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The Krupnick Collection continued...

FAM 14 continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
147 cover 1940-41 image9 flown covers from India, January 1940 to March 1941, destinations including Cuba via Manila-San Francisco & Miami, from Bombay to Honolulu and back with Indian D.L.O. Unclaimed letter label affixed (an awesome cover), Brazil (via FAM 14 and FAM 6), Canada, England (via FAM 14 from Hong Kong to San Francisco and FAM 18 to Lisbon, two ocean mail), Argentina (via FAM 14 and FAM 6), and three to the US, wide variety of frankings including two to eight stamps, six are censored, variety of rates and routes, the one with eight stamps is registered from an "Original Homeopathic Pharmacy" in Calcutta to Philadelphia, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9)

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Estimate $400-500
SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction
148 cover 1940-41 image8 Pan Am Clipper flown covers from Singapore, Feb. 1940 to Feb. 1941, seven covers and one front, one of the covers is censored with Kedah stamps SG #65 (FPO 36 -- "President, Regimental Institutes, 1st Leic. The Lecestershire Regiment" violet two-line handstamp at left) to Vancouver, one with Malaya meter, others with Malaya stamps, addressed to Canada or US, the front is censored and franked with seven stamps and has blue two line "Received at Manila by Steamer" handstamp, Very Fine group. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8)

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Estimate $400-500
SOLD for $475.00
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149 cover 1940-41 image4 Pan Am Clipper flown covers originating in Rangoon Burma, first is Nov. 7, 1940 69 (1/2 oz) rate to San Francisco by China Clipper from Hong Kong, second is Dec. 5, 1940 69 anna rate on legal sized censored to New York City by California Clipper, third is March 2, 1941 "via Burma, Chungking or Singapore & U.S. Clipper, Pacific Service" to Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada, fourth is May 20, 1941 double rate censored to New York City by China Clipper from Hong Kong, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Estimate $150-250
SOLD for $130.00
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150 cover 1940-41 image14 FAM 14 flown covers from USA to Near and Middle East, 1940-41, comprising five to Beirut including two with different "Service Suspended Returned to Sender" handstamps, one of which has two Lebanese stamps tied to reverse, one to Damascus Syria with "Service Suspended Returned to Sender" handstamp, two to Egypt (same sender, both franked with postage meters), two to Istanbul Turkey and four to Palestine; 11 censored, many sent through Singapore then by surface, overall Very Fine. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $950.00
Will close during Public Auction
151 cover 1940.08.24 imageVIP Flight to New Zealand, 1940, stunning Amon Carter prepared outbound envelope addressed to himself on Canton Island, signed "Capt R J Nixon Am Clipper" on front and by thirteen VIPs on the reverse including Pan Am Director C.V. Whitney, two examples of 10c Lindbergh and 6c Winged Globe (#C10 & C19) tied by "Los Angeles Calif. Aug. 24 1940" duplex cancel, Canton Island Aug 26th receiving backstamp applied prior to the signatures, Very Fine.

Both sides of a very similar cover are discussed and illustrated in Jon Krupnick's book "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers, The Rest of the Story", p. 387
. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $200.00
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152 cover 1940.10 image6 FAM 18 Pacific Clipper flown covers, franked with either one or two Great Britain 2sh6p or one 5sh King George VI stamp, comprising 2sh6p pair with 3d to Batavia Netherlands East Indies (interesting label on back), two franked with 2sh6p and pair of 1sh to Australia and New Zealand, 2sh6p pair to Singapore, 5sh to Shanghai and 5sh to India, each with Jon Krupnick's write-up explaining both route and rate with three of the covers traversing two oceans, dates between Oct. 1940 & Sept. 1941; few flaws, Fine to Very Fine overall. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $200.00
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153 cover 1941.05 image7 FAM 14 flown covers, May to Oct. 1941, comprising four from Midway Island, two to Midway Island, and one from Wake Island, covers from Midway are franked with US 30¢ Winged Globe (#C24) with different cachets -- angry black baby bird hand drawn by Base employee R. Norton, purple shore bird handstamp, Crosby cachet in red with photo of clipper landed, and printed multicolor image of two shore birds with the original letter with great content from a Pan Am employee stationed there, first two with stamps tied by Sixth Defense Batallion c.d.s., last two with stamps tied by 3rd Defense Batallion, the two to Midway are addressed to a P.F.C. in Battery F. 6 Def. Brigade and to a Naval Construction crew member, Very Fine, with fantastic cachets and unique handstamps. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9)

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Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $550.00
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154 cover 1941.05.05 image6 FAM 14 May 5/May 9, 1941 flown covers to Singapore, comprising matched set of four prepared by C.W. Best franked with two US 15¢ and one 20¢ Map stamps (#C8 & C9) with origins in Honolulu (May 5) Midway Island (May 5), Wake Island (May 9), & Guam (May 9), all backstamped, plus one May 9 First Flight from Manila with handstamp cachet and franked by two Philippines stamps, and one May 5 with two 10¢ Map and two 30¢ Winged Globe (#C7 & C24) tied by three "Midway … Fleet Map Force Parcel Post" double-circle datestamps, backstamped Guam and Singapore, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction
155 cover 1941.05.10 image16 FAM 14 covers from Singapore, comprising one matched set of four May 10 addressed to P.A.A. Inc. at Manila, Guam, Honolulu and San Francisco with appropriate handstamp cachets, plus one to Honolulu, two to Manila, four to Continental US, one to Switzerland, one to Scotland and three to England, seven of these are May 9 or May 10, others are May, July, August and October (two), the ones to Europe are "two-Ocean Mail" traversing the Pacific on the Clipper (FAM 14) and the Atlantic on FAM 18 to Lisbon Portugal, and then by BOAC to England or Scotland, also including one matched set of four May 2/May 5/May 9 to Singapore from P.A.A. Inc. in SF, Honolulu, Manila and Guam, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17)

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Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
156 cover group imageCover balance of 10, comprising one signed "Captain Edwin C. Musick" at top left with photo of him taped below signature, two legal sized round trip covers -- one War Department Penalty Envelope with pair of #C19 paying postage both ways and one registered with cachets for both legs, two legal sized with different cachet handstamp commemorating the arrival of the Clipper ship (not flown), four others with cachets documenting events (not flown) including one with U.S.S. Astoria cancel and one with U.S.S. Texas backstamp and one with U.S. Submarine Argonaut. Clipper Ship Arrived 6 AM Pearl Harbor duplex prepared by one of the crew, Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $150-250
SOLD for $120.00
Will close during Public Auction
157 cover group imageClipper flown covers, approximately 90 with non-US frankings to a variety of destinations, origins including Belgium, Canada, Germany, Suriname, Indochina (Saigon), Palestine, India, Japan, Mozambique (one sent on last flight of the China Clipper from Singapore), Sudan, North Borneo, Ceylon, Norway, Burma, Barbados, Argentina, Australia, Macao, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Trinidad, Papua, Uruguay, Jamaica, Portugal, Egypt, Belgian Congo, many better covers here too numerous to mention with a lot this size so you must see it all online, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $4,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
158 cover group image22 Clipper flown covers, with US and Philippines frankings to a variety of destinations, better including one carried on China Clipper July 1936 signed by Captain Edwin C. Musick, N.S. deLima. V.A. Wright, Z.S. Wenkstern, and one more, cover with the only recorded FAM 14 flown cover with Philippines postage meter, a Schoendorf cover to Hong Kong and back with a "Airmail Service Hong Kong to Manila Delayed due to Adverse Weather Conditions" handstamp on back, Fine to Very Fine lot. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction

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