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The Krupnick Collection continued...

Final Pan Am Flight before WWII
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
273 cover 1941-42 imageWake Island Japanese Invasion, POW card and two Service Interrupted covers, former to civilian internee Ray Hanson captured by the Japanese when they took Wake Island, latter two comprising Mar. 12 1942 cover with Drug Co. printed corner card to the Commanding Officer at Wake Island with two line purple "Returned to Sender / Service Suspended" handstamp and Nov. 26 1941 cover to an ensign originally at Pearl Harbour and forwarded to Wake Island where a purple pointed hand "Returned to Writer" and one line "Missing in Action" handstamps applied, with original letter and enclosure to the first New Years Party at I.O.O.F. hall in Schenectady NY, Very Fine. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $150-200
SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
274 cover 1941.11.29 image2 legal sized penalty envelopes carried on the last prewar flight of the China Clipper, with "Navy Department / U.S.S. Wright Pearl Harbor, T.H. / Official Business" printed corner cards addressed to "Commandant 14th Naval District, Naval Yard, Pearl Harbor, T.H.", one with three 10¢ Presidential issue tied by "U.S. S. Wright Nov. 29, 1941" and "Honolulu Hawaii, Pearl Harbor Dec. 5, 1941 8 A.M." duplex cancels, other franked with bottom right strip of five 3¢ Defense (#901) tied by two strikes of "Honolulu Hawaii Pearl Harbor Dec. 5, 1941 * A.M." duplex cancels, Very Fine duo.

The Nov. 29 cover is illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 422: "In mid-November of 1941, the U.S.S. Wright with Navy Lt. Winfield Cunningham onboard, received orders to proceed directly to Wake Island so that Lt. Cunningham could assume command of the Naval air station at Wake. The Wright arrived at Wake on the morning of November 28, 1941 and Lt. Cunningham departed the vessel… The envelope was first canceled onboard the Wright on the morning of November 29, 1941. Because the letter was addressed to the Navy Commandant in Honolulu, it was a high priority letter. Therefore, rather than carry it on the slow U.S.S. Wright to Honolulu, it was held at Wake for the inbound China Clipper, which arrived on December 2. The envelope…was placed onboard the inbound China Clipper. On December 3, the Clipper departed Wake, and, after crossing the dateline and an overnight stay on Midway, arrived at Honolulu on the afternoon December 4, too late for the mail to be delivered to the post office. The next morning, the envelope was cancelled at Pearl Harbor at 8 a.m. These double postmarks… provide absolute proof that his envelope traveled from Wake to Honolulu on the last prewar flight of the China Clipper."
. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $150-250
SOLD for $950.00
Will close during Public Auction
275 cover 1941.11.24 imageFAM 14 cover flown on the China Clipper's last pre war flight, US 3¢ Panama Canal (#856) tied by "Sixth Defense Fleet Marine Force Nov. 24, 1941 Midway Islands" duplex cancel on censored cover with eight auxiliary markings because the addressee, Lt. R.B. Wray of the 4th Medical Battalion, was no longer at Ft. Benning GA, "Augusta GA Jan. 30, 1942" receiving backstamp, this cover boarded the outbound Clipper at Honolulu on Nov. 24 and was canceled upon arrival at Midway, then flew on the Clipper to Singapore and back to San Francisco, arriving on Dec. 6, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $75-100
SOLD for $150.00
Will close during Public Auction
276 cover 1941.12.03 imageTwo covers on the last prewar flight of the China Clipper, comprising 1) 30¢ Transport (#C29) tied by "Honolulu, Hawaii Dec. 5, 1941 8 A.M." slogan cancel to NYC with blue "CLIPPER AIRMAIL" handstamp at top left -- indicating this was flown, and 2) US 50¢ (#701) on censored airmail cover tied by "Portland Oreg. Dec. 3 to the Philippines but was "RETURNED TO SENDER / SERVICE SUSPENDED" and was received back in Portland on Apr. 27, 1942, an interesting duo, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction
277 cover 1941.12.03 imageAmerican Express legal sized commercial cover from Calcutta India to San Francisco, sent December 3, 1941, intended to be flown by China Clipper ("Via Singapore Thence by Clipper" two line typewritten endorsement at center), but delayed by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor until service resumed on January 21, 1942, in the meantime, the cover was held in India (hence the double censorship at top and right) and flown by BOAC to South Africa and sent to San Francisco by surface mail, Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $75-100
Will close during Public Auction

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