LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1902 |
O |
BRITISH EAST AFRICA: Collection predominantly mint from 1890-95 Crown & Light set to 5r including 8a grey (trimmed at base) & 1r
grey (aging marks) plus 1894 Surcharges '5/ANNAS' used & '7½/ANNAS' * and 1895 Manuscript "½ anna/TECR" used on small piece, 1895 'British/East/Africa' handstamp surcharged '2½' in red used and Overprints on India set plus '2½' surcharge *, 1896-1901
QV Widow Head set to 5r plus 1897 High Values 1r grey, 1d blue, 2r orange x 2 (one slightly oxidised), 3r violet, 4r red & 5r brown, also 1897 Overprints on Zanzibar set plus simplified '2½' Surcharges mint & used, a few extras including shades, some
hinge remainders otherwise condition generally fine to very fine except as noted, Cat £4750+.
(90+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,200
Currently Opening at...AU$900.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1903 |
TANGANYIKA: 1922-24 Giraffes £1 black & yellow-orange with the Watermark Upright SG 88a, characteristic wayward centring, very
lightly mounted, Cat £450. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika 88a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1904 |
1938-54 KGVI Pictorials 50c with Rope not Joined to Sail SG 144a being the lower-left unit in a marginal block of 4 from the top of
the sheet, characteristic light tropicalisation, unmounted, Cat £425+. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika 144a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1906 |
P / |
1940s-1960s collection/accumulation with a myriad unusual items including die proofs, colour separations & finished plate proofs,
Missing Colours, Perforation Errors, 'SPECIMEN' Overprints, Charity issues etc, plus a quantity of perf & imperf complete sheets & M/Ss, generally superb unmounted, impressive thematic content, many items noted as having cost US$100s; also about 180
mostly commercial airmail covers principally from Monrovia to USA or Germany with a wide range of attractive frankings and some usage from other post offices, a good number of registered items with a variety of cachets including 1967 with the
controversial/infamous (?) 'UNICEF/$5.00/AIRMAIL' stamp of 1952 + 5c & 50c tied by 'PAYNEFIELD' cds with huge R cachet (our vendor paid $US475) and an aged unused example of that stamp. Ex Bryant Korn. A marvellous opportunity to acquire a large
array of this interesting material with the potential to develop it into a serious collection/exhibit.
(1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$5,000
Currently Opening at...AU$3,800.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1907 |
# O |
Collection on leaves from Straits Settlements & all States with many better singles & most of the 1949-55 sets mint, condition
generally fine to very fine but some of the more highly catalogued unused stamps have been regummed including the Trengganu 1910-19 $3 & $5, Cat £8500+.
(many 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,500
Currently Opening at...AU$1,150.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1908 |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1904-10 KEVII $100 purple & green/yellow with 'SPECIMEN' Overprint SG 140s, very fresh, Cat £450. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Malaya 140s] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1909 |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1922 Malaya-Borneo Exhibition $1 with Small Second 'A' in 'MALAYA' SG 247d, Cat £1300. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Malaya 247d] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1910 |
JAPANESE OCCUPATION: 1942 Singapore Type 16 Double-Frame Boxed Handstamp in Red on Straits Settlements KGVI 1c to 15c set SG
J92-J96 plus an extra 3c, also General Issues Type 1 Single-Frame Boxed Handstamp in Black on Straits Settlements KGVI 2c orange and Handstamp in Red on Straits Settlements KGVI 1c black, 5c brown, 8c grey, 10c purple & 12c blue plus Handstamp
Inverted on 3c green & on 15c blue (both unlisted by Gibbons; ISC J16d & J21d, Cat RM$1300) marginal examples unmounted, the others mostly with hinge remainders and characteristic tropicalised gum, Cat £650 for those listed unmounted. None are
expertised, so must be offered strictly 'as is'.
(14) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Malaya J92-J96] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1911 |
O |
JAPANESE OCCUPATION: 1942 Straits Settlements Handstamped Type 10 Malacca Seal KGVI 1c black, 5c brown & 40c scarlet & purple *
plus 3c green, 8c grey & 12c ultramarine each with partial cds cancels, condition fine to very fine, the mint with some gum tropicalisation, Cat £1595. None have been expertised, so must be offered strictly 'as is'.
