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The Krupnick Collection continued...

New Zealand & Samoa, including FAM 19
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
239 cover 1900-23 imageSent from Samoa mostly to the US, fabulous group of thirteen covers, five picture postcards and one postal card, one cover from 1923, rest 1900-18, most franked with US 1902 and Washington stamps, most with Pago Pago cancels including some different, better including earliest known American Samoa cover -- franked with pair of 20pf German stamps tied by Apia 7/5/1900 cancel (last cancel German cancel used in Samoa) sent from a a sailor on the U.S.S. Abarenda stationed at Tutuila, 2¢ entire with Earliest known Samoan cancel while under US control (Dec. 9, 1900), five color franking with boxed "Pago Pago, Samoa" to Switzerland, picture postcard with US 2¢ Washington tied by three line "Pago Pago Dec 16 1918 Samoa" cancel to S. Australia, picture postcard with rare "Tau Samoa" cancel, two covers with different illustrated Oceanic Steamship Company corner cards, and a legal sized penalty envelope from the U.S. Naval Station in Tutuila (opened roughly) with original typed letter from the Office of the Governor, Very Fine. (PDF for this Lot) (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $1,400.00
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240 cover 1903-27 imageUS Issues used in Samoa, five covers and one picture postcard with #300 on picture postcard with "Tau Samoa Jun. 23 1909" cancel to New York, covers including #280 strip of three registered to Boston (central horizontal crease), #281 on Navy Dept. Penalty envelope from Pago Pago to Auckland 1903, legal sized 2¢ entire with preprinting paperfold canceled by "Tau Samoa Jan. 19" (1909) cancel to Illinois with official seal on back, pairs of 2¢ & 4¢ Washington tied by "Pago Pago Samoa Registered Nov. 14 1922" circular datestamps on legal sized cover from the U.S. Naval Station in Tutuila to Portland, and #506 plate single & 511 tied by "Pago Pago Samoa Registered Dec. 27, 1927" circular datestamps to Philadelphia with receipt, Very Fine. (PDF for this Lot) (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $150-250
SOLD for $400.00
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241 cover 1935 imageLeone, Tutuila, Samoa cancels on two covers, first is legal sized with #720 tied by Jul. 2, 1935 duplex and Leone Boys School, Leone, American Samoa" printed corner card addressed to New York, other censored with #C25 tied by Sep. 5 1944 duplex to Kansas City with red pencil at bottom, "not sufficient Postage for Air Mail", Very Fine pair of covers. (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [United States 1935] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $100.00
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242 cover 1937 imageSamoan Clipper Mail group of 10 flown covers, comprising two covers from Western Samoa to New Zealand with purple two line "SERVICE DID NOT EVENTUATE" handstamp, and eight covers from New Zealand including one to California with letter datelined "Manila P.I. Dec. 1, 1937" that reads, "Dear Dr. Kremers - just time to write a line. We take off at 2:30 AM … leaving for Guam. Will be based in Honolulu for few months to fly the experimental New Zealand flights. Regards, Sparks", one with thirteen New Zealand stamps and signed on the reverse by "Samoan Clipper Navigator W.S. Alexander", one to Honolulu by Clipper and back by boat with images from newspaper affixed to front (tied by postmark) and back, one Registered cover with Christchurch N.Z. registry label to Michigan via Honolulu, one to Pago Pago, two to London via Clipper to San Francisco, and one Registered legal size franked with 12 New Zealand stamps "Letter posted in the Marine Post Office on the R.M.S. "Niagara" 50 miles from Honolulu. bound from Auckland to Vancouver Voyage 41 North 7th January 1938." with "Marine Post Office R.M.S. Niagara New Zealand 7.JA.48" handstamp on the registry label and tying the 13 stamps, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10)

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Get Market Data for [United States 1937] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $300.00
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243 cover 1937.03.30 image"Captain Edward Musick" signature in blue ink on First Flight legal sized cover, carried by the Pan American Clipper from New Zealand to the US (then returned to New Zealand by boat), New Zealand #219 tied by "Auckland N.Z. 30 MR.37" circular datestamp, 3¢ US stamp affixed by not tied, Extremely Fine cover and signature.

