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United States Postal History continued...

Foreign Mails continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
221       image1852 (Apr. 21) Philadelphia Pa. to Neufchatel, Switzerland. Gray folded letter with blue "Philadelphia Pa., Apr. 21" cds and red "Phila., 5 Cts., Paid" octagon handstamp with red manuscript "21" update and additional "Paid 21¢" rating for 21¢ treaty rate, carried by Ocean Line Hermann from New York Apr. 24th to Southampton arriving May 7th, red Paris (5.9) entry cds, Neuchatel (5.10) arrival backstamp, forwarded to Bale with orange "60" rappen due, Very Fine and scarce use.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $260.00
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222       image1852 (Oct. 1) San Francisco Cal. to Bordeaux, France. Blue folded letter with blue "San Francisco Cal. 1 Oct" cds and matching "Paid" and "26" rating handstamps, carried by Collins Line Baltic from New York Oct. 30th to Liverpool arriving Nov. 10th, red London (11.11) transit and red French (11.12) entry cds, French black "8" décimes due handstamp, reverse with Paris (11.12) and Bordeaux (11.13) arrival cds, Very Fine and earliest recorded strike of the rare blue "26" rating handstamp, ex-Winter.
Estimate; $150 - 200.

One of only four recorded San Francisco blue "26" rating handstamp usages, blue was used only from Oct. 1st to Nov. 16th 1852. Letter was carried from San Francisco by PMSSC "Tennessee" to Panama City, then by USMSSC "Georgia" from Aspinwall to New York.

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $210.00
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223       image1856 (Mar. 5) Clinton, Texas to Vaihingen, Wurttemberg. Orange buff cover with sharp "Clinton, Tex. Mar 5" cds and manuscript "60" double-weight rating, clear "N.York '46' Br. Pkt., Mar 25" debit exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Arabia from Boston Mar. 26th to Liverpool arriving Apr. 7th, red Aachen (4.8) transit backstamp, Vaihingen (4.11) arrival backstamp, magenta and blue ms. due ratings, Very Fine and scarce Texas transatlantic use.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $190.00
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224       image1856 (Oct. 15) Münster, Prussia to Guanajuato, Mexico via New York. Cover with framed "Münster, 15/10" postmark with prepaid ms. "35" rating, red "Aachen, Paid 25Cts." (10.17) exchange cds updated to "30" in magenta, ms. "fra" and red crayon "15¼" sbr. credit rating, red "New.York, Am. Packet, Nov 8" exchange cds with matching "Paid" handstamp, "Vera Cruz, 11 Dicbre 1856" transit oval and matching large "2" reales due for inland postage, Very Fine and scarce use.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

This letter was prepaid 15¼ silbergroshen (2 sbr. to GAPU internal postage and 13¼ credit to U.S.) equivalent to 35¢ prepaid with 30¢ credit to the United States.

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $190.00
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225       image1860 (c., Nov. 28) Indianola, Texas to Carlsruhe, Germany. Orange cover with "Indianola, Texas, 28 Nov" origin cds, red "N.York, Br. Pkt. 'Paid 7' Dec 11" credit exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Arabia from Boston Dec. 12th to Liverpool arriving Dec. 22nd, red Aachen Franco (12.24) framed transit, Carlsruhe (12.26) arrival backstamp; mended flaws at left, Very Fine appearance and scarce Texas transatlantic use.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $100.00
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226       image1864 (Aug. 4) Halifax, Nova Scotia to Portland, Me. via Boston. Red "Halifax, Nova Scotia, Paid, Aug 4, 1864" tombstone postmark and matching "CTS/10" credit handstamp on Nova Scotia Railway corner card cover signed by "S. Flemin", carried by Cunard Line to Boston, bold red "Boston. Br. Pkt. '48 Paid' Aug 6" credit exchange cds, remailed back to Boston with "Portland Me., Aug 15, 1864" cds and matching circular grid cancels on 2¢ black (73) horizontal pair with left guilde-line s.e.; top edge flaws, F.-V.F. and unusual use.
Estimate; $150 - 200.

Sir Sanford Fleming was a pioneer Canadian Railway engineer, who also designed the first Canadian stamp, the 3d beaver of 1851.

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $240.00
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227       image1857 Treaty Mail to France via the French Line. Single-frame exhibit collection of 31 covers mounted on 15 exhibit pages, some better items noted including 1858 Salvador via New York to France; 1866 New York to France via Maiden Voyage of Ville de France; 1869 New York to France with #91 (2) via Ville de Paris; 1869 New York to Roquevaire with 15¢ #118 carried by St. Laurent to Brest; 1869 New Orleans to Bordeaux with 30¢ #100 grilled franking; 1865 Cuba to Paris via New York with "N.Y. French PKt" exchange cds; etc., F.-V.F.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500. (Image1)

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Est. $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $1,600.00
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Advertising and Illustrated Covers
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
228       image(Animal) Animal Related Covers. Two multicolored illustrated covers; one a "Stay-On" Burlingtons Stable Blanket showing "Horse in Blanket" with plaid blanket ad on reverse (original enclosure), other International Stock Food Co. "3 Feeds for One Cent" bucket showing horse, cow and pig illustration and allover ad on reverse, both franked with 1902 1¢ green, both Very Fine.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $190.00
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229     AL-79 image(Campaigns) (1860 Campaign) Abraham Lincoln. Portrait on allover railsplitter design with showing Honest Abe Lincoln on his flat boat and "Baker - Chicago" imprint, on orange cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26) tied by bold "PAID" handstamp, matching "Batavia Ills. Aug 22" cds to New Oregon, Iowa; cover repair left bottom edge and top left corner, Very Fine appearance.
Milgram No. AL-79; Estimate $400 - 600.

