AUSTRALIA continued...
Kangaroos - CofA Watermark - Overprinted 'SPECIMEN continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
441 |
£1 grey Die IIB SG 137 with Type D Overprint block of 4 ACSC 54xa, quite well-centred, unmounted, Cat $1750+ for a mounted block of
4. (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia 137] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
442 |
£2 grey & rose-carmine Die II SG 138 with Type D Overprint ACSC 58x and Vignette Plate varieties Ewe-Faced Kangaroo [Pos L10],
White Flaw on Kangaroo's Leg [Pos L33], 'Weeping' Kangaroo [Pos L38], White Flaw at top of Kangaroo's Arm [L41], White Scratch through Kangaroo's Back [Pos R12], 'Muzzled' Kangaroo [Pos R24], White Collar on Kangaroo [Pos R36] and Fox-Faced Kangaroo
[Pos R38], most are quite well-centred, lightly mounted or with small hinge remainders, Cat $1200+ for the overprint on normal stamps ($60,000+ for the varieties without overprint). A difficult assembly. (8) (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia 138] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$800
Currently Opening at...AU$600.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
443 |
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£2 grey & rose-carmine Die II SG 138 with Type D Overprint block of 4 ACSC 58xa, the upper-right unit with Duty Plate variety Break
in West Coast of Gulf of Carpentaria [Pos R45] ACSC 58(D)v, the upper units lightly mounted, the lower units unmounted, Cat $3500+ for a mounted block of 4 ($7500 for the unoverprinted variety). (Image1) (Image2)
Get Market Data for [Australia 138 with] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate AU$1,200
Currently Opening at...AU$900.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
Engraved KGV 1d & Kookaburra 6d
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
444 |
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ONE PENNY: Small group on leaves including a half-sheet with Plate 'No 4' at top and varieties including Re-Entry at Right [Pos
4/22] ** (minor perf reinforcing in the margin; a few light aging marks), a number of other multiples & annotated varieties noted Kiss Print single, Offset vertical pair, a pair with Lord Howe Island cds, solo usage on cover to the UK, etc, condition
a little variable but mostly fine to very fine. Ex Andrew Johnston.
(110+ stamps plus cover) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
445 |
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ONE PENNY: Selection comprising mint singles x12 plus blocks of 4 x5 (one *) or 6 x2 all unmounted, Plate 'No 1' strip of 4, Plate
'No 2', 'No 3' (2) & 'No 4' (**) blocks of 4 (a few faults), used singles x39 (a few pairs) and a Plate 'No 1' complete sheet of 120 (10x12) with Official Substitutions of a single & irregular block of 5 towards the base with the characteristic small
tabs, those we can assess are generally very fine to superb but the sheet is sealed in plastic.
(104 + sheet) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
446 |
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ONE PENNY: Small mint group including Plate 'No 2' block of 12 (4x3) */**, a block of 4 and a marginal block of 9 (3x3) from the
base of the sheet (the three left-hand units creased), plus a range of singles and a marginal single from the top of the sheet tied to cover to England by Melbourne '11DEC13' machine cancel (two days after Day of Issue; envelope with minor edge
faults), condition generally fine to very fine except as noted.