Among his many accomplishments, Musick was also responsible for surveying a route to New Zealand and Australia in 1937 via Hawaii, Kingman Reef, and American Samoa. Musick and his crew of six died in the explosion of the Sikorsky S-42 Samoan Clipper near Pago Pago on a cargo and survey flight on January 11, 1938, it is believed only ten to fifteen covers prepared, this is No. 1 (noted on reverse). Clarence A. Young took the covers from Musick because Musick was not allowed to carry them. Young passed the covers onto his son, from whom Krupnick acquired them. Illustrated and described in Jon Krupnick's book "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers, The Rest of the Story", pages 268-272
. (Image)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $600.00
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244 cover 1937.03.30 image"Captain Edward Musick" signature in blue ink on First Flight legal sized cover, carried by the Pan American Clipper from New Zealand to the US (then returned to New Zealand by boat), New Zealand #219 tied by "Auckland N.Z. 30 MR.37" circular datestamp, 3¢ US stamp affixed by not tied, Extremely Fine cover and signature.

Among his many accomplishments, Musick was also responsible for surveying a route to New Zealand and Australia in 1937 via Hawaii, Kingman Reef, and American Samoa. Musick and his crew of six died in the explosion of the Sikorsky S-42 Samoan Clipper near Pago Pago on a cargo and survey flight on January 11, 1938, it is believed only ten to fifteen covers prepared, this is No. 8 (noted on reverse). Clarence Young took the covers from Musick because Musick was not allowed to carry them. Young passed the covers onto his son, from whom Krupnick acquired them, illustrated and described in Jon Krupnick's book "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers, The Rest of the Story", pages 268-272
. (Image)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $600.00
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245 cover 1937.03.30 image"Captain Edward Musick" signature in blue ink on two First Flight legal sized covers, Captain Edward Musick signature in blue ink on First Flight legal sized cover carried by the Pan American Clipper from New Zealand to the USA (then returned to New Zealand by boat), New Zealand #219 tied by "Auckland N.Z. 30 MR.37" circular datestamp, 3¢ US stamp affixed by not tied, Extremely Fine cover and signature, among his many accomplishments, Musick was also responsible for surveying a route to New Zealand and Australia in 1937 via Hawaii, Kingman Reef, and American Samoa. Musick and his crew of six died in the explosion of the Sikorsky S-42 Samoan Clipper near Pago Pago on a cargo and survey flight on January 11, 1938, this is No. 4 (noted on reverse), it is believed only ten to fifteen covers prepared -- with original note written by Pan Am Pacific Diviion Manager Col. Clarence A. Young to his son Tim on the bottom half of a sheet of Pan Am stationery that reads, "Note: These covers were brought from Auckland to US by Ed Musick on the initial survey flight from Australia in 1937. They were to be be mailed in US thus authenticating the "first cover" character. However, they were intercepted in San Francisco and not deposited in the P.O. for the cancellation of the US stamp and return to addresees. Never-the-less (sic) they are the first covers to be flown to the U.S. - Clarence A. Young" Young took the covers from Musick because Musick was not allowed to carry them. Young passed the covers onto his son, from whom Krupnick acquired them, the cover and enclosure are illustrated and described in Jon Krupnick's book "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers, The Rest of the Story", pages 268-272. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Get Market Data for [United States 1937.03.30] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $600.00
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246 cover 1937.12.24 imageAuckland NZ to Freshwater Bay Isle of Wight FAM 14 Clipper flown legal sized cover, franked by eight New Zealand stamps which are canceled by "Auckland 24 Dec. 1937" circular datestamps and Great Britain 2s6d King George V Seahorse with crosshatching and 3d issue, backstamped "San Francisco Jan. 6, 1938" then "Freshwater Bay Jan 20. 1938", Freshwater Bay registry label and red boxed flight cachet at lower left, Very Fine, nice use of a Seahorse stamp on a Clipper flown cover. (Image)

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Estimate $150-200
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247 cover 1937.12.29 imageJuan Trippe signed FAM 19 flown cover Dec. 29 1937, from Auckland New Zealand to Pago Pago Samoa, Very Fine cover and signature, Trippe rarely signed flight covers.

Illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 301
. (Image)

Get Market Data for [United States 1937.12.29] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $400-600
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248 cover 1937.12.29 imagePan American First Flight New Zealand to USA, 1937, wonderful airmail envelope with kiwi and cachet of New Zealand for the first flight from Auckland to San Francisco, addressed to a physician at The Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore, this attractive envelope is signed Captain Edwin C Musick and has the red New Zealand-USA box rubber stamp cachet, the receiver mark on the reverse confirms receipt in California on Jan 6th, a most attractive item, Fine to Very Fine.
AAMC NZAMC 178e. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
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249 cover 1938.12.28 imageSamoan Clipper flown covers, 24 covers and one postcard, most with Auckland December 28 1938 cancels, wide variety of cachets including Crosby, Bison Exchange Club, better including two legal sized with original typed letters signed by Van Dusen, one legal sized Jan. sent by Pan Am to Hong Kong (where stamps were affixed) via Hawaii, then by Imperial Airways to London England, two legal sized to Honolulu where 20¢ Clipper stamps affixed on Jan. 4 and sent to New York, one legal sized to San Francisco then to Miami and to Paraguay by FAM 9, one legal sized with block of four of 25¢ Clipper (#C21) prepared for the flight but returned to sender with pointed hand and violet straightline "No Flight Authorized", one with ten different Australian stamps that was held 11 months due to a crash (sent Aug. 29 1939 and arrived in San Francisco July 24 1940), and one with 15 New Zealand stamps to Edmonton Canada, also including letter from the Lord Mayor of London with printed signature, Very Fine group. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.2 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $250.00
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250 cover 1939 image2 Round Trip Clipper flown "Triptych style" covers to Auckland New Zealand and back, from Seattle or San Francisco, former franked with 30¢ Wingled Globe (#C24) block of four, oval cancel, two airmail stickers affixed, upon receipt by the Auckland postmaster franked with four New Zealand stamps and the cover was returned to the preparer in Seattle, with original letter written by the Director General of the New Zealand Post and Telegraph Dept acknowledging the preparer for the 75¢ / 4sh7p money order he sent to pay the postage and registry fee for Clipper transport back to America, typed letter on the inside datelined Sept. 10, 1939, eight backstamps including Seattle (July 25 & Sept. 11) & "New York U.S.A. Foreign 9.12.1939", broken New Zealand post office seals at sides, vertical crease through two low value New Zealand stamps, latter a July 1940 with printed design where central panel shows map, Very Fine- pair. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Get Market Data for [United States 1939] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $90.00
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251 cover 1939-40 image8 Eastbound FAM 19 flights from China via Honolulu Hawaii, franked with Chinese stamps. seven to the US including 1) #C30 tied by Konming c.d.s. with Konming Registry label on front and two Dec. 1940 Honolulu and receiving registry backstamps, 2) #C19 pair & C12? Shanghai 19.9.40 circular datestamps sent by China Clipper to San Francisco with blue "Air Transit 6" censor dept. double-circle datestamp,3) June 1939 flown cover from Hong Kong to NYC, 4) Jan. 1941 legal sized registered American Consular Service Yannanfu China signed at top by the Consul Troy L. Perkins and addressed to the US Secretary of State in Washington D.C., with handstamp on back that this cover was once part of the F.D.R. collection, 5) registered with "Chiungkingas" label to NYC, 6) oversized registered March 1941 to NYC, Shanghai registry label, 7) June 1939 to Texas with Honolulu and San Francisco backstamps, and 8) oversized registered April 1939 with #C20 block of four and single plus single #C14 tied by Shanghai c.d.s. with Shanghai registry label to Rio de Janeiro Brazil, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $325.00