This Lincoln vignette was used by the Republican newspaper "The Republican Standard" which was published by Rufus Blanchard.

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Est. $400-600
SOLD for $950.00
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230     AL-108 image(Campaigns) (1860 Campaign) Abraham Lincoln - Hannibal Hamlin. Embossed on backflap of orange campaign cover with "Slavery Sectional, Freedom National. Union & Liberty; Onward to Victory" slogan on front, bearing 3¢ dull red (26), corner flaw, canceled by manuscript stroke, matching manuscript "June 22" postmark to Bellsville, Ohio; reduced at left, F.-V.F.
Milgram No. AL-108; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $210.00
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231       image(Clothing) Geo. Merritt & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Illustrated multicolored Livermore & Knight tri-fold advertising private post card showing George Washington and Cherry Tree with him chopping down a tree on reverse, inside with ad text from petticoats, franked with 1¢ Bureau tied by 1903 Indianapolis, Ind. machine postmark, Very Fine.
Estimate; $100 - 150. (Image1)

Est. $100-150
SOLD for $70.00
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232       image(Music) The Cornish American Pianos and Organs. Multicolored lithograph illustrated ad cover showing Upright Piano, franked with 2¢ Bureau tied by 1900 Washington, N.J. machine postmark; barest reduction, Very Fine, a scarcer design to it's upright organ counterpart.
Estimate; $100 - 150. (Image1)

Est. $100-150
SOLD for $50.00
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233       image(Hotels) Cleveland, O. Hotel Cover Collection, 1852-85. Of 20 covers written-up on exhibition pages; includes two different illustrated American House covers, three different Angier House covers including illustrated allover shaded ad and cameo corner cards, Commercial House corner card, two different Franklin House cameos, later 1880's Hawley House illustrated, three New England Hotel covers including corner card handstamp in red and blue and a beautiful oversized illustrated cameo, and eight cover from Weddell House including a "Paid Charge" handstamp, green cameo and an Attorney ad (in Weddell House) on reverse of cover to England.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $400.00
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Fancy Cancellations
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
234     PT-E 19 var. imageFancy Bird. Duplexed with "Harrisburgh Pa., Mar 28" cds on yellow cover free franked "Danks, H.R." bearing precancelled 3¢ rose (65) with partial target cancel to Wysox, Pa.; reduced at top, F.-V.F. and rare cancel.
Skinner-Eno No. PT-E 19 var.; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
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235     PC-12 imageGlen Allen Star Precancel. On 1¢ gray blue (206) with matching printed "Glen Allen, Virginia, Apr. 8, 1886." cds on International Printing Label Establishment corner card cover to Blanchard Pa., enclosures include terms chit and a beautiful illustrated enclosure for check designs with bottom designs similar to the Glen Allen postmark; cover with light toning and reverse with staining, otherwise Very Fine.
Cole No. PC-12; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $850.00
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236 o    SK-23 imageSkull and Cross Bones. Of Stoneham Mass., partial bold strike on 2¢ red brown (210), s.e. at left.
Cole No. SK-23; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $170.00
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237       imageWaterbury, Ct. "W" fancy cancel. Clear strike duplexed with "Waterbury Con., May 18 '66" double-circle datestamp ties 2¢ rose (65) on orange cover to New York City; tiny edge tear, otherwise Very Fine and scarce. Rohloff No. K-14.
Estimate; $200 - 300. (Image1)

Est. $200-300
SOLD for $150.00
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19th Century Issues
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
238     9 image1852, 1¢ blue, type IV, bottom margin single. With large margins around, in combination with 1851, 3¢ dull red (11A) clear to large margins, on 1852 folded letter to South Santee, S.C., tied by blue "Charleston, S.C., Paid, Oct 15" cds, Very Fine, it is opined that the 1¢ cover the prepaid way fee carried by coastal vessel under contract with the post office, however it seems more probable that it simply paid the carrier fee to the Charleston post office.
Scott No. 9; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)

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Est. $250-350
SOLD for $325.00
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239     17 image1851, 12¢ gray black, horizontal pair. Clear to ample margins, canceled by bold red grid handstamps on 1856 cover to London, England forwarded to Vienna, Austria, red "New York, 19, Sep 17" exchange cds and blue manuscript "2/-" rating at London, pair tied by red entry cds, reverse with appropriate transit date stamps; cover edge nick at right and pair with small corner crease at top right, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 17; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $270.00
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240     36 image1857, 12¢ black, plate I, two singles. Slightly overlapping on cover to London, England, tied by waffle grid handstamps with matching "Albany, N.Y., Jul 31, 1860" cds and "Paid" handstamp, red "19" credit handstamp additionally tying stamps, red London entry cds; light cover edge wear and stamp flaws including nick in right stamp, Fine.
Scott No. 36; Estimate $100 - 150. (Image1)

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Est. $100-150
SOLD for $80.00
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