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United States continued...

Confederate States continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9081 1 imageConfederate States, 1861, 5¢ green (Scott 1), a fresh horizontal pair with nearly four full margins, tied by a light TUDOR HALL/ VA. c.d.s (date sideways, town name not struck up) on an exceptionally clean cover to Mobile, Ala., Very Fine. Scott $500 .
Suggested Bid $250
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $250-350
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9082 1 imageConfederate States, 1861, 5¢ dull green, Stone 2 (Scott 1), four nice margins, tied by Mar 3 Amelia C.H. Va. c.d.s. on a cover to "Winterpock P.Office", Chesterfield Co., Va.; top flap missing, otherwise Very Fine. Winterpock was the chief coal mining town in the area from 1839-1883. Scott $300 .
Suggested Bid $200

Winterpock was the chief coal mining town in the area from 1839-1883.

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Suggested Bid $200-300
SOLD for $110.00
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9083 2b imageConfederate States, 1861, 10¢ dark blue (Scott 2b), a four-margin single tied by a partial TUDOR HALL/ VA. c.d.s (date sideways) on a cover to Reynolds, Taylor County, Ga., F.-V.F. Scott $475 .
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9084 2b imageConfederate States, 1861, 10¢ dark blue (Scott 2b), a four-margin single neatly pen-canceled on a postmarked manuscript "Thorn Hill Ala, My 23d 1862" and "Paid 10" on a cover to Lynchburg, Va., F.-V.F. Scott $475 .
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9085 2e imageConfederate States, 1861, 10¢ light milky blue, Stone Y (Scott 2e), three margins, tied by clear Chester C.H., S.C. Sept 20, 1862 double circle on turned cover to Mrs. Isabella Woodruff, "Equality P.Office, Anderson Dst.So.Ca."; missent to Anderson C.H., S.C., where it was postmarked on Oct 5 and redirected to Equality with a manuscript "10 ford" crossed out; original inside use was hand carried to Chester C.H, Very Fine, Ex-Wm. A. Fox, signed P.A. Kaufmann. Scott $400+ .
Suggested Bid $300
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $300-400
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9086 4 imageConfederate States, 1862, 5¢ blue (Scott 4), a pretty horizontal pair in the light blue shade, just touching on two sides, tied by a nearly complete TUPLO/ MISS. c.d.s. on a small cover to "Tryon PO, Ala.", Very Fine. Scott $450 .
Suggested Bid $300
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $300-400
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9087 4 imageConfederate States, 1862, 5¢ blue (Scott 4), horizontal pair with slight faults, pen-canceled on a cover postmarked manuscript "Farmer's Grove [Va.], Sept 2nd", to Jerusalem [now Courtland], Southampton County, Va.; missing top flap, otherwise Very Fine. Scott $400 .
Suggested Bid $250
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $250-350
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9088 4 imageConfederate States, 1862, 5¢ blue (Scott 4), a lovely 4-margin single tied by a SAVANNAH Ga./ PAID c.d.s. on a small, neat cover to Strawberry Plains, Tenn.; reduced just a tad at the right, V.G. Scott $275 .
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9089 4b imageConfederate States, 1862, 5¢ light milky blue (Scott 4b), an attractive horizontal pair with margins all around except barely shaved at the left, grid canceled, with a partial RALEIGH/ N.C. c.d.s. alongside, on a handmade cover to Bean's Station, Tenn.; folded out and "refreshed", F.-V.F. Scott $450 ++ .
Suggested Bid $350
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $350-500
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9090 5 imageConfederate States, 1862, 10¢ rose (Scott 5), large margins except just touching at the top, neatly pen-canceled, with a manuscript "Enon Ala, Oct 22" postmark alongside, on a small, clean handmade cover to Thomaston, Upson County, Ga., Very Fine. Scott $750 .
Suggested Bid $400
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $400-600
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9091 6 imageConfederate States, 1862, 5¢ light blue, De La Rue printing (Scott 6), a F-VF horizontal pair tied by incomplete (EVAN)sVILLE/ Va. c.d.s. on a turned cover to Coles Ferry, Charlotte Co., Va.; original use to Evansville with blue handstamped PAID but no other markings; reduced slightly at the left, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $250
. (Image) (Image2)