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252 cover 1939.08.31 imageCalifornia Clipper flown legal sized censored cover, on the first flight when service resumed between the U.S. and New Zealand on July 1, 1939, this cover traveled by the R.M.S. Niagara to New Zealand and then by the Clipper from New Zealand to Canton Island, the cover was prepared by Mr. H.R. Eames, with purple boxed "New Zealand-U.S.A. Air Mail Service via New Caledonia, Canton Is. and Hawaii" four-line handstamp, "By Air Mail Only" typed in red on handmade label and affixed at top center, three Australian stamps tied by Syndey circular datestamps, an image of the plane on the water pasted on the bottom left corner of the cover, with "Auckland N.Z. 13 JL 40" double-circle datestamp when sent and "G.P.O. Sydney Air 31 AU 39 N.S.W. Aust." circular datestamp on return to Syndey after arriving in Canton Island, reverse with "Canton Island Jul. 20, 1940" duplex cancel, Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $75-100
SOLD for $100.00
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253 cover 1940 image3 Pan Am Clipper flown covers from Bahrain, comprising two with three color frankings censored with "CASOC Bahrein Island Persian Gulf"" printed corner cards but different borders and printings -- one to the War Department in Washington D.C. with red "VIA HONG KONG & CHINA CLIPPER" printed at top left, other from the sender to his wife in Los Angeles, both were sent VOAC to Bangkok and Hong Kong, then by China Clipper FAM 14 to San Francisco then to Wash DC / LA -- third cover is legal sized 4x rate and exploded with eight stamps on reverse, with multiple "REGESTERED" violet and black straightline handstamps, plus bold violet "U.S. Customs, Free of Duty N.M.G. Port of New York", violet boxed "Passed by Censor Bahrain" handstamp, "Bahrain" registry label, addressed to the "Near East Development Corporation" in NYC, traveled from Bahrain by BOAC to Karachi then Singapore, then Sidney, then TEAL to Auckland, then American Clipper (FAM 14) to San Francisco, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $500.00
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254 cover 1940 image10 FAM 19 flown cacheted covers signed by pilot Capt. John H. Tilton, comprising July 12 1940 Los Angeles and July 14 1940 Honolulu to Canton Island (FAM 19-2b & FAM 19-3a), July 18 1940 Noumea to Auckland (FAM 19-7), two July 21 1940 Noumea to San Francisco (FAM 19-8), Nomea to Honolulu (FAM 19-8b), three Nov. 5 1941 (San Pedro, Los Angeles, San Francisco) to Suva Fiji and Nov. 8 1941 Canton Island to Suva Fiji -- all backstamped "Suva Fiji 9 Nov. 41" with matched typed Baltimore MD address and illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" pages 410-411, Very Fine group. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $350.00
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255 cover 1940-41 image7 Eastbound FAM 19 flights from New Zealand, 1940-1941, one registered to London (via Clipper to San Francisco, then to NYC, FAM 18 to Lisbon Portugal, and BOAC to England) four stamp franking including 1sh and 10sh, one with 2sh pair (#197) censored to Vancouver via Clipper to San Francisco, one unsealed with Auckland registery label plus four New Zealand stamps including 1sh & 2sh (#197 & 241) & US 50¢ Clipper (#C22) & six Portuguese stamps to famed airmail collector Robert Schoendorf in upstate NY via Honolulu (Aug. 5), San Francisco (Aug. 7), New York City (Aug. 9, Lisbon (Aug. 12), New York City (Aug. 15), Brooklyn (Aug. 16), with large FAM 19 blue cachet, two legal sized with Pan American printed corner cards and franked by 2sh pair (#197) to the US with one prepared and addressed by famed passenger Clara Adams, and one registered and franked with 13 New Zealand stamps to Mass.; the cover to London scissors cut vertically and rejoined, otherwise Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $190.00