(37 stamps + cover) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
King George V Heads
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate in AU$'s |
447 |
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Extensive collection on leaves with lots of pickings throughout, noted ½d green LM Wmk Inserted 'JBC' Monogram block of 8,
Inserted 'CA' Monogram block of 6 and single, 'CA' Monogram single, TS Harrison One-Line Imprint pair, Plate Dot block of 4 plus Thin Fraction in pair with normal, ½d orange 'OS' overprint block of 30 one unit with Hollow 'S' CTO, John Ash Imprint
block of 8 */** and block of 4 CTO, 1d violet blocks of 4 */** x5 plus block of 6 with Run 'N' of 'ONE' used, 1d green No Wmk block of 18 */** and blocks of 6 used x2 plus TS Harrison Imprint block of 8 */**, SM Wmk Perf 13½ John Ash Imprint blocks
of 4 */** x4 and punctured 'OS' block of 12 used, 'TWO PENCE' on 1½d red Plate Dot blocks set of 4 */**, 2d red 'OS' overprint John Ash Imprint block of 4 */**, 2d brown Single Wmk TS Harrsion Imprint pair used, 3d Single Wmk TS Harrsion Imprint
block of 4 */** & pair used, AJ Mullett Imprint block of 4 */**, and CofA Wmk overprinted 'OS' with Broken 'O' of Overprint *, 4d orange punctured 'OS' used x9 in a range of shades including 'lemon'-leaning x3, 4d violet block of 4 */** the
upper-right unit with Flaws under Right Value Shield and the lower-left unit with Flaw on Emu's Head (light crease) and Cracked Electro through Kangaroo used, 4d blue Cracked Electro through Kangaroo (Final State), Weeping '4', Scratch from Crown to
Head, Horned Emu and 'PE Joined' all used, 4d olive Single Wmk TS Harrsion Imprint pair used, 4½d Single Wmk TS Harrison Imprint block of 8 & strip of 4 both with Broken Left Frame [Pos 1R55], SM Wmk Perf 14 punctured 'OS' used x2 and Perf 13½ John
Ash Imprint block of 4, 5d Single Wmk Single Line Perf Rough Paper punctured 'OS' used and CofA Wmk John Ash Imprint blocks of 4 */** from Plate 2 & Plate 3, 1/4d Single Wmk AJ Mullett Imprint block of 4 */** (minor toning) & block of 4 with Cooktown
Qld cds (one unit with closed tear), SM Wmk Perf 14 punctured 'OS' CTO, and lots more including further variety & postmark interest amongst the pages of used set out by value especially 1d red range of dated cancels, plus NWPI formes of 30 */** ½d
green, 1d red (two units faulty) & 2d orange, condition a little variable but most are fine to very fine, Cat $16,000+ just for those mentioned (not including unlisted items).
(1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$3,000
Currently Opening at...AU$2,300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
448 |
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Predominantly mint apparently complete by Wmk & Perf (ex Single Line Perf ½d green & 4½d violet Die II CTO) with an excellent
range of extra shades from ½d deep green & Cyprus green, also noted 1d red Single Wmk mint x32 including one Die II very lightly mounted & Die III x4 and LM Wmk x6 one Cooke Printing carmine-pink apparently ** and Harrison Printing carmine & deep
carmine lightly mounted, 2d orange x7 including orange-buff (Semi-Surfaced Paper), 2d brown Single Wmk x5 including intense red brown, SM Wmk Die I x3, 3d blue Die Ia SM Wmk Perf 14 & Perf 13½ TypeA/B pairs, 4d orange x9 including buff-orange x2 and
lemon, 4d violet mint x3, 4d blue x4 including deep ultramarine & pale milky blue, 4d olive Single Wmk x6, SM Wmk Perf 14 x2, 4½d Single Wmk x6 including aniline mauve and SM Wmk Perf 14 x3 & Perf 13½ x3, 5d Single Wmk Line Perf x2 plus Rough Paper
punctured 'OS' used and Comb Perf mint x5, 1/4d Single Wmk x7, SM Wmk Perf 14 x3 one marked "deep turquoise" (but not quite), Perf 13½ x4, and CofA Wmk x5, etc, condition a little variable some with hinge remainders but most are fine to very fine,
Cat well in excess of $15,000 even allowing for some incorrect identifications.
