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United States Postal History continued...

Offices in China continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1721       imageU.S. Pos. Service, Shanghai, China, Oct 12, 1918. Duplex postmark on legal size cover to the Navy Department in Washington D.C., with "U.S.S. Volunteer" corner card and violet Navy Department penalty handstamp imprint at upper right, bold purple straight line "Passed by Censor 1400." handstamp, Very Fine, an extremely rare usage from the U.S.S. Volunteer on her only sailing to China.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

The U.S.S. "Volunteer" was commissioned only for a short time between August 23rd, 1918 and February 27th of 1919.

Est. $500-750
SOLD for $375.00
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1722       imageShanghai, China to U.S.S. Pittsburgh in Shanghai. "Shanghai Local Post, 16 Oc, 28" cds tying China 1c Junk on Navy YMCA corner card cover addressed to a sailor on the U.S.S. Pittsburgh, address crossed out in pencil and "Isabel for (assign)" added, reverse with bold "U.S.S. Isabel Oct 18, 1928" cds with "Yangtze Patrol" slogan, forwarded again to "Ship Cavite via Peary 11/3", Manila backstamp and advertised mail double-circle, not claimed and returned to sender, red "Shanghai 1 21 29" bilingual backstamp, Very Fine, unusual Yangtze Patrol usage with local post origin.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1) (Image2)


Est. $400-600
SOLD for $325.00
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1723     K1 imageOffices in China, 1919, 2¢ on 1¢ green, left margin plate block of 6. Tied by "U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China, Dec 29, 1922" duplex postmark on cover addressed to Cleveland, O., Very Fine, a scarce plate block usage posted two day prior to the closing of the U. S. Postal Agency in Shanghai, with 2014 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. K1; Estimate $600 - 800. (Image1)

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Est. $600-800
SOLD for $550.00
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1724     K2 imageOffices in China, 1919, 4¢ on 2¢ rose. Natural s.e. at bottom, tied by "U.S. Pos. Service, Shanghai, China, Jul 15, 1919" duplex postmark on small cover addressed to "Mr. J.A. Mason, C.M.M., U.S.S. 'Wilmington', Yangtse River", slightly reduced at left, Very Fine, a scarce usage posted fifteen days after the first day of issue to a U.S. gunboat on the Yangzte River.
Scott No. K2; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $220.00
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1725     K9+K1+K2 imageOffices in China, 1919, 18¢ on 9¢ salmon red. In combination with 1919, 2¢ on 1¢ green + 4¢ on 2¢ rose on registered cover to Scotia, N.Y., tied by light cancels with purple registry handstamp etiquette alongside, reverse with purple "U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China, Mar 28, 1922" origin cds and receiving postmarks; 4¢ on 2¢ with small pre-use tear at bottom, otherwise Very Fine, with 2014 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. K9+K1+K2; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $625.00
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1900 Boxer Rebellion
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1726       imageU.S.S. Princeton, Sailor's Letter, Harry Knox, Commander Commanding. Purple handstamp imprint on cover to Greenville, O., franked with Hong Kong 1891, 20¢ on 30¢ gray green (Scott 52) tied by "Hong Kong, Sp 29, 99" cds, reverse with November 6th receiving backstamp; cover missing backflap and machine gripper marks on front across stamp, otherwise Very Fine, an excellent and rare U.S.S. Princeton usage.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500.

The U.S.S. "Princeton" sailed for the Pacific in early 1899, joining the Asiatic Fleet on 16 April at Cavite, Philippines. At the time of the Boxer Rebellion, the Princeton cruised in Chinese waters from June 26th to November 29th between Hong Kong and Woosung.

Est. $1,000-1,500
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1727       imageU.S.S. Oregon, Official Business. Purple handstamp penalty imprint on legal size cover to the Naval Station at Portsmouth, N.H., franked with Hong Kong 1891, 10¢ violet on red (Scott 44) tied by "Hong Kong, Ju 29, 00" cds, with blue crayon "10" rate above stamp, reverse with Boston, Mass. transit and receiving backstamp, Very Fine, a rare Naval penalty cover usage sent during the Boxer Rebellion.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500.

Because of the Boxer Rebellion, the U.S.S. "Oregon" left Hong Kong June 23rd for Taku sailing through the straits of Pechili and grounded on a uncharted rock.

Est. $1,000-1,500
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1728       imageU.S. Flagship Brooklyn. Bold blue hand carved handstamp on cover addressed to the U.S.S. Brooklyn "Manila, Philippines, via Hong Kong, care of U.S. Gov. Amerika", franked with G.B. 1881, 1d lilac + 1887, ½d vermilion (Scott 89+111) tied by "Navan, Mr 1, 00" cds's with "Dublin & Belfast, T.P.O." transit on reverse, N.Y. transit backstamp and missent with "Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar 11, 1900" duplex forwarding, cover forwarded to Yokohama, Japan with "Nagasaki, 3 May 1900" backstamp, forwarded again to Hong Kong with "Hong Kong, May 10, 00" receiving backstamp; cover edge wear, F.-V.F., a unique U.S. Flagship Brooklyn marking and a remarkable Boxer War usage.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500.

