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United States Postal History continued...

1870-98 Issues continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1701     288 image1898, Trans-Miss., 5¢ dull blue. Tied by sharp "Exposition Sta. Omaha Nebr. Aug 3 '98" duplex on cover to Springfield Mass., Aug. 5th received backstamp, multicolor Trans-Mississippi Expo label affixed; refolded a bit at left, Very Fine and attractive expo use.
Scott No. 288; $500 with expo duplex. (Image1)

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Scott $500 with expo duplex

SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
20th Century Issues
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1702     304 image1903, 5¢ blue. Tied by "Alameda, Cal. Apr 2, 1904" duplex on tissue paper cover to Seoul, Korea, reverse with San Francisco (4.2) and "Seoul, Coree, 22 Avril 04" arrival cds, some perf toning, otherwise Very Fine and rare destination.
Scott No. 304; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $120.00
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1703     311 image1903, $1 black. S.e. at right, tied by "Hoboken, N.J., Jan 6, 1909" duplex postmark on cover to Paulsdorf, Germany, Very Fine.
Scott No. 311; $1,500. (Image1)

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Scott $1,500

SOLD for $600.00
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1704     408 var. image1912, 1¢ green, Kansas City roulette. block of four, cancelled by centrally struck "Kansas City, Mo." double oval, matching "Kansas City Mo. Feb 22, 1915" duplex adjacent on cover with local handstamped address, Very Fine and rare on-cover use.
Scott No. 408 var.; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $900.00
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1705     578 image1923, 1¢ green, rotary coil waste. Tied by "East Durham, N.Y., Oct 15, 1924" machine postmark on locally addressed postcard; stamp with faint diagonal crease and a few toned perfs, otherwise Very Fine, very rare, with 2009 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 578; $700 for on cover. (Image1)

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Scott $700 for on cover

SOLD for $1,150.00
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1706     704-715 image1932, ½¢-10¢ Washington Bicentennial complete. In blocks of 4 on separate First Day of Issue Beazell cachet covers, "Washington, D.C., Jan 1, 1932" machine cancels, all with matching C.E. Nickles address, typical smudged cancels, Very Fine, a seldom seen complete set of these very scarce cachets.
Scott No. 704-715; Estimate $500 - 750. (Image1)

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Est. $500-750
SOLD for $525.00
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1707     785-794 image1936-37 Army-Navy complete. 9 FDC sets; with cachets including G. Evans, Gundel, Laird, Raley, Anderson, Grimsland, Ioor and Dietz, Very Fine and choice.
Scott No. 785-794; Estimate $300 - 400. (Image1)

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Est. $300-400
SOLD for $160.00
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Airmail & Postage Due Issues
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1708     C15 imageAirmail, 1930, $2.60 Graf Zeppelin. Tied by "Washington D.C., Apr 19, 1930" First Day of Issue slogan machine cancel on round flight cover, purple U.S. and red German flight cachets, signed by Zeppelin commander Dr. Hugo Eckener at bottom center, reverse with green round flight postmark, Extremely Fine, a quintessential $2.60 Graf Zeppelin first day usage signed by Dr. Hugo Eckener, with 2019 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. C15; Estimate $750 - 1,000. (Image1)

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Est. $750-1,000
SOLD for $1,000.00
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1709       imageSan Francisco - Hawaii Navy Pacific Survey Flights (Jan 10-11, 1934). Collection of 11 covers and 9 photos in binder; includes eleven cacheted covers (6 different cachets with one signed) four with San Francisco departure cancels, five with ship cancels (USS Breeze, USS Wright, USS Beaver and USS Beaver) and two Fleet Air Base - Pearl Harbor cancels, photos with seven 8x10'' photo of the planes including four of the landing in Hawaii, also two rare 6½x8½'' press photos of the four crew members in each of planes 10-P-2 & 10-P3, with additional historical biography, Extremely Fine.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1) (Image2)


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Est. $400-600
SOLD for $1,000.00
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1710       imagePacific Clipper First Flights Collection, 1935-47. Collection of 166 pre-war Clipper flights to all Pacific locations with all inter-location flights on separate covers with all color variations of cachets (with both U.S. and foreign issue frankings), includes all of the 1935 Survey Flights (Honolulu, Midway, Wake and Guam), the FAM-14 Flights (flight #'s 1-6, 10-16 plus 1937-38 NZ-US first flights & 1939 inaugural flight California clipper from Philippine Islands, 20-24, 28-40 & 45-49), and the FAM-19 Flights (flight #'s 1-9, 15-23 & 27-29); starting with the 1935 Survey Flights highlighted by the 1935 (August 17) Midway Island - Wake Island First Flight (signed by captain Sullivan, AAMC No. 1240), FAM-14 Flights with all fight legs represented as well as all cachet colors present, and the FAM-19 flights highlighted by 1940 Noumea, New Caledonia registered flight cover bearing the 5fr Paris-Noumea Airmail high value (believed to be a unique on cover usage of this stamp), Very Fine and choice.
Estimate; $3,000 - 4,000.


