NEW GUINEA continued...
Mandated Territory continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1181 |
V |
1935 Bulolo Airs £5 emerald-green SG 205 marginal single from the base of the sheet with partial John Ash Imprint, two light
small-part strikes of 'WAU' cds cancel, Cat £450+. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [New Guinea 205] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1182 |
1939 Bulolo Airs ½d to £1 set SG 212-225, well-centred, characteristic light even gum tropicalisation, lightly mounted (the 1d with
a small hinge remainder), Cat £1100.
(14) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [New Guinea 212-225] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1183 |
1939 Bulolo Airs ½d to £1 set SG 212-225, well-centred, full unmounted gum with characteristic light even tropicalisation, Cat
£1100+ for mounted.
(14) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [New Guinea 212-225] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1184 |
F/V |
1939 Bulolo Airs ½d to £1 set SG 212-225 plus 1935 £2 violet SG 204, well-centred, all with neat cds cancels, Cat £990.
(15) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [New Guinea 212-225] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1185 |
F/V |
OFFICIAL STAMPS: 1925-31 Native Huts 'OS' Overprints ½d to 2/- set SG O22-O30 on Fine White Paper the 6d sepia & 6d yellow-brown
in horizontal pairs with 'POST OFFICE/SALAMAUA' cds, plus on Coarse Toned Paper 1d 2d 3d 4d 9d 1/- & 2/-, one of each of the 1d & 9d values with some lightly aged perf tips, a few with characteristic 'fluffy' perfs otherwise generally fine to very
fine, Cat £500+.
(19) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [New Guinea O22-O30] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1186 |
/ |
OFFICIAL STAMPS: 1925-31 Native Huts 'OS' Overprints 1½d vermilion, 4d olive, 6d sepia, 6d yellow-brown, 9d violet & 9d mauve SG
O23, O26, O27, O27a & O28 plus shade variant in marginal corner block of 8 (4x2) from the lower-left corner of the sheet each with large-part Commonwealth Treasury Imprints, some minor perf splitting & re-inforcing, most with half the units
mounted/re-inforced, the others unmounted, generally fine to very fine, Cat £460+ for mounted singles.
(6 blocks) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [New Guinea O23] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1187 |
F |
OFFICIAL STAMPS: 1931 Dated Birds 'OS' Overprints 1d to 5/- set SG O31-O41, Cat £350.
(11) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [New Guinea O31-O41] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1188 |
TO |
OFFICIAL STAMPS: 1932-34 Undated Birds 'OS' Overprints 1d to 5/- set SG O42-O54, well-centred, CTO with various cds, all with
large-part gum, Cat £475.
(13) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [New Guinea O42-O54] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1189 |
FORGERIES: Panelli / Oneglia 1925-27 Huts £1 in dull olive-green, well-centred, full unmounted gum. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1190 |
FORGERIES: Panelli / Oneglia 1939 Bulolo Airs £1 in dull olive-green, well-centred, full unmounted gum. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1191 |
O |
Collection including 1947 Ball Bay set Authority Imprint blocks of 4 ** and White Paper set used plus 2d violet marginal single &
strip of 3 **, 1953 Pictorials Authority Imprint blocks of 4 ** and blocks of 4 used, 1958-60 Surcharges blocks of 4 ** the top three values with imprint, 1960 Local Government 2/8d part-sheet ** (4x10) with imprint, 1960-62 Pictorials blocks of 4 **
most with imprints including the 10/-, set of singles used plus 10/- 'SPECIMEN' overprints ** x2 different settings, 1962-63 Fish & 1967 Ships in Plate Number blocks **, etc, condition generally very fine, Cat £2000+.
(400 approx) (Image1)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1192 |
# |
1947 Ball Bay 1d bright violet marginal vertical pair from the left of the sheet with both units Imperforate at Left between Stamp
& Margin, the perforations at right misplaced so that tiny portions of the adjoining units are visible, two light diagonal pre-printing paper creases, no gum (as is the case with all bar one of the other examples we have seen). Ex David Murray-Brown.
Stephen Bradford's single (no gum) sold for $4032. Ed Garrard's single (with gum; lightly mounted) sold for $4140. (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1193 |
P |
1964 Scenes 9d The Arches imperforate proof (very fine) & 10d Slaughter Bay perforated proof (or stamp) in the issued colours
affixed to separate Harrison & Sons printers presentation cards, the 9d very fine, the 10d with minor toning.
(2) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1194 |
P |
1973 Historic Buildings 1c 2c 4c 5c 10c 12c 14c 15c 20c & 50c imperforate proofs in the issued colours affixed to separate Harrison
& Sons printers presentation cards, a few with minor toning.
(10) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1195 |
P |
1970-71 Birds 1c Robin, 2c Whistler, 3c Flyeater & 4c Cookoo imperforate proofs in the issued colours affixed to separate Harrison
& Sons printers presentation cards, very fine.
(4) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
PAPUA (British New Guinea)
PAPUA (British New Guinea)
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
1199 |
/ |
Lakatois mint accumulation on Hagners duplicated range from BNG 2/6d Wmk Horizontal & Wmk Vertical x4 each plus 2½d Thin 'd' at
Left in both formats (one no gum; the other aged) and Wmk Vertical 2½d block of 4, also includes Large 'Papua' Overprints 2d 2½d 6d & 1/ blocks of 4 and 2/6d singles x4, Small 'Papua' overprint 1/- block of 4 and 2/6d singles x10, Small 'PAPUA'
Lithographs Wmk Upright 4d Perf 11 & Perf 12½ 4d Deformed 'd' at Left and Wmk Sideways Perf 11 2½d Thin 'd' at Left, 4d Deformed 'd' at Left, 4d Broken '4' and 1/- block of 4 (gum toning), Large 'PAPUA' Lithographs 2½d Thin 'd' at Left x4 and 2/6d
block of 4 plus singles x10, then Monocolours & Bicolours noted 1½d & 6d 'POSTACE' varieties in se-tenant pairs, 5/- monogram single, 10/- imprint strip of 3 and single, blocks of 4 x2 (one no gum) and singles x4, Airmail overprints with 6d Plane
'POSTACE' in a block of 4, etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine, substantial catalogue value well in excess of £15,000.
(many 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$3,000
Currently Opening at...AU$2,300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
1200 |
O |
Lakatois used accumulation on Hagners from BNG 1d block of 4, 2d blocks of 4 & 6 plus singles 4d x4, 6d x2 & 1/- x2, Large 'Papua'
overprints 4d, 6d x2 & 1/-, Small 'Papua' overprints Wmk Horizontal 2½d x6 and 2/6d x6 and Wmk Vertical 6d, 1/- x2 & 2/6d x3, Small 'PAPUA' Lithographs Wmk Upright Perf 12½ 2½d bright ultramarine x2 & pale ultramarine x2, 4d Deformed 'd' at Left &
1/- x3 and Wmk Sideways Perf 11 4d Deformed 'd' at Left and Perf 12½ 2½d black & dull blue x3 & 1/- x2, Large 'PAPUA' Lithographs Perf 11 2/6d and Perf 12½ 1/- block of 4, Monocolors 4d, 6d & 1/- 'CA' & 'JBC' monogram strips of 3 plus 2/6d single,
plus a smattering of later issues noted Bicolours 9d x3, 1/3d x2 & 5/-, etc, some postmark interest, condition variable but many are fine to very fine, Cat £4500+.
(175+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
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