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World Wide Philately continued...

German Reich continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
622 uncirculated   imageGerman.1910 Grand Banknotes from the Imperial German Empire 1,000 Mark Reichs Banknote {Green Nr 0499888 E} Green Serial, Wilcox Paper ~~ EXTRA FINE +++ CONDITION **RARE NOTE** **P-45** 1910 Grand Banknote Imperial German Empire 1000 Mark Reichs banknote RED SEAL,(Nr 3129178L) Textured Paper & 6 Digit Serial Number **P-44b** 1910 Weimar Republic 100000 Mark 1923 Mark Reichs banknote Green, (O 06512336L) Textured Paper & 8 Digit Serial Number **P-83** 1922 Germany Weimar Republic Huge 50.000 Mark Banknote Digit Serial Number **P-80** 20p – 237805** Austria not. 1919 Austria (P 59) 1000 Kronen banknote SN 55202**

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Germany 1938 - 1945
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
252 unused, withoutgum   imageWW 2. Propaganda, 2. WW. German occupation of France. Legion-Stamps against Bolshevism Michel # 11a + III, with certificate in perfect condition + Propagandasheet against Bolshevism with Illustration Kolkhoze with special- cancelation. Rare!

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
253 mintneverhinged   imageGermany, Nazi-Propaganda. Hitler's head imprint on Jindenburg-stamps 8 different stamps inmnh condition. Rare.

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
254 mintneverhinged   imageGerman local issues, Fredersdorf. defacing from Hitlers face, Lot of 5 diufferent Hitler stamps with inverted overprint. each stamp expertised/signed: STURM

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
255     imageGerman localk issues. Meissen. Hitlers face blackened with the overprint "Deutschlands Verderber"/ Germanys destroyer. Michel #. 2 to 20 complete inkl. No. 6a (expenciv color) All in perfect condition, mnh and expertised/signed: STURM.

Currently...$ 80.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Germany 1946 allied occupation
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
268 unused, withoutgum   imageSBZ 1949 - Goethe block with special cancellation Weimar -Goethe with banner 28.8. 1949  - Michel block 6 Used vf.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Germany After WW2
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
288 Used , veryfine   image1951, DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST. Posthorn se-tenant blocks, cancelled, VF:  4 + 6 Pf. vertical pairs with  20 / X  + 10PF.  se-tenant block of 8 4 + 6 Pf. vertical pairs with  20 / X  + 10PF. se-tenant block block of 10 20+ 6 +4 Pf. vertical block of 6

Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Germany Early States
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
147 minthinged , booklet , veryfine , Sheet Letter   imageLot of 2 Prussia Covers: 1866 & 1868, Various Frankings & Postmarks: 1866, Germany Prussia – Folded letter franked with a horizontal strip of three 4 Pf. green stamps (Mi. No. 14a), sent to Königsberg. The total franking of 12 pfennig corresponds to the postal rate for a single-weight letter traveling over 100 km. The letter is tied with a Wehlau (Nov. 14) CDS and addressed to Königsberg. 1868, Germany Prussia – Folded letter franked with a 4 Pf. stamp, tied with a partial blue CDS postmarked from Bremen on January 1st. Same-day transit via Weilheim (backstamp on reverse), with an arrival postmark also visible, along with a Kleinwalde horse postmark on the reverse.

Currently...$ 80.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
148 veryfine , Sheet Letter   image1796, Braunschweig, Germany – Stampless official folded letter addressed to "Thiele Forst Kommissaire" (Forest Commissioner), marked "Freimarke," indicating it was sent under government privilege or official exemption.

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
149     imagePrussia 1867 to Zurich: A folded letter addressed to The Royal Staff and Battalion Physician, Dr. Ewald, franked with 1 Pf. and 6 Pf. stamps (Michel Nos. 15 & 16), wax seals, and transit cancellations on the reverse. Prussia commercial folded letter: Franked with 3 Kr. red (Sc. #25), tied by Mainz cancellation, addressed to Bruzach.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
150     imageGerman Prussia Group of 4 Covers from a Small Town, Franked with 1 Sg. Rose (Mi. No. 2a) and 2 Sg. Blue (Mi. No. 3a). All Tied by Different Circular Numeral Postmarks, with Rectangular City Postmarks Alongside.

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
151 Cover , Used   imageHeligoland 1880, 5f/10pfg black on cream "Union Postale Universelle" postal stationery, type "Foreign Post Card," addressed to Leipzig with CDS cancellation AU. 25. 1880.

Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
152 veryfine , Sheet Letter   image1827, 1848 lot of two stampless folded letters posted from Bremen, Germany to Bordeaux, France

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
153     imageGerman States, Prussia Group of 4 Folded Letters: Two covers: One cover from Breslau and the other from Vlotho, each franked with a single 3 Sg. Bister (Scott #20, Michel #18) and 3 Sg. gray-brown (Scott #20a, Michel #18), both tied with rectangular postmarks. 1867 Berlin Registered Cover: Mixed franking of two 3 Sg. brown (Michel #17) and one 1 Sg. rose (Michel #20), all tied with a rectangular Registered handstamp in blue. Commercial Airmail to Liverpool: Franked with a mixed franking of 2 Sg. and 3 Sg. (Michel Nos. 17 and 18).

Currently...$ 60.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
154 veryfine , Sheet Letter   imageLot of two stampless sheet letters from Germany: 1794 – From Greding to Regensburg. 1853 – From Hemau to Regensburg.

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
322 extremelyfine , postcard   image1967-69 GIBRALTAR, SG No. 200/213 - Ships - 15 MNH Values**

Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
320 extremelyfine , postcard   imageGreece 1940 Air Mail Mi 437-446 Stamp Airmail 1st Issue Complete Set €1000. MNH

Currently...$ 160.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
321 Used , veryfine   imageGreece 1900 PSport stamps MiNr: 148-152 sets of used stamps all overprinted red VF. Cat €650

Currently...$ 70.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
323 extremelyfine , postcard   image1916, Manchester Martyrs: Pair of labels in orange,Ireland » Forerunners (L1-L45)1916, Manchester Martyrs: Pair of labels in orange, white and green and green white and orange, depicting three patriots Allen, Larkin, and O’Brien, an…Estimate: 200 – 300 GBP

Currently...$ 50.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
324 extremelyfine , postcard   imageItaly 1937 Emperor Augustus Set/15 Stamps Michel 576/90 MNH Stamp 1st Issue Complete Set €340.

Currently...$ 59.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM

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