LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
961 |
F |
1857-59 Hillman Lithographs Imperf 6d golden-bronze SG 17, with a minor Pre-Printing Paper-Fold at lower-right, margins close to
large with fragments of the adjoining units at top & left, obvious lustrous sheen, light void-grid cancel, Cat £2500. Superb. Ex Martin Button (realised a jaw-dropping £67/10/- in 1946) and Lars Amundsen (Lot 628: described as "magnificent", with
which we readily concur). RPSL Certificates (1943) "It has a natural paper-fold" and (2024) unkindly calling it a "pre-printing paper crease". Sold at our auction of 11.7.2008 for $3725 (Sale 137 Lot 574). The superb 'Besancon' (I) example sold for
SFr3630. (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 17] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$3,000
Currently Opening at...AU$2,300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
962 |
G/F |
1860-64 Printed in the Colony from Perkins Bacon Plates Imperf 2d SG 24-25 x4 (one with very fine 15-bar '2' in blue) & 6d
sage-green SG 28 x3 (one just shaved at lower-left), full margins close in places, Cat £1600; and Pin-Perf 18 2d bright vermilion with perfs except at right where trimmed clear of the design (15-bar '18' of Bunbury in blue). Gibbons don't list the
Pin-Perfs: Bunbury is the only office known to have had the required apparatus.
(8) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 24-25] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
963 |
F |
1860-64 Printed in the Colony from Perkins Bacon Plates Imperf 6d sage-green SG 28, unusually fine with good even margins, light
numeral cancel, Cat £450. Superb. David Brandon Certificate (1994). (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 28] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$350
Currently Opening at...AU$270.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
964 |
G/F |
1861 Printed by Perkins Bacon Intermediate Perf 14-16 1d x4 (one cut from the sheet to preserve the design), Perf 14 at Somerset
House 1d x3, 2d (cut from the sheet to preserve the design) & 4d x4, Perf Clean-Cut 14-16 2d x3, 6d x3 & 1/- x2, and Very Rough Perf 14-16 6d on Blued Paper (cut from the sheet at the sides to preserve the design), most are lightly cancelled, Cat
(21) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
965 |
O |
1861 Printed by Perkins Bacon Intermediate Perf 14-16 1d SG 33 (fault at the top) and 2d SG 34 x2 (one with small imperfections)
with Sheet Value Indicator Printed in Brown-Red on the Reverse, the 1d which is very scarce showing part of the crown at top, Cat £230+ for normal stamps. (3) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 33] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
966 |
1861 Printed by Perkins Bacon Clean-Cut Perf 14-16 2d blue SG 41 block of 4, exceptional centring, lightly mounted, Cat £480+ for
unused singles. Ex 'Dubois' Part IV: sold for SFr244. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 41 block of 4] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
967 |
G/F |
1863-98 Issues annotated collection remainders on pages including No Wmk 6d x10, 'ONE PENNY' in Green on 2d Low Setting x4 &
Central Setting x9, Crown/CC Perf 14 4d x3, Crown/CA Perf 12x14 1d x3 and Perf 12 6d x6, handy selection of Surcharges, 'Half-penny' in Red & in Green mint x6 (including a block of 4), etc, some watermark variants noted, generally very fine, Cat
£3900 approximately.
(280+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$850
Currently Opening at...AU$650.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
968 |
1882-85 Crown/CA Perf 14 6d lilac SG 80 block of 4 in a rich shade, exceptional centring, lightly mounted, Cat £600+ for unused
singles. Gorgeous. Ex 'Dubois' Part IV: sold for SFr305. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 80] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$600
Currently Opening at...AU$460.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
969 |
/ |
1888 New Colours 1d aniline carmine-pink (unmounted) & 2d grey SG 103 & 104 blocks of 4, exceptional centring, Cat £500+ for unused
singles. Ex 'Dubois' Part IV: sold for SFr286.
(2 blocks) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 103] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$350
Currently Opening at...AU$270.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
970 |
O |
1902-12 Commonwealth Period annotated collection remainders on pages including V/Crown 5d SG 120 x7, 2/- x9, 2/6d x4, 5/- x2, 10/-
x4 & £1 x6 (one CTO with concentric-circles cancel) and Perf 11 5d 9d & 2/-, Crown/A to 5/- x4 and Perf 11 9d x3, 1912 6d x3 & 1/- x4 etc, plus a Hagner with multiples to 1/- block of 4 including some earlier issues, generally very fine, Cat £5000+.