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256 cover 1940.07.12 imageNew Zealand to San Francisco First Flight, 1940, inaugural trip for the American Clipper flying from Auckland on the new FAM19 route, Becken Airmail envelope with a F19f-2 type cachet addressed to San Francisco, crew of ten have signed the reverse; an important cover, Fine to Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $190.00
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257 cover 1940.07.12 imageSan Francisco to New Zealand First Flight, 1940, first mail flight and first flight for the American Clipper flying from the mainland to Auckland on the new FAM19 route, Becken Airmail envelope with the F19a San Francisco type cachet addressed to San Francisco (after flying to New Zealand), crew of ten have signed the reverse; attractive, Fine to Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $140.00
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258 cover 1940.08.24 image2 FAM 19-2 pilot and passenger signed covers, 1940 (AAMC FAM19-2), prepared by the President of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and noted aerophilatelist Amon Carter showing his travel from Fort Worth to San Francisco and then on Pan Am Clipper on various stops to New Zealand, the first is franked with two examples of 20¢ Clipper and 16¢ Air Mail Special Delivery stamps (#C21 & CE1) tied by "Los Angeles Calif. Aug. 24 1940" duplex cancel and signed "Capt R J Nixon Am Clipper" on front and 13 passengers on back and is addressed to New Caledonia, while the companion cover is similarly signed and is addressed to Carter in Honolulu, Very Fine, stunning covers illustrating early transpacific travel.

Both sides of a very similar cover are discussed and illustrated in Jon Krupnick's book "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers, The Rest of the Story", p. 387
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

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Estimate $250-350
SOLD for $225.00
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259 cover 1940.09 imageFirst Revenue Passenger Flight to New Zealand Sept. 1940, six flown covers comprising one Sep. 10 from NYC to Canton Island (Sep. 23), three Clara Adams covers Honolulu Sep. 12 to Canton Island Sep. 13 signed by Adams and three other passengers/crew -- one signed by Capt. Kenneth Beer (obtained by Krupnick on Sep. 21, 2001 when Beer was 97 years old), one with one stamp fallen off (illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 390), other with two stamps fallen off, one Sep. 14 Clara Adams cover Canton Island to Noumea (illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 390), and Sep. 16 Clara Adams cover Noumea to Canton Island signed by two passengers/crew and Canton Island Postmaster H.K. Graves, also including menu for meal served to passengers and brochure for Pan Am passenger service to New Zealand (both items illustrated in Krupnick book pages 388 & 389), Very Fine group, for some reason, Adams cover productions for this flight pale in comparison to her usual efforts. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $550.00
