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World Wide Philately continued...

German Reich continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
232 booklet , postcard   image1911, Germany Reich Scarce horizontal combination pair from the 5pf Reklamen booklet pane Michel HB 4 R4.  5Pf Germania stamp and an advertising label Mi R4W on a postcard from Aschersieben to Bad Pyrmont . Pair canceled with clear bridge type cancel  'ASCHERSLEBEN 3.7.11 8-9 N' . Nice and rare postage fair on clean and clear card.  with  2002  J.P. Bach & M. Eichele certificate .  Mi-W 2.4, cat. euro 1200

Currently...$ 120.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
233 Cover , Used , veryfine   image1873, Deutsche Postkarte Reichspost franked with ½ Gr orange (Mi. No. 3) tied with Königs Hütte June 18, cds. addressed to Ohlau.

Currently...$ 20.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
234 veryfine , postcard   image1911, Germany Reich Mi- W-2.10 €720. 1912 ("The stray Reklamen label") postcard to Berlin bearing the 5pf stamp and it's advertising label from the booklet pane - not attached.  both tied w. cds 'Braunscburg 15.2.12'

Currently...$ 50.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
235 Cover , veryfine   image1872 Germany folded letter bearing  ⅓ Gr stamp, Eagle with small Breast Shield., Mi. No. 2 posted from Berlin.

Currently...$ 20.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
236 Cover , veryfine , Sheet Letter   image1872 German Empire, sheet letter franked with 7 Kr. blue, Eagle with small shield (Michel No. 10), cancelled with rectangular framed postmark ‘Frankfurt post expd. 11.6.72’. Addressed to Geneva, with CDS on reverse.

Currently...$ 40.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
237 Used , postcard   image1902, Germany Reich Mi-R10, R15. Germania Reklamen ( Advertising ) 5Pf and 2 advertising labels on postcard posted.

Currently...$ 80.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
238 veryfine , postcard   image1911, Germany Mi- S-1.9 €1500 Germania Reklamen ( Advertising ) Zusammendrucke vertical pair. Combination of 5Pf and it's advertising label on postcard to Prag postmarked 'DORTMUND 20.12.11 '

Currently...$ 150.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
239 veryfine , postcard   image1911, Germany Reich Mi- W-2.8 €1450. Germania postcard bearing the 5pf stamp and it's advertising label from the booklet pane alas not attached.

Currently...$ 30.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
240 Used   image1911, Germany Reich Horizontal Gutter Pair on cut-out, 5pf Plus Label, Michel # W2.2 R2+85 Ia, used, VF Michel € 320.

Currently...$ 35.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
241 minthinged   image1911, Germany Reich, Horizontal Gutter Pairs lot of two, 5pf Plus Label, Michel # W2.10 - R10+5 & S1.8 - R8+5 new gum, Very Fine. Michel € 1050.Estimate $ 200-300.

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
242 minthinged   image1911,  Germany Reich  Horizontal Gutter Pairs (X2) 5pf Plus Label, Michel # W2.3 - R3+5 & W2.4 - R4+5 new gum, Michel € 1200.

Currently...$ 120.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
243 minthinged   image1911,  Germany Reich - Effigy 5pf. -  Booklet Panes from a booklet - Michel N. H-BL 4.3 aA + R3 and R4 re-gummed. With advertisement.  Michel (2017) catalog value €2100.

Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
244 minthinged   image1911, Germany Reich - 10pf. -  Booklet Panes from a booklet - Michel N. VL-H-BL.6.21+R21 re-gummed. With advertisement  Michel (2017) catalog value €1650.

Currently...$ 150.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
245 Cover , Used , veryfine   image1919, Germany Reich Mi - W 2.R1 (+R2) €1600 Germania Reklamen corner from a 5pf booklet advertising pane showing 2 advertising labels and a 5 pf stamp along side Germania 21/2 pf (x2) . making the 10pf postage fair of locally mailed cover 'Berlin 29.7.19'

Currently...$ 140.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
246 Front Cover   image1873, High Rate Berlin City Mail . a striking combination of Eagle with Large Shield stamps: a horizontal pair of 5 Gr. ochre-brown (Mi. 22, Sc. 20), a horizontal pair of 2 Gr. blue (Mi. 20, Sc. 18), and a ½ Gr. orange (Mi. 18, Sc. 16), all canceled with multiple strikes of the "Berlin Post-Exped. 12 6 73" circular date stamp. The cover is handmarked twice: once with the weight of "132 gr." and again with the corresponding postage rate of "14 1/2 gr." for that weight. Additionally, the cover bears two consecutively numbered labels, "Aus Berlin, Post-Exped. 13," and a handmark stating, "Dieses Paket enthält ... Akzisen," indicating the package contained goods subject to excise or duty.

Currently...$ 120.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
247 Airmail cover , veryfine   image1874, A postcard sent from Dershowitz, dated 14.7.74, franked with a horizontal pair of 1/4 Groschen (Mi. 16). Sent to Berlin. Catalogue value: €540. Very Fine (VF).

Currently...$ 100.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
248 extremelyfine , postcard   imageDefinitive stamps Presidents of the Reich (1928) MiNr. 410-422 - complete series with 13 values - Series mint ** Cat €1200. SUPERB

Currently...$ 160.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
249 mintneverhinged , veryfine , postcard   image1930, Michel Blok # 1, IPOSTA souvenir sheet, fresh mint sheet with the stamps unusually well centered, o.g.  MN/H . Cat .€1600

Currently...$ 250.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
250 Used   image1930, Germany Reich # B33 MiNr: BL # 1. Used - 1930 IPOSTA S / S. Scott # B33: 1930 IPOSTA S / S Used. Very Fine sheet. clean clear Reverse (Gum Side) Cat. Euro 2000, signed PESCHL BFP & SCHLEGEL. DPP

Currently...$ 200.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM
251 Used   image1935, Germany, Deutsches Reich 'OSTROPA' Mini Sheet With Special Congress Pictorial Cancels. Sc.B68 Mi.Blk3. 1,000€. signed SCHLEGEL. DPP

Currently...$ 180.00
Closing..Mar-21, 04:45 PM

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