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United States continued...

1922-1959 Issues (Sc. 551-1125a) continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1181 703b image1931, 2¢ Yorktown, dark lake & black color error (Scott 703b), bottom margin plate number 20485-20510 block of 4, o.g., barest trace of hinge (appears never hinged), Post Office fresh, clean and bright; perforations separating between position 3 and selvage, Very Fine, with photocopy of 1993 P.F. certificate for complete pane of 50. (Image)

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Scott $2,250
Suggested Bid $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction
1182 716 var image1932, 2¢ Winter Olympics, carmine lake (Scott 716 var), o.g., never hinged, fresh with sharp detail; normal included for comparison, Fine to Very Fine, unpriced in the catalog, with 2010 P.S.E. certificate. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $250-350
SOLD for $900.00
Will close during Public Auction
1183 744a image1934, 5¢ Parks, imperf vertically (Scott 744a), horizontal block of 4, o.g., hinged, a block to gush over with sharp printing on clean paper, yielding two pairs; small inclusion on upper left stamp; slight gum wrinkling at bottom, Fine to Very Fine, only 50 pairs reported. (Image)

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Scott $3,000
Suggested Bid $1,200-1,800

SOLD for $1,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
1184 832b image1951, $1 Wilson, watermarked USIR (Scott 832b), centerline block of 4, o.g., never hinged, crisply printed on immaculate paper, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, a gorgeous block, with 1999 P.F. certificate. (Image)

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Scott $1,600
Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $4,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
1185 832b image1951, $1 Wilson, watermarked USIR (Scott 832b), full wide top margin plate number F22097 -22086F block of 20, clear visible watermark, o.g., never hinged, cleaner than any tax return, with colors and detail sharp; double "TOP", registration crosses and denominations; lacking selvage at right, Fine to Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Scott $5,000
Suggested Bid $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $2,900.00
Will close during Public Auction
1186 834 image1938, $5 Coolidge (Scott 834), top margin plate number 24481 - F23476 block of 4, without arrow, o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh and flawless, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
2016 Durland $600. (Image)

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Scott $375
Suggested Bid $300-400

SOLD for $180.00
Will close during Public Auction
1187 859-893 1940, Famous Americans complete (Scott 859-893), full panes of 70, o.g., never hinged, from Irving to Bell, with all the other luminaries in between; each sheet Post Office fresh and sound, generally Very Fine.

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Scott $3,423 as plates and singles
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction
1188 905b-71 image1942, 3¢ Win the War, purple color error, Fremont, Ohio precancel (Scott 905b-71), precancelled, o.g., never hinged, with eye-catchingly deep color on fresh paper; three balanced margins with crisp precancel, Fine to Very Fine, with 2005 A.P.S. certificate for original strip of three, this position 1. (Image)

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Scott $1,500
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $700.00
Will close during Public Auction
1189 910a image1943, 5¢ Overrun Countries: Czechoslovakia, double impression of country name (Scott 910a), top right inscription block of 4, o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh, each stamp with country name dobled, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, a worthy Czech mate for the specialist. (Image)

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Scott $2,400 as singles
Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $950.00
Will close during Public Auction
1190 918a image1943, 5¢ Albania, double impression of country name (Scott 918a), bottom right corner block of 4, o.g., never hinged, two error stamps (positions 1 & 3) with two normal; Post Office fresh, Very Fine, unpriced mint in Scott. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
1191 919a image1943, 5¢ Overrun Countries: Austria, double impression of country name (Scott 919a), o.g., never hinged, absolutely pristine with massive, balanced margins, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, a Wien-Wien situation. (Image)

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Scott $225
Suggested Bid $150-200

SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction
1192 / 919a image1943, 5¢ Overrun Countries: Austria, double impression of country name (Scott 919a), vertical pair in horizontal block of six, fresh, the pair with doubling between two normal vertical pairs; staining on two left normal-print stamps; top row extremely lightly hinged, bottom row never hinged, Very Fine, a most interesting case of the jitters. (Image)

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Scott $450+
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $600.00
Will close during Public Auction
1193 1033a image1954, 2¢ Jefferson, experimental Silkote paper (Scott 1033a), top right corner block of 6, o.g., never hinged, a magnificent multiple of this storied variety, Post Office fresh in all regards, positions 3 & 6 particularly choice, Very Fine+, with 2010 P.F. certificate. (Image)

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Scott $2,100
Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,200.00
Will close during Public Auction
1194 1041 var image1954, 8¢ Statue of Liberty, flat plate, massive color shift (Scott 1041 var), bottom margin block of 4, o.g., never hinged, with Lady Liberty transposed to lower left; otherwise pristine with wet-printing pinking of paper, Very Fine. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $400-600
SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction
1195 1058a var image1958, 4¢ Lincoln, horizontal coil, imperf splice transitional strip (Scott 1058a var), strip of 6 with goverment splice between impref strip and adjoining pair that is perforated, o.g., never hinged, tremendous item for the Liberty issue collector, Datz listed but unpriced. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction
1196 / 1125a image1959, 4¢ San Martin, imperf between (Scott 1125a), horizontal pair in strip of four, o.g., error never hinged, an interesting strip, the error center; positions 1 & 4 hinged, Fine to Very Fine, great production position piece, only 20 pairs reported. (Image)

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Scott $900
Suggested Bid $600-800

SOLD for $450.00
Will close during Public Auction
1962-1979 Issues (Sc. 1193-1800a)
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1197 1193 var image1962, 4¢ Project Mercury, imperf pair (Scott 1193 var), left margin pair, probably printers waste, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine, great space topic item. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $300-400
SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction
1198 1276 var image1965, 5¢ Christmas Angel, full vertical gutter block (Scott 1276 var), block of 4 with full vertical gutter, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine, an incredible showpiece. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $350-500
SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction
1199 1305Cd image1973, $1 O'Neill coil, imperf (Scott 1305Cd), shiny gum, pair, o.g., never hinged, perfectly printed on pristine paper, Fine to Very Fine, a pensive playwright perplexed by the paucity of perforations, only 53 pairs reported. (Image)

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Scott $1,250
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $550.00
Will close during Public Auction
1200 / 1305Cd image1973, $1 O'Neill coil, imperf (Scott 1305Cd), strip of 3, o.g., left pair never hinged, Fine to Very Fine, only 53 pairs reported. (Image)

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Scott $1,250 for pair
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction

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