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260 cover 1941 image10 FAM 19 flown covers, franked with US Transport Air Mail Issues, four of which are cacheted and signed by pilot Capt. John H. Tilton including 10¢ Canton Is. (Nov. 8) 20¢ pair San Pedro CA (Nov. 5), 20¢ Pair San Pedro (Nov. 5), and 10¢ & 30¢ San Francisco (Nov. 5) -- all backstamped "Suva Fiji 9 Nov. 41" with matched typed Baltimore MD address, plus another Canton to Fiji (unsigned), other five comprising 30¢ plus 10¢ Special Delivery (#E15) tied by "Honolulu Hawaii Oct. 24, 1941" duplex cancels to Trenton NJ, 20¢ & 50¢ tied by "Hartsdale N.Y. Nov. 12, 1941" on censored cover to a girl's school in Ceylon, 30¢ tied by "Sixth Defense Bat. Fleet Marine Air Force Midway Island Nov. 35, 1941" duplex cancel from a contractor with his original letter with news from the island, "Mr. Williams is now chief water tester, purifier and regulator of all the fresh and pure water used on the little coral bound islands known collectively as the Midway Islands and severally as Sand and Eastern Islands. No kidding…(he goes on to diss Williams and the living quarters)…The only good thing about this blasted island is signing the payroll…" to his former colleague in Oakland, 20¢ (2) flown on last FAM 14 Flight by China Clipper from Guam to San Francisco, and 20¢ on U.S.S. Enterprise Penalty Cover to the Communication Office at the Navy Dept. in Washington D.C., also including Fiji stamps on ten FAM 19 flown covers from Suva Fiji to Auckland New Zealand (four), Noumea, San Francisco (all-over cachet of Clipper landing), Canton Island, Honolulu (AAMC F19-20, 20a, F19-21, 21a, 21b) plus one 22 Oct. 1941 to Syndey with two signatures on reverse, and 22 Nov. 1941 to a New Zealand soldier in the military serving in Egypt, variety of frankings with most in combination with one or more 1sh KGVI, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20)

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Get Market Data for [United States 1941] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $900.00
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261 cover 1941.05 image19 FAM 19 covers, variety of frankings, rates, routes and destinations including Egypt to Canada, Egypt to US, Canada to Australia, New Caledonia to San Francisco & Peru to Palestine (both via FAM 19, FAM 5 and FAM 9), Argentina to New Caledonia (via FAM 19 & FAM 14), England to Natal, Honolulu to Fiji, New Caledonia to London carried on the plane that was sent back to Honolulu when the plane suffered engine failure, New Caledonia to France & New Zealand to Switzerland & New Zealand to Germany & New Zealand to Portugal (all four covers via FAM 19 & FAM 18), plus one cover from Lebanon to Washington D.C. that missed the last flight and went by boat, most routes are explained, May to November 1941, some registered and some censored, a very challenging group to duplicate, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $450.00
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262 cover 1941.06.25 imageCover carried on the plane that was sent back to Honolulu when the plane suffered engine failure, franked with US 6¢ Transport issue (#C25) block of four tied by First Day cancel, with three additional US stamps on reverse tied by dumb oval cancels to pay 63¢ registry rate to New Caledonia where ten different New Caledonia stamps were affixed and tied by "Noumea Nelle Caledonie 9 Jul 1941" double-circle datesetamps, bold purple "REGISTERED" straightline and "VIA TRANS-PACIFIC CLIPPER" handstamps, Noumea registry label at right -- the cover was sent registered back to the original sender in New York City, reverse with registry cancels of San Francisco (Jun. 27 1941), Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $75-100
SOLD for $180.00
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263 cover 1941.06 imageFAM 19 flown censored cover from Bahrain to Richmond CA, four India stamps overprinted in Bahrain tied by three Bahrain Airport double-circle datestamps on reverse, front with bold violet "Via Air Mail INDIA-AUCKLAND & U.S.A." with pointing hands, the rate was 3½ anna for surface and the 44 anna airmail rate per 1/2 oz. and was in effect from May 23 to December 24 1941, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $75-100
