VICTORIA continued...
LotNo. |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
Estimate and Min. Bid in AU$'s |
5381 |
F |
1857 Imperf Emblems No Wmk SG #45 2d
pale lilac block of 4, three margins close at top, with two BN '1' cancels of Melbourne, similar to block illustrated in The Stamps of Victoria on page 115, multiples of any size are rare. (Image1)
Estimate AU$460
Currently Opening at...AU$340.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5382 |
F |
1860-66 Beaded Oval Wmk Value in Words Perf 12 SG #93 6d orange P12, obliterating BN Type A1 '1', Cat £750. (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5383 |
1863-74 Laureates DLR Paper Wmk Single-Lined
Numeral SG #112 8d orange P13, light horizontal crease at top, Cat £950. (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5384 |
F |
1863-74 Laureates
Emergency Printing on Saunders Paper Wmk Incorrect Single Lined Numeral SG #127 2d grey wmk single-lined '1' with metal retouch showing as solid colour at LLC, similar to that
illustrated in The Stamps of Victoria by Kellow at page 153. BN '331' of Guildford clear of variety. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5385 |
Ω |
1867-81 Laureates Wmk V/Crown Perf 13 SG #138 1/- light blue/blue, oversized example, MNG, Cat £275. (Image1)
Estimate AU$90
Currently Opening at...AU$70.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5386 |
F |
1882-84 Wmk 2nd V/Crown Perf 12½ SG
#210ab 2d chocolate Naish Perf 12, cancelled by tidy 'VICTORIA' duplex, Cat £425. [About six copies are known]
Estimate AU$350
Currently Opening at...AU$260.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5387 |
1884-96 Stamp Duty Litho 1st V/Crown SG
#235 1d blue-green P13 pair, gum bend on both units, arge part og (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5388 |
1884-96 Stamp Duty Typo 1st V/Crown Perf 13 SG #259 3/- maroon/blue, mint, Cat £900. (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Currently Opening at...AU$300.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5389 |
1884-96 Stamp Duty Typo 2nd V/Crown Perf 12½ SG #267a 1/6d bright rose-carmine overprinted 'SPECIMEN' Type 21, some ink diffusion on right side, part o.g. Only two other examples recorded. (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Currently Opening at...AU$90.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5390 |
1884-96 SG #268a&319s 3/- olive-drab Stamp Duty (minor blemishes) & 9d apple-green Wmk inverted, both with
part-strikes of Type 24b 'Specimen' overprint, part gum. (2) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$60
Currently Opening at...AU$46.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5391 |
V |
1884-96 Stamp Duty Typo 2nd V/Crown Perf 12½ SG #279 £10 mauve with superb 'MELBOURNE/JE26/01' CTO cds, without gum, Cat £200.
Estimate AU$120
Currently Opening at...AU$90.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5392 |
1885 Stamp Duty Overprints Wmk 1st V/Crown SG #307 2/- ultramarine/green (glazed paper), short perf at top, tiny hinge related thin, large-part og, Cat £190. (Image1)
Estimate AU$90
Currently Opening at...AU$70.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5393 |
1886-96 New Stamp Duty Designs Wmk 2nd V/Crown SG #321b 1/- carmine-lake block of 4, fine hinged mint, Cat £220+. Scarce multiple.
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5394 |
V |
1886-96 New Stamp Duty Designs Wmk 2nd V/Crown SG #324 £5 pale blue & maroon 'MELBOURNE/JE13/01' CTO cancel, Cat £225.
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5395 |
F |
1897 Hospital Charity Fund SG #353-4 1d (1/-)
& 2½d (2/6d) each with 'MELBOURNE/JE9/03' CTO cancels tied on piece. [The Specimen Stamps of Victoria by Kellow, Turner & McCredie on page 106 makes mention of the 1900 Charity set tied on piece but not of this set.] Fine examples
and scarce as such. (2) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$280
Currently Opening at...AU$210.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5396 |
/F |
1897-1900 Hospital Charity & Empire Patriotc Fund
SG #353-4,374-5 1897 Diamond Jubilee/Hospital Charity Fund set used and 1900 War Patriotic Fund set M/MLH, the 2d (2/-) top value with hinge remnants and a light horizontal bend, Cat £492. (4) (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$100
Currently Opening at...AU$75.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5397 |
1899-1901 V/Crown SG #355,357&360 Wmk W33 1½d
brown-red/yellow and Wmk 85 1d rose-red and 2½d blue all with 'ULTRAMAR' specimen handstamps, all with MLH/MVLH full gum. (3)
(Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$280
Currently Opening at...AU$210.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5398 |
Δ |
1901-10 'POSTAGE' Wmk 4th V/Crown Perf 12x12½ or 12½
SG #400 £2 deep blue KEVII P12½ perf 'OS' Cancelled-to-order BW #V135ba (no gum), Cat £300. (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Currently Opening at...AU$115.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5399 |
/ |
1905-13 'POSTAGE' Wmk Crown/A Perf 12x12½ or 12½
SG #416a ½d green with Double perfs at base Wmk upright MUH/MLH bottom marginal strip of 6, Cat £108 as MLH (5**/1*), Cat £108. (Image1) (Image2)
Estimate AU$70
Currently Opening at...AU$55.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |
5400 |
1905-13 'POSTAGE' Wmk Crown/A Perf 12x12½ or 12½
SG #432 £2 dull blue KEVII P12½, Cat £800. (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Currently Opening at...AU$190.00
Closing..Mar-23, 08:45 PM |