(6) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1913 |
POSTAL HISTORY: 1945-47 group with KGVI values to 3½a plus 1½a Envelope uprated on the reverse tied by 'MUSCAT' "flag" cancels, all
to Anglo-Iranian Oil at "Abadan/Iraq" (error for Iran), two with '.../SOR/BASRAH' transit backstamp, three are advertising covers for Muscat merchants Nassib bin Mahomed & Son, minor defects. This and the next two lots have never before been on the
market. They are the last covers from the same source as Lots 2797-2811 in our auction of 10-12.11.2022.
(5 items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1914 |
POSTAL HISTORY: 1947 (May 2) commercial cover for Muscat merchants Nassib bin Mahomed & Son to "Anglo Iranian Oil Coy/Abadan/Iraq"
(error for Iran) with India 1a pair & Victory 1½a tied to the reverse by superb double-ring 'MUSCAT/ + ' cds, 'RECEIVED/13MAY47/SHIPPING' company arrival marking in violet. Superb. Superior to the very similar cover (one 1a creased) that sold at our
auction of 10-12.11.2022 for $1475 (Sale 149 Lot 2809). (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1915 |
POSTAL HISTORY: 1948 (Mar 14) commercial cover for Muscat merchants Nassib bin Mahomed & Son to "Anglo Iranian Oil Coy/Abadan/Iran"
with 'PAKISTAN' Overprint on India 3½a tied by superb 'MUSCAT' "flag" cancel, '.../29MAR48/SOR/BASRAH' (Iraq) transit backstamp. Superior to the only other 'PAKISTAN' franking from the 'find' that sold at our auction of 10-12.11.2022 for $3775 (Sale
149 Lot 2811). (Image1)
Estimate AU$2,000
Currently Opening at...AU$1,500.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1916 |
/ O |
A veritable 'lucky dip' of singles, part-sets & complete sets including better issues plus loads of multiples in packets & loose,
mostly mint & what we inspected is generally fine to very fine. Lots of better items noted but we may have missed just as many, so inspection is strongly recommended.
(many 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1917 |
F/ TO |
1908-69 Issues virtually complete including First Overprints on Fiji 1/- SG 9 (a little faded), '2d.' on French Paper 40c SG 35,
the QEII issues on illustrated FDCs, and the 1925 & 1957 Postage Due sets, generally very fine, Cat £3200+.
(150 approx) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [New Hebrides (British) 9] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,250
Currently Opening at...AU$950.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1918 |
V |
1908-74 Issues complete including First Overprints on Fiji 1/- SG 9, '2d.' on French Paper 40c SG 35, 5c shade SG 98a (**) and the
Postage Due sets, also multiples including a few KEVII Plate Number blocks, 1921 New Shades blocks of 4, 1924 Surcharges Sheet Number blocks of 6 (3x2), and 1925 Weapons & Idols 1/- to 5/- De La Rue Imprint strips of 3, the QEII issues also largely
complete used/CTO, some characteristic tropicalisation otherwise generally very fine, Cat £1500+.
(300+) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [New Hebrides (British) 9] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1919 |
1910-38 'SPECIMEN' Overprints or Perfins comprising Second Overprints on Fiji, Weapons & Idols 1911 (several low values with no
gum), 1921 & 1925 sets plus the 1925 Postage Dues, and 1938 Gold Currency set & the Postage Dues, a few tiny blemishes but generally very fine, Cat £1575. Very scarce group.
(50) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
1920 |
P |
1910 Second 'NEW HEBRIDES/CONDOMINIUM' Overprints on Fiji 6d imperforate plate proof in the issued colours of dull purple & bright
purple on thin card, minor surface-rubbing, non-contemporary endorsement "Proof 10.5.1910/appd May 30th" on the reverse. Rare: stated only two examples have been recorded. The overprints were effected in Suva but where did the plate proofs on card
originate? (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-26, 05:30 PM |
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