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World Wide Philately continued...

Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
326 extremelyfine , postcard   imageJapan stamps 1950 MI 494-498 BIRDS MNH VF AIRMAIL Cat €470  MNH.

Currently...$ 120.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
327 extremelyfine , postcard   imageJapan 1950 New Year stamp Souvenir sheet Tiger with some crease Curl MNH OG. MiNr; Bl 32  €350

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Korea (South)
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
328 extremelyfine , postcard   imageSouth Korea 1962 1963 Airmail Mi # 371-374 Stamp 1st Issue Complete Set €750.

Currently...$ 160.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
329 extremelyfine , postcard   imageLaos 1965 Air Post Imperf Proof Blocks  Sc C47-51 MNH ISSUE OF 1965 - ANIMALS

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
330 collections , veryfine , postcard   imageThe Laos stamp collection 1955-1970 is organized in a 16-page album of different series. Includes blocks without memorization. A small and special collection catalog worth 1100 euros. All stamps are original.

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Currently...$ 110.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
331 collections , postcard   imageLaos A small collection organized in a 16-page album 1956-1966 includes 12 blocks, some without perforation, and 22 series of stamps. Includes a series of Buddha's birthdays and the UPU series. Catalog value 880 euros, the stamps and blocks are in excellent condition, original glue.including

Get Market Data for [Laos Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
333 collections , postcard   image1964- 1983 [COLLECTIONS] Complete collection on FRANCO album, incl. motive sets birds Mi.92-105, Antelope Mi.148-160, Birds Mi 249-241. Bl.5 etc.; cat. 1200€ Starting price

Currently...$ 150.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
334 Unused , veryfine   imageBritish Commonwealth Malaysian States - Selangor 1895-99 3c-$1, Set Of eight, L.H. Or H.R., MH Fine-V.F. (Sg 54-61) MiNr: 15-22. €880

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
335 extremelyfine , postcard   imageMonaco, 1949, Red Cross souvenir sheets complete, perf and imperf (Scott B99a), MiNr: Block 3a,3b.  MNH Cat. €800

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
336 extremelyfine , postcard   imageMonaco 1972 - Albert variety instead of Albrecht - Maury N°915A** /Yvert N°876A**,  MiNr; VI.  Cat €1500 SUPERB

Currently...$ 600.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
337 extremelyfine , postcard   imageMonaco Stamp M. Sheet MiNr: 1415-1418 Bloc Special 11 " Moscou Olympic Games 1980 " Mnh Xf Monaco Stamps 1980  iNr: 1419-1420 Special Sheet 12 Mnh Vf Olympics XF Cat €440

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
338 extremelyfine , postcard   imageMonaco 1986- Print postage stamps. BF35-. Theme: Football Mexico 1986. World Football Cup

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
339 extremelyfine , postcard   imageMonaco World Cup Football Championship Argentina MS RAR 1978 MNH XF Cat. €400

Currently...$ 80.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
340     imageMorocco Local Stamps Tanger - El Ksar(1898) set of 8 def stamps yv 113-120 hinged.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
341 veryfine , postcard   imageNauru 1935 kgv silver jubilee set of 4 fine mint mnh sg40-sg43. Nauru 1937-48 Ships Shiny Paper Set/14 Stamps to 10/- SG26B/39B Mint. vf

Currently...$ 50.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
342 veryfine , Sheet Letter   imageNetherlands, 1861: Folded letter franked with 10c Roskarmin (MiNr: 2I Pl-VII, "Horen"), tied with a box cachet 'FRANCO' in black, and ‘ Rotterdam 5/10’ CDS in red alongside. The cover is addressed to Amsterdam, with a 16/7/1861 arrival postmark in red on the reverse.

Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
343 veryfine , Sheet Letter   imageNetherlands, 1852: 10c Roskarmin (MiNr: 2 Pl.), on folded letter tied with a Franco Dated Mark with Arabic Letters and Figures, Type 39 from Amsterdam, dated 2/3 in black. arrival  Rotterdam 2/3 CDS in red on reverse.

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
344 veryfine , Sheet Letter   imageNetherlands, 1857: 5c Blue (Mi. No. 1a Plate III 36-37), a pair of stamps, tied by Rotterdam / FRANCO 14. 7. 57. Type 37 CDS in black on a local cover to Amsterdam, with a 15.7.1857 arrival postmark in red on back.

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
345     imageNetherlands, 1855: Domestic rate letter correctly franked with 5c Blue (MiNr: 1a Pl-II), paying the rate for up to and including 30 miles. The stamp is tied by a clear Rotterdam / FRANCO 30. 5. 55. type 37 CDS, indicating local mailing.

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
346 veryfine , Sheet Letter   imageNetherlands, 1854: 10c Roskarmin (MiNr: 2 II 84),  posted from Breda to Hertogenbosch.

Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM

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