(275+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$4,000
Currently Opening at...AU$3,000.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
449 |
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Old-time collection on leaves mint & used including multiples, shades & annotated varieties noted 1d green Die II used, 1½d red TS
Harrison Imprint block of 4, No Imprint pair & AJ Mullett Imprint pair */**, 1½d brown Die II block of 8 (4x2) */** from the lower-right corner of Plate 3 with Thick '1' Re-Entry, 4d orange White Spot on 'G' of 'POSTAGE' and the same variety on 4d
blue both used, 4d blue Cracked Electro through Kangaroo used, 4d orange Lower Left Frame Worn used, 4d orange Splintered Lower-Left Corner and the same variety on 4d blue both used, 4d blue Watermark Inverted mint x2, 4d blue punctured 'OS' mint x2,
1/4d SM Wmk Perf 13½x12½ punctured 'OS' CTO x3, Thick '1' at Right mint x2 & used, Defective Top Frame used and Retouched Lower-Left Corner used, etc, no doubt plenty more 'finds' to be made, postmark interest also, condition generally fine to very
(many 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,000
Currently Opening at...AU$750.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
450 |
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Collection on leaves with many pickings throughout including ½d green Large Multiple Wmk Thin Fraction * in block of 4 & in block
of 6, 1d red Large Multiple Wmk punctured 'OS' used, 1d red Die III Inverted Wmk used x2, 1d green Die I/Die II pairs x4 */** in a strip of 4 & a block of 6 plus a pair used & used Die II single, 1½d brown Die II Plate 1 & Plate 3 Plate Dot blocks of
4 */**, 3d blue Single Wmk TS Harrison Imprint block of 4 */**, 4d orange Inverted Wmk block of 4 **, 4d violet Thin 'FOUR PENCE' punctured 'OS' * (rounded corner) plus Cracked Electro through Kangaroo, Weeping '4' & Splintered Corner used, 4d blue
block of 4 */**, 4d olive Single Wmk Mullett No Imprint block of 4 */**, 4½d violet Small Multiple Wmk Perf 13½x12½ punctured 'OS' *, 5d brown Single Wmk Comb Perf block of 4 */** and Single Line Perf Rough Paper punctured 'OS' used, 1/4d blue Single
Wmk block of 4 */**, punctured 'OS' * and Dry Ink *, etc, plenty more multiples, CTOs and annotated varieties * & used, plus 1930-34 KGV 2d red Die III 2/- booklets x2 (one with Inverted Wmk panes), condition generally fine to very fine, Cat well in
excess of $10,000.
(many 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$2,000
Currently Opening at...AU$1,500.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
451 |
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British Society of Australian Philately nine circuit books with remaining stamps priced for sale at around £1400, mostly KGV Heads
some */** but predominantly used including annotated varieties such as 1d red Thin 'G', Substituted Cliche Die I, etc, also some Kangaroos noted 4d orange punctured Large 'OS' x2 and 'OS/NSW' x3 used plus later issues, condition looks to be generally
very fine. Pit your wits against the Brits: what can you find that they have missed?
(few 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
452 |
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Large carton of kiloware strongest in KGV Heads plus good numbers of Kangaroos & 1930s Commemoratives, mostly base rate issues but
some better values noted, condition rather mixed; also some decimal FDCs & PO packs. Possibly unchecked (at least in part) for varieties. Weighs 4kg.
(many 1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
453 |
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Collection on leaves from Single Wmk mint group including 1d red Rough Paper Thin 'G', 4d orange x5 (one Inverted Watermark,
another 'lemon' with small tonespot), 4d blue, 4d violet x2, 5d brown Single Line & Comb Perfs and 1/4d, plus later through to CofA Wmk 1/4d x2, then quantity of used with pages of annotated varieties noted 1d red range including Die IIs and 'PENAVY'
very fine used, 2d brown Lower Frame Missing, 4d shades and Weeping '4' in punctured 'OS' pair, dated cancels for shades & postmarks, various official punctures plus some private perfins, multiples, etc, condition a little variable but most are fine
to very fine.
(1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,500
Currently Opening at...AU$1,150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
454 |
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Partly-sorted accumulation in envelopes, including many hundreds of 1½d greens (rarely available in quantity), also hundreds of 1d
Kangaroos, completely unchecked by us for varieties and postmarks, generally fine to very fine. Ex Andrew Johnston.
(few 1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Currently Opening at...AU$380.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
455 |
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Bulk used loose in quantity in packets, envelopes and some bundles, mostly the usual suspects but we did notice some 1½d brown, 2d
orange, 3d blue, 4d olive & 5d brown plus a bag with many hundreds of Kangaroo 1d reds. Weighs 1½kg. Ex Andrew Johnston.
(1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Currently Opening at...AU$150.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
456 |
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Bulk used quantity filling an archive box mostly 1d red, 1d green, 1½d red Dies I & II and 2d red but plenty of other values seen,
some pairs, punctured 'OS' and other perfins, potential varieties & postmarks interest. Weighs 4kg. Ex Andrew Johnston.