SOLD for $120.00
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264 cover 1941.08 imageFAM 19 flown censored WWII Prisoner of War cover, from an Australian P.O.W. at Stalag XIII C in Germany, the cover traveled via Switzerland, England and the Clipper from San Francisco to Australia, where the stamps were affixed and tied by "Airmail Service Melbourne Vic." circular datestamps, Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $75-100
SOLD for $60.00
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265 cover 1941.09.08 imageFAM 19 flown censored cover from Bahrain to Oakland CA, beginning its journey on Sept. 8, 1941 then by BOAC to Karachi then via Rangoon and Singapore to Sidney Australia, then to New Zealand by TEAL, and ANZAC CLIPPER (FAM 19) on Sept. 14 to San Francisco, both sides with "Via BOAC to Aucklnd (sic) Pan American Airways to San Francisco" three line handstamp, Oakland Sept. 19 arrival backstamp for a very reasonable 11 days transit, Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $100-150
SOLD for $140.00
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266 cover 1941.10.07 imageFAM 19 and FAM 5 flown censored cover from Kuwait to Venezuela, return address on back proves the cover was sent by "R.L. Kuss, Kuwait Oil Co. Kuwait, Persian Gulf", four Iraq stamps tied by two "Basrah 7. Oct. 41" double-circle datestamps, two purple "REGISTERED" handstamps, Basrah registry label at bottom right, addressed to an Oil Company in Barcelona, Venezuela, reverse with three backstamps including purple "Honolulu Hawaii Nov. 1, 1941" and "Miami Nov. 6, 1941" double-circle registry datestamps, wiith original letter enclosed datelined "Kuwait, Arabia October 1 - 1941" that reads, "… I arrived here the 20th of September after 37 days of traveling 33 days by boat and 4 days flying. The boat stopped at Honolulu, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila and Singapore where I disembarked. (then) took a 4 day plane ride spending the night in the following places, Bangkok, Calcutta, Karachi and Basrah which is 3 hours by car from Kuwait…Kuwait as a city of about 75,000 … and is surrounded by a 10' wall with 4 entrances…fine bazaar where you can buy anything cheap…I have a nice house, air conditioned, with a butler and house boy…I met the King the other day and he seems to be very pleasant. There are six drillers in camp and 2 on leave in India… this cover traveled by ground from Kuwait to Basrah, then on Oct. 7 by BOAC flight to Karachi, then to Singapore, then on the Pan Am Clipper arriving in Honolulu on Nov. 1, then to Miami on Nov. 6 then to Venezuela on Pan-Am FAM 5., Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $150-250
SOLD for $650.00
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267 cover 1941.10.26 imageFAM 19 flown censored cover from Bahrain to Scotland, reverse with seven India stamps overprinted in Bahrain paying the 53 1/2 anna rate and tied by four "Bahrain Airport Persian Gulf 26 10 41" double circle datestamps, red manuscript. crayon "India-Auckland-England" routing direction, which means by BOAC to Karachi then via Rangoon and Singapore to Sidney Australia, then to New Zealand by TEAL, and PACIFIC CLIPPER (FAM 19) on Nov. 11 to San Francisco, then across the country (probably NYC) then FAM 18 to Lisbon, then BOAC to Scotland, Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $75-100
SOLD for $1,000.00
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268 cover 1941.11.13 imageFAM 19 flown legal sized cover from New Caledonia to Suva, Fiji, prepared by Pan Am employee Phil Berst and signed by 11 people on reverse including Capt. John H. Tilton, small handstamp cachet at bottom left, stamps tied by "Noumea Nelle Caledonia 13 Nov. 1941" double-circle datestamp, Extremely Fine, the only crew-signed Fiji survey flight cover extant.

Illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 408
. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $250-350
SOLD for $350.00
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269 cover group imageAmerican Clipper First Mail Flight to New Zealand, 25 covers, comprising six July 12 covers including Los Angeles to Noumea, LA to Auckland, SF to Auckland, SF to the Manager of P.A.A. at Noumea franked with US & then with New Caledonia stamps for the return trip to the US, one to Auckland where franked with New Zealand 4sh stamp for the return trip to NYC (with Eastern Airlines printed corner card and handstamp cachet at left, illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 372), SF to Auckland where New Zealand 4s stamp affixed and sent via American Clipper to San Francisco then by boat to Hong Kong, eight July 19 including five legal sized from New Zealand including one to Montreal Quebec, one 1sh franking erased pencil address with Crosby cachet and New Caledonia backstamp, and three by same preparer by Clipper to Hawaii or San Francisco and then back to New Zealand by surface mail, two July 21 from New Caledonia to Canton Island including one signed by James A. Farley with enclosure showing an image of Pan Am's Canton Island Base (enclosure illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 348) and other prepared by Pan Am employee H.M. Bixby, seven July 22 covers from Canton Is. -- one to SF prepared by W.T. Miller signed Capt. John H. Tilton with original. letter on Hawaiian Hotel Ltd. stattionery & Dept. of Interior connection (illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 369), one to SF with original four page letter from a Pan Am employee describing the island etc., four to Honolulu, one addressed to Suva Fiji but backstamped Honolulu with its original letter, also including an invitiation to the Christening Ceremonies of the American Clipper, a letter datelined New Caledonia 17 July 1940, a printed circular for rates for covers carried on this route, Very Fine. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $275.00
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270 cover group imageAmerican Clipper First Mail Flight to New Zealand, 28 cacheted and backstamped covers comprising FAM 19-1 with enclosure -- a full page ad for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, FAM 19-1a signed "J.H. Tilton, Capt.", FAM 19-2 legal size, FAM 19-2a (two - one blue cachet signed Tilton and one purple cachet), FAM-2b (two legal sized including one prepared by Pan AM employee Phil Berst, FAM-2c (two, one signed Tilton and one legal size), FAM 19-3 (legal sized), FAM 19-3a (legal sized Amon Carter cover with his cachet showing the route), FAM 19-3b censored, FAM 19-4 (signed Tilton, FAM 19-5 (legal sized, handstamp and Crosby cacheted), FAM 19-5a, FAM 19-6, 6a and 6b (all signed Tilton, FAM 19-6 illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 372), FAM 19-7 (legal size to Gen. W.H. Frank in care Mr. Harold Gatty of Pan American Airways - discussed in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 369), FAM 19-8 legal sized signed "Capt. John H. Tilton" in green, FAM 19-8a signed Tilton, FAM 19-8b, FAM 19-8c signed Tilton, FAM 19-9 (legal sized with Pan Am logo corner card and original typed note signed in ink by (William) Van Duren to a publication), FAM9a-9d (all signed Tilton), 13 addressed to J.E. Lamiell, lot including fourteen with Tilton signatures, Very Fine. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $300.00
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271 cover group imageCovers from British Survey Flight to New Zealand & first US Clipper Mail, one of six known covers signed by Capt. Burgess and his crew and a cacheted cover signed by Captain Edwin C. Musick flown from New Zealand to Honolulu, plus a copy of a photograph showing both pilot shaking hands -- all three items are illustrated (covers front and back) in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" pages 298, 299 & 302), Capt. Burgess of Imperial Airways of Great Britain and Capt. Musick of Pan American Airlines were assigned by their respective airlines to be the first to establish regular airmail service to New Zealand, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image image

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Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $250.00
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272 cover group imageFAM 19 First Flight to Suva Fiji balance, 18 cacheted covers with many legs of the flight represented and a wide variety of cachets including many multicolored including one with the gooney birds of Midway, many with cachet type F19l, including Suva to Fiji with 1sh 5p King George VI plate number single with great cachet on back "Britain Delivers the Goods" on Union Jack signed at bottom left by the Captain, two legal sized with different Crosby cachets, one signed by pilot Capt. J.H. Tilton, one legal sized to Pan Am division Manager John C. Leslie (FAM19-21) with four page typed letter signed in ink by William Van Dusen, one with multicolor Midway Island gooney bird cachet and FAM 19 cachet handstamp to Suva, one Suva to Canada backstamped British Columbia, Jan. 31 1940 #UX27 with printed message from Pan Am apologizing for the delay in the first flight, also including Oct. 22 1941 letter by pilot Aubrey Koch that accompanied covers flown on a Qantas flight between Suva and Sidney Australia with article explaining it, and a Pan Am "welcome letter" for passengers arriving in Fiji, four of these covers are illustrated in Jon Krupnick's "Pan American's Pacific Pioneers The Rest of the Story" p. 409. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction

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