On July 10th, 1900, the U.S.S. "Brooklyn" delivered 318 Marines to Taku from the Philippines. They marched to Tientsin where they joined the allied forces and captured the city. At the end of September, the Marines were ordered back to the Philippines and were shipped out on the Brooklyn, Zafiro and Indiana. Only some 12 naval vessels participated in the Boxer War.

Est. $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $600.00
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1729       imageU.S.S, Helena, Official Business. Purple penalty imprint on 1901 legal size cover to the U.S. Naval Station at Cavite, Philippines Islands, franked with China 1898, 10¢ dark blue green + 20¢ claret (Scott 103+104) tied by "Nangking, 8 Aug" cds, in combination with Hong Kong 1900, 10¢ ultramarine, vertical strip of three (45) tied by "Shanghai, Au 9" cds's, reverse with Shanghai and "Victoria, Au 14, 01" cds's, Manila entry and receiving cds's; cover and Hong Kong adhesives showing some slight fading at left, otherwise Very Fine, a very rare U.S.S. Helena imprint cover with China and Hong Kong combination franking.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500. (Image1)

Est. $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $800.00
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1730       imageU.S.S. Monterey, Navy Department. Purple penalty handstamp imprint on cover to the U.S. Naval Station in Cavite, Philippines Islands, franked with Hong Kong 1900, 10¢ ultramarine + 1898, $1 gray (Scott 45+70) tied by "Shanghai, Ap 17" cds's, reverse with "Victoria, Ap 22, 02" transit, Manila entry and receiving cds's; 10¢ stamp with wrinkle in bottom right margin, Very Fine, a wonderful and rare high value Hong Kong usage on a U.S.S. Monterey penalty cover.
Estimate; $2,000 - 3,000. (Image1)

Est. $2,000-3,000
SOLD for $1,300.00
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Asiatic Collections & A.E.F. - Siberia
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1731       imageAsiatic Fleet Postal History Collection, 1900-42. Extensive collection highly organized on pages in 25 large size binders, containing the history of 231 U.S. ships that were stationed in the Asiatic Theater, most officially assigned to the U.S. Navy's Asiatic Fleet, the collection contains 2,215 mailed covers and postcards plus numerous United Nations-mailed ones, these covers by cachet, subject and/or cancel display the movements, port-of-call, holidays and significant events providing a chronological history of each ship's travels, covers are arranged by ship category (i.e. DD-, CA-, etc.) and are displayed in both their designation and chronological, among the items contain a DANSF history for each ship as well as various documents and letters; overall highlights of the collection include 116 Crosby real ship-photo cachets (plus many non-ship photo Crosbys), 430 real photos - official, snapshot, cabinet, press photo releases and RPPC's as part of the other original contemporary ship material, 293 covers and cards are canceled prior to 1921 with the earliest dated 1895, there is also other other original source materials for ships that are dated prior to 1900, besides the majority of the covers having U.S. stamps, the collection includes five Japanese, 43 Chinese and 52 other nation/territory stamps including Russia, Hong Kong, Philippines, German, French (including Indo-China), Palestine, etc., individual highlights include covers from four of the five warships that visited Vladivostok, Russia in July 1937 (first visit to Russia since the revolution) with the very scarce Vladivostok port cancels, extremely rare USS Stewart DD-224 "RAMP" (Recovered Allied Military Personnel) cancel used when the ship was returning to the U.S. after having been sunk, then raised and used by the Japanese and finally returned tot he U.S. Navy after war's end, a USS Dale DD-4 cancel - this ship did not have an established P.O. but this 1914 cover has the USS Dale in the official cancel (only example the collector of this collection has seen), many rare to extremely rare covers and postcards of early gunboats including section of Yangtze River gunboats and captured Spanish warships are present, ships include USS Don Juan de Austria, Paragua, Yantic, Callao, Elcano, Quiros, Samar, Villalobos plus the scarce two cover combination of the Guam-Wake name change, also in the collection are many scarce to very rare covers and post cards from other U.S. Asiatic warships including USS General Alava AG-5, Abarenda AG-14, Robert L. Barnes AG-27, Panther AD-6, Buffalo AD-8, Alexander, Supply, Celtic AF-2, Glacier AF-4, Alert AS-4, Rainbow AS-7, Jupiter AC-3 (became Langley), Hartford IX-13, Monterey BM-6, Oregon BB-3, Kentucky BB-6, Wisconsin BB-9, Ohio BB-12, Ohio BB-12, Newark C-1, Cincinnati C-7, Raleigh C-8, Dale DD-4 and Decatur DD-5; condition of material is well above the norm throughout, Very Fine, a truly excellent basis for further continuation.
Estimate; $10,000 - 15,000.