(10000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
457 |
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HALF-PENNY: The Andrew Johnston collection of ½d green & ½d orange being the balance of the material sold in our auction of
19.9.2023 including many duplicates of items offered there as single lots covering all the electros, watermarks & perforations in thirty Devon albums plus a quantity of stocksheets of working studies, includes ½d green Single Line Perf used x34, an
endless supply of mint and used blocks, multiples & part-sheets plus a complete sheet of ½d orange SM Wmk Perf 13½x12½ with John Ash imprint, monograms & other imprints, shades, varieties noted Cracked Electros in a range of states and many not
listed in either the ACSC or Dix & Rowntree, as well as many on-cover usages, also Andrew's copious notes and research pages. The scale of this collection has to be seen to be appreciated, and is offered all together as an opportunity for the
purchaser to continue his lifetime's work. Weighs 54kg. (Image1)
Estimate AU$15,000
Currently Opening at...AU$11,500.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
458 |
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HALF-PENNY: ½d green Single Wmk and LM Wmk bulk used many in bundles, some punctured 'OS', potential varieties & postmark interest,
overall quality looks to be very high. Ex Andrew Johnston.
(1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Currently Opening at...AU$230.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
459 |
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ONE PENNY: The Andrew Johnston collection of 1d red, 1d violet & 1d green being the balance of the material sold in our auction of
19.9.2023 plus many duplicates of items offered there as single lots in ten Devon albums from Penny Reds mint and used with monograms & imprints noted Plate 4 TS Harrison one-line pair, papers & shades noted Rough Paper 'plum' with Scott Starling
Certificate, 'brick' x3 and many more, 'OS' punctures including Rough Paper Die II Inverted Watermark mint x2 and other State Government officials, varieties set out by pane & position across three albums noted used Rusted Clichés used x3 and lots of
Substituted Clichés, Thin 'G' x28, Pregnant 'Y' x15, N-Y' Joined x9, Run 'N' x26 (one mint) in various states, etc, an entire album of Large Multiple Wmk including Cooke Printing carmine-pink used x4 and Harrison varieties including 'NY' Joined &
Ferns both punctured 'OS/NSW', a smaller group of Penny Violets noted TS Harrison imprint block of 4 with 'RA Joined', then a huge array of Penny Greens across watermarks including one entire album of imprint blocks from Harrison to Ash, many
scarcer varieties noted various Saddle on Emu states often in multiples, Die II used x22 plus solo on cover, punctured 'VG' block of 9 the central row with Double Puncture (PCNZA Certificate), plus SM Wmk Perf 13½x12½ complete sheets x2 both with the
John Ash imprint trimmed, etc, plus collections purchased but not yet incorporated, also postmark interest and on cover usages including Rough Paper 1d red Thin 'G' solo on South Brisbane City Council envelope, condition naturally a little variable
but the vast majority are fine to very fine. Weighs 18kg. Ex Andrew Johnston.
(many 1000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$10,000
Currently Opening at...AU$7,500.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
460 |
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ONE PENNY: 1d red collection on leaves from Single Line Perf blocks of 4 x3 (one marginal from the top of the sheet) and
cross-gutter marginal block of 12 (6x2) from the base of the sheet */** and Run 'N' of 'ONE' used, then an extensive Comb Perf range including 'CA' Monogram in a vertical pair, 'JBC' Monogram in a vertical strip of 4 and a partial monogram in a
punctured 'OS' block of 4 */**, TS Harrison One-Line Imprint pairs x3 one with RA Joined, annotated shades & varieties including Notched NW Corner in a block of 6 */**, Jumped Perfs in a strip of 4 * from the base of the sheet, Distorted 'ONE PENNY'
& Thin 'ONE PENNY' se-tenant pair ** in a block of 4, Substituted Clichés used Die II x4 (two punctured 'OS') & Die I x5 (one in a vertical pair, another 'OS'), Die II Inverted Wmk used & Rough Paper Die II solo on taxed cover to USA, used multiples
noted a number of blocks of 4 (one with all units Die II) plus blocks of 6 x3, 8, 9 & 12, also Large Multiple Wmk mint x9 and used including punctured 'OS' x2, Flaw under Neck & Dot before '1', and Die III mint x4, Inverted Wmk used x2 and used on
1929 cover to UK, etc, condition generally fine to very fine. A very good lot, no doubt with lots of other pickings.
(many 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$2,000
Currently Opening at...AU$1,500.00
Closing..Mar-24, 05:30 PM |
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