image image

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Est. $3,000-4,000
SOLD for $4,000.00
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1711     J3 imagePostage Due, 1879, 3¢ brown. Two pair and two singles, all tied by "Richmond Va. Rec'd, Jun 13" cds's on cover with purple "Louis Tengely, Demarara" double-oval corner card handstamp to Richmond Va., endorsed "per Brig Morning Light", "New york, Jun 12, Ship Letter" backstamp and matching partial "Charge to Collect, 18 cents" handstamps, small flaws, F.-V.F., ex-Arfken.
Scott No. J3; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $725.00
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Offices in China
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1712     179 imageUnited States Consulate General, Shanghai. Corner card imprint on 1878 cover to the U.S.N. Paymaster in Washington D.C., mailed in State Department bag and posted with 1875, 5¢ blue tied by segmented cork handstamp, matching "Washington D.C., Feb 6" cds alongside and purple "Carrier" backstamp, with original enclosure on consulate letterhead, Very Fine.
Scott No. 179; Estimate $400 - 600. (Image1)

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Est. $400-600
SOLD for $425.00
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1713     205 imageU.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, 24 Aug, 86. Purple oval date stamp on cover to Waterloo, N.Y., franked with 1882, 5¢ yellow brown, two singles tied by red grid handstamps, manuscript "Hiroshima Maru and Gaelic" ship endorsement at upper left, partial San Francisco transit and receiving backstamps, backflap with "Shanghai Club" card; cover with tone spot at top right, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 205; Estimate $1,500 - 2,000. (Image1)

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Est. $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,250.00
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1714       imageU.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, 20 Oct. 88. Purple double-oval datestamp ties 5¢ brown (205) pair, s.e. at left, additional grid cancels, on mourning cover to Mojave Cal.; some edge wear, Very Fine and scarce mourning cover use from Shanghai.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $525.00
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1715       imageThe Missionary, Home and Agency, Sep 12, 1893, Shanghai. Two strikes purple boxed handstamp on incoming U.S. 5¢ Grant entire from the American Baptist Missionary Union in Boston, Mass., forwarded to Ningpo with "U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, Rec'd, Sep 12, 93", blue "Shanghai, Local Post, Se 12, 93" and greenish blue "Customs, Ningpo, Sep 14, 93" backstamps, Very Fine.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $750.00
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1716     219+226 imageU.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, Aug 31, 94. Duplex postmark on reverse of registered cover to Kansas City, Mo., franked with 1890, 1¢ dull blue, strip of three + 10¢ green canceled by Shanghai grid handstamps, reverse with clear "Shanghai Local Post" oval wax seal impression; few small stamp flaws, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 219+226; Estimate $1,500 - 2,000. (Image1) (Image2)


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Est. $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,200.00
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1717     FX-SH1b imageShanghai, China. Red Roman "R" registry label with "4413" number on 1903 registered cover to San Francisco, Cal., franked with 1895, 3¢ purple + 1898, 5¢ dark blue, horizontal strip of three (268+281) tied by "U.S. Postal Agc'y, Shanghai, China, Feb. 14, 1903" duplex, "War Department, Official Business." corner card with latter part crossed out with corner card from transport ship U.S.A.T. "Burnside", reverse with Seattle, Wash. transit and receiving backstamps; couple vertical cover folds one affecting etiquette and stamps with some toned perfs, F.-V.F., a rare Shanghai, China registry etiquette usage, with only nine examples recorded.
Scott No. FX-SH1b; Estimate $2,000 - 3,000. (Image1)

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Est. $2,000-3,000
SOLD for $1,700.00
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1718       imageU.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China, Official Business. Imprint on 1904 penalty cover to the Baltimore, Md. Post Office, central "Shanghai, China, U.S. Postal Sta., Aug 6" duplex postmark, Seattle, Wash. transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine, a very scarce official business cover.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
SOLD for $500.00
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1719       imageU.S. Postal Agencies, Shanghai, China, Jun 15, 1917. Duplex postmark tying 2¢ red on cover to Greensburg, Pa., with "Lieut C.P. McFeathers, U.S.S. Monocacy" corner card, censor tape at right with "No 32-VR." handstamp on reverse; minor cover tone spot, Very Fine, this being one of three known U.S.S. Monocacy Yangtze Patrol covers.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
SOLD for $425.00
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1720       imageU.S. Postal Agencies, Shanghai, China, Jul 7, 1917. Duplex postmark tying 2¢ red (scissor separated) on cover to Greensburg, Pa., with "Lieut C.P. McFeathers, U.S.S. Monocacy" corner card, censor tape at right with "No 32-VR." handstamp on reverse; minor cover tone spot, Very Fine, this being one of three known U.S.S. Monocacy Yangtze Patrol covers.
Estimate; $500 - 750. (Image1)

Est. $500-750
Will close during Public Auction

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