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Suggested Bid $250-350
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9092 7 var. imageConfederate States, 1862, 5¢ blue, Archer & Daly printing on De La Rue paper (Scott 7 var.), a Fine vertical pair, the bottom stamp showing the "Pop-eye" variety, pencand and tied by manuscript "La Fayette Ga, Jan 22nd 1863" postmark, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9093 9 imageConfederate States, 1863, 10¢ blue, "T-E-N" (Scott 9), ample to large margins, neatly pen-canceled with a manuscript "Beaver dam depot, April 24" postmark alongside on a cover to Moscksville, N.C., Very Fine. The year is presumably 1863, making this just a day later than the earliest recorded use of the "T-E-N"; signed by Brian Green as the then-earliest recorded date. Scott $1,500 .
Suggested Bid $750
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $750-1,000
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9094 12 imageConfederate States, 1863, 10¢ blue, type II (Scott 12), 4-margin single tied by incomplete NEWBERRY C.H./ S.C. c.d.s. on a turned cover to New Berne, Maringo County, Ala.; first use is a 4-margin single of the 10¢ blue, type I (11) tied by a partial blue COLUMBIA, S.C. c.d.s. to Newberry C.H., F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $250
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $250-350
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9095 11 imageConfederate States, 1863, 10¢ blue, type I (Scott 11), huge balanced margins tied by a mostly clear (WA)LHALLA/ S.C. c.d.s., Aug 4 (1863), on a pristine cover to "Longmire Stores" S.C., Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
SOLD for $140.00
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9096 11 imageConfederate States, 1863, 10¢ blue, type I (Scott 11), a 4-margin single neatly pen-canceled with a manuscript "Fort Motte, Dec 25" (Christmas day) postmark on a cover to Fulton P.O., Sumter District, S.C.; additionally postmarked with a SUMTER/ S.C. c.d.s., Dec 29, 1864 on entering the regular mail stream; top flap missing and small repair at lower right corner, F.-V.F. appearance.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9097 11 imageConfederate States, 1863, 10¢ blue, type I (Scott 11), yet another choice single with huge balanced margins, this one "socked-on-the-nose" by a bold ROCK HILL/ S.C. c.d.s., Sep 1 (1863), on a cover to a Lt. Jones at Fort Sumter; top flap replaced, bottom missing, Extremely Fine appearance.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9098 11a imageConfederate States, 1863, 10¢ milky blue, type I (Scott 11a), four large margins and dazzling color, tied by a neat Newberry C.H., S.C. Jun 25, 1864, on an orange turned cover to Anderson C.H., S.C.; original use was as a legal size cover addressed "To The Tax Collector, Care of Clerk of the Court, Newberry C.H." with manuscript "Charge Treasury Office" and handstamped blue straightline "PAID" with small part of a matching South Carolina c.d.s., Very Fine, unusual, .
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image) (Image2)


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Suggested Bid $200-300
SOLD for $150.00
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9099 12 imageConfederate States, 1863, 10¢ blue, type II (Scott 12), four mostly large margins, uncanceled on a Georgia Official Business cover with "Quartermaster General of Georgia" imprint; addressed to Capt. J.A.R. Hanks, Macon, Ga., Very Fine. Hanks, eventually promoted to Colonel, was the Assistant Quartermaster of the 22nd Georgia Infantry, a unit that fought at Gettysburg and surrendered at Appomattox.
C.S.A. Catalog S-GA-13. C.S.A. Catalog $400 .
Suggested Bid $300
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $300-400
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9100 12 imageConfederate States, 1863, 10¢ blue, type II (Scott 12), rounded corner, canceled with a light grid on a cover postmarked with a mostly clear ((F)LAT ROCK/ N.C. c.d.s.; originally addd to "Miss Leverich, Berzelia Near Augusta Ga."; that address was crossed out in pencil, adding "Fannie" to the name of the adde and changing the destination to Mobile Ala; finally, Mobile, Ala. was changed to Montgomery, Ala. and at some point the cover received a handstamped "10" for forwarding and two heavy pen strokes annulling the stamp, Very Fine and unusual, signed Kimbrough.
Suggested Bid $250
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $250-350
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM

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