(260+) (Image1)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 120 x7] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$2,000
Currently Opening at...AU$1,500.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
971 |
1902-11 V/Crown Perf 12½ 10d red-orange ACSC W56 (SG 123) corner block of 4 from the upper-left of the sheet, minor bends,
unmounted, Cat $220+ (£160+) for mounted singles. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 123] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
972 |
1901-11 'POSTAGE' V/Crown 10/- deep mauve ACSC W67A (SG 127) block of 4, several split/reinforced perfs, Cat $1200+ (£800+). Ex
'Dubois' Part IV: sold for SFr537. A very scarce multiple. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) 127] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$850
Currently Opening at...AU$650.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
973 |
#F/ TO |
1902-11 V/Crown 10/- with Frame Break at Left by 'A' of 'POSTAGE', unused; £1 orange-brown with Scratch Through 'N' of 'ONE',
Kalgoorlie cds well clear of the variety; and £1 orange-brown with Frame Fracture above 'ST' of 'WEST' and Break in Internal Frame to Upper-Left of 'P' of 'POUND', CTO with concentric circles; Cat $1050 for normal stamps. A very scarce trio. These
are all identified in a review of the WA section of the ACSC (2023 edition) in 'Black Swan' (Sep & Dec 2023) by Matt O'Neill & Arthur Tilby: see specifically pages 113-114. [This review should be read and absorbed by all collectors of WA stamps. It
highlights numerous mostly historical errors plus a plethora of omissions from the ACSC listings] (3) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
974 |
B |
BOOKLETS: 1910 2/- with Black/Pink Cover ACSC B5(W)B (SG SB3var) with ½d x6 & 1d block of 12 remaining, abrasion on the front cover
but there is no rust around the staple and the contents are fine, Cat $15,000 (£7500). A rarity. Arthur Gray's fine & complete example sold at auction in 2018 for £5400. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia (Western Australia) SB3var] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
975 |
G/F |
COMMERCIAL PERFINS: Mounted & annotated selection including elusive patterns 'B&A' x2, 'CD/&Co', 'HS Co' x4, 'HW/&/Co' x3, 'PWA'
and 'RI/Co/LD' x2, use on scarcer denominations 6d x8, 8d, 9d x9, 1/- x8, 2/6d x4 and 'ONE PENNY' on 2d x4, a few pairs, generally fine to very fine. A desirable lot.
(121 items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
976 |
G |
FORGERIES: 1898-1907 Wmk W[crown]A 6d violet with simulated watermark, bars cancels. Not previously seen by us. Possibly a postal
forgery, created to defraud the Post Office. (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
977 |
TO |
PRESENTATION STAMPS: All-different selection comprising 1) Thick Bars Perkins Bacon 6d mauve, 1888 New Colours 2d & 4d, 1885-93 set
to 1/- and Wmk W[crown]A 1d 2d & 2½d; 2) Concentric-Rings 3d, 1885-93 ½d 4d 5d & 1/-, Wmk W[crown]A 1d 2d & 2½d, V/Crown 1d 2d 4d 8d 9d (two shades) 10d (two, one punctured 'OS') 2/- (two shades) 2/6d 5/- both Dies 10/- & £1 plus 2d 4d & 9d each also
with Portuguese 'ULTRAMAR' handstamp; and 3) Perth cds CC ½d, V/Crown 2/- & 2/6d and Crown/A 3d & 5/-; mostly without gum.
(45) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
978 |
TO |
PRESENTATION STAMPS: 1902-11 V/Crown £1 orange-brown ACSC W68x with large-part gum and £1 orange (not listed CTO), Cat $800+ for
two of the normal shades. (2) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
979 |
G/F |
OFFICIAL STAMPS: Imperial (Commissariat) Punctures with 3mm Hole x32 including Litho 4d x3 (one Rouletted) & Rouletted 1/-, 1860-64
2d x2, 1861 Perkins Bacon various perfs 1d x2 2d x3 4d 6d x2 & 1/- x2, No Wmk 1d x4 & 6d, later 1d 2d x4 4d x3 6d x2 & 1/- x2, and 4mm Hole x17 with 4d vermilion x2, No Wmk 1d x2 and later 1d x5 6d x5 & 1/- bright green * 1/- sage-green x2, fine to
very fine.
(49) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$750
Currently Opening at...AU$575.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |
980 |
G/F |
OFFICIAL STAMPS: Mounted & annotated selection of 'WA' punctures including Horizontal ½d Emergency Issue on Double-Lined V/Crown
Wmk, 8d, 9d x3, 10d, 2/- x2, 2/6d, 5/- x5 (one Inverted & one Doubled) 10/- & £1, several other variants including Doubled on 1d x3, 9d & 10d, Vertical Reading Upwards 10/- x2 (one with a pulled perf) & Reading Downwards 2/6d x2, 5/- & 10/-, etc,
also a few 'PWD' perfins & 'Medical' Handstamp on ½d, 1d x3, 2d, 4d, 5d, 6d & 1/-, generally fine to very fine. Scarce material.
(58) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$800
Currently Opening at...AU$600.00
Closing..Mar-25, 05:30 PM |