A REMARKABLE INTACT PRE-WWII ASIATIC FLEET POSTAL HISTORY COLLECTION. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17)

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Est. $10,000-15,000
SOLD for $9,500.00
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1732       imageAsiatic Shore Facilities Collection, 1905-48. Of 97 covers and cards arranged in binder, with 17 pre-1921 items, 44 with foreign stamps and 8 on official penalty covers, additionally with origin press photo and much information surrounding these covers; starting with China Postal Agencies with seventeen items (mostly post cards) showing various U.S. Post Office in Shanghai postmarks including the scarce receiving postmarks, Purchasing Offices showing various 1930-40's Navy postmarks including five penalty covers, also three "U.S. Navy Godown, Hankow, China, Official Business" corner card covers with two penalty covers, Marines in China with a number of different "Marine Det." postmarks including embassy, marine brigades, provisional postmarks, Tientsin, and Tsingtao, etc.; a nice assembly of facility related postal history, Very Fine.
Estimate; $1,000 - 1,500. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

image image

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Est. $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $1,000.00
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1733       imageU.S.S. New Orleans, Aug 24, 1920 "Vladivostok, Siberia". Cds with barred designation duplex on cover to Kokomo, Indiana, with red "The American Red Cross, Siberia" corner card (unlisted style), manuscript "Sailors Mail, Siberia" at upper right and sailor's endorsement at upper left; cover slightly reduced at right, Very Fine, only eleven recorded examples of this station postmark in Vladivostok, Siberia.
Estimate; $750 - 1,000.

After repairs at Cavite, the U.S.S. "New Orleans" returned to Vladivostok to resume her service for the Allied Expeditionary Force from May 20th to September 27th in 1920.

Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $600.00
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1734       imageU.S.S. New Orleans, Aug 24, 1922 "Vladivostok, Siberia". Cds with barred designation duplex on Russian post card to Marinette, Wis., with pencil "Sailor Mail" endorsement at top right, addressing at left with message "Coming Home!" below, Very Fine, only eleven recorded examples of this station postmark in Vladivostok, this being the last day the U.S.S. New Orleans was stationed in Vladivostok and the only postmark known from 1922.
Estimate; $750 - 1,000. (Image1)

Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $550.00
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Officials to Locals
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1735     O12 imageExecutive Dept., 1873, 3¢ carmine. Attractively centered, tied on Executive Mansion corner card cover to York, Pa. by "Washington, D.C., Sep 20" cds and quartered cork duplex, Very Fine, with 2002 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. O12; $1,200. (Image1)

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Scott $1,200

SOLD for $675.00
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1736     LOX11 imageOfficial Seal - Typeset, black, rouletted 12½. Corner nick, affixed over edge on registered 2¢ green (U311) legal-size entire bearing 1¢ blue (264), 2¢ carmine (267) and 5¢ brown (270) for 8¢ registry fee, cancelled or tied by matching quartered cork cancels, duplexed with "Monett, Mo., Jan 14, 1896" cds to Philadelphia Pa., purple "Registered No." straightline, violet Jan. 17th arrival backstamp, F.-V.F.
Scott No. LOX11; $750. (Image1)

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Scott $750

SOLD for $180.00
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1737     Q5+Q2 imageParcel Post, 1913, 5¢ carmine rose. In combination with Parcel Post, 1913, 2¢ carmine rose on 4th class parcel post cover to Utica, N.Y., initially franked with 1912, 2¢ carmine, coil, four singles (413), with "Held For Postage, Use Parcel Post Stamps" directive label, with Parcel Post stamps applied over regular issues and canceled by New York oval handstamps; 2¢ Parcel Post with small repair scrape, otherwise Very Fine, a very rare and wonderful Parcel Post and coil usage.
Scott No. Q5+Q2; Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Between January 1 and July 1, 1913 the parcel post fee had to be paid by special parcel post stamps and not by regular postage.

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Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $1,000.00
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1738     1LB6 imageBaltimore, Md., 1856, 1¢ blue. Four large margins, used with 3¢ dull red, type I (25), short perf, both tied by blue "Baltimore Md." cds on cover to Philadelphia Pa., Very Fine.
Scott No. 1LB6; $1,350.


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Scott $1,350

SOLD for $725.00
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1739 ()    4LB8 imageCharleston, S.C., Honour's City Express, 1851-58, 2¢ black on bluish. Clear to large margins, manuscript canceled on cover front to Philadelphia, Pa., tied by red "Charleston, S.C., 10, Jan 14" integral rate cds and matching straight line "Paid" handstamp; some front folds, Very Fine and attractive, ex-Caspary, Chapman.
Scott No. 4LB8; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
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1740     87L67 imageHussey's Post, 1879, blue. Tied by violet target cancel on Home Benefit Association corner card cover to local New York City street address; corner crease, Very Fine.
Scott No. 87L67; $300. (Image1)

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Scott $300

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