is specific to Canton and traces the route from China to America, terrific piece, Very Fine.

Both cover and letter are discussed and illustrated in Jon Krupnick's book "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers, The Rest of the Story", page 384-385
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $225.00
Will close during Public Auction
204 cover 1941.09.01 imageCanton Island MD Writes Colleague, 1941, at the end of summer the Pan Am resident physician sends a three page typed letter to a coworker back home in California, the content on PAA Canton Island stationary is delightful and reads in part, "By now you have probably gathered that my duties are not arduous, right! I average 4 patients a day, counting the minor surgery I talk them into.", the PAA Airmail envelope has a large red rubber stamp cachet, an extraordinary example, Very Fine.

Illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 375
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $250.00
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205 cover 1941.11.25 image2 Canton Island covers, canceled at both Gilbert & Ellice Islands (British) and American post offices, one Nov. 25 (US) and Nov. 26 (British) 1941, self addressed by P. Macdonald, a senior administrative officer, with note typed on reverse and 1983 typed letter by Macdonald, other cover Dec. 11 with souvenir handstamp cachet prepared by Dr. Vic Badertscher for the first anniversary of of Pan Am flights to Canton, the words "First Anniversary" were removed after the anniversary had passed in July 1941, the amended cachet appears in magenta and black, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $160.00
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206 cover 1941.11 image3 Canton Island covers, comprising one with 1st Anniv. Flight magenta souvenir handstamp cachet prepared by Dr. Vic Badertscher for the first anniversary of of Pan Am flights to Canton, and two covers canceled at both Gilbert & Ellice Islands (British) and American post offices on Canton Island, one with black handstamp cachet without the words "First Anniversary", which were removed after the anniversary had passed in July 1941, the amended cachet appears in magenta and black, Very Fine.

The first and last covers illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 374 & 375, respectively
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $550.00
Will close during Public Auction
207 cover 1942-58 imageCanton Island balance, approximately 100 items comprising covers, 24 different used QSL cards, eight postal cards and four picture postcards, 90% of these items are 1942-58, approximately 20 are soldier's mail, many interesting including one with letter from post office stating their first flight cover was not handled properly, three U.S.S. Bushnell covers, Karl Leuder prepared cachet in purple (illustrated in Krupnick's book "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 360, given as a gift by McDonald's son), cover flown on the first trip of the American Clipper with two handstamp cachets including the one designed by Dr. Vic Badertscher and signed by Capt. J.H. Tilton, few with stamps from Gilbert & Ellice Islands, plus a couple of letters -- one typed Jan. 26, 1936 and one July 8 1940 with a sketch of the island on the top of page 2, Fine to Very Fine group. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $400-500
SOLD for $550.00
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208 cover 1953.04.04 imageGilbert & Ellice Islands: Canton Island, two postage due covers, comprising one with five King George VI stamps to Auckland New Zealand with 10d postage due handstamp, one legal sized with one 2sh and two 3p King George VI Fiji stamps to Canton Island with 1d and 3d Gilbert & Ellice Islands Postage Due issues tied (#J1 & J3), Very Fine, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $190.00
Will close